
Giveaway: 2 Tickets to Sunday’s Steelers vs Ravens

Hey everybody.
Here is another contest for one person to win two tickets to the upcoming Sunday Night Football game against the Ravens.
Use the little tool below to enter as many times as you would like.

To earn an entry, perform the task that is assigned, then come back and click the “I DID THIS” button, fill out the info and you’re done. You can see that there are different ways that you can win multiple entries. Some of these entries are earned once, some of the entries can be earned multiple times by coming back each day of the contest to repeat the assigned task. Come back tomorrow and you’ll see you can earn more entries by tweeting about and sharing the contest again. I appreciate what Michael Cooper is doing with Coop’s Life Skills, so I thought I’d bring some attention to them with this contest as well.

Contest end at 12:01 AM on Saturday (late friday night) and winner will be posted here, early Saturday morning, after they have responded to contact attempts via the email address they will have provided.

Good luck everyone!



Leave Your Own
  1. Janet Wohleber


    This is great and so much fun !!Good luck to all who’s trying to win tickets, I’m gonna win !!

    • Kelly_Burns

      I originally had tix to this game with my now EX cause he cheated and took back the tix and is going with someone else and he doesnt even like the STEELERS! I’m the biggest Canadian fan of the steelers ever! I have never been to a game only driven down to see the field in the summer! This would make my whole year! I am a student in sports journalism and would love the chance to go and write about an NFL game!! :D STEELERNATION FOREVER!!

    • Delmeme

      I would love to win the 2 Tickets to Sunday’s Steelers vs Ravens. I have never been to a Steelers game. I am a true fan. Also, me and my sister are “at war” when it comes to the Steelers playing the Ravens. She loves Ray Lewis. I know the Steelers are going to beat them. I would love to be there to see it live and rub it in to her!!!

    • Amanda

      I would be soooo happy to win this- my birthday is Tuesday and nothing would be better than watching the Steelers crush the Ravens!

    • robert

      i whould love to win and see the steelers bet the ravens

    • Sean

      Im coming all the way from Toronto!

    • rozanna helbig

      i Would love for my daughter and her dad to be able to come

    • Jennifer Vogt

      I’ve never been to Heinz field or Three Rivers to see the Steelers play and this game would be the ultimate game to see LIVE IN PERSON! What is even more important, is that my dad, who is a life-long Steelers fan, has never been to a game either and I would consider it a privilege to be able to take my dad to the game this Sunday!

    • Tracy

      Revenge is sweet! I would love to be the loudest fan cheering on my Steelers!! GO GET EM BLACK & GOLD!!!!!!!!!!

      Plus my birthday was last week. My husband is supposed to take me out this weekend to celebrate. I can’t think of a better present.

    • Brian_Yatsco

      Ive been SteelerNation my whole life and I would love to go see them Steelers bully the sorry Ravens!! I need to goo to this gameeeee and win these 2 tickets!!! Keep it up Steelers from UAkron!

    • Taylor Koper

      I am a die hard Steelers Fan!!! Since I’ve been little, I’ve been puttinG Steelers Tix on my Christmas list but have yet to get them. :( My 21s Birthday is in 2 weeks and winning these tix would make it the best birthday EVER!! Please pick me!
      You rock Polamalu!! STEELERNATION

    • Schelle

      I so want to win these tickets! I love my Steelers! I have been against setting up a twitter account but for Troy and this contest I guess I am going to have to “take one for the team” and sign into the world of Tweet! Love ya!

    • Britany Gathings

      Hey, Im a die hard *STEELERS* fan I was born in the area and I am a female but I yell and throw thing at the TV with the men… Id love to be there especially because it will be the most interesting game of the season considering the very first game. We need our come back. Plus I am 22 alive in nanny to 7 kids 1is mine I also have another and been through alot these past 2 mths I need the break. PLEASE help me out with some tickets

    • Patricia Stover

      This is awesome Troy! Thanks for the opportunity! I have been a STEELER fan since I was a little kid and going to a game is at the top of my Bucket List…I am a fan of yours as well…you are a great player and an awesome man.

    • Britany Gathings

      the *STEELERS* need me there to win it…Want ‘em to win hand me some tickets ROTFL

    • Britany Gathings

      the *STEELERS* need me there to win it…Want ‘em to win hand me some tickets ROTFL

    • Michelle

      I would love to watch the Steelers beat the dirty birds on Sunday!



    • Wayne Wasosky

      STEELER FAN ALL MY LIFE!!! Raised and grew up in Munhall, PA. Would love to win tickets to game. We can’t afford them right now. Would Love to take are special needs child, he never been to a Pro stadium.

    • Becky

      Last time I was at a game, I was 14 years old and it was with my dad, who has been gone from this world since 1984, so that goes to tell you that I really deserve to win these tickets.

    • Candy Taylor

      i bought my husband tickets on his birthday many years ago when they beat the jags in jacksonville dec 5 . My husband is now very sick and dont know how many more games he will beable to make i would love to take him to pittsburgh my home is steelernation we have everything on walls in cars u name it we have it go steelers kill the ravens sunday

    • Terrina

      I would LOVE to win these tickets!!! I have been waiting by my computer for days for the give away.. I love you Steelers.
      fingers crossed!!!

    • mickeyakayoyo

      my husband is a true Pittsburgh Steelers fan. He know the history of all of the team player. he would be so happy if he got these tix. please pick us.

