
Student of the Month Announcement

Hey everyone,

I’ve held off on this announcement because I wanted to wait until students were settled back in school before resuming this monthly award. It’s my pleasure to announce 6th grader Kiah Dayton of Seattle Hill Elementary School as my latest Student of the Month. Aside from being a hard working student, I was very touched that at an age when a lot of kids start becoming concerned with their own image, status and fitting in among their friends, Kiah’s concerns are rooted in selflessness and empathy. Thanks to her teacher Matt Lawson for bringing her to my attention. Please take a few minutes to read his entry below to see the personal sacrifices Kiah has made for the very needy.

It is not an exaggeration to say that a sixth grade student has a lot on their minds: friends, school, family; at this age it all swirls around and changes in their order of importance from one day to the next. I have a 6th grade student in my class that is staying focused on what is important: giving.

Kiah Dayton is a smart and talented student. At school, she works hard and takes a lot of pride in her work. Not surprising, since I have many students that challenge themselves to be better every day. At home, however, I have found out that she has challenged herself in a surprising way. Kiah began last year to save all of her money not for a new cell phone, not a laptop, and not for new and trendy clothes as you would expect. She is saving to buy sleeping bags for homeless people in and around the community. Her birthday money, her chore money, money for grades… it is all going towards sleeping bags for the super needy. With a “La Nina” winter expected in Western Washington to kick in within a few weeks, Kiah’s generosity has come at a critical time.

There are thousands of homeless people in our mid-sized community north of Seattle. Kiah felt that she had to do something, and knows that whatever small part she can do, is important. I found it inspiring to hear of Kiah Dayton’s endeavor in helping our community. With the help of local police department to help disperse the bags, Kiah is learning a lesson just as, if not more important than, any I could teach her in the classroom: she CAN make a difference in our world!

To honor Kiah’s outstanding selflessness, I will be sending her the gift basket pictured to the right.

Keep an eye out on this blog and my Facebook and Twitter feeds for an announcement soon about getting your entries in for the March Student of the Month.

As always, I appreciate all the teachers that have been participating in these awards by nominating their students. I love hearing about them and look forward to hearing about more.

God bless,


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  1. Deyker


    This is great! I love what you’re doing for those kids!
    Keep it up!

    Big fan, D.

    • Gina V

      Oh Wow, where do I sign up my niece for this? She is a bright, cheery, spunky, athletic little 7 year old that always has a smile on her face even though her parents keep her moving from place to place every 6 months and very poor.

    • stephen alves

      please troy send me the package i love all those things in that package please please

    • Alex

      I reall wnt to win i hav nvr won anything like this but i will nvr give up like hav been doing since i was little

  2. Mario


    I want the package, I’m from mexico, what can we do, I really am interested in?

  3. Fernando


    Hi, I From of Mexico City and I want the package.

  4. tina


    Nice job I want a package

  5. morgan


    first off i’d like to say that Kiah Dayton sounds like an amazing girl. I’d like to tell her to keep up the great work!:) Secondly I’d like to comment on a few of the comments i’ve seen: It’s not about that package. Okay, yeah who wouldnt want those things signed by Troy himself, but thats not the point here. The point is that Kiah is a great person and is selfless.

  6. Rahmell washington


    i would really like to get the package

  7. Joyce


    Congrats to Kiah Dayton. You are amazing and an inspiration to all. Thank You

  8. KayLee


    I am glad to hear students are being awarded for their hard work other than a piece of paper.

    In March 2010, I overcame the biggest obstacle that I will probably ever face. I was diagnosed with Chiari Malformation type 1. This is a serious neurological disorder where your cerebellum goes through your spinal cord. I had decompression surgery on March 2, 2010. This happened to be when I was a freshman in high school, currently a junior. I was out for two weeks and managed to finish the year will straight A’s.

    I hope whoever reads this to remember, you can always overcome everything that comes in your way. If I can go through having brain surgery while going to school, you can achieve your dreams and goals in life.

    Much love to Troy and the Steelers!!!!!

  9. Sheila Coto


    I am very impressed by this site. Children are exactly what we put into them and your honoring their achievements and goals is so admirable. Congratulations on a job well done on and off the field. You go Troy.

  10. Susan McElhinny


    I know quit a few children in our area who do a lot of good. Could we please be informed on how to have them recognized? Thanks. Troy , you are a great inspiration to these young people.

  11. Katie Losak


    I think its wonderful to see people in this world working together and acknowledging those individuals that strive to better the world and not just themselves. It’s such a beautiful thing to see a child, who isn’t full of all the knowledge we as adults posses, using her hard earned money towards bettering her community. It’s people like Kiah Dayton that grow up to become successful, hard-working, genuine, thoughtful adults. We should all take Kiah’s efforts, devotion, and selflessness as a blessing. She’s a remarkable person.
    It’s also touching to see Troy, a remarkable athlete and genuine person as well, taking the time to share this wonderful information with us. He is focused not only on the field but with the communities and is doing his part to better this world as well.
    God Bless both Troy Polamalu and Kiah Dayton!

