With the help of NIKE, Troy Polamalu made a huge donation of football equipment to the Department of Education today. 50 uniforms were donated for each high school, which included all the fittings, shoes, socks, cleats, belts, shirts and more. NIKE Sports Marketing Manager Mr. Forrest Sherman said the donation was valued at $140,000. Polamalu paid for all the NIKE brand wares and NIKE assisted in the cost and shipment. Help supporting the campaign by playing great rhino, it is one of the newest online slots games that comes with football-themed.
“I would like to thank everyone for the invitation and opportunity to come here, I have been here a couple of times myself. There are 1,500 NFL players and 1,200 of them are Nike athletes. There are only a few of these 1,200 players that Nike asks more of, like players such as Troy Polamalu,” Sherman said, “and it is guys like him, that we are honored to be associated with. Troy Polamalu wanted to make sure that every kid and every player had the highest quality of equipment, to compete at the highest level.”
“Along with Brand Athletics we are donating one full jersey, pants, t-shirt, belt, shorts, socks, and a pair of cleats, and a girdle, which one of the most protected piece of equipment the kids wear underneath their pants to protect them from injuries, every player will receive this equipment, as far as the helmet and shoulder pads go, that will be brought over next spring,” he added.
A video message from Polamalu was shown, in which the Steelers star spoke to the kids who will be using the football gear.
“You have to remember who you are representing, this is not just about you. You are representing your Samoan heritage, and I am very happy to be representing Nike, and I want to thank them,” Polamalu said. “And I can’t wait to get there to American Samoa on June 11 of 2010.”
Alex Holmes, Troy’s brother-in-law, touched on some things about Troy, his faith in God, and commitment to his family.
“Hopefully we can get back to work with other sports, and with the girls, like in track and field and other sports with in a few years, God bless you all and thank you all for hosting us,” said Miletich, who runs Polamalu’s family office.
The jerseys along with hats and the football pants were presented to representatives of each high school, who posed in their new jerseys, along with Director of Education Dr. Claire T. Poumele and all head coaches from each high school football team.
Lt. Governor Faoa Aitofele Sunia and DOE Director Taimalelagi Dr. Claire Poumele were on hand today to thank representatives of Polamalu and NIKE for the donation.
Here are a couple of videos from the trip:
A Siva Tau dance by Marist High School on American Samoa. They performed it for us when we delivered the Nike gear to their school on behalf of Troy Polamalu. These kids have great heart.
The Stadium singing in gratitude for Troy
Jim V
Great to see you giving back Troy!!!
Love you Troy – very big of you to give back like this when so many others with so much are not. I am a LIFE LONG Steelers and Polamalu fan and always will be. YOU make me very proud to be a fan Troy. Thank you! -Fast Eddie from Maryland
Mary Margaret Batson
hey Troy, you’re so incredibly giving and you’re a good Christian guy and you care about others. You are soooo talented and you’re focused even off the field!:)You’re my most favorite football player EVER! I hope your faith as a Christian stays strong over the years!My dad tells me their’s a differnece betweena good player and a great player… a good player is someone who has good skills but is selfish and doesn’t care about their team. A great player is someone who hs good skills, is focused, and cares about their team and thinks about others and they’ve one at least some kind of champioship…..YOU’RE A GREAT PLAYER!:)KEEP BEING THE GIVING, FOCUSED, CHRIST-LIKE, AND LOYAL PERSON YOU ARE!:)
Pepetua Havea
You’re amazing
I’m proud to be Samoan although just 10% of me is from there
You’re my role model and everyone I know says my hair is just like yours, and I’m proud of that
I’m a big fan, from Oregon and it’s great to know that at least one islander knows what he’s doing with his life, and making changes in this world. Someday, I wish to do so as well, and to give back to my islands of Tonga as well as Samoa.
Keep it up Uso.
Much alofa
You’re awesome but remember that your goodness is a gift from God. Don’t let your success and gifts give you a big head or a nasty ego. God bless. namaste.