    • Melissa B.

      Today is my Birthday and I can’t imagine a better birthday gift than spending the day at the game with my husband. Neither of us have been to a Steeler game.

    • carolyn wolf

      Hey Troy..great job last Sunday over the Pats! I saw those tackles! Way to go! Good luck with the Ravens..know that the Steelers are going to go all the way! It would be nice to win some tickets here..always wanted to see a game in person..but of course being a senior citizen and on a very small budget tickets are never within my reach..hope some day I get to see just one game just one. God Bless you and your family! I have a son that was also born on Halloween by the way and if you see my email address it is Your jersey number there because I just think you are a incredible athlete and wonderful and down to earth person that cares about your fans!

    • jerami morris

      I would love to win these tickets. I have always wanted to go see the steelers play and have never been able to. Steelers nation baby…..

    • shelly smoker

      Hello, my name is shelly…Ive been a single mom now for 2 years..I am trying my hardest to raise my children in a christian envirement.. I have been struggling now for 2 years and i am a huge steeler fan… If i got the tickets would love to take my best friend and enjoy a nite away from all my worries!

    • Brittany

      I would so love to win these tickets, I have NEVER been to a steeler game, and would love to go! Will be waiting to see, that is one of my biggest dreams, is to go to a STEELERS GAME!! One of the Steelers biggest fans! :)

    • patti abe

      I have only been to one Steeler Game in the late 70′s would love to go to this sundays game or any steeler game, I love my steelers..

    • Cindy Lamb

      I would love to give these tickets to my husband. we have been married for 34 yrs. and have gone through 4 recliners because of steeler football. he goes wild.

    • Jennifer Allen

      My mother has under three months to live due to breast cancer that has spread to her bones, back, neck, and skull. She is the only Steelers fan in the family and therefore has never went to a game before. Her dying wish was to go to the game and meet Troy Polamalu and Heinz Ward. I’ve tried everything to get her to this game but nobody seems to care about adult dream foundation or anything. Ive tweeted everyone and contacted everyone I possibly could for the Steelers players to make a local obsessed fans dying wish come true! I finally found only two tickets for sale from a trusted buyer but they made me pay 300 total for tickets that only cost 68 each! Very sad!! We r clear up in section 523 or something! I would love to get her down close where she could actually see and even better would be for her to get to meet players! Have a heart and make my 57 year old dying mothers wish come true. Her name is Peggy Lyons and wouldnt you love to do something special for someone? HELP ME HELP HER PLEASE!!!!!

      We are going anyway to tailgate and she is making the rest of the family which are Browns fans, to dress in Steeler attire from head to toe!

    • Nancy

      was hoping to wim… I had a freak accident wound up in a wheelchair im April…LOL i livein Maryland and all my doctors are on western shore… so on football friday I wear my steelers stuff to all my appointments.. Last week a Raves fan said arent you afraid towear all that steers crap to baltimore.. I said no after your game Sunday I understand why you do not have on any purple..

  2. Nikki Hussion


    OMG I am soooo excited I would LOVE TO WIN THIS! I will post and tweet and do jumping jacks and headstands to get these tickets! Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze pick me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • linda hoover

      I would love to win tickets and get to go to the game

  3. jill kossar carroll


    THANKS for this splendid contest. You and your wife are 2 of the most dedicated, compassionate people I have ever had the pleasure to want to meet!

  4. Meg Mull


    I have been trying to win tickets all season in any contest thats out there! I’m a grad student and can’t afford to buy a ticket! Pick me!!

  5. KOLT


    I want the tickets, pretty, pretty please with sugar on top!

  6. Deborah Morris


    My husband and I are long time Steelers’ fans! Would love to see this game!

  7. cusimano


    This is something that would make my year so much better. I live in baltimore and nothing would make me happier than to see the ravens run into the steel curtain at heinz stadium!!!!

    P.S. kick some ass out there steelers

  8. Scott Carroll


    Thank You Troy for your generosity!

  9. Elizabeth


    Just want to win so mu husband can take my 9 year old son ( he is a DIE hard Polamalu fan) and has never been to a game. I mean a REAL fan… he wont cut his hair he wears # 43 for all his soccer jerseys ( he plays travel soccer) they call him mini Polamalu lol… he wears his jersey 3-4 times a week he will ONLY wear # 43 no other players!!
    He has Troy’s fat head all over his wall and also on his play room wall. He watches every game we CAN get ( we live in MD YUCK) another reason he is a die hard fan he gets the shit for NOT being a Ravens fan being Baltimore :(

  10. Ryan F


    My girlfriend and I are hardcore Steelers fans that basically bleed black and gold. I would love to be able to take her to her first Sunday Night Football game in Pittsburgh. Thanks!

  11. Katie Ramsey


    I want these tickets so bad! I couldnt get my boyfriend anything for his birthday because I am a broke college kid. Its like his DREAM to go to a steelers game. He wears something Steelers everyday. He would probably have a heartattack if i show up with steelers tickets for him.

  12. Erin Bates


    This is my third time trying to win these tickets for my dad and I to go. Seriously though, my dad has been through so much and deserves to go to this game. Please let us win!

  13. Sheila Murray


    I would love to win the tickets so I can donate them to the Fort LeBoeuf Marching Band to raffle off in a fundraiser. My son and his fellow and members were invited to perform at half time last year at the Steeler stadium and had an experience of a lifetime.