  12. Karen Mattioli


    Congratulations Kiah…you are certainly an inspiration to others…wishing you success in all your future endeavors…

  13. Nate


    What an awesome young lady!

  14. Alicia


    I think this is an amazing way to recognize children for doing a job above and beyond what is expected out of them. I remember growing up in Chicago and seeing all the homeless people while walking to school. I will admit that as a child, I never thought of saving money to help buy them sleeping bags. What an inspiring young lady, I give thanks to not only her but her parents who must show the up most respect for others that it shines through to their daughter. Keep up the great job Kiah and thank you so much Troy for what you are doing for these children.

  15. Corinnia


    Very good choice. The young lady sounds like a very kind, sweet, and selfless person, She deserves to recieve something back in life. Troy you are an inspiration to everyone especially these wonderful students. Now you are my # 1 player. I will only wear your jersey. Could you tell me how to go about submitting a student to your program. I know several homeschooler that has students that would love to submit to you. I for one am a mother and teacher to my last 2 girls. I look forward to information from you soon.

    God bless you and Kiah

  16. Domonick pearson



  17. richard holwuttle


    im a die hard steelers fan keep up the good work troy

    • Corinnia Schlieper

      you are not a kook because you homeschool. students from homeschooling is 3out of 5 smarter than kids from public school. at least they are also taught with christian based knowledge. anyway this is not the place to put people down or call names. this page is for recognizing students for a wonderful job they have done. if you are an adult i hope your child does not take after you or if you are a child/student then you are not on your way to winning the award. God bless you.

  18. Mike


    Congrats!!!! and troy. never leave pittsburgh!!! We all Love you here. its great on what you do as in football and as a person.

  19. Chris Dunn


    I am a die hard steelers fan how can I get one of those packages??

  20. Alexis Bartels


    Congratulations. Thank you for making the world a better place Kiah, and thank you Troy for your generosity.

  21. Claudia


    I want the package!! :’) I from Mexico City… I’m biggest fan STEELERS AND TROY

  22. Danielle


    Congratulations Kiah! What an inspiring student, and how wonderful of her teacher to take notice of a student who cares so passionately about the welfare of others! And, thank you, Troy, for taking the time to recognize the oustanding youth of our country.

  23. alicia


    pls tell me more.. i love what u do for the community…. i love the care package that u made. i would like more details pls

  24. Cecilia Pierce


    I want my dauther to participate she is 12 yrs old she is in 6 grade she is the best studient on her class she has won again the 1st place on her class, also she is always helping her friends in school so they can become bettter estudents..she is in school in Mex but she is a US citizen, we have a p.o.box in the U.S also we have a phisycal adress can she participate.?

  25. Roger Calpe


    I want the package! I’m from Spain and I’m a big fan of Steelers and Troy, but I can’t see any game

  26. Tom Murry


    Kiah sounds like an amazing student. People think this is a giveaway. This isnt an opportunity to ask for a gift basket, this is for a special young lady to be recognized for her selflessness. The people asking for these gift baskets are the exact opposite of the kind of person that will be recognized and rewarded. Aside from being selfless and putting the care and concern for others ahead of her own wants, she is a good student as well. Its great that Troy continues to be selfless himself and though I’m not a Steelers fan, Im a Polamalu fan. Im a fan of people that give back and recognize those that continue to work hard and not settle for anything less than their best.
    Congratulations to Kiah for being the winner. Sounds like she was a winner before this contest though and will be long after this contest!

  27. isiah


    i want that package

  28. Vanessa Carroll


    Kiah, I am truely blessed by your story……. There couldn’t be a better person to publish you’re story like this…….. Polamalu is a wonderful steeler, but most important a special person. He is why i love the steelers so much, because of his gentleness on and off the field… Oh, dont get me wrong, Troy can be a beast when it comes to playing, but he knows exactly when not to be a beast!!!! well just take care of urself and may God bless you to the fullest.

  29. Mitch F.


    Troy, I am an eighth grader at Ponder Junior High in Ponder Texas. We are a few miles away from Dallas. We are a very small town(almost 1000 living in the city in fact). I am probably one of your BIGGEST fans. I freaking love the steelers. I have steelers all over my house. If you could send me how to enter into one of those things to get into the student of the month I would be so happy. I have all A’s(except an 89 in reading). I would just feel incredible if I ever got to go to one of your games, Troy.

  30. Karen


    Hi Troy my fellow Trojan, class of 74 I’m an oldster. I work with migrant families in the central valley of California, Fresno County. We have so many amazing students that have come from Mexico and have worked in the fields to support their families while attending high school, many have acheived 4.0 grades while learning English and living in substandard housing. What is the process of submitting one of these students for student of the month.

    FIGHT ON~!!!! Can’t wait for next season. And blessings to you for all you do for the kids….!!!

  31. Cody


    First, congratulations to Kiah! Not many people your age (or even people older than you) think of others first.

    Second, this post is to recognize Kiah and her selflessness, NOT to ask for free items because you are a “fan”. That is the opposite of what Kiah would do.

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