Frank Hollon
Praise God for a man like you and the grace God gives us each day. I am proud to be a Steeler fan because of players like you who embrace their faith and are not afraid to show it. My church makes trips twice a year to Samoa and I hope one day to afford to send my daughter to share our faith. God is great. Keep up the good work both on the field and off. Love you brother.
What a very generous donation! Fa’afetai tele lava to all those who took part in helping out American Samoa. NIKE, Mr. Foresst Sherman, George Malauulu, Team Polamalu and the crew, and especially Mr. Troy Polamalu and family. I know it must have taken a lot of time and hard work to get this together. God will bless you all abundantly the way you have done to these kids! I see them around the island and are wearing them proud! (btw, love the uniforms your guys are wearing, with the black ie faitaga’s…looking good!) We hope your team enjoyed their short stay here as much as we enjoyed having them here! Giving back feels so good! It’s all for the kids! God is good! ALL THE TIME!
elwood swartz
troy is one of the greatest safety’s to ever play in the nfl and when all said and done will be a HOF on and off the field
Jackie V
I love it when players take time and give back to the community. You will have continued success because of your efforts to make a change in lives of others. You’re an amazing player and even better human being. God bless you and your family Troy!
Tapps Maae
May GOD continue to bless you in every aspect of your life, career & family. Your generous contributions to our children back home in Samoa will forever leave a smile on their faces. In all that you do Troy, put God first and the rest will follow. Good luck this year with the Steelers, see you on the screen..
Hi Troy,

I’m on a mission now!!! lol!! Oh and LOOOOVE the hair!!
First off…Many Blessings to you and your family and your precious new baby!!
Our family is of course big Steelers fans!! Although my 16yr old daughter forbids anyone else in the family to have your jersey!! Only she can wear your numbers!! Lol…teenagers….just wait!
Just have to say….you were born in Garden Grove and we attend church in Garden Grove. (Our tiny connection) Oh also, I’ve read that you are well educated in early Christianity. My husband is working on his Masters of Divinity with an emphasis on Biblical Studies at Azusa Pacific University. His hearts desire is to one day teach there and to write a book on Jesus and The Poor. What we believe this world and today’s churches sadly tend to overlook or half heartedly address while to Jesus they were most important! Anyway, If you’re ever in town and want to talk and discuss…he would surely make himself available!!! Hey…never know!
Well, we watched the 60 Minutes episode on American Samoa and I must say that I greatly admire you and your culture and the people of American Samoa. The heart of your people is immeasurable. I can clearly see that it is not the genetic strength you are born with but the heart and HUMILITY and spirituality of your people that drives you to succeed. If only all of our children possessed that…what an awesome life they would live and blessings to those around them!! I pray you continue to stand strong in your faith and continue to be the the awesome role model that you are!
May God Bless you always!! The Torrez Family
p.s. I have now told my children they are only allowed to marry someone of Samoan decent!! Even though we are not!
Mary Margaret Batson
AMEN!Troy Polamalu is so giving and a great football player. He’s so focused even when he’s on the sidlines watching. I am a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE fan and he’s my favorite football player!GOD BLESS!:)
There are few times in this world where actions speak louder than words, you are a man who performs this on almost a daily basis. So many could learn from those “quiet men” if they took the time. May the Lord bless and keep you and your family….and GO STEELERS!
Lisa Bartlett
Dear Troy.
I just wana say thank you for everything that you do and all that you believe in and i wish the very best for you and you family.I think that you are awwedome in so many ways.I’m so happy that you play for the best nfl football in the world and thats the PIttsbugher Steelers.I wish you the very best in everything and plus more.Please stay safe and healthy and I hope that you are blessed with everything.
