I am giving away 2 more tickets to the Steelers v Rams game. As a bonus, I will also have one of my signed jerseys for the winner as well! There are plenty of very easy ways for you to enter using the tool that you can see below. increase your entries by doing as many of the tasks you see listed. Some of the tasks you do once to earn an entry, but some of them you can come back each day of the giveaway to earn more and more entries.
My wife and I have been helping this season with the FOCUS North America, Tackle Poverty campaign. So I wanted to bring some additional attention to this campaign while giving away tickets this week.
Earn entries into this giveaway between now and when it ends at Midnight Eastern time on Thursday, Dec 22nd. Winning entry will be randomly drawn on Friday morning and contacted using the email address submitted during the entry.
UPDATE: Winner has been selected and is being verified and contacted for confirmation prior to announcement.
Paul Fogle
We are one of your biggest fans and are so glad to see you make the sign of the cross after each of your plays You are a great role model to all the unbelievers out there keep up the great work and stay safe because I could not turn on my tv and not see you playin thanks again troy for being part of our team and please dont ever leave
I can say this would make my daughter SOOOOO Happy! She has always wanted to see a game in person… and to see you…. she would die!
Mark A Kirkwood
Troy if I would win I would pay it forward to a Cancer patient that you visited at Childrens Hospital. Anthony D’Ambrosia He would love this chance to see you again and to see a game live….
Troy, you are one of the best athelete role models. You are by far my absolute favorite player, and not necessarily because of the way you play football (although you are great), but more so because of the way you conduct yourself on and off the field. Your character is obvious and doesn’t leave anyone guessing as to whether you are genuine or not. Thanks for being an influence to so many young boys and girls.
Taumafai Foua
Talofa troy,Me and my wife are huge fans,Problem is we live in a small place on the other side of the world called Newzealand,Taupo.We Wouldnt be able 2 come 2 your game but would love 2 win a jersey,Thanks
Nicole Sanford
I was raised a Steelers fan, in a world of Dallas Cowboys. I even wore your jersey to the Pro-Shop Opening, inside the new Cowboys stadium (Even though my husband wouldn’t be seen with me HAHA). I very much enjoyed meeting you and Ward after the Super Bowl practices, at TCU stadium! I DROVE TWO HOURS IN THE ICE TO GET THERE! (And up hill both ways, barefoot in the…uhhh ice)
Enough about me though, I want to commend you for all the wonderful things you do for children and charities. You are truly a saint my friend.
Amy Bianchi
My daughter would love this she is a big fan of yours and it would be a great birthday gift her birthday is on December 20 she turns 13 my little girl is going to be a teenager
this would be a great gift she would go crazy if she seen that jersey if I could afford to buy her one I would because she loves you… Thanks for the chance hope she wins!!!!!!!!
Mi marido y yo somos maestros y padres de dos hijas preciosas. Sería nuestro sueño perfecto para asistir el partido en el sabado. Somos fanáticos de los Acereros y sería el regalo mejor de la Navidad. Troy, tú eres muy humilde pero muy poderoso. Eres un ejemplo asombroso a todos los Acereros y jovenes futbolistas.
Lauren DeStefano
Merry Christmas! Nice to know that you know the true meaning of Christmas and are not afraid to spread God’s amazong love to others!
sue blair
if i was to win these tickets my boyfriend would be the one receiving them for Christmas. I don’t really have the money this year to buy him a present and this would be a dream come true for him. he does so much for others but expects so little in return. Just wish me luck
Sukhpreet Singh
I would love to win these tickets, I am a huge fan! You guys are playing Rams on my birthday! I have never been to a football game before, I would love this game to be my first game i have ever been too! (: Please me & my dad would love coming here, I love my Steelers
missy ireland
omg i would be so happy to win tickets…out of work for the holidays and that would cheer me up
Cheryl Adams
My son took a new job in Gaithersburg, MD; you can take the boy out of PA but you can’t take the Steeler fan out of the boy. He will be home for 4 days this Christmas and would LOVE to see you and the team in person. Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!
Oh my gosh what a Christmas gift that would be. I’ve always dreamed of going to live game. Been a fan since 1975!
SPC Anthony Muro
Hello , I’m in the US Army currently stationed in Virginia. I am from Belle Vernon PA. I would love to come support our beloved Pittsburgh Steelers. I got back from Afghanistan last February and currently serve on Funeral Detail rendering honors to fellow US Soldiers of the United States Army. I respect and commend you for your class and Profound display of your blind faith god bless you and yours. You don’t forget to eat so don’t forget to work !
Troy my son just got back from afgan would love to see a game last year he watched SB in Kandahar
Tanya DelCotto
CHRISTmas is my favorite time of year. It is amazing how many people give to the less fortunate through donations or volunteering. Troy, thank you for your generousity. Watching a Steeler’s game would not be the same without you. My son will be coming home (Ohio Valley) from Vegas for CHRISTmas this year, and these tickets would be awesome to put in his stocking.
We really appreciate the role model you are for the world! We need more people like you who know the truth and live it. My husband and I are HUGE Steeler fans. He would be shocked if I won these and told him that we were spending Christmas in Pittsburgh.
All's that I can say is hope that I win...Christmas is a time for Miracles:)
Merry Christmas…let’s do this!
My husband just celebrated his 65th Birthday and has been a lifelong Steelers fan. It would be his greatest joy to take our little grandson to his first Steelers game, as my grandson is following in his pappy Joe’s footsteps and is a Steeler fanatic.
God Bless and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas.
Tim Evilsizer
well I have never been to any NFL game, and would be an honor to take him to go see the Steelers play in real life, and an signed jersey from you would be a great honor to have it in my family tree to pass down for generations when your inducted into the HALL OF FAME, Cuz we all know your going without a doubt! Greatest SS EVER! And even if we don’t win God Bless you Troy for all the good you do, and being such a HUGE impact of our STEEL CURTAIN DEFENSE! and you will always be my favorite player no matter what always cheering on the BLACK AND YELLOW! Steeler Nation 4 LIFE!
mini sites
i would do anything in the world to win these tickets and sign jersey been a steelers fan since the 70s always wanted to go to a game with my dad but never could afford it i am one of your biggest fan you are such a great role model i will be hoping my dream will come true GO STEELERS!!!!
Todd Loux
Ia Manuia lava le Kerisimasi!
faith brabender
Troy , I enjoy watching the steelers and has always been your fan. I tried to get you to sign my sons U.S.C. graduation book and camp. I AM FROM latrobe and you graduated right before my son in the same auditorium last year. so what an honor it would be. I am still hoping to get that graduation book signed.
Troy Polamalu I love you so much…I have been too 1 game this year when you beat the Chiefs, but you came out in the 3rd play and I was really sad because I didn’t see you play, but I entered this contest and my DREAM in life is to meet you or at least get something signed by you! IN fact I wore your jersey today! This would mean so much to me!! I LOVE you Troy your such an inspiration to me!!!
My husband is a HUGE Troy fan..we live in NH so everyone is New England fans..we went in for breakfast and the whole restaurant stopped and gave us SO much grief for wearing Steelers jerseys it was too funny, but well worth it!
Megan Washburn
My whole family is from PA and we love the Steelers!!! I haven’t been able to go up there since my pop died in 07 and it would be great to go up there and take a family member to the game!!! My cousin will already be attending this game and it would be great to spend the holiday season with her and see her baby for the first time.
gary seiber
Dear Troy: Thank you so much for thinking of others. you are a great role model out there. i wish there were more athletes, that do the things you do. My son turns 13 on Jan. 1st., yea, hello teenager. this would be his first steeler game. since we fish together, i think taking him to his first steeler game would be awesome!!!!! have a merry christmas and happy new year!!!! good luck in the playoffs!!!!
Joel Pace
So happy to donate especially this time of year! I would pay it forward and donate the tickets to a friend in need!
Hey I’m one of your biggest fans. I never miss ur games. I love what you are doing to help poverty.
I would be extremely happy if I won this tickets& the jersey. Thanks!
I have been a Steelers fan since 1971. Would LOVE to see a live game in person; and getting a jersey is SWEET!
My son is not only a huge fan, but a fan of the game, your organization and the history of football. He is 12 and studies the entire game. He chose to be a Steelers fan all on his own and looks up to Troy Polamalu as a man, not just football player. He has never watched a Steeler’s game in person, and I would LOVE to give him this experience.
Jason T
Would love these tickets. Be a good x-mas present to me and the lady
Robert Geiger
Even though I live in Arlington, Tx. about a mile from the stadium I am a huge Steeler fan. I take a lot of flack at work whenever I wear your jersey, but I hold my head up and wear it very proudly! Your biggest fan!
James Kulha
Troy, I’m currently stationed in NC, and I’m coming home this weekend to visit my family for the holidays. This would be an amazing Christmas present!
This would make mine and my friends Christmas if we won this! As two college students, we would really appreciate the oppurtunity to watch the Steelers play!!!
Dave B.
Mr. Polamalu… I have no amazing comment or story for you. I’d just have honesty… I’d love to go to the game. Haven’t been to any this year. It would fit perfectly into my winter break as a teacher.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! You are a welcome voice to Orthodoxy, and your FOCUS charity truly represents what we are to do, love one another. Have a Blessed Nativity on the 25th!! As we celebrate January 7th, tickets on the 24th would be great fun.
Kathy Crews
How can I help with your poverty war. I already have worked for the allegheny co. food bank .But give me a job for the poverty cause and I will gladly help. The important thing about football is that you can’t get injuried. Please all of the Steelers stay healthy. God Bless and have a Blessed Christmas. Thank you and the rest of the team forgiving the Steeler Nation so much enjoyment watching all of you.
jeff handford
troy your the best db in the game would love to see you play wearing your jearsy live.
This would be the greatest birthday present every but I would give the tickets to my daughter who loves the Steelers. I have always wanted to go to a game and someday will but my daughter deserves them. The Steelers have been the greatest team every since I was little and I have passed that passion on to my girls. My daughter, who is a special needs child, knows the teams color and is not happy watching anyother team but the Steelers. Hope all of the team and You have a Merry Christmas and Happ New Year. Lets go to the Superbowl….
I’ve been trying to find a present for my dad this Christmas and this would be absolutely perfect
Ayesha Arroyo
Last year was my first time actually watching and liking football. And I fell in LOVE with you, and your amazing tackles!! STEELERS FAN FOR SURE!!!!!
talk about the best christmas present ever!!!
Teresa Morris-lloyd
Troy I am so very proud of all the work you and your family does for ones that are not as fortunate as you are. I am living with my parents and am on disability, so I am not able to donate to your charity. I wish I could. But I will send up a prayer for the cause that you are trying to help. God bless you!!!! I want to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas & and a Happy and Safe New Year.
I know you probably get this all the time, but honestly i believe my mom is your biggest fan. hahah she even named our dog after you. She grew up watching the steelers in the the burgh and has led me to be a fan of the greatest team around. I figured it would be a nice gesture to give the tickets and jersey to her is i were to win. It would a little ‘thank you’ for everything she does for me. Thanks for being such a great role model to young adults like myself and thank you for being so gracious in the holiday season. Keep up the wonderful work you do. God Bless and lets have a great playoff run!