  14. John Lambert


    My family loves you. We have 43 as our lucky number for bibical reasons. I have been a Steeler Fan forever as having the last name of Lambert it is hard not to be but I have never been to a game in my 47 years and would truly be blessed to win these tickets to the game against our HATED rival. Stay True and God Bless….The Lamberts

  15. Teresa Parsons


    i would love to win these tickets to give to family members that love the team that cant afford to buy them. i have already bought mine but would love to share with family the great thrill of heinz’s field game day. theres nothing better than watching steelers win live.

  16. Lisa Panei-Werhane


    This would be so awesome to win these tickets! My husband and I would love to go! We have been talking about it for weeks! Good Luck to all!!

  17. Mike Deskins


    I’m a HUGE Steelers fan and have never been to a game…. I hope to WIN!!!!!

  18. Teila


    My grandmother has a bucket list already, and one of the things on her list is to attend a Steelers game. I’m trying to make it come true. So it would mean a lot to us.

  19. Stevie Carver


    MY HUSBAND HAS BEEN A STEELERS FAN SINCE HE WAS 4 yrs old. I have tried to get tickets but only available
    Was in the sky….this would be a wonderful anniversary present to him. By the way, my daughter and granddaughters
    Are also STEELER fans…Thanks for considering us, Troy

  20. patrick voorhis


    i love the steelers and the love they bring the fans

  21. patrick voorhis


    stay healthy and safe all

  22. Dawn Smith


    Just wanted to take an opportunity to thank you for your generosity. Most of us can not afford to go to the Steelers games but we cheer for you all season long. Just thankful for being given a chance to win tickets. I would take my son who is 11 going to be 12 on the 19th it would be a great bday gift. Good Luck to all.

  23. Jen


    This would really make two guys very very happy… what a chance of a life time…

  24. Robert Poles


    Tix would be awesome! My 9 year old daughter would be ecstatic to go! Missing school on Monday wouldn’t bother her either. 4 daughter 1 confirmed Steeler fan and a possible with baby Giada.

  25. Jill


    Love, love, love the STEELERS!!! I’ve never been to a NFL game and would be so excited if my first game could be to see my boys!! I know chances are slim but this is great that we have the opportunity to win the tix. Thank you STEELER NATION!

  26. Jess


    As someone who works in Baltimore ever “purple Friday”, I get blasted for wearing my Steelers scrubs constantly! I would love to watch the Steelers beat the Ravens in my hometown! Go Steelers!

  27. Lisa


    This would be an amazing opportunity to take my son to his first Ravens game, and me to my first NFL regular season STEELERS game, LOL….If we got 5 tickets, I would even take my ex husband and daughter, who are also Ravens fans….sheeesh, what I’ve had to put up with….smack talking is CONSTANT! By the way, shout out to my bf who is a very patient Bears fan, LOL

  28. Tanya Tommasi


    This would be soooooooooooo huge!! My son is 17 and has gone to the Sports International Steeler football camp every year since he was 8. Because of the wonderful things they do there Joey has colleges looking at him for scholarships. I love the Steelers and everything they do and stand for! Troy this is an amazing thing you do every week. And I love you and the team Win or Lose And if I win these tickets AWESOME and if I don’t well………. I still love ya!!!!

  29. Traci


    this would be awesome, I have never been to a game yet but have attended steelers training camp

  30. Giuliana Curto


    Ive never been to an NFL football game, im a 16 year old girl who just adores the steelers! for halloween i was troy because i have extremely curly hair like his! this would be a great opportunity to go see my favourite team play

  31. Tammie


    I have been a Steelers Fan for as long as I can remember. This would be a dream come true!!

  32. Kambrall Freeman


    My fiance is a huge Steelers fan and has never been to a game. Pick me PLEASE!!!

  33. Dawn McPherson


    I saved up for awhile to go to this game and was so excited! Then I had to take legal guardianship of my niece to get her out of foster care and had to move to a bigger apartment and also buy her things like bedroom furniture, which she has never had, so I couldn’t afford tickets to the game after all. :(

  34. Lurleen Tate Smith


    Awesome contest, Troy! Steeler Nation is excited about the match-up this Sunday! It is time to roast the ratbirds! Thanks for the opportunity to try to win these tickets! Your fans love you and your passion in all that you do! God bless!

    Shared Entry:

  35. Jordan


    Thanks for doing this Troy! Your contests are always a lot of fun and my roommate and I love to try and win every week! He’s a lifelong fan but has never seen the Steelers play because he lived in Hawaii. Hopefully this is his year! Thanks again for doing these competitions, and good luck this week!

  36. Lisa


    Thanks for the opportunity to get such hot tickets….I’v been a Steeler fan forever!! Rough year, this would be great!!!

  37. Ron Tuskan Jr


    I’d love to win these tickets for a couple of reasons….but the most important one is I want to take my mother who has NEVER been to a Steeler game, and she’s live around Pittsburgh her whole life! And especially against the Raven’s!!

  38. ellen barrett


    Thank you for the opportunity to get free tickets, I’m A Devoted Steelers fan & I love Troy polamalu, & Hines Ward, Just Got My First Jersey Of troy’s Will Be Getting Hines as soon as I get more money!!!

  39. Andy2 Serrano


    My wife and I would love to take my twins[boys] to this game cuz. Although they are just 4 yrs old, they reconize all the players from tv by remading their jerseys. They are just as smart in their preK class too. Football isn’t everything but their happiness is and them knowing how it is at a game would be great. It would be their first game and my wifes and I our second.