With love,
Lisa Bartlett
Your biggest fan
Go Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mary Margaret Batson
HEY it’s me again, haha Troy Polanalu is such a beast and a great ball player!He makes me sooooo very happy and 1 day i want to go to 1 of his games to cheer him on!He is so good and focused when he plays, he’s got skill and fast speed!GOOOOOOOOOOO STEELERS!:)
You make Pittsburgh proud, Troy.
Mary Margaret Batson
WHEN I FOUND THIS WEBSITE……..OMMMGG I SCREAMED AND JUMPED UP AND DOWN!MY FRIENDS THINK I’M A LITTLE TO OBSESSED WITH YOU!YOU’RRE AWWWWWWWEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMEEEE!On Christmas i got your jersey and it was my favorite thing i got for Christmas!You makes soooooo happy and have awesome speed and skill and talent and god Christian faith.”i can do all thigns through CHRIST who strengthens me!’ Phillipians 4:13!
-your #1 fan!
Mary Margaret/M&M/Mrs.Polamalu
Troy, you are an asset to the City of Pittsburgh and the whole Steeler Nation. Your devotion to God and your fellow man is truly inspiring. God Bless you and your family and thank you for being a wonderful role model to all the young men who look up to you. You are very loved!
Albert debs
Your heart is full of the lord love :go troy!!
Mr. Taylor
Troy, your love for our community and our people is felt through out the world! Thank you for giving back to our people. You are making these young boys dreams come true. You inspire me Uce!!
Troy, what a role model you are not only for all Samoans but for all people. May God bless you and your family with good health. Not only Pittsburgh but Maryland loves you!
Troy God Bless and may the lord continue to bless you and your family it is so wonderful to see a true man of god
I have lived in Pittsburgh for the past 20 years but before that spent 20 months on Tutuilia. I can not tell you how wonderful the people of Samoa were to us. You made this donation to a well deserving group of teenagers. I can still remember the students of Tafuna HS practicing near the hospital. Good Job. and now that I live in Pittsburgh……….. GO STEELERS!
dana davis
Troy , you are a truly amazing person, congratulations on the birth of your son . I have three myself my oldest was killed in Iraq 3 years ago come this november . My youngest son is 18 and he plays football in college , you are a inspiration to him, we are all Steeler fans , and are looking forward to a awesome season this year ….
So beautiful and we thank you for lending Troy to us here in Pittsburgh. His love, honesty and intergrity is a strong symbol of the Samoan decent.
Troy, my Steelers and the entire city of Pittsburgh residents love and pray for Samoan’s. You lent to us your child who to us is “a great gift frm God”!!!!! I need to correct that statement. People from all over the world love, respect and feel honored to have Troy of Samoan decent a part of our Steeler family. It’s personal!!!!!!
Troy you are an amazing man. You represent your culture and your team with much dignity. Everyone should live by your example. Two years ago, my stepson and his wife were living at Children’s Hospital in Pittsburgh with their baby girl Isis. She had leukemia. You came to visit and I have your picture with her on my desk, where it will remain as long as I’m on this earth. It meant a great deal to them as parents and to me, that you take the time to give back to your Pittsburgh community also. There aren’t enough words to say how grateful we are for that time you spent there. She is with God now, and helping you on the field and us in our hearts. Thank you and God Bless you and your family in all you do.
Paul Smith
Your great for giving back to your community most players in the public eye don’t even go that far. I commend you for your actions!!! God Bless you Troy!!!
i have a favor to ask of you and the team i dont no how to get a hold of you guys My husband has lung cancer non-cell (large cell) the doctor told him 4to 6 months he is a steeler fan we love you guys i was wonding if there is any way i can get tickets to a game and have you guys meet him it would mean the world to him please let meknow thank you my email is robin0807@verizon.net
robin Herbold
278 whitehill rd
georgetown pa 15043
phone 724 573 2201
Thank you so much for sharing the love of your herritage and showing us what a beautiful island it is. I will never forget the kindness that you showed my granddaughter at Latrobe training camp a few years ago when she wanted you to sign your jersey for me. Security and the gentle Father brought her to meet you and your beautiful wife, she was in awe that you would do such a thing for her. I know she will never forget that day, nor I. Then again while watching these films they show the love of God for all people that you carry in your heart. God bless you and your family. Thank you
hope you come and visit our school in visitacion valley middle …in san francisco….big fan ….GO STEELERS…muamua LE ATUA…ONE LOVE…. UCE
God rewards those who do good deeds. This my friend, is a good deed. Spread God’s word. You are proud of your heritage, culture and being a Christian and for that you have brought a smile to many of those in need.