Katie Rosso
HI(: Idk if Troy even reads these but he is such an inspiration! In like everything he does. He’s reallllyyyy c ccoooolllll!!!
He’s my favorite player of alll time. (:going to a game is on my bucket list, but even if i dont win (i probably wont, I dont have much luck with these contest thingss!) I still just like the chance to enter, and have the glimmer of hope ill get to meet THE Troy Polumalu
P.S your hair is beautiful. Im jealous. (: I love it. You’re amazing. ::::)))))
Born and raised in Pgh. and never been to a pro game. This would be the ultimate experience for me and my hubby! I still consider myself part of the Steeler nation and would LOVE to have a Troy jersey to wear proudly! Thanks for everything you do for the community!
I cannot even begin to describe how awesome this giveaway is. Not only is Troy an inspiration to me in more ways than one, but he gives me this motivation to better myself. My birthday was yesterday, the 21st, and I opened up a box with a Polamalu Jersey sitting inside and screamed. It was an extra little push for myself to keep reaching and FINISHING those goals I have set for myself. Even if I couldnt win this giveaway, knowing someone is getting those tickets and jersey makes me excited because at least SOMEONE gets to be happy. It is definitely worth it!!!
Ruth Ann Sargent
I have been a widow for 14 years,my late husband ,was the most faithful football fan ever,on this earth,he would watch three or four games at a time.He had me so confused of who, was who and who had what score..But he knew and that’s what counted,he loved his football games.Now that he is gone I can truthfully say I love football also,but only watch one at a time not into channel switching ,to much hassle.But now that I have turned 76 years old ,and have to omite ,I have never seen a live football game,that I would really like to do that someday, if the GOOD LORD sees me through ..I can watch any football game on televsion and cheer for a team ,I usually cheer for the losing team and hope they do wel
This would mean the world to my family…I have a cousin that had c.p.
Troy you are truely an awe inspiring football player and person. I’m a Chiefs fan that lives in Oklahoma but never misses a Steelers game because our family simply loves watching you play. We are firm believers that there is simply nothing you cant do on a football feild. I know i could never make it to the game, I would love to but simply couldn’t, but would like to make a commitment of, if i do win the tickets and jeresy I would like to put the tickets up for auction with the money from them going to the focus north america program. Sence you are my wifes fav. player she would kill me if i let the jeresy go though. lol. Thank you for setting such a good example for the younger generation of up and comming players. The NFL and the world could use more people like you.
Kate Smallwood
I believe in athletes being role models, so many of today’s athletes and celebrities aren’t. Thank you for the good work you do. For everyone; but first and foremost, your family. Like everyone else who truly believes in you as a person and professional athlete, I would love to win. Going through a seperation the day after Christmas, as well as numerous other personal trials and tribulations… the win would make a fabulous gift! But I would rather see someone who really needs a smile get it! Here’s hoping for sunshine and silver linings for everyone over the holidays!
lurlynne gasologa
hey troy dis offer will be awesome for my 8yr old son he is steelers fan like no other he so crazy abt ur team he has never missed a game this season since it started so dis would make awesome gift for him….GO STLEELERS
My son and his new wife just got married on the 10th of December. They didn’t have enough money for any kind of a honeymoon. This would be great to give them as a gift. I’ve been a Steelers fan long before you were even born. lol Love you!!!
Patrick Wiegand
I’d Love to win these tixs to take my son to his first steelers game ever, he loves the steelers so much i had to decorate his whole room with steelers everything, lol, thats why i do anything for these tixs.
I’ve got Polamalu represented all over! Go Steelers! OUTE ALOFA IA TE O’E!!
Shane Fisher
Not only is Troy probably the greatest Steeler of all time (okay Hines, Lambert and Ham could all make an argument here) but he also cares about humanity and doing things for the less privileged. This means more to me than anything he could ever do on the football field. He is the perfect example for my 14 year old son..go Steelers!
My husband and I would love to see at least one game in person
We are the best t.v. Steelers fans we have our towels at the house!!!!!
Sam Coniglio
Well, I never been to a real game before but my future mother in law just got me tickets to see you guys play on x-mas eve so I’m pretty excited about that. I’m 20 minutes away from Pittsburgh. I live in New Kensington. I never had a real jersey before, just the knock offs, haha..they’re pretty cheap. I would love a real signed jersey. That would be awesome.
Gabriella Glick
This would be the perfect holiday gift for my dad he is such a big fan. Me and my father both appreciate that you like giving and thats one of the reasons why your our favorite player!
Lori Yee
Wow this would be sooooooo awesome
Troy, you are my favorite and I would DIE if I won this. My dad is from Pittsburgh and we’ve been to one game together, it was one of the best days of my life. He is my hero, and I would love to give this gift to him. Thanks for the opportunity! -Afhton
Enir Andre
I would love to win the tickets for my brother and I because we were the only two Steelers fans in our household , and now we CONVERTED over 15 family members. We are HUGE Steelers FANS and winning tickets for my brother and I would make me a VERY HAPPY WOMAN, omg it would mean the WORLD to me..PLEEEEEASE PICK MEEEEEEEE LOL!
Hasper Leggette
thank you so much for the tickets and jersey
Michele N.
I’ve been a Steelers fan my whole life. As a disabled vet in Indiana I don’t get to attend games in Pittsburgh (VA disability doesn’t leave enough to afford it)or the day you always host for vets. I’d be honored to shake your hand for the work you do for vets. You’re a good man with phenomenal ethics and values. I’m praying I have the opportunity to thank you in person. God bless you and your family and I pray you have a safe holiday.
Evelyn Young
My family has got to be one of the biggest STEELERS fans in the nation! We especially LOVE Troy Polamalu!!!
To be able to watch him perform live would be a dream come true to all of us! God bless you Polamalu as well as all of my fellow steelers fans!!! Happy Holidays!
Mendy Ormsbee
The Steelers rock and my husband is on of your biggest fans. It has always been a dream for him to go to a game and would love the autographed jersey too. He has just returned home from Iraq and this would be the best “welcome home” gift I could get him. I couldn’t think of anything else better than to be able to see a game in person.
Melody Bruce
I would love to win tickets to the game as well as the signed jersey for my brother-n-law. He is the biggest Steelers fan I know. He just returned home from Iraq and I know having him home with our family is the greatest gift, but I’d love to make one of his dreams come true. He is from PA and has never been to a game. He watches the games on TV. Please pick me!!!
OMG my husband and I would win the prize of our dreams! Thanks for the opportunity. =)
kimberly olson
Troy, you are an amazing human being! Keep up the good work, there are not enough people in this world like you!
Bobbi Kociszewski
I have worked at St.Vincent for thirty years, and help run the dining room durning camp.One of my many good memories I have is opening Troy’s tuna and not draing the water off,It would be so nice to win tickets to the game,I have never gone to one and would love to share it with my husbands as a big suprise! Hope you have a very merry Christmas with your wife and two children.. Christ is the reason for the season!! God bless!
Good luck to everyone.
Hoping I can snag this…….husband would love it, plus I have no gift for him! Perfect!
troy your the greatest, would love to take my daughter to the game she never has gone to one.GO STEELERS
Tasha Nichols
My husband and I have five beautiful kids and are always struggling to make ends meet! My husband works very hard all the time to provide for us and is one of the biggest Steeler fans ever! He has followed the steelers since before he could talk! This is going to be one of the hardest Christmas’s ever! He does so much for us that we would like to do something for him!This would be perfect since we dont have the money ourself’s! I myself am the biggest Troy fan EVER! I have loved you since before you were popular and playing for USC! Then when you were picked to play for the Steelers my husband and I knew you were going to help lead us to the Super Bowl! YOU are a true role model especially to our five kids! You show your faith for God openly after every play! We will always Love you!!!
Would love to win those tix and the jersey! Love my Steelers!!
Jason Ravenscroft
This would be the best christmas present to my wife and I to win these tickets.We are steeler fans for life,God Bless and hope to see you at Heinz field on December 24th.
Dianne Mcgrew
Thanks, hope I win !!!!! Go Steelers
Troy, you are awesome! My children love you–thanks for being such a great role model!
michael dorsey
I have been a fan of the Steelers since 1995 and I have never been to a game. I would love to go to this game!!
frank dobbins
I would love to take my 11 yr old son to the game we both love the Steelers u are his idol
Audrey Barron
My son Henry iv just turned 16 today December 18th would love to give him the best birthday present a signed jersey of his favorite steelers player TROY. thank you for the opportunity to win!
I live in a mixed marriage. I’m a ‘burgh girl who fell in love with a Cleveland boy who had to move to Cincinnati. I had my 3rd back surgery in February and found out it didn’t work and am going to have a bigger surgery soon. My Steelers make me proud and I need something to lift me up (and get out of bed for).
I’m a huge fan of your efforts off the field as much as I am on field! I’ve never been to a game and would love the chance.! Thanks Mr. Polamalu!!
Merry Christmas, Troy!
Cheryl Best
# 1 Steeler Fan and Troy Fan, Have Troys Jersey, I need one signed. Would be best Christmas Present ever!
Daniel Bertram
could not buy my son a Christmas gift this year because I am on Social Security Disability, this would make his year. Thank you for all you do, the world is a better place with you and your wife in it.
bill p
Having met Troy at the Pro Bowl, I can say without a shadow of a doubt Troy is truly the most down to earth pro athlete I every met and is a symbol of how all athletes should represent there team and city.
Hello Mr. Palomalu,
You are such and inspiration and a pleasure to watch.. seeing all your dedication on and off the field is just so amazing and gives such hope to every one watching! Im currently goin through and rough divorce and would very much cheering at a game with my best friend in the whole world, who is a huge steelers fan. And Id love to sport one of your jerseys! You’re my Favorite! Love the Hair!
Thank You for your time!
Sorry… auto correct …
“Mr. Polamalu”
Mike Dehner
i would love the tickets to the game,never been to one…
i would to win your ticket to the game. i been a fan of the steelers for a long time .i was born and raise in pittsburgh. i love your hair by the way and as the pittsburgh steelers there always be number one. the game that coming up this week even those we can;t harrison on the time we are steelers and we are no#1 and we do this lets win for the play off for the super bowl again
Mike Dehner
i would love the tickets to the game,never been to one…
Mark Heverly
I appreciate what you and your wife do for others. It is not often that we can look to athletes to set a great example for life. It is very admirable the way you look out for those less fortunate. God Bless you and your family.
Merry Christmas to you Troy and your family. Thank you for all that you do. You are an inspiration to everyone. Best wishes for a blessed Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year
Nick Fresoli
Die hard fan right never went yet would love to go see them
Lisa Slavick
This would be a great way for me to celebrate my birthday, which is Wednesday
Good luck everyone!
Would love to see the Steeler’s play. My team since I was a child. We had one TV and Sunday was church and then football. I’m 53 years old now. It’s the memory I will always cherish with my Dad. He’s 78 now, healthy and a retired Marine. Hoorah! Go Steelers!
charlotte yong
Four years ago my father in law passed away he vowed to take or son to at least one steeler game well sadly to say he never got that chance and our son now 14 is a huge steeler fan. I would love win tickets so my husband can take him for christmas seeing that our finances wont allow it…
this would mean the world to him
Ryan Prosperie
Troy you’re a true hero. What a great way to help a true american issue and involve Steeler Nation with it. Great job!