  40. Wendy wiilis


    Thanks for the opportunity to win free tickets. I love Troy, see I even have your number in my email address. I have never been to a Steeler game and would love to win. Thanks

  41. Sabrina Eloha


    I hope I win>3

  42. Susan Shafer


    PLEASE if there is a god, Let me be there! Go Steelers…

  43. Lee Ann


    This would be an awesome reason to come home to Pittsburgh since my sister just had knee replacement surgery & I wasn’t able to be there for her surgery. Although she wouldn’t be able to attend the game, It would be wonderful to see her!!! Since the winner won’t be announced until early Saturday morning, that would give me plenty of notice to pack up and hit the road! I LOVE MY STEELERS!!!

  44. Aubrie Sloan


    Ever since my uncle Mark played as center/longsnapper on the team back in ’98, I’ve been a huge Steelers fan (: I know he only played for one season, but it was the team I remember most. I’ve never been able to afford tickets to see a live game, but it’s a dream of mine. It would be an incredible experience for me to see my favorite team play at Heinz Field. Especially since they are playing against my least favorite team ;) Thank you Troy for giving us this awesome opportunity! May the best person win (:

  45. Amanda


    I have been to 5 Steelers games but have never made it to a game in Pittsburgh. My whole family loves the Steelers and this would be such an amazing experience!

  46. Alexis K


    Ive been bleeding black and gold my entire life! Ever since i was old enough to understand football, which was like 4, ive been proud to say im the biggest pittsburgh steelers fan out there(Or atleast within the state of Florida)! Nothing can ever bring me down when i think about the steelers, they are what i live and breathe! Polamalu on Facebook was the person that got me on twitter and now i love just RTing the steelers, its practically all i do now. i HAVE TO TAKE MY YEARLY TRIP UP TO PITSBURGH AND VISIT HIENZ FEILD AND JEROME BETTIS’ GRILLE 36, OTHERWISE ID DIE!!! For christmas, all i think about is what i can buy online at the nfl shop to support the steelers, and even then, theres never enough steeler love you can have! Its the american way, and it always has been. Go Steelers!!!

  47. Lesli McLaughlin


    1. The Steelers are the greatest team in the NFL 2. I rock my #43 jersey every Sunday 3. I live on the Mason-Dixon Line, which makes it a war here between Steelers and Ravens 4. Would be the greatest thing ever to win the tix

  48. Albrey Mann


    I would love to go to a game. I don’t have a touching story, I am just a die hard Steelers fan. I would never have to funds to go to a game because I’m taking care of my mother and autistic nephew full time. You would make a girls life time dream come true :)

  49. Barb


    I LOVE the Steelers and hope to win !. I am 77 and still going strong. Thanks Troy for making the games so fun to watch and for offering the tickets.

  50. Danya Warfield


    Go Steelers……………Give the Baltimore Ravens the “BLACK AND GOLD” BEATDOWN!!!!

  51. robert


    i am from myrtle beach sc and i now live in canton ohio. i can’t believe i am so close to heinze field about 2 hours. it would be amazing to see the greatest rivalry in professional sports. hope i win. go steelers

  52. Robyn Miller


    My hubby was born and raised in PA. He has never been to an NFL game. His bday is Nov 11 and I’d LOVE to get these tickets to let him watch one of the greatest all time rivalries in football as we cheer the Steelers on together to V-I-C-T-O-R-Y!!!!

  53. Bev Watt


    Go Steelers!!!!!

  54. Vincent Ferrari


    I’m a life-long Steelers fan, and living here in Maryland, with all of those nasty Ravens fanatics around, it’s tough! I sure would love to be at M&T Bank Stadium Sunday night to see the Steelers show those Ravens a thing or two about how the game is played!

  55. Laurie Downing


    I would love to win the tickets, and make a dream come true for my husband.. We both have been Steelers fans since we were kids.
    Have never had a chance to come to a game, but did see Three Rivers in the summer of 1995. Would love to make his year for him!!

  56. Matt Beam


    I would love to win those tickets! My dads never been to a steelers home game and I’ve never been to a night game!

  57. Becca Tomko


    I reallywill want to go to this game! I have never been to a football game before. Go Steelers

  58. Kaci Cramer


    Troy! I love youuu

  59. Darlene


    I need a break from fifteen hour work days,I need to see my favorite team win Go Steelers!!

  60. Angel


    Can’t wait to see Steelers and Ravens on sunday

  61. Mary Schulmeister


    wooo hooo! I finally did it! i got on the site! I would love them Tickets your the best Troy ,,God Bless!

  62. Tom Carter


    Lets take over that division lead!

  63. Chelsey


    Where is the tickets…I from the southside born and raise on Steeler world!

  64. Jen


    I would Love to surprise my husband with a late anniversary (10-16) and birthday gift (10-27) and I would also LOVE to be able to take a road trip down to the Burgh’ to watch an awesome game before our baby (#3 and last one) is born in January 2012. Although I would love to win, I think whomever you choose will be so happy and grateful :-) I think it’s wonderful that you are able to give tickets, Bless

  65. lois k


    Would love to win tickets so I could have a date night with my love. Haven’t gotten to a game together since before we had our baby 3 yrs ago. Love you Troy!!

