
May Student of the Month Announcement

Healthy Eating: Changing Your Eating Habits

The food you eat can affect your health and your risk for certain diseases. To eat healthier food, you may need to change some of your daily habits. You also may need to change some things in your environment. Your environment includes everything around you, like your home or the place you work. Visit for more information.

You don’t need to make huge changes to eat healthier. And you don’t have to change your habits all at the same time. It’s best to set small goals and change your habits a little bit at a time. Over time, small changes can make a big difference in your health.

This information will help you make useful changes for healthy eating.

  • Changing your eating habits and your environment can help you eat healthier foods.
  • A healthy diet is good for your overall health. It also can help you reach a healthy weight and stay there.
  • To improve your eating habits, it’s best to make small lifestyle changes that you can keep doing over time.


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  1. trisha christensen


    I want to first say I think its great that you do this. Next is Idont know which of my children to submit. My oldest Cassie just graduated high school which most of our family never thought she would because she has asbergers. She worked very hard and even graduated early. One of my proudest moments as a mother.
    My middle Katayana has struggled in school and was bullied all through grade school. She would come home crying everyday because of the cruel hurtful things the kids would say to her but she kept going and would stay up late into the night trying to keep her grades up so she can go to college. She wants to become a doctor, that has been her goal fot years now. Reading was a struggle for her and she spent every summer since kindergarden trying to improve her reading skills, and she has through all the adversity, managed to keep her grades up.
    Now my youngest Kyla. She is only 10 school work comes easy to her but home life has been hard for her to understand. Me and her father ended our 15 year relationship a little over a year ago. Its alot for a young child to take in. On top of that on her 10th birthday her grandpa passed away while we were celebrating it. Her dad understandablely was with him so her pappa wasnt alone in his last hours. Just this April we found out my father has colon cancer. He started his chemo and had surgery. And through all of these things going on in theit lives they have all 3 continued to smile and work as hard as they can to do well in school and help each other and myself.

  2. Dahkota Brown


    Dear Troy,
    Thank you so much for all the great gifts. It means a lot that I won your student of the month award. I love everything that was included. In fact, I’m listening to my Beats right now! I hope you don’t mind, but I shared the IPad with my big brother who is a student at Stanford University and desperately needed it for a summer internship.
    My eighth grade went very well. I graduated second in my class with a 4.16 GPA and was proud to receive several prestigious awards. These awards included the Kiwanis Hope of America, the Order if the Jag, Perfect Attendance, and of course your award, which was by far the coolest thing ever!
    High school is starting soon and I will be attending Argonaut High School. My hopes for high school are big. I plan to maintain a 4.0 GPA while keeping up with sports. Actually, summer football practice started recently and as of right now I’m the starting center for our freshman team and with hard work will be pulled up to JV. I did attend the Lance Briggs football camp and am getting ready to attend another in South Lake Tahoe. I’ve had a fairly busy summer so far, but there’s more to come. Starting July 16th, I will be attending the EPGY at Stanford University until August 4th. I’m taking the Java Robotics & Engineering course.
    The thing I’m most excited about for this summer is getting into my Native dance. I’m a Northern Sierra Miwok and traditionally dance with my cousins. Our annual Big Time is in September and I can’t wait! Well, there isn’t much left to say, but Thank You. Thank you for giving me the Student of the Month award; Thank you for taking some time out of your schedule to read this; and Thank You for being an inspiration to me and many others. Hopefully we can keep in touch.
    Dahkota Brown

  3. Jason McCombs


    Knowing Dahkota is a privilege on its own. He is always there for a friend in need or any fellow student. I shall keep this short in saying you have made an excellent choice for May Student of the Month. I am very proud of my class president, fellow classmate, and friend, Dahkota Brown.

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