Renee Crynack
God Bless you and yours this holiday season!
Would love for this to be my first time at a game! Go Steelers! xoxo
Garrett Knapp
TROY I NEED TO GO!!!!!! ITS A NEED NOT A WANT! I wouldst waste my time or effort for anyone but the Steelers
Kathy Porter
Daniel Bertram
Could not have a Christmas for my son this year because I am on Social Security Disability. This would make his year. Thank you for all that you and your wife do for the community. The world is a little better with the two of you in it. Thank you for you time.
You are the man Troy! I’ve been a big fan of yours since your days at USC and I have also been a Steeler fan since they lost to the cowgirls in the Superbowl. When I saw that they drafted you, I knew the Steelers D would be dominant with you in the back.
Keep up the great work, and please whoop on the 49ers on Monday Night. Good luck and God bless!
chris martz
You are my idol! A few years ago my sister in law got me your calendar for Christmas, I cried, literally! Every year I get something for Christmas that deals with you! You are an inspiration and a great role model. More people should be like you! Winning this would be the best present ever! My husband has been laid off and on for over a year and 1/2 and I am on disability, we would love to be able to give to your charities, but right now we just can’t swing anything extra at all. You do a lot of great work on and off the field. Even if I don’t win, God Bless you for doing this for people and making people so happy. I wish the very merriest of Christmas for you and your family!
sherry strittmatter
This would be the most amazing Christmas present for my husband and I. My husband has never been to a game ever and with having three kids, one child that’s handicapped with a disorder called Rett’s Syndrome, kind of limits our opportunities to get away together to do things we enjoy. We actually have never done anything like a simple game without our kids now that I sit and think about it…lol. I love to watch you play, you’re awesome! I watch my son “Bubba” play and he reminds me of you! He averaged most games causing at least 1 fumble cuz how tough he hits. Even if we don’t win, we win watch faithfully so BEST OF LUCK!
hey troy ur the best. ur my favorite football player
i always wanted to go to a steelers game but i don’t have the money my son has been a dye hard steelers fan and influenced me into loving them now we watch them every Sunday Monday Thursday we would love to see you in person just so i can give my son the best Christmas present in the world
thank you troy and have a merry Christmas
Megan Werwie
I’m a huge Steeler fan, and I never miss a game! I have never been to a game before and I would love to go! Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday and spending time with friends and family!!
jennifef panza
My family and I are the biggest steelers fans!! We live in Cleveland and have never been to a game together at Heinz field. Last year we all decided to go to Pittsburgh for the Jets vs Steelers game and see if we could get tickets together, if not we would go to a bar and watch it. We ended up buying 4 tickets in section 113. We thought it was meant to be because that’s my familys lucky number. We get to the gate and they were counterfeit!! 900 dollars we spent. It wasn’t even about the money it was about the experience with my family. It would be awesome to be able to have this experience
Jason Graham
Troy thanks for the Chance. If I won it I would keep the jersey and give the tickets away not that I would not love to go see another Steelers game. Just I would want to share with someone else!! Merry Christmas All!!! And thanks Troy!!!
bill kelly
your number 43 is the only shirt my mom lets me wear your the greatest i am a die hard steelers fan since 1961
Karen Lengyel
My husband’s 70th birthday is Dec 25 and this would be the best present anyone could ever give him.
Laura Wulff
It would be an extreme honor to attend a game in person.
I ask for tickets every year for my birthday and never get them. I am going to be home this Christmas and this will be the best present for me and my husband since neither of us have been to a game.
Mary Ellen
A STEELER fan since 1972. Never miss a game.
This is a nice thing that you are doing and may the best person win those two tickets for see the famous black and gold play.
Merry Christmas to you and your family and a safe and happy New Year!!!
Jeffery webb
I would realy like to take my DaD to one last game before he passes away he is dien on me his lunges are shutten and the docs give him 3-12 months to live and he is a big fan of the steelers and has been all his life and he’s never been to a live game because he’s always been to busy raisen us kids so I would greatly apreciate the oppertunity for him to go at least once in his life thank you very much
Kevin O'Donnell
So looking forward to the Steelers in the Superbowl
Chrissy Allerdings
I would love to have the chance for the tickets and jersey. I too would keep the jersey, but would like to donate the 2 tickets to 2 kids in the Pittsburgh area that Troy could choose. Or a father/son or daughter deserving that could not otherwise afford to go. I’ve been a Steeler fan since the early 70′s and I will never change!
Donna Kennedy
You are the best player in the NFL today. ’nuff said.
Phil Whitt
I went to a Browns -vs- Steelers game in the old Cleveland Stadium in 1985.
My seats were on the lower 48 yard line facing Steeler’s backs on the side line.
Me and a lady friend arrived early enough to watch warm-ups, almost ten minutes before the kick-off,
she asked which ones are the Browns? I thought she was joking, NOT! We still enjoyed the game,
Be safe out there in the next and every game you enter the field.
Blessings to you and yours
,Phil W.
What a great way to spend the holiday with 50 thousand screaming steelers fans
Kim Stanford
Born and raised in the great city of Pittsburgh. Have been a transplant in Toledo Ohio since 1983 but still a Steeler Fan!! Will always be a Steeler Fan. Would love to get to a game any time. You are one of my all time Steeler favorite player. Never miss a game if at all possible.
i have never been to a game and ive been a fan since i was about 12. im 53 now! i have steeler stuff all over the place, was born and raised in erie . even if i don’t win i’m sure whoever does will have a GREAT time. thanks for all the good you do on and off the field. and congrats on the new baby!
You make the Steeler fans proud. Head and Shoulders above the rest…no pun intended.
Karen Heckathorne
Thanks for the chance to win!
Wendy Paull
I wish I could help out with your charity. I actually dreamed about that recently. Unfortunately I am out of work this Christmas. No money for anything. God bless you for your giving and your excellent example as an athlete and human being.
Catherine Zeigler
I would totaly give these tickets to the man who works for me.. He is your #1 fan.. When you guys play he is hardly funcitable.. winning or losing his emotion run all over the place.. Even when I tell him that i watched the game he still gives me a play by play of the WHOLE game and gets worked up all over again.. He is a riot.. so it I won the tickets I would give them to him and hope he doesn’t die with excitment… thank you
I would love the chance to win these tickets. Our family has been through a lot this year with going through 2 floods and having to live away from our home. We are HUGE Steeler’s fan’s especially my husband and son! My husband’s family is originally from Pittsburgh but he has never had the chance to go to a game! What a great Christmas this would be if we won!!!
It would be amazing to win this!! I would love to take my father to a steelers game for Christmas! He’s loved the steelers ever since he was a young man in the navy and had a beer with Franco Harris in Japan, while he was on tour thanking all the vets. This would be one of the best gifts I could give him and I hope you consider choosing us! (:
Thank you!!! (:
Christa Collie
I would seriously win wife of the millennium if I won these tickets!! My husband has been a Steelers fan for 20+ years… we are Canadian, and have never been to an NFL game. To be able to see the Steelers play and especially you play, for our first ever game would be incredible! There’s no better gift I could give this year
You are a gem, Troy. Your humble spirit and love of the game, makes you our all-time favourite Steeler, hands down.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Bren Dehn
I have been a fan since
7th grade. Made a bet and won. My husband is a Rams fan. We are a divided house. I would love to see my team stomp the Rams butt on home field. Would be nice to get away for the two of us. Hubby lost his job in May and we live in a small town. So we can say its been a little bit if a tough year. Anyways I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.
Scott Snyder
As worthy as any other Steeler fan Thanks for the chance
Wendell Hill
Thanks for the opportunity for these tickets, Troy,… you ROCK!
Very cool… esp for the holidays.
Dennis Plocinik
I would love to give them to my son and his fiance being they are a huge fan of yours. Unfortunately, The live in Southern, CA. So, I guess Dad will go in their place.
Mary Ann Goughler
Hi Troy, I love football and the STEELERS!! And I like all of the efforts you and your wife put in to help people. I had major back surgery on Nov. 8, I’ve been cooped up in this house til tomorrow when I get released. What a thrill it would be to get to the game. Thanks for all you do. Mary Ann
Only you would think of a nice thing like this for Christmas! Thanks, #43!
Mara Leach
You are incredible that you are constantly taking the time to do things like this for your fans!!! My son (11) and I are huge Troy fans and Steeler fans. His entire room is black and gold! I grew up in Pittsburgh and I have never had the opportunity to go to a live game! I would love to take my son to a game and see YOU and the Steelers play. You are an inspiration to all children!
Janet Blair
Troy, thank you for giving me the opportunity to go to a real game!!I will take my Aunt since she gave her seats away!!
Lourie Meade
I have been a DIEHARD Steelers fan for 20 years, loved em through the good and bad times!! Troy is so obvious when watching you play that you really love what you do and that makes all the difference in the world, keep doing what you do! GO STEELERS!!
Thomas Baumgartner
If I Win keep the tickets and give them to a poor person
lisa marie
happy holdays!!!! my boyfriend is a DIE HARD steelers fan. You are by far his favorite player. I wish there was a raffle to send you to new york to his door step to meet him… lol his life would be complete… Honestly, there wouldnt be better christmas present in the world to open that would compare to the look on face if i was to givethis to him
thank you for all of your amazing efforts both on and off the feild. You really are an incredible human being. many blessings to you and your family.
Would love to be a first timer at a Steeler game. Just moved here from Oregon.
Thomas Baumgartner
If I Win Give the tickets to a homeless person and give the jersey to the VA Hospital in Pittsburgh!
Armando R
Well i know its almost impossible winning those tickets also i live on Mexico but i love Steelers and i like the way Polamalu play on the field and real life its a big person which i can learn how to act and be good person to each others
Robert Jacobs
I am the number one Steeler fan..since1976 but never been to a game ….it s hard being a die hard Steelers fan and live in Baltimore everybody gunning at me i should get those tikets for all the pain .plus my team needs me. big up s to you and your wife for be just good ppl.
Would Love to come to a Steelers game, I am a super BIG fan, It has ALWAYS been my DREAM to come to a game, but just never have made it, and also your my favorite, so having a Polamalu signed jersey, would be amazing!!!!
Never been to a game in my 21 years of life… Would love to change that!
It would be awesome to go to a steeler game was never there
Sarah Arbogast
My name is Sarah, I have been a die hard steelers fan for as long as i could remember. I am a huge Polamalu fan. (My dad raised me right) My dad and I were supposed to come to a game two years ago but had to sell our tickets for financial reasons. This year just before thanksgiving my grandfather passed away, I know if I could win these tickets for him it would make my dads year.
It would be a dream come true to win this Troy, I love watching you play
I would love for my two sons to get to go to this game
The Family loves the Steelers!!! Would love a chance too watch them jump up and down….if they could come see you and the Team!!!!! Husband from Pago Pago…DEDICATED STEELERS FAN’S!!!! ALOFA!!!
lynne boley a soldiers' mommy
my boy is away fighting but I have his back on trying to win him stuff for his stiller room. Troy, you are a good man and we enjoy watching you.
Carla Hackenberg
We are diehard Steelers fans. We love you Troy. XOXO
Tatiana Stewart
So, my birthday is Christmas Eve and since I always get pushed aside for that “other guy” this would be the most phenomenal birthday gift ever!