  66. Taurean


    I would love to go to a steelers game I’ve never been to one and I just moved to pittsburgh please let me win the tickets

  67. Joe


    Im bringing my MOM, driving up from Virginia! Its her 65th BIRTHDAY present!!

  68. Michele McMahan


    It is my birthday today and I would love to go to the game. I am from Cleveland and my husband is a Browns fan and made it clear that he would never go to a Steelers game with me. He wouldnt even go to a Browns-Steelers game with me. Most of my family are Steelers fans and I have a ton of family around Pittsburgh. This would make my birthday the greatest every.

  69. Mary Myers


    I am 65 years old and I have never been to a football game, much less any other kind of ball game.. Tha STEELERS are the BEST!!!!!!!

  70. Zobeyda


    THANX for giiving out tiickets me and my mother are the biggest fans we have never been to a stadium game but we always follow the gammes we LOVE THE STEELERS and u are mhii biiggest rolemodel ii luv u iin all the games everytiime we hear steelers are playiin we are at our tv crossiiing my fiingers thanx for the hope hehehe
    From: Zobeyda Lee Rowley

  71. Joy Brown


    Thanks Troy for always giving the Steeler Nation an opportunity to win tickets to see you and the guys pummel our opponents. It is greatly appreciated!

  72. Connie Sua


    TALOFA TROY.!!!! Would love to see my Husband and Son go to watch their favorite team play.!! That would be a dream come true for both of them.! Husband from Samoa…both him and my son have that beautiful long samoan. Hair…They are true dedicated Fans of The Steelers!!! And of course u…are their favorite player.!! They would love to watch u tear up the field.! ALOFA AND GOD BLESS.!

  73. Edward Cumpton


    Never been to a Steelers game but for the first game would be amazing when Pittsburgh gets revenge on the Ravens #fingerscrossed #black&yellow

  74. Ian safko


    I’d love nothing more than to be at that game and watch my Steelers get some retribution! Considering how close I am to Baltimore and Philly, I’m surrounded by bird fans, and it sucks!

  75. Eric Hunter


    Huge Steelers fan but have never been to a game would love a chance to cheer my favorite team and player!

  76. stephanie bryant



  77. Marie


    Troy you are awesome!!!

  78. Derrick Hatter


    Hopefully I win these tickets…I’ve been a Steelers fan all my life and have yet to make it to a game, the closest I’ve come to a game was going to training camp 2 summers ago..the next step is a game and this is a great chance to make it a reality…STEELERNATION FOREVER!!…and of course thank you for the chance Troy!

  79. Traci Connelly


    I have been a Steelers fan since I was 10! I would love to get a chance to see my favorite team and Player (Troy Palamalu)! I watch every game!! I’ve been a true fan for over 20 years now!

  80. Lisa Patterson


    I use Head & Shoulders! ;-) LOL! Would love to see Troy up close so we can compare The Hair! :-)

  81. Lisa Patterson


    PS: Yia sou!

  82. Paige


    Wow this would be a dream come true! My mom and I are huge steelers fans! If we won the tIckets it would make my day to please her! Until that day we will watch the game on tv! Thanks

  83. Angel Nice


    I would love to win so I could take my son for his birthday . Do to my health I am unable to work there for I am unable to give him a gift for his birthday. He don’t care about not getting anything but it hurts me . So please help me give my son a good Birthday that he desevers .

  84. Annette Keler


    It would be an awesome win. My husband has been a steeler’s fan since he was in 5th grade so he has been a fan for over 30 yrs. My husband, myself and our two sons never miss a Steelers game. When it is time to do a report on famous people my son’s have done Troy, Ward, Big Ben andy many more Steelers players. WE always support the Steelers. This would be Totally awesome and would be a dream come true.

  85. Guy Muhammad


    Much love to all current and former Steelers’ players and fans.

  86. Diane Eccleston


    I have never seen a pro football game let alone Pittsburgh Steeler game. As a previous football mom for two sons and a Crazy Steeler Fan, this would be Awesome!

  87. kim f


    This would be an awesome honeymoon. Me and my husband just got married on 1-1-11 but we can’t afford a nice trip. God bless and Mahalo. God bless and Mahalo

  88. Kimberly Carlisle


    I would love to go to the game. It can be a birthday present since you are not at home the day before my birthday which is November 14th.

  89. Wayne Keller


    I have been a fan forever! my wife is a fan along with my two sons. My 14 year old is a die hard fan. He will not go anywhere on game days unless he is able to watch the game. this would be a superb win, but whom do I take, my lovely wife or which one of my sons. I have been wanting to take the whole family to Steeler Country but the funding hasnt been there. So this would be an awesome win. GO STEELERS!

  90. Angi Graham


    AngiGraham Angi Graham
    I would absolutely love to win these tickets. This is the most nervewracking game of the year for me to watch.

  91. Devin


    I am heading out from San Francisco to see the Steelers beat on Harbaugh… then I get to watch the Steelers beat the other Harbaugh on Dec 19 in SF. I’m loving this year. Thanks Troy for your focus on the community, our troops and your fans!

  92. Courtney


    Please, Please, Please pick me… I am the BIGGEST STEELERS FAN AROUND!!! and yet I have never been to a #REAL GAME!!!!!! Every game I have ever witness has been via television.. This would be an the biggest greatest thing that could ever happen to someone who has been with them day one, someone who rocks their colors and jersey 24/7 even though people want to hate, someone who would die to see Troy Polamalu, Hines ward & Ben Roethlisberger in action!!!!!!!!! and just to be in the same arena with the steelernation would be awesome!!!