Blessings Troy….Put in work….God’s work that is….
Just finished watching those videos and am teary-eyed. You make the world a better place just by being in it. I can’t say that about most athletes or most people for that matter. Even if I wasn’t born and bred a Steeler fan (who unfortunately lives in Cleveland) I would still be a Troy Polamalu fan. God Bless you and thank you for always being someone we can be proud of !!
Troy & the people of Samoa, You are a true inspiration to other’s. The discipline,heart, and humility that you show,not only on the field but in your every day life is something to be in awe over. I wish nothing but the best to you, and yours. GO STEELER’S!!!
your a great guy Troy for doing all you can an then some for your families back home…..love man Trenda
new castle bob
great to see you doing charity work troy. your the heart of the steel curtain stay healthy we want to see you in the superbowl
Very…Very Nice Troy…that was a great thing that you and Nike did for the Samoa kids! It’s nice to see there are still people out there that care about others. Your generous act of kindness made so many people happy…and see that the world does have good in it though at times it looks so bad! I have been a die hard Steelers fan for over 30 some years….keep up the great work!!! God Bless You…and i hope to see the Steelers in the Super Bowl…
Troy, you are such a gem! I absolutely love your spirit and of course I “LOVE” you being a Pittsburgh Steeler!!! I know I am not alone in being proud of that!
I thank you being a man who is a believer in our Creator, a loving family man, a man that puts his ALL into his work, and just a kind peson. We need to know there are men like you that exist!
I have nothing but love and respect for you. I wish continued blessings for you and your family. I pray He keeps you strong mentally, physically, and emotionally as you deal with the “stuff” of the world.
Troy Polamalu embodies the true spirt of Christianity. We need more professional athletes like him.
Anen Cooper
Troy, you are a wonderful person both inside and out. Faith, family, then football. Keep these priorities in order and the Lord will continue to bless you and your family.
I am a friend of a Grandmother with a grandson with cancer in Pgh. Troy visited him in his hospital room the day after his new son was born; Brent was sleeping so Troy took the time to come back later, visit with him, sign autographs. I believe he does this on a regular basis. Anyone who lives in Pgh. and is a Steeler fan is not surprised by these acts. Pgh. is so lucky to have him, not just as a great, future HOF player, but a great, caring, human being.
Thank you for allowing God to use you to reach out to others and for being a good steward of the blessings you have received. It’s beautiful and a great encouragement to me and my family. I pray that you continue to put Christ first in your life as he directs your path to be used for his glory.
Sanele Tavale
Fa’aSamoa is not just a phrase we practiced in our Samoan lives to identify who we are. It is a way of life that every samoan is nurished from the day he/she was born until the day we die. It is a code of honor every samoan live by on a daily basis. It is the very reason why Troy came back to his people, most of whom he doesn’t know, and give back because his parents raised him the fa’asamoa way. God bless you Troy and many more successful years with the Steelers.
Thank you for your generosity. Trust me………. you will be remembered.
God bless you Troy Polamalu
You make the world proud, keep up the awesome job, love and blessing to you and your family and the world will see you on the football field.
logoipesega selesele
Ur work of generosity will be with us from here on….thank u Troy for all that gave to da kids in samoa…may da dear Lord Bless u wifey nd da little one…also to ur polamalu fam….stay blessed nd goodluck to da steelers oon dis football season…..