Troy, we love you man….prayers to you, your family and the Steelers!
guy helmick
I am the biggest fan in the nation..i never miss a game on tv..I have been to twenty-three games but i would love to surprise my wife..We have six children between both of us..Money is always a issue for us..I love every single player on the Steeler team..I am black and gold all the way…would be a honor to meet you in person..Merry Christmas to You and Your Family..
Thomas Treece
Like thousands of other, I am proud to wear my Polamalu jersey!!
Susan Kress
Like everyone else, I would love to win!!! I am a diehard Steelers’ fan, Pittsburgh native. However, this would make my Christmas wish come true because I would give a ticket to my mom who is 72 and absolutely loves the Steelers. She would go bananas at the game! It has been such a hard year…she is still working with the economy like it is. I wish I could do more for her, but maybe I can at least do this!
Chuck Mangel
Dear Troy
I don’t want any tickets to the game I want you to give those tickets and jersey to an unfortunate boy or girl who can’t afford to go. What you can give me is a win that’s all I want. You put the fire in that team and win these last few games
Rick Da Silva
Hope whoever wins the tickets deserves the love.
It’s rough out here.
Stay real homie, thanks for all you do on and off the field.
Great way to sound the holiday!
Roy Morris
27 years old and just had life saving open heart surgery. My heart use to skip beats but my attention to my Steelers has not. Your a good man and a legend.
Terri G.
I would be SOOOO forgiven if I win these tickets. I forgot to get our tickets for hubby’s birthday Dec 8th against the Browns and he was soooo upset. PLEASE TROY….and GOD…let me win these tickets. LOL.
Kim Shaffer
Troy, you are amazing! I am a huge Steeler fan and this would be such an awesome contest to win. I have been to one NFL game which was PreSeason in Denver last year. My husband got us tickets, last minute. It was a great game, just wish y’all would have won! How we would love to see you play again.
Terri G.
Oh…and check my FB page!!! I am the one, along with my BFF, who drove to Baltimore and shopped all day in my FULL Polamalu outfit and got my truck spit on and harassed by the RAVENS fans and STOOD up to them. LOL.
Steelers all day everyday……….I’m a Big Troy Polamalu #43 Nd I would LOVE 2 cum 2 my first STEELERS GAME
Elisabeth Falba
Hi Troy,
I have a fiance and have been with him for almost 4 years I like him and he loves the steelers he wanted to be pro football player but he had an accident and now he can’t play football he’s injured and I had a daughter with him and her and I almost died. I was high risk pregnancy and almost bleed to death but thankfully magees womens hopsital saved my life and ever since him and i and our daughter have lived a life together but I want to get a gift that he would like and i know if i can win these tickets and the shirt that’ll be a christmas blessing and I would really appreciate it and i hope you have a merry christmas and a happy new year and may all your wishes comes true and your the one football player i watch that i don’t fall asleep bc i just don’t know how you do it.
Thank you very much for being the best player our town has ever seen not only on the field, but more importantly, off of it. You & your wife are truly living inspirations on how to never give up, persevere through the tough times, & when you’re blessed to get through it, pay it forward to the next person. It will be a sad day when you retire but I hope Pittsburgh always holds a special place in your heart as you do in ours. I already own 2 of your jerseys (white/black). If I won this I would give it to my 97 yr old Noni (Italian grandma) because she is the reason I bleed black & gold. She still watches every Sunday & has taught all of our family (including great grandchildren now) the love of the game & our Steelers
Thank you for doing this for the community & your fans. Truly appreciated!
Ramona Jaramillo
I Love the game and this team!! Go Steelers..I was made a fan when i was 12yrs and I have never been to a football game, would love my first game to be My Team .Thank you…
Jon Lovelace
I love all the charity work you do. Keep it up!
I think it’s very nice that you are continuing to raise awareness to causes that you and your family support and believe in. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Aldo Flores
I am 11 years old andI live in Queretaro, MEXICO. You are my favorite Steeler player. I enjoy very much every game, specially when you make touchdowns. You are one the best football players and will be forever I have all my room with Steelers souvenirs, but my best one is a big poster of yours. I will love to have a signed jersey and wear it everyday!!! Thank you for having this great opportunity with your fans!! God bless you and your familiy!!
djibrii branch
troy your the greatest saftey in the whole world i really look up to you
Stephanie S.
Well, I’m not very good at saying the right things, but here it goes. Winning these tickets/jersey would be a great way to help celebrate this Christmas. Over the past 2 years, we have experienced one difficulty after another. It began with my son spending a week in Childrens Hospital, Pittsburgh, after being born with a heart condition, I later was diagnosed with cervical cancer and had to undergo a hysterectomy for that. Also after overcoming these medical issues, I lost my job due to downsizing. We are now all healthy, and I found a new job, but things are still difficult finiancially. We are trying to celebrate this Christmas and all the blessings we’ve been given. We would greatly appreciate the chance to celebrate with the Black and Gold, to help top off our Christmas celebration. My husband and I have struggled, but are doing the best we can not to let our children, 2 girls and 1 boy, know the financial difficulties we are experiencing. We hold strong to our faith and pray for continued blessings. Thank you for being such a wonderful person, both on and off the field, Troy. Your continual expressions of faith is very uplifting. Whether we win or lose, we will continue to watch and enjoy our wonderful Steelers each and every game. God Bless and Merry Christmas. Thanks for taking the time to read. =)
My father and i were the only steelers fans in the house. My mother and 3 other sisters are dallas cowboys fans ya i know yuck. when my father died when i was eight i was left alone to defend the steelers an till this day i will. Thanks for letting me enter. Sincerely Timberlee
Cassandra Timothy
My husband & Father in law would DIE for these tickets. My husband has been a steelers fan all his life and his dad is a Rams fan. I would be a shining star to them if I could make this happen. I unfortunately wouldn’t be able to go since we have our first baby boy in the family due in January. Please, please, please pick me and put smiles on my family’s faces for a lifetime.
lisa buchanan
i love me some steelers i have bee a steelers fan since i was 6yrs old.and still a die hard steelers fan and would love to get a chance to go to one of the games it would be a dream come true for me….GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!
Theresa rael
Never been to a live game……!!!!!
This time of year our famly recives so much as a return to our community we clean out our “old” Steeler sweatshirts and take them down to the shelter. We have more than we need and Flagstaff winters are brutal. Everyone should do the same. being life long Pittsburgh fans we accumulate so much. Thanks for all you do Troy!
Chuck Alth
Thank you for being the type of person every athlete, and human, should model themselves after.
Tyra aka: A Moment To Smile
This would make the all time Christmas gift for my Husband Michael..He love both the Steelers & The Rams!!! Good Luck to Everyone that enters…God Bless
Ryan Nguyen
My whole Dad’s side of the family live in Pittsburgh and we are all Steelers Fans. Even when we moved back west to California, surrounded by Raider and 49ers fan down by the Bay Area, we still are ever faithful Steelers fans. When I think of all the players on the Strong Pittsburgh Steelers, you come to my mind. I was screaming when you forced the fumble on flacco and helped seal the game. I love it when you line up on the edge and get the running back for a loss. I love the Steelers, and even more so when you play. You help bring the game alive to me. Having one of your jersey’s will make me happy, and ill frame it and always keep it. And whenever i look at it, Ill think of that Ravens Game. Good Luck Troy.
Lori Henderson
What a Christmas gift this would be. Our daughter is going to be at the San Fransisco game. Would love to give this gift to my son and husband. Troy you and your wife are such wonderful caring people, thank you for all you both do..
Cindy Vish
From my first time seeing you play in the first preseason game of your rookie year you were a favorite of mine. I do believe I have the very first Polamalu Jersey ever made besides the ones you wore of course. I wanted a jersey of yours but they were not made yet, you were still an unknown. (Imagine that lol) I got online during the start of regular season your rookie year, Sept 2003, to the nfl.com store and ordered a custom made jersey with your name and the number 43. I still have it, it is my fave, altho it is currently stored away in a safe place. I did buy new jerseys of yours, of course, so that I could wear your number. I have a total of 6 #43 jerseys or t shirts –different styles n colors. On my original, a black one,I have had to re glue the numerals and a few letters on it over the years as I wore it the most—always actually–and I do have other players’ jerseys. It is my hope to meet you some day to ask you to autograph it and I plan on framing it. I attended Training Camp 2010 with the hopes of getting an autograph from you but no luck. I made the 2 hour drive twice in one week hoping to catch you the second time! It is ok if I do not win the tickets but I just wanted to tell you this about the first jersey lol. Congratulations on another winning season!! Love your playing, you are the best, and I admire what you do for others!! Seasons greetings and blessings for the holiday season to you and your family Troy!
Rob Bell
me and my family love you guys steelers rule this house we bleed black and gold!!!
Ray Ewing
A truly amazing person….
Dear Troy,
Hello my name is Mariah I am 11years old and I huge Steelers fan. I have sat down in my house to watch every Steelers game. For every super bowl that you guys were in my room and whole house was black and yellow. My Mother is from Pittsburgh so in our house everything is Steelers around every corner. My Mother is telling me what to do right and one way I thanked her is that….I am always striving to do what is right. I always give to others that our poor. Every year I give toys to toys for tots. And in return for everything that I do to make my community and earth a better place, is to go to my very first Steelers game.
Thank you!
Mike McKinney
Go Steelers!!! Thank you for all you do. Keep up the great work both on and off the field!
Philip Stanley
Best Christmas gift for the greatest TP fan
Moriah katz
Troy, i have a handicap brother who absolutely loves u and the steelers. he goes nuts every time they say ur name… he would love to go to a game and recieve a jersey… he is ur number one fan for sure. i have pics of him in my profile on fb.. pick us please
dodie baugh
This would be the best, I mean the best Christmas gift
to my husband Jim. He’s never been to pro football game.
I’ve been a Steeler’s fan since I was a little kid. I have a Franco Harris jersey stashed away from those days. Troy you are my favorite player for so many reasons, your heart which is that of a lion on the field and your heart which is that of a lamb off the field. You represent everything that a professional ball player should strive to be and everything that we all as human beings should strive to be. Keep doing what you do and if I win these tickets I’ll probably die because I never win anything!
Pick me! Pick me!
I’ll be in town that day and would love to be able to go to the game! I’ve never been to a game before and moved away! Pick me!
I have been a Steelers fan since i was a litte girl and always will be…But i think if it wasn’t from you and Hines we would never get as far as we do thank you guys for make are steelers team a team
Aaron Radford
I am a Steelers fan for life and that my family is divided Steelers/cowboys fan. I would be happy to receive Steelers tickets and a signed jersey from the greatest safety to ever play the game football. It would also be a awesome present before I leave for college in the summer, and I want to be a coach and its not a coach that I would want to learn more about the game of football then coach Mike Tomlin and to be around the team I watch for years.