  93. Kevin


    I would love to take my son to a game if I could get him and talk to his mother I would take him he is 4 years old going to be 5 in december the 28 if he can’t go then my brother thanks the chance and kick there butt he said

  94. Dian Malone


    Hope to hear from you Friday night. Would love to see this game..Have been a Steeler fan even before the 70′s Steelers and when the Steelers rarely won.

  95. Jamie Hamrick


    Just another rabid Steeler fan that would LOVE to be there when we beat the Ravens.
    If I win, my young son and I will be your loudest mini cheering section.
    Either way, GO STEELERS! Thanks for ALL you do Troy

  96. Lisa Leslie


    Thank you, Troy for all that you do for Steeler Nation and for always playing your heart out!! You are a great role model both on and off the field!! I am a Huge Steelers fan, and I would LOVE to see the Steelers vs. Ravens on Sunday. Thank you for your dedication and for all that you do for the game and for Steeler Nation! Go Steelers!!!!

  97. angel taylor


    i hope i win i never seen a steelers game and the steelers are the best team in the NFL. i hope my dream will come true

  98. Mary Thayer


    Nothing like Steelers fans any where!! Being at the game is awesome, the atmosphere is always high energy and lots of fun and even more so when we win!!

  99. Angela Lysick


    My Mom is coming to visit me this weekend at school and I would love to take her to the game Sunday night to show her how much I truly appreciate everything she has done for me, especially during the last few months as we have gone through some really hard stuff. My Mom’s my rock and I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for her! Let’s Go SteelerS!

  100. Tim


    Die hard Steeler’s Fan here. Win or lose, I stand by my team. I would love to win the tickets to this game, but win or lose I will still be watching the game!! If I win, I will be watching the game in person and if I lose, I will be watching the game from the comfort of my couch! GO STEELER’S, KICK THOSE RAVEN’S BUTTS!!!

  101. Mark Henry


    Go Steelers. I would love to have those tickets.

  102. Lisa Reed


    My awesome Brother in law Ron Cepek is being honored For his service in the military during this game!! I would LOVE to be there! I would gladly drive up from North Carolina! Go Steelers !!!

  103. ricky finney


    I been a die hard STEELERS fan since I was 8 n am 34 years old. I been to three rivers stadium when I was 10 but never Heinz field. I been disabled since 2007 from a work n car accident n I am forced to walk with a cane for the rest of my life! I have 2 beautiful children but It’s hard for me to be upbeat for them from being depressed that I am forced to lie down majority of the day n can’t play with my kids! The only thing that lifts my spirits is watching my STEELERS play on Sunday! My daughter was born in 2005 when we won our 5th superbowl n my son was born 2010 when we went to our 8th superbowl,but unfortunately didn’t win! It would mean da world to me to take my wife to our first game being so crucial! My daughter has a STEELERS cheerleader outfit she wears every Sunday ,my 10 month old has a Harrison jersey n wife a hines ward jersey!please give us this opportunity n we Will be FOREVER GRATEFUL!!! I’M PERMANTLY DISABLED SO IT’S HARD FOR ME TO BE HAPPY! BUT AM EVERY SUNDAY WHILE ME N MY FAMILY EACH WAVE OUR INDIVIDUAL TERRIBLE TOWELS!!! BLEED BLACKNGOLD FOREVER!!!

  104. Amber McCarthy


    i willl be the loudest person there i neeed to win these ticketsss !!!!!!! i LOVEEEEE MIKE WALLACEE and the wholee steeelers teamm i will die for my team !!!!

  105. Dan Val


    Thanks, you for your generosity, you are my son favorite steelers even my wife, by the way my wife recomend you a wet products for your hair she think you need it, it works just a littitle comments, tnxs for all.

  106. LaTru Anderson


    I have had a rough year! I am from St. Louis, MO, but we moved to AZ abruptly! I lost my daughter at the age of 16 and my marriage complete disaster, lol. My son and I need a pick- me up! I LOVE LIFE BUT LOVE MY PITTSBURG STEELERS EVEN MORE- #43 -TONY U ROCK!! Even if I dont win…kick some butt and show’em who’s the Boss of the moss!!!

  107. deniser


    My daughter has had a rough couple of week. I would love to take her to the game.

  108. Quan Nguyen


    I want the tickets! I’ll fly from CA for them!

  109. Megan Laughlin


    I went to the Steelers/Ravens playoff game last season and it was by FAR the BEST football game I’ve ever been to at Heinz Field!!! This would be an amazing game to attend. I haven’t been lucky enough to win the past contests but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!!!

  110. Chandra Bertram


    I would absolutely LOVE this

  111. Ryan BrickWall Snyder


    This would be awesome… A few weeks ago I got jumped by six guys for refusing to take my Steelers’ jersey off. It turned out they were all from Baltimore. This happened in Williamsport, PA. Pretty much the last thing I ever thought I would get hit for. I want to see Baltimore go down… It would be all to sweet if I was actually at the stadium for this one. I don’t hate the city of Baltimore for what a few people did to me, but I did see what bad fans are like. So glad that Steelers fans have a better sense of humanity…. Going to leave it on the Grid Iron

  112. laurie moziejko


    “you will never understand, davis (my maiden name), IT’S LIKE A RELIGION!”…said husband on my lack of understanding the passion behind his love of the steelers!