Thanks Troy for all that you do, not only for the character that you humbly present of yourself but also the love and gift you give back to your community. May the Good Lord continue to Bless your heart with all that you tend to do and persue. God Bless you, your wife and your family.
Faafetai Tele Lava-Thank you very much,
Samoan Raised…
Troy u are Awesome! Love those Steelers!!!
Kristina Marie
It is so wonderful what you have done. I only hope other people will follow your example. You are a great loving man, not to mention an outstanding football player! Thank you for being a good role model. : )
philip newkirk
Not many men like yourself set great examples such as this,you are truly a great human being and great role model that a lot of athletes should take a long hard look and give back to those who are less fortunate .We all should strive to be more like you troy ,,god bless you ,you are truly a great man.
Faafetai lava Troy – GOD Bless!
Fasimoli Fosi
Gretchen Pletcher
An amazing human being, Christian, athlete and Samoan. Pittsburgh is fortunate to have you…our adopted son…playing for a class football team. You set an example for our youth as well as for each and every human being of any age, creed or color. May you be blessed even more than you are now, Troy, for all you do. God bless.
Tap u out Vaifale
dats wat u call real uso love right there! much alofas to all da uso’s in da nfl…especially u TROY…..alofa tele ia oe
jose pena
To Whom this may concern:
I was wondering who can help donate used football equipment to South America Chile. Thank you for your help.. jose.pena@lcfa.cl
Troy me an my brother are HUGE HUGE fan we i grown up i wanna be the 1st female football player! you have inspired me 2 never stay down even when i get hurt! To see you get you from being hurt is AWSOME! The way you tackle people is AWSOME too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love You And I Wanna MeeT You Some Day!!!!!!!!
Steve Bubbenmoyer
As a lifelong sportsfan, I haven’t admired an athlete as much as I do you. You’re a great football player, but much more than that, you’re a great human being. I was the Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministries for 16 years at a Christian church, and almost all of the youth I worked with had a love, if not passion, for a sport, or sports in general. It is difficult for youth to value their faith as much as sports, especially in our society. But with men like you, I could always point to an example of what a man should be like… professional, humble, caring, strong, filled with integrity, constantly striving to do their best, and loving. It is with this in mind that I want to thank you for all you do both on, and especially off the field. I must be honest and tell you I’m a lifelong Eagles fan, lol, but the Steelers are second in my heart because of you. The Steelers are my oldest son’s favorite team, and that’s saying a lot in an Eagles household
. I wish you much success in your life, career, and upcoming trip to Samoa. I’m sure it will be a wonderful journey and will touch the hearts of all those involved. If there’s anything I can do for you, you’ve already helped me greatly without having met me, please let me know. All the best,
Pax et Agape,
Your Faith is your success
It is so heart warming to se that you share your good fortune w/your descendants. I have been researching your Eastern Orthodox religion and have come to find it is very similar to my Christain religion. May you continue to be able to provide a benificient life to many. Good Luck w/your career you are my fav player on my fav team, God Bless you and yours and may you all stay healthy and happy w/a long life.
You are just an amazing person. We love you and the fact that you represent yourself and our team with dignity and respect.
Shalonda Rochlitz
Most what i read online is trash and copy paste but you definitely add value. Keep it like this.
This is so amazing! Thanks for all your do for youth, humanity, and veterans. I love football and it’s always so disappointing to see self-absorbed athletes who think they are above the law, disrespectful, greedy, and, often, criminal.
I have two nephews and we’re involved in various charitable organizations to help the poor, needy & our active duty military and veterans. It is people like you, Hines Ward, and a few others that make me so happy to have my nephews be Steelers fans and to have role models who contribute so much on and, more importantly, off the field.
Thanks for your quiet, humble manner and for helping and inspiring so many! And we love your Head & Shoulders commercials too! Keep up the great work and God bless you and your family!
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Christina P
Troy, its great to see a professional athlete