Go Steelers
shirley mccauley
I love the pittsburg steelers and have always wanted to go see them play. My friend of 8yrs. has been a diehard steelers fan since he was 8 yrs. old and moved to ohio from pittsburg and has every game ever played recorded. Troy has always been my player since he got me into watching the games, we have always dreamed of going to a game but i have 2 handicapped children and his mother is dying with emphzemia so money is very tight.It would be the biggest miracle, blessing ever to win these tickets and take him to the game ty Troy for making this possible for 2 people to be able to go and see the game BLESS you and your family and the team and GO STEELERS
i been a fan for a long time. i was born and raise in pittsburgh. I also love your hair. You and hines has been our hero. He doesn;t care if he gets not down cause he always getting up smiling. As for you you know where to hit. I been trying to get a shirt of you and hines I really love to watch you both. we will win and get into the play off lets get to the super bowl we want another ring, with you on our team and hines we are number 1 lets go steelers
jennifer samuelson
I want to say I love you! And I am your biggest fan!! My husband and I are die hard
steeled fans and every year we say we are going to try to get tickets and we never do.
I was recently told I have breast cancer and it would mean a lot to me to go to a game!
So I hope you pick me!
Troy…… a class act athelete and role model
All I can say is The Steelers ROCK! I would love to win these tickets. I haven’t been able to go to a game in years due to financial hardships and would love nothing more than to be there again. #43 is my favorite!! Even if I don’t win, I hope the winner will take good care of the jersey and keep it instead of selling it and they enjoy the game and behave as class act people. Good luck to all! I have my fingers crossed!! Go Steelers! Would love to see a Greenbay / Steelers rematch!!!
Sue Marranconi
Troy, I just wanted to say “Thank you” for stopping by Children’s Hospital and visiting my Grandson Matt from Meadville. Matt has Leukemia and he is a huge fan of yours. You totally made him feel wonderful. Thanks again. You Rock!
Kathy Worley
Married to a die hard Steeler fan ,19 years now. He has never waivered away. I have pictures of him wearing his Steelers clothes at the age of 7. Open our closet and it is Black and Yellow. He hasn’t ever had the opportunity to see a live game. He would be like a child going to Disney for the very first time.Ofcourse, it wouldn’t be the excitement of seeing Mickey,but waving his terrible towel in the stands. He wears his team proudly. Either way we are hoping for another ring. Go Steelers! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win such an awesome prize. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
jodie turner
merry Christmas & a happy new year
Your the greatest
Patty Dulashaw
My grandson is 15 and would love to go to the Steelers game… But who can afford them?
Would love to win these tickets. I have been promising my son I would take him to a Steeler game since he was 3 but with being a single parent I have never had the money or the time to take him to one. Now, 5 years after that first promise, it would be the perfect Christmas present for him if we could go to this game.
Karen Booker
My husband and I love you!!!! You are the reason that the defense is so exciting. I travel for my job and have had to try to see the games from Nome, Alaska. Not an easy task. I would love to give him tickets to take his son to the game as Christmas presents. And if nothing else, keep playing the Polamalu way
I have not been at a home in my life I am 52 and I would love to go and see a game, my son and I .We are very fawn of you guy winning or losing THANKS FRANK.
go steelers
Anthony DeSimone
My 8 year old daughter lives in Columbus, OH and is a huge Steelers fan. I live here and not having much money for Christmas presents I would love to give her the present of a Steelers game and signed Jersey of her favorite player.
Thanks for everything, Troy. You are a tremendous athlete and you seem to be a great father.
Edward B. Ochoa
I have been a Rams fan since 1962, and have never been able to see them live. I would love to take my grandson to watch this game.
thank yuou for this opportunity .
I would love to be able to come see this game. I haven’t had a chance to get to the new stadium yet. But unfortunately I wouldn’t be abel to get to come to this one, I’m a police officer and I have to work the Christmas holiday this year. I could however make great use of the signed jersey and think it would be great for Troy to give the tickets to some kid in the Pittsburg area to be able to have a Christmas Eve to talk about for years to come. So I would donate the tickets back to the charity to do this with them. Merry Christmas All.
Laurie Richardson
Go TROY!!!! You and all the Steelers are loved in Texas too!
Diana Swink
Troy I am a big fan of yours and also the Steelers team!!! I think you are one of the classiest players I’ve ever seen play. I am so looking forward to the playoffs and also the Super Bowl which I’m sure we will be there!!!
crystal stevens
i have been a huge fan of you since i started watching football the last 7 years i have 2 little boys that also love to watch you and a wounderful husband that has been a fan of the steelers for 40 years also.i would love to come and see you and get the jersey that you sign it would be the best christmas present i could ask for this year….come on boys lets win it all this year i know you all can do it …go steelers……
use to live around the Pittsburgh area now live in Maryland.. But Still a DieHard Steeler Fan..would love to see a live game, the jersery would be a nice addition also!!!!!!! Go STEELERS!!!!!!!
I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Steelers; have never been to a game but would just freak out at the chance to go. But I would have to say what i admire about you most is the fact that you are never ashamed or apologetic to show your faith! That in and of itself makes you a champ! Kudo’s
Mark A Taylor
Mark A Taylor
go steelers
Monnie Keith
I live in Ravens territory but I am a staunch Steeler fan and have been for over 40 years! Yes, through the lean and ugly years as well as the fat and gorgeous Super Bowl years! I would love to gift these tickets to a friend of mine who has been so generous and helpful to me and my daughters this past year. I am on disability and things have been tight, but this friend, who shares my love of the Steelers, has helped me with my meds and my mortgage. I’d love to give him these tickets. But the jersey stays with me! LOL
Latara Johnson
I have never been to a football game. So winning tickets wouldbe awsome!!!!
Jeff Cowan
Winning these tix for the Christmas Eve game vs Rams and the autographed #43!!! My 13 year old son would enjoy!!! He has only been to one other game in 2006 when we got smeared by the Ravens….playing the Rams would give him a chance to see a WIN!!!
We love watching you play and are avid Steeler fans but more than that we admire you for staying true to your faith. Your are an awesome role model Troy. Thank you!
Debbie McPherson
Hi Troy:
Winning Steeler tickets would be awesome – I’ve never had the opportunity to visit Heinz Field or watch a live Steeler’s game. Im keeping my fingers crossed I’ll be watching you play some talented football on Christmas Eve. Thank you for setting up this giveaway!
Dave Hoffman
Tickets are nice…
James Slone
Love to win good luck Monday
this would be a once in a life time opportunity for me! raising 3 children alone i have not had a chance to do anything like this ever! it would be the greatest christmas present anyone could ever get!!!!!!
Alicia Bey
what a wonderful Christmas gift this would be to my boyfriend!
I remember when I was younger going on field trips to Washington D.C and Philadelphia and the teachers would always tell us, “don’t talk to the people begging, don’t look at them, and don’t give them anything”. It was later I took a field trip with a teacher who helped me no longer look at people this way. Later our school started “Pennies for the homeless”. This was the beginning of my understanding of the poverty problems in America. Later I had an experience where I learned how much these people are just people too. I saw someone try to talk to a man on the street who was surprised that someone asked how his day was. I watched homeless people turn things away because “they didn’t need it” and someone else needed it more. People having nothing saying “I don’t need it”. Isn’t it amazing? They turn down things they don’t need so someone else who does can have it, when we scour over things we don’t need, just to have it. Poverty is terrible and we can pretend we don’t see these people all we want but they are still there, everyday. I just thought I would share my feelings on this topic and how important it is, and how lucky Pittsburgh is to have such a fantastic person as a part of their team. Not only a great football player, but a great person. Thanks Troy for spreading the word.
Pleasee Pleasee i really hope i will win!!! it will be an AMAZING Expirence(:
Andrea tancrator
Hello….I’m am writing on my husband shawn’s behalf. He is a wonderful husband a caring daddy to our little girl. He has had a rough past six yrs of his life but has found joy in his family and in his steeler team. Shawn was born and raised in Pittsburgh! He is a die hard fan and loves the steelers! Please make a dream of his come true….thank you
Caroline trinta
Man o man i wish i win the tickets to see you play the rams… I am a big fan.. I even got a steelers logovwot your number tattoo on me.. Hope i win.. Fingers crossed
Oh my goodness, I would be too happy to win. My dream is to come to Heinz Feild to see the Steelers play!!!
Michelle Dyer
Would be a perfect christmas gift for my son !!
Christopher Cook
Thanks for all the joy you bring to me my son & my daughter. You are the epitome of U.S. Steel work ethic and your faith above all is on full display every gameday. I am a single father who doesn’t always get to be with my children but when watching you & the Steelers we are together. I personally am a big fan of Mean Joe Green 75 but you remind me of his tenacity. Stay healthy, Merry Christmas too you and your family.
Troy! I love the Steelers! I have your jersery as well as Ben’s, Hine’s, and Bettis! I love the Steelers! I’ve been to your games before but never to Pittsburgh. It would be soooooo cool to go to a game there! This would be the best ever! My birthday is the 22nd and recieving a call at 12:01AM would be the best all time present ever! Good luck tonight by the way!
tina whiteside
WWould so love to win those tickets. My son has been to a game but my daughter hasn’t she is a teenager and seems to do a lot of things on her own. Would love to take her cause we don’t spend a lot time together, and that is a good bonding experience.
Missie H
This would make an awesome birthday gift for my husband… Since his birthday is the day after Christmas he always feels slighted. We just moved back to the area (from Iowa) this summer and LOVE that we can actually watch the games on TV ALL THE TIME!!! Thanks for offering them to someone!! Happy Holidays!
Kristy Jones
Steelers rule! Was hopen to see a game before i moved west but would love to come back to PA an see a game!
Tracy S
I would absolutely love to win these ticket and jersey! With only two tickets, I’d have to send my son and my fiance’. Of course, my youngest son and I would come visit and cheer on the Steelers from Pittsburgh. This would definitely be an awesome break from everything that we’ve been dealing with late.
Steeler Nation!
matt lucero
Never been to a game. Been fan of the Burgh sence before time. 2 tickits & singed 43, could be the end of day’s and it would still be a great day!
There are a lot of people wanting this as I do also. But not for me but for my son. He just retired from the Navy after 24 years. He has 5 children and could never afford tickets himself. I had written several of the Steeler management team but didn’t even get a reply. This would be a dream come true. Thanks for consideration. Brian’s Mom
Kim Warren
I would love to win these tickets to give to my husband. He recently took a promotion to Oklahoma, and we have been apart trying to sell our house in the mean time. It would be a great Christmas surprise for my husband and son to get to go to a Steelers game on his Christmas break and get to meet you!
I would LOVE to win these tickets, I have only been lucky enough once to get to go to a Steeler game….and to have a signed shirt would be awesome………………………………………….going to do a LOT of praying, normally I pray for everyone
else but this time I dont think it would be wrong to pray for me to win the tickets……………after all………….the man upstairs
surely is a Steeler fan also…he will understand…;)
Brian Flack
I wish i could win this because i have been a fan of the Steelers and i watch every game i always have hope that Big Ben and the offense could turn a losing game around and i never went to any kind of football game for the nlf
This message went around our office today…
I was wondering if anyone has Steelers box seats they are not using for Christmas Eve?
My brother-in-law has Leukemia and it’s on his Bucket List to go to a Steelers game with his family. He purchased 3 regular seat tickets and they are coming up from
Texas for the game. Because of all the treatments his immune system is frail and I worry about them being in the cold, so I thought I would see if I could exchange their seats for box seats or see if anyone had a box they won’t be using. Please ask around for me, I would really appreciate being able to surprise them!
Thanks everyone !