  113. robert maskrey


    i have been a steelers fan for 42 years and have never been nto a game my wife and i have a 23 yr wedding anniversary on oct 29 but would love to take her to this game for and spen the night in the beautiful pittsburgh pa

  114. Cheri Brown


    I am a BIG Steelers fan! I would love to win tickests, being that I’ve never been to a game. And to see the Steelers beat the ravens would be GREAT! I would be one of the loudest people there to cheer my team on! It would be great to see the Steelers win in person!! I love my team GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!

  115. Linda Yenges


    I have been trying to get tickets for my Army Strong son. I even wrote a letter to the home office. My son was stationed over seas and had the distinct Honor of meeting Ambassador Rooney 2 years ago in December 2009. He had been over seas for 2 years and the one day he reported to work they told him he had a special visitor to take care of. Upon arrival he went to greet the person in the van and was shocked to see Mr. Rooney himself. He was beside himself. He said that he wouldn’t have been more thrilled if it had been the President. We are a long time Steeler fans and at that time my son was dubbed the greatest Steeler fan in Germany. They asked Mr. Rooney if he had a moment to say high to the world’s greatest Steeler fan in Germany. He said “Of course” He spent some time with my son and even asked how he was doing. He said it was kinda rough being overseas for the last 2 holiday seasons. Mr. Rooney took a picture with him and the time he spent with him sustained him through the holiday season. He called me to tell me at 4:00 am est. He was so excited. I thank Mr. Rooney for my son making it through the holidays while serving his country. It couldn’t have been a better time. GO STEELERS !!!!!!!

  116. Cheryl Vini



  117. Terrina


    I would love to win these tickets sitting by my computer for days!!! I love you Steelers!!!
    fingers crossed!!!

  118. Jessica Boyer


    My boyfriend and I have had an aweful year he’s going thru a divorce and his soon to be ex took everything and continues to take him for everything . I think it would be awesome for me to win the tickets . Maybe we could actually have a stress free day for once and actually enjoy ourselves . We would so appreciate it if we would be the winners .. We both are die hard steeler fans and I have never been to a game before I would be estatic. . Good luck on Sunday kick some Ratbird ass lol. GO STEELERS !!!!!

  119. Destiny Spivey


    I AM A DIE HARD STEELERS FAN .. I LOOOVVEEE THEM SOOO MUCH !!!! i would love to win these tickets and share the surprise with my dad !! he would be so shocked and so happy ; we are the biggest steeler fans you will ever meet !!!! please make this wish/dream come true *PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !

  120. Darcie Sinclair


    Next to your Wife, Mom, and God, I am your biggest fan! :) I have been a Steeler fan forever, I wanted to beat Baltimore when they were still the Colts! I am so pumped for this game, you go out there and sack Flacco and get a couple interceptions for the nation. I’ll be wearing your Jersey as I have for years on game days, swinging my terrible towel, posting remarks on fb, and giving high five to my hubby when you all make great plays and score touchdowns. So much fun, can’t wait for Sunday! Good Luck Troy!

  121. Diana Bowser


    I was at the game in Detroit and Tampa and we won. I couldn’t make Dallas as I was still paying for Super Bowl XL. I’m the teams good luck charm:)

  122. wendy _zuniga


    I would love to win tix to any steelers game specially a home game my hubby is the biggest fan ever and his never to Heins field

  123. Greg Occhicone


    Hey Troy I have never been to a steelers game. I’ve been a fan for 6 years and just never had the opportunity to go to a game and I would love to attend a game , especially against the ravens. Bye I hope you pick me!!!

  124. Sonny Johnson


    I have turned my girlfriend from a Cowboys fan into a Steelers fan, but she has never been to any football game. I so much want to have her go to her first game in black and gold.

  125. Lauren


    Woohoo. Love ya troy, Lets Go Steelers

  126. mary beth


    Would love to see the Steelers beat the Ravens for my birthday.

  127. Elaine Mundorff


    I have been trying since 1977 to go to a game, Jack Lambert was my hero. I got to meet him at a Champion lakes,in Ligonier and my life was great that day. I never miss watching a game. All I can say is I would love to win and see you and Hines and all the other guys this is my dream. The defence is the hottest in the NFL, so is the whole team. When we won the last super bowl I set my alarm clock for 3am to be the first to get my STEELERS shirts at Dick’s. LOVE THE STEELERS ALWAYS. I live for football.

  128. Vanessa Eaton


    Troy, I am the BIGGEST!!!!!!!!!! Steelers fan ever. My ultimate dream is to go to THREE RIVERS STADIUM JUST TO SEE YOU PLAY FOOTBALL!!!!!. Please consider me to win those tix.!!!!

  129. Nancy


    Aloha Troy, you have alot of comments on here to choose from. all I can say is I can make some kickin spam rice and eggs.
    Mahalo and

  130. Jenn


    My family is made up of die hard fans!!! STEELER SUNDAY is almost here and I can’t wait to watch the game either on tv or at the game! The Steelers are the BEST Team ! WE LOVE YOU TROY!!!

  131. Nate Hinzman


    Thanks Troy for offering this fun contest. I am a lifetime Steelers fan currently stuck in Browns Country :(
    Winning these tickets would be incredible!

    God Bless!

  132. Dollie


    I love the Steelers like family!!!! Beat those birds!!! I would help if they let me!

  133. EmilyandJakeG


    LOVE The Pittsburgh STeelers. Pittsburghs team of great guys!

  134. Cheryl


    I was born and raised a steelers fan. My house is decked out in steelers stuff. Even have your jersey hanging on my wall!!! Haven’t been able to go to a game yet since never lived close enough….my dad was on the military so I would LOVE to win these tickets!!! Especially to such a great match up!!!!

  135. Wendy J Mecca


    I would just love to win these tickets!! My brother, who was a career Marine {over 30 years} is being honored at the game!! He just retired a few months ago…it would be so awesome to see him there, on Heinz field!

  136. Kimberly Fleshman


    I hope I win these! The only thing my mom loves more than the Steelers is Troy Polamalu and it would mean SO much if I could take her to see this game before I leave for bootcamp at the beginning of the year. We’re from
    NC so a girls weekend roadtrip to see the Steelers play would be awesome! She’s my best friend and this would be the perfect way to thank her for all she’s done for me the past 20 years! GO STEELERS!!!

  137. Candi


    I reallllllly hope I am chosen for these tickets!! My stepmom is a HUGE Ravens (eww!!!) fan and I am the Steelers fan!!! (yaaay!!) We have a very friendly rivalry where we trash talk during Steelers/Ravens games. I would love more than anything to be sitting side by side at this game with her. We moved 500 miles away from her a year ago and she is my best friend. I miss her so very much and this game would be the ULTIMATE way to get some time together!!!! Pick me!!!

  138. Mary M


    My husband and I love the steelers would give anything too see you guys crush baltimore!

  139. Beth DiPersio


    We fly to Pittsburgh once a year, to see our Awesome Steelers play, we are Chicagoans…but Steelers are our Favorites! We get the mojo going at the start of the weekend beginning with putting our dogs in their steelers jerseys, our steelers lamp gets turned on, terrible towels come out, and my blanket from Heinz Field, then we get our jerseys on!! oh yeah, the rituals we go thru…sooo worth it!! Must I also say our Steelers flag hangs at the front of my house, and NO PACKER FANS ALLOWED HERE!!

  140. Patty P


    My husband who has been disabled for the last 20 years has never been to a game. I would love to have him feel the electricity the runs through the stadium when Steeler Nation cheers the team on to victory against the Ravens!

  141. Jena B


    It is my parent’s 25 wedding anniversey this weekend and they are HUGE steelers fan. My mom especially love you Troy! As do I. I would love to give them these tickets as a way to celebrate their anniversey! Please help me make this memeory special for them!!!! GO STEELERS!

  142. Katie


    Hi All,

    I have been a huge steelers fan since I was about 3 years old. I recently turned 18. Because of the economy and my family situation i didnt get what I wanted for my birthday this year, which was steeler tickets to ONE GAME. thats ALL i wanted and unfortunately that isn’t going to happen, unless I win the free ones. SO Please make this happen. I have all the gear, jersey, pants, spirit fingers, and a terrible towel, all i need it the tickets. This is seriously my one wish. GO STEELERS, and GO TROY #43 :)
    PS. did i mention my favorite number is 43 because of him? :)

  143. Laurie and Zach


    Troy i haven’t been home to the burgh in 30 years. My 8 year old and I love you!!! He was you for Halloween with his own red hair dyed black!!!! He will were the outfit again just to meet you. You are a great male role model for him. His father died 6 weeks before his was born. Did I mention my uncle is CEO of upmc on the Heinz field scoreboard. I’ve never been to Heinz field. Only three rivers. Please pick us. I’ll fly home in a minute…
    We love you!!!
    Laurie and Zach

  144. Caroline Shaw


    My son loves the steelers. He has had a rough year and I would love to see him go with his sister.

  145. mary paddock


    would love to see the new stadium

  146. joan hallenbeck


    I think I would truly have a heart attack if i were to win anything fro steelers !!! i love those guyz soooo much !! it would be a dream come true !!!!

  147. Tricia Summerfield


    I would love to see the Steelers any day any time. Granted, one of the most important goals in my life is to see a Steelers and Browns game. I have been a Steelers fan my whole life and my father was a Browns fans. It was a great rivalry in our household. He always promised to take me to a game so we could “Watch to Browns crush the Steelers” as he would say. Unfortunately, he passed away before we ever got the chance. Someday…. But in the mean time, Steelers and anyone would rock. GO STEELERS!!!

  148. Nancy


    I have been a steelers fan forever. I was hoping to win the tickets as we are big fans at my house…. Living in Maryland get a lot of looks in my Steelers pride gear. In Aprl due to a freak work accident I contracted a rare disease RSD that has no cure and left me wheelchair bound. I go to doctors in eith Annapolis or Baltimore almost weekly. I make a point to wear my Steelers gear to these appointlents two weeks ago in Baltimore I was waiting as my caregiver was getting me coffee. A lady said to me are you not afraid to wear that stuff to Baltimore. We are big Ravens fans here.I said reallywell after way your team played last week I uderstand why you are not wearing any purple… It was funny

  149. Pam Kennedy


    I have lived in Pa most of my life but moved to Az back in 2005. When built a new stadium in Glendale & their first pre-season game was played it was against the Steelers. I attended that game which was a great experience be because the stadium was filled with Steeler fans. I am now back living in Pa & supporting the great Steelers all the way. Go Steelers.

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