I would LOVE to win these tickets and jersey, but even if I don’t, I think you are AMAZING on and off the field. Your love for the game is evident every time you are on the field. And the way you give back to your fans and your community is AWESOME! Thank you for being a part of our STEELER family! Merry Christmas to you and your family, and may GOD continue to bless you.
My entire family are steelers fans. They grew up in bethel park and have passed their love for the steelers down. We now live in Baltimore, which is absolutely miserable. I was able to make it to the steelers vs ravens game at Heinz with a sign that said “were from Baltimore, but our hearts are in Pittsburgh!” while I was blessed enough to go with my friends, my dad and little brother have never been to a game. I would love the opportunity to give them the worlds best experience and the worlds best Christmas present. Keeping my fingers crossed! Here we go steelers!!!!
Kellee Carman
Steelers Rule
cheryl toal
I would LOVE to win those tickets for the Dec 24th game!! Need a nice little getaway for the holiday….so cool. Good luck to all who entered.
This is awesome! who ever wins these two tickets and your signed jersey Troy, will have the best Christmas present
As much as I would love these tickets, since I have never been to a football game, I wish luck to all!
Your campaign is very inspiring! Good Luck with that and keep on being the great player that you are and the giving human being you are as well!
I am currently am with the Occupy Wall Street movement, (Occupy Chicago)
Have been volunteering to make a change for the better for us, the 99%.
Have you heard or currently been involved?
We need more supporters!
Good luck, and lets kick some Rams Ass!!!
This is soo cool! You have been my favorite player since 2003 when you were drafted by the steelers! I am from a very small deprived north country town and can’t even imagine something as amazing as getting to see you play in person, it’s something I have always hoped I would get the chance to do!
Susanne Collins
Mr. Polamalu, my husband and I are major fans!!! YOU ARE MY MOST FAVORITE PLAYER!!! YOU ARE DOMINATE IN GAMES, ALONG WITH BIG BEN!!! Both you and Ben, inspire me and my husband. You see, we are both physically disabled and my husband doesn’t give up like Ben, and I am truly inspired at how true with God you are!!! I get a big smile on my face when I see you cross yourself during a game.
Duncan Johnson
Hi Troy. My family are huge Pittsburgh fans. My grandfather played defensive end for the Steelers back in 1954 and was #83. It would be so cool if he could go back and relive the old days. Good luck at the game and show those Rams why the Steelers have won 6 superbowls.
Thank you
This opportunity/chance MADE MY DAY!!!
Veronica Ward
I am a huge Steelers fan. I have lived and breathed Black & Gold since the mid-seventies. I have raised my son to be a Steelers fan. Troy is one of my all -time favorite Steeler. His level of intensity on the field and his commitment to the community off the field is why he is so great.
Hello Troy!
I am actually from the STL area, so I’ve been to the Rams games a couple of times because of free tickets. My dad constantly tells me how the Rams Dome is NOTHING near going to the Pittsburgh games. I’ve never been so I wouldn’t know yet! Regardless, I KNOW I am the second biggest Steelers fan I know. The first being my dad. Every year my dad makes a trip with his friends to come and watch you guys. If he isn’t at your games, you will ALWAYS see him and me sitting on the coach yelling or cheering at the tv. If I had the opportunity to go all the way to Pittsburgh and see you guys destroy the Rams, it would definitely check off one of the items off of my bucket lists. Thank you for all of the opportunities you have given us with all of the free tickets and I hope I come up as the lucky winner this time!
Thank you & have a Merry Christmas!
Amber~Lee Harper
“Fingers Crossed” This contest made my day! I would just die if i won! lol.. Good Luck everyone!
Davin G.
Before the new Madden came out back in 2003, me and my buddies made our own draft and created all the rookies on madden. You were my first pick in that draft because i seen potential and now look at you my dude. Taz himself. I would love to see this game but even more then that my girlfriend is obsessed with you and it does make me jealous at time (jk) i think this would be a perfect xmas gift.
Melanie Schneiderman
I’ve never been able to go to a Steelers game before. Now that I live in New York state, I usually don’t even get to watch the games on t.v. My fiance is a Marine and he’s coming home on leave for the holidays. How amazing would it be to go to my first ever Steelers game with my Marine on Christmas Eve?! I know it’s one-in-a-million, but hey- someone’s gotta win, right?
Good luck, everyone, and happy holidays to you and your families! Thanks, Troy!
Sue Gary
I would be honnored to be the winner of these tickets and the Jersey OMG I love my Steelers
Christmas is not going to happen around my home because we are very poor so we will be doing a Christmas diner and celebrating the true meaning of Christmas, this would be an awesome gift to my husband and I we Love the Steelers and of course because we are from Michigan we do root fro the Lions LOL
Merry Christmas to you and yours! You are an awesome player and I love to watch You and the Steeler’s play! Thank You for being a great role model for all who watch you! Keep up the great work! Go Steeler’s!!!!!!!!!!
It’s such an honor to help you with all the causes that you are involved in. The hope of tickets or a jersey is just a icing on the cake!
Cait Mangan
You are such a giving person! I love cheering you on! May you have a blessed holiday season!
Thank you very much for a valiant effort last night! All we can hope for is you guys try your best & win or lose we support you! Please have patience & forgive those that don’t get it & react out of ignorance. It is the passion that fuels Steeler Nation to make road games feel like home ones, but unfortunately a small few take it to the extreme & it has an ugly flipside. For those I apologize & let you know that Steeler Nation stands shoulder to shoulder with you no matter what!
LeAmm Sadlon
Troy I have wanted to go see a game my whole life,I am 19 turning 20. I have so many pictures of you from when you were in collage till now i have spent over $ 1,000 on them over the years.I would love to meet you in person it is my biggest dream. I would do anything to win those tickets.I have never missed a game on tv and i hope some day some how i will get to one of your games if it kills me.
nick padulese
have been a fan since75 love you guys,if your ever in philly look me up will tattoo any of you for free,#is on my face book page!!
Jerry Dean
Would love to win these tickets, so that I could bring my son to a Steelers game, and show him what Steeler Nation is all about. Plus let him have the jersey as a bonus, that would be just awesome!!!
benjamin byers
i need somthing positive in my life now. i had 2 famialy members die this month.
Am I the only one having trouble getting this to load tonight? The active box will not load to enter the entries.
Thank you for this opportunity and god bless us all. My parents would faint if they found out they could go to a game. They deserve it for all they do. Ill leave out the big story bout it but if anyone deserves this it is them. Thank you Mr. Polomalu
Melinda Leach
Troy,I know you are getting all these stories of how people would die to meet you..Well that applies here as well.My boyfriend has been a fan of the Steelers since he can remember.I can not afford to buy tickets to a game.I love him with all my heart and would do anything for this to happen..The look on his face would be priceless!Please if you have a heart pick someone who who never have the money or option to go to the game of a life time..You would make us the happiest people in this world.Thanks a bunch Melinda Leach
Melinda Leach
@tpolamalu Troy I am praying that I can win this for my boyfriend.He has had a hard life growing up in a disfunctional home.Living with CP has been a challenge for him.He is a great person and deserves this so very much.Thanks for taking the time to hear all of your fans..You and the whole Steelers Nation are GREAT!!!I accidentally posted this to someone elses post and I am so very sorry.Please forgive me..
Please i could so use this. Im getting enrolled in a semi pro football team right now. Just having money problems for the equipment and sign up fees. But this would mean the world to me. Mr. Polomalu, you are on the best defensive players hands down and one of the most respectful. We all greatly appreciate what u do for this team! Thank you for the oppurtunity.
Melinda Leach
@tpolamalu Troy I am praying that I can win this for my boyfriend.He has had a hard life growing up in a disfunctional home.Living with CP has been a challenge for him.He is a great person and deserves this so very much.Thanks for taking the time to hear all of your fans..You and the whole Steelers Nation are GREAT!!!
Melinda Leach
I’m sorry i didnt mean to post this on yours.I tried to delete it but it wont let me..Again I am very sorry.
Lori mendoza
would love to win them !!!! My boyfriend is a big fan of the Steelers .We come from a disadvantage area where it is impossible for us to ever get tickets to a game and this would be the most memorable christmas for him. thanks….
Zavian & David Luciani
Hi Troy Polamalu #43
From the Great White North, Me & my son love to watch you every week. How youPlay the game of Football and the funny commercials. We would love to come down to watch a live NFL game and receive a sign Jersey WOW!
Love the way you play on and off the field.
Merry Xmas
Wendy Hreha
Hey Troy!! My husband and I are huge fans!! I would love love love to be able to win these tickets so I could bring him to the game for Christmas!! He has been to games but this would be my very first game =) Yeah I know but with little ones someone has had to stay home with them
I would LOVE to have a jersey signed by you!! Your AWESOME!!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
Natalie White
Troy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need these ticket so bad BECAUSE I live in Dallas TX the land of the Cowboys and my husband and I always are getting so muck flack from people when we wear our STEELER gear around town PLUS WE are going to be IN PITTSBURGH for once this Christmas weekend…. HOW COOL WOULD THAT BE TO SHOVE IT IN EVERYONE’S FACE.. EVEN MY PARENTS ARE cowLOSER fans and I stand behind my husbands family 100% to support the Steelers….
Linda Shirey
I would love to go to the Steeler game for my birthday. That would be the most wonderful present of all.
followed you through USC & glad u made it to Pittsburgh………..? do u have a cousin in phoenix ? why i ask, a waitress told me she was related too u. Thought i should try to find out!!!!! been in az. since 1983 , from nw pa.& i still call it STEELER WEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This would make my daughter incredibly happy. She’s a Steeler fan through and through.
Lori Krebs
I LOVE THE STEELERS & TROY!!!!! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Everybody!!!!!!!
My brother has been a die hard Pittsburgh fan for all 18 years of my life and before . He watches every game while wearing his Polamalu jersey and whole heartedly screaming at the television . My mom and I are not well off financially right now and we are unable to buy him a Christmas present this year . This would be an amazing , once in a lifetime gift opportunity for him .
Paula Kersey
Troy, my whole family is huge fans of yours. I have been down on luck for some time now and because of health probs, am not working, only getting welfare. I have never been to a Steelers game, and probably never will be able to go but its been my #1 dream since i was 5 in 1976. It would be a dream come true for my boys to get to see a game, so for my sons, please pick us! Keep being #1 and being such a wonderful role model to all!Love Paula K. Thee Steelers Diva
Jamie McCool
Troy, with all the kids of the world looking up to athletes today, Thank you for being a standout. A GOD FEARING FAN, A FAMILY MAN. NOT JUST ANOTHER THUGS WHO MADE IT. We love watching you play with such high intensity. You are AWESOME!!! We actually had tickets to the game against the Rams but my mother died and we had to sell them for money to be with her on her final days as she was in Presby Hospital in the Burgh GOOD LUCK WITH THE ROAD TO THE SUPERBOWL tROY AND THE REST OF OUR STEELERS!
I love you Troy! My first live game was SuperBowl XL, Steelers v. Seahawks! My husband won the trip through his job at Best Buy. He thought it was the funniest thing everytime you were in the end zone (where our seats were) I would run to the rail to try and get a good picture of you! I should also mention that I have always been a huge Cowboys fan, but you have given the Steelers a huge place in my heart and anywhere you go I’ll become a fan of! I proudly sport my Polamalu jersey year round. Why wait for football season to show my love and support?! My daughter is also a huge fan, she’s 10 and has been able to say your name, number, and position since she was 5. My little football fan in the making!
If they draw my name,i will give my tickets to someone at Childrens Hospital.That way a parent could take his child or for the parents to get away for a minute.That would be the best gift I could give to someone.I’m a huge Steelers fan I would give up my tickets to make someone else Happy.Merry Christmas and Happ.y Holidays to all
Steve McDougall
Good Luck everyone and Merry Christmas!!! 2 picks and 2 touchdowns for Troy!!!
Malia Timoteo
i have 7 children, 3 mine, 3 his and 1 together so we’re pretty much like the Brady Bunch only thing 1 of my sons has Cerebral Palsy. He’s 3/4 Polynesian (Hawaiian/Samoan) and 1/4 haole. He’s 6′ and weighs 320lbs. Our two families really became 1 when I was having my last son who is now 10. My kids and I went on 1 vacation in all the 14 years together because to pack a family of 9 (well the oldest is away in the Air Force) up to go on a vacation would be, i’m sure you can imagine the cost. I grew up with 2 brothers who would play football on our street..we didn’t have grass, we just had weeds so our yard wasn’t a place to play. My dad left my mom with 5 kids to raise so I was always in the middle of my brothers football games with the neighbors. Tackle on the street was the only way to play on our street. I’ve always loved football and Troy Polumalu!! but, to go places is used to be really hard because of my “special” son. I know God chose us to to have him because he wanted us all to know how to love and care for one another since we were a big family..and we do. Me and my kids don’t really do much because we revolve our life around my son who needs care but now we finally were able to get a wheel chair and we try to take him everywhere. Being able to have a break and go to my favorite teams game to see MY FAVORITE football player play would be a dream come true!
Nick stone
would love to take my friend to the game, would be a dream come true. Especially so close to Christmas would be a great treat for him!
My youngest son is such a fan of yours too…no matter what, Good luck with your game and may God Bless and protect you!
Troy, you are one of our biggest fans and we love the YOU and the Steelers!!!! We recently attended a Steelers wedding. I was decked in black and gold from head to toe and even had my face painted. It very awesome and everyone loved it!!!!!! My husband and I have never been to a Steelers game, so this would be a great unexpected late Christmas gift. We have two beautiful children, therefore I stay home while my husband works two jobs to support us. We don’t have the funds to purchase Steelers tickets, so unless we win, I don’t think we will ever see you or any of the other team mates unless its on tv. We aren’t always lucky and had been through so much over the past year, we can’t wait to say goodbye to 2011 and hello 2012. We are hoping we start the New Year off right with a wonderful gift from you, it would be a miracle for us and we would love for our dream to come true!!! We hope we get picked !! Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year to you and Yours!! God Bless my friend!!
Jessica Thompson
Kolton Baker
I’ve never made it to a Steelers game before, but would love to take a trip this weekend. Let’s make it happen!
kristen colbert
I have been a die hard Steelers fan ever since I was a little girl. My dad was never around to teach me about football of for me to watch it with. I spent most of my years growing up with my Granfather. to this day he is still my bestfriend. He has taught me everything I need to know about football and him and I both love the Steelers. Troy, you are my favorite player of all time! I have your jersey an actual one. I have huge posters of you in my room and I look up to you as my hero. My dream is to go to a Steelers game with my grandfather and see you, and many other players from the Steelers. I would really love to meet Dick Lebeau. Thank you Troy, good luck with the game on christmas Eve. I really hope I can see that football in your hands
Have a nice christmas, and New years!!! Love, your biggest fan Hayley
Josh Gawrick (MrSixBurgh)
Saying hello from steelers nation headcorders in Lincoln, Nebraska. would love to go to my first steelers game for Christmas! you are the best Troy keep beasting it up out there. bring home number seven!
Jill Marie Codere
We love the Steelers and proudly display our support for this big wonderful Steelernation even though we are nestled in the middle of Packer Country!
Nothing brings us more enjoyment than sitting down as a family and cheering on our Steelers. To be able to attend a game, feel the players energy, our fellow fans, would be a dream come true!
We love you and support you!!
That would be a very fantastic Christmas gift!
Merry Christmas to you and your family~
lurlynne gasologa
HEY troy and the steelers u guys r an awesome team….my son had a jersey before from the hi uncle dat was signed bt our house got robbed and his jersey got stolen as well….
Michelle Yeager
Just wishing Steeler nation Merry Christmas and a happy holiday!!!Stay safe.
Dear Troy,
It’s me again, Mariah! I just wanted say if it would the best Christmas present to got to my first Steelers game. If I do get picked my Mother and I would be making that drive from Florida to Pittsburgh!
Thanks and Sincerly,
Mariah, your 11 year old super fan!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Elizabeth Benjamin
Troy, my husband and I are your biggest fans. My husband even has a Steelers tattoo! He is 47, and a Steelers game was the first football game he watched with his father, and he has been a faithful fan since! We havent had the money to go to any games this year, and winning tickets would be the awesome, and a definate huge surprise for him, since we said we werent going to get eachother gifts and just buy for our kids. I would love to be able to surprise him like that!! CROSSING MY FINGERS!!
The Mothersbaugh's
Love You Much, TROY!! But I would give the Tickets to my Husband and Son #theyloveyoumore
Nancy Kascak
Happy Holidays to you & your family Troy!! I wear your #’d jersey EVERY game & am a die-hard fan
Tickets to this game would be a wonderful gift for my new Sister-in-Law (she’d have to take me, of course!!). Happy holidays and a blessed new year!!
Krisi Tootell
What you do for human kind is awesome. You are truly an ispiration and GREAT role model to kids everywhere! God Bless you and Merry Christmas
tony z
thank you and your wife for all you do for people
I hope you and your family have a great Christmas and new year
Colleen Priester
Troy—I am so thankful that Pittsburgh has a wonderful person like you representing us! This giveaway is an awesome way to raise awareness about poverty and FOCUS North America. Thank you so much! I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!!
patti abeL
john isho
lol this would be my dream
I never missed watching the game my dad and I love u!
I wear a pink Steelers jersey with your name on the back every game day
Josh Turner
Im a HUGE steelers fan and mostly Troy polamalu fan!!!!!!! I would love this!!!!!
Thanks Troy for giving away a great gift on this time of year. I would give your signed jersey away one i already have a jersey of yours.The big 43.. and the tickets well i would like to take someone that has never went. enjoy the moment like my brother and I had xmas eve. game against the ravens. after your first super bowl win. hes 43 and Cried the entire time from handing the tickets to the second row up from the field seats.. Very emontional i would love to enjoy a moment like that again..
Linda Alvey
My son would be ecstatic to get these tickets for Christmas. He is a life long fan of the Steelers all the way back to Terry Bradshaw’s day. Anyone happen to know how to get a Terry Bradshaw jersey? Troy, I have already gotten him yours,we’d appreciate your though. Have a Most Joyous Christmas!!!!!!!!!!
There are a lot of great players in the NFL, a lot of charitable players in the NFL, but very few exemplify both. Congrats on your success, and keep fighting for the bigger causes.
Garrett Knapp
It’ me again Troy ….. i need these tickets ….. i need to watch my team WIN in person!!!!!!!!
Garrett Knapp
It’ me again Troy …… i need to w team WIN in person!!!!!!!!
me and my husband LOVE football! but because utah doesn’t have any NFL teams we have never been to any games. bummer! it would be a dream to see the Steelers play live! we love to watch you play Troy and my (bald) husband even bought your wig to wear on game days!
ps. my husband would go nuts over a signed jersey from you for christmas! (and so would i)
Die hard Stiller fan
Jennifer Ogden
I would love to win these tickets because it would make a great Christmas present for my dad, he has been a steelers fan for a long time and he has passed it along to me. I would love to watch a Steelers game in person with my dad it would make both of our Christmas. He would also LOVE the signed jersey
Hi Troy. I just love to watch you and the steelers play ball. . thank you for being you ,and for all your charitable donations to the people of pittsbugh. Go Steelers!
I know exactly what I would say to you if I met you. Um – nothing – i would be speechless. People laugh at me all of the time when they ask me what I would do if I met you – i say – faint. (and I am being serious)
Would love to win – but bigger than that – really would love to meet you one day. Hopefully it does happen within my lifetime.
I stay committed within a fundraising group at my work so I know how beneficial this work is. We just completed Toys for Tots – are moving onto Red Cross and One Warm Coat. So many cool things out there to do for people.
Have a wonderful holiday – and an awesome New Year. GO STEELERS!
tyler williams
Keep doing what you do best and have a Merry Christmas!
Gordon Bartlett
Well I just signd up and I opend an account with Tackle Poverty I dont get paid till tonight so I wasnt able to give any money but tomorrow I will on my own web page I just set up today thank you Troy fow showing this and im here to help.
Troy & his wife are the best. Never met, but I know how they helped my cousin’s granddaughter in PA. Thanks to you both for your good hearts!
Michele Rodi
Just found out today my dad will be home from Afghanistan Mid January—-that and to get to go to Heinz Field for Christmas Eve would make this Christmas the most amazing ever!!!! Had to take care of Christmas for my little ones so wasn’t able to get tickets!!!! Keep digging hard out there Troy!!!
Took my wife to her first Steeler game this year. She is more of a Troy fan than a Steeler fan. Winning the signed jersey would mean so much to her. She and I appreciate all the work you do with Tackle Poverty. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Tenika S
Hi Troy,
When I saw you were running this contest, I couldn’t be happier. Philanthropy is something that is very special to me in an unexplainable way. Growing up outside of Pittsburgh, I have been a huge fan of yours and The Steelers for as long as I can remember. It has always just been me, my twin sister, and our single mother, and so we have never been able to afford game tickets, even thought we live so close. This Christmas in particular, I struggled more than any of us in the gift-giving department. If I were to win these tickets, I would give them to my sister and mom to tell them thank you for being so great to me over the years, unconditionally, despite any struggle, and it would be enough gift to me in being able to grant them such a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Good luck, and thank you!
Would love to win this for my husband–he has never been to a game, and this would make his entire decade! God bless you, Troy, for your service and Godly example on and off the field!
please Troy, I am a cancer survivor and a Steeler fan for life,game tickets would mean the world!
cherie lambert
This is the BEST TEAM EVER and always has been…This would be The Best Present I could Give My Baby Boy who will be 23 on Dec.27,He has Lost Both His Grandpa’s 4 Months Apart..One being My Daddy and we are at a Great Loss this Holiday Season..His other Grandpa Was The Biggest Steeler Fan EVER…He Was Shown And Creamated In PITTSBURG STEELER CLOTHING..What A Way To Go Out..All His Grandsond And Grandaughters wore their Steelers Clothes to the Funeral because that is what he would have wanted. His Grandsons were his PaulBearers all All dressed in there Steelers Clothers and this was a Very Huge Tribute to this MAN!!!!!!
leanne love
i really dont know what to say but i never been to anygames or any thing just a single mom with my five yr son it been really hard for me i got sick last year and i just wish thing would change all said iand pray that i would meet a steelers play all watch ur game i all pray for u guy allway want to date one but i know that just a dream i never give up am sinlge 29 yr i hope my dream come true and all pray to god will wish u best all u guys do go steelers ur best in god eyes just keep up the good work god bless everyone i hope chirstmas is good for u guy this yr
Myrtle Cooke
You are a gentel “giant”
Carla Pennington
Troy,I am a huge Steelers fan and even a bigger Christian, I love the example you set for people by having your faith and praying to God before every game., That is one of the reasons that I am a fan of yours,You put God first and you are very thankful for all that he has given you. I have never been to Heinz field and seen a game,it would be so awesome if I could some day.
Mary Myers
Hey Troy, I’m your biggest fan.. I’m 65 years old and I have never been to a football game in my life.. AND I would love to meet you very much!!!!
Rhonda Salisbury
I’ve been a Steeler fan since I was 13 Yrs Old. I Have never been to a Game…but would love to go. I Love my steeler fellas and the love they show to the communities and fans. Keep the hope in the world going Troy! GO STEELERS!!
Elizabeth Taormina
I think you are a great example for everyone. You do so many good things and are a good role model for kids and adults. I work at Children’s Hospital and love that you visit the kids there. I’ve never been to a Steeler’s game. I would love to win, but wanted to at least show my appriciation.
Cathy Walton
If I received the tickets I would give them as a Christmas gift to two Samoan brothers that love Palomalu. I took them under my wing when tragedy happened to them in high school and now they are playing Football at college. Even though I would love to see Troy play in person as he is my favorite all time player, I would still give the tickets to the brothers. It is Christmas, it would be a fantastic gift for them. Merry Christmas, Troy.
Bobbi Kociszewski
Hi Troy, I have worked at St, Vincent food service for 30 years, and would love to win tickets to give to my husband, I don’t know if you remember me or not,but I use to open your tuna and not drain for you,Hope you and your family have a very blessed Christmas.Christ is the reason for the season!
Bonnie Shrader
I think you are a true hero not only are you an amazing athlete,but you are a family man and a Christian and you’re never afraid to say so! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year filled with God’s many blessings!
tomas-haiola ohana
huge fans! would love this chance to win anything Steelers. My 7 year old son looks like a Little Polamalu..i will fly him out to the game if i can win either the tickets or the signed jersey to add on his wall of football jerseys.
I have never seen a live game and would absolutely love to see at least one game in my life time. It has truly been one tough year for myself and my children. You have been our favorite player since day 1 and always look forward to seeing you play. You inspire many things and the time and effort you spend for charities does not go unrecognized. You visited a coworkers grandson in the children’s hospital and brought many smiles to his face each time you visited him. You are more than just a great football player. You bring hope, faith, and pride to many people and touch their hearts. That is one person I would like to have on my side. I want to thank you for all that you and your family has done.
Troy's Work is Awesome On and Off the Field
I wish more athletes were this cool!
Troy, your the best, so thoughtful of you to do this weekly!!!!! Wishing you and your family the best Holiday Season.
I’m 18 years old and my birthdays on January 2nd. I’ve never been to an NFL game and I love the Steelers, so I think that winning this competition would be a dream come true. It would be the best birthday present ever.
Your name*ricardo h
Hi Troy,
its great seeing a Christian not be afraid to show his love for God. Going thru a tough time right now, my wife wants a divorce and I’m praying the lord will change her mind. I love her and our 4 kids and dont know what I would do without them. Would be nice to win the jersey as u r my 4 and 7 yr olds favorite player, but I would be a winner if you could just pray for us! God Bless Troy you do inspireinspired
You are truly a wonderful role model! Thank you for your generosity and taking the time to care. I really wish there were more people like you and your wife
Best wishes this holiday season and throughout the new year.
Karen Hollenbeck
This would be the GREATEST Christmas present EVER!!!
Karen Hollenbeck
My husband loves watching you play…he has never been to an actual game though, and I haven’t been to one in 30 yrs. You were also my Dad’s favorite player, he died this past summer, n July 3th, to see yoiu play live would be a dream come true for us!
Shannon A.
My son Tristen plays on the 75 football team. Your the reason that he plays football.. He sure try’s to play like you.. He use to be scared to tackled but studying you and seeing your confidence. We are from the D.C area and he wanted to choose the team and one day looking at the nfl station and watching the stats your team caught his eye.. This boy hold a steelers football all day. He even is growing his hair out. He wants to be a warrior like you. It doesn’t really matter if we win or not. Just want to tell you that you gave a shy kid confidence to face anything. I thank you. Merry Christmas
Erin Hoover
All I am going to say is I have been a Steeler fan since I was in my mom’s womb and was born into a family of crazy loud mouthed yelling pittsburgh accented family!!! I always always taught on sundays, you go to church come straight home and watch the game, then after the game life goes on. It is all i know and all I ever know. My biggest wish along with a million other people is to get to go to Heinz field and watch you guys play, even bigger dream is just to be able to watch you guys and hair run out of that tunnel!! I don’t know why but that’s been one of my biggest dreams! I’ve watched Pitt come out of that tunnel and maybe someday I will get to see the Black and the Gold run out. It’s not just a jersey I dawn or a team I cheer and yell out, it’s tradition and a part of who I am and will always be!! Win lose or tie I’m a Steelers fan til I die…
I’d give this prize to my friend Kimmie if I won! I think you’re awesome and so does she!
Mrs. Watson
My prayer to my husband through Our Lord…. he knows and I believe.
Thank you for being who you are!!!
Maria Lamanna
Hi, Troy…I want to go to a game again this year… didn’t go yet… you are an awesome player on defense when getting those tackles made by the other team… Your’e hair goes crazy
I have you’re jersey from super bowl 43 and I would loved to have a signed one. It would be awesome!!!! Go Steelers!!!!
God bless you and your family. Merry Christmas to you all.
When my husband converted me to be a Steelers fan … Nevermind …love the hair, love the way you play. My niece was at the Cleveland game…you might have heard her screaming you name. She’s your biggest fan… Go 43.
Kathy from PA
All I can say, is that I am amazed at the way you play football. It’s very apparent you love the game, and that you love being a Steeler. Winning tickets would be so great, cause my husband and I have both been unemployed too long with not much money coming in. No sob story. It’s just the truth that times are hard. Thanks for all you do for charitable organizations, and also, for being a great Dad!!!
Wishing all the best this Christmas to all the Steelers and their family, friends and fans! May all of their dreams come true. The best bunch of guys in the world are the Steelers. I can’t tell you how much I love and admire all they do.
Merry, Merry Christmas.
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wanted ask people to please sign up for the bone marrow
registry, and added “especially if you non white, as different ethnic groups have specific protein markers that limit donor matching”, and I thought
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doesn’t want his tribute video shown!!! So we as a fan base
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of us look like idiots. 1 point submitted 2 months ago.
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in Marvel Future Fight. 0 points submitted 2 days ago.
Second, what are you even talking about? The economies that grow the fastest
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After Ridge consequently fires Steffy from Forrester Creations, Taylor compensates by signing over her 25% shares to Steffy.
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manipulated by computer expert Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton), who is Bill’s son. From 2002 to 2009, Alexander starred as Dr.
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From 2010 to 2013 she starred as LaDonna Batiste Williams in the HBO drama Treme.
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party turns out to be Meredith’s son, Jake. She dances with him and instructs him in more aggressive male stripper moves.
In School Psychology during the first seven years, and that she chalks up all of her alcohol abuse to her being “in college” at the time..
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Man, I looked through your post history earlier this morning to see what you like, and honestly, if you not a troll account, you
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be friends with their members or pretend to like their fans like that one dude
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members usually don know eachother before joining their
agencies). But this kinda makss me feel kinda bad??
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me using the word “awesome” twice in one sentence).
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I don know where the wiki has it from but under Touch Me trivia section it says:”Momonga was never able to beat Touch Me even once in PVP. He had pondered ways to beat his tactics and equipment, but they all implied by him to have failed in the end.”I
would think it true though since Touch Me is not only a World Champion, therefore one of
the very best PvP players, but also because he is
a Paladin which should be a horrible match up for Ainz.
It would all depend on how strong the Staff of
AOG really is when it comes to combat but we don really know the details.I know people put a lot of stock in the fact that in normal PvP, Ainz would usually lose the
first round, but would then win after learning and studying his opponent, but this is against normal
players.Touch me is a World Champion, presumably one of the greatest players in the game, he has Armour Comparable
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the Ainz, and is likely min maxed compared to Ainz more RP
build.Even if Ainz is a better tactician, I doubt that
would be enough to swing it in his favor when compared to all the other advantages Touch me has.(Also, take it
with a grain of salt as I can find a source, but wasn it said somewhere that Ainz was never able to
beat Touch Me?)With the Staff Momonga should theoretically be stronger
as a character from a pure stat comparison.But Touch Me has
a much more well rounded build and is a far better player than Momonga in pure skill if Touch Me could somehow blitz Momonga 2 times (remember Momonga has an auto rez) with out getting
nuked by the staffs auto targeting attacks + Momonga spells than Touch Me would probably win.
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In 1973, Kusama returned to Japan in ill health, where she began writing shockingly visceral and surrealistic novels, short stories, and poetry.
She became an art dealer, but her business folded after several years and in 1977 Kusama checked herself into the Seiwa Hospital for the Mentally Ill, where she eventually took up permanent residence.
She has been living at the hospital since, by choice.[31] Her
studio, where she has continued to produce work since the mid 1970s, is a short distance from the
hospital in Shinjuku, Tokyo.[32] Kusama
is often quoted as saying: “If it were not for art, I would have killed myself a long time ago.”[33].
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the Tennessee Ramblers. He also appeared on Hayloft Frolic, on which he performed
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Candice DeLong (born July 16, 1950) is a former
FBI criminal profiler and criminologist.[1] DeLong was the lead profiler in San Francisco, California,
and worked on the Unabomber case.[1] Currently, she
hosts the Investigation Discovery programs Deadly Women and Facing Evil with Candice
DeLong.[1] She has often been compared to the
protagonist of the movie The Silence of the Lambs, Clarice
Starling.[2]Born and raised in Chicago, Illinois, DeLong is the
daughter of a building contractor father and a homemaker mother.[2] Growing
up, DeLong stated that her father had told her to choose a practical
career.[3] Before entering the field of criminal profiling, DeLong worked as
a psychiatric nurse at Northwestern University Hospital in Chicago, Illinois.[3] However, by the time she was
28 years old, she was a divorcee with a young son.[2]
Wanting a new career, DeLong went to Quantico, Virginia in 1980
to attend the FBI training academy. She was one of only seven female
recruits.[2] DeLong worked in the FBI’s Chicago
office after graduating from Quantico.[2] DeLong stated that she used humor
to ease tensions while working.[2] She claimed that her three career goals were as follows:
“to be involved with a high profile national criminal, I wanted to apprehend a serial killer, and I wanted to rescue a kidnap victim alive.”[3]In 1982, DeLong became involved in the investigation of the Chicago Tylenol
murders, in which seven people died from potassium cyanide laced Tylenol capsules.[3] Although no one was ever charged in the poisonings, the incident led to
new packaging for over the counter medication and federal anti tampering laws.
Regarding the incident, DeLong stated that “You can thank the Tylenol killer for the fact that it now takes a blow torch to get into a bottle of Tylenol.”[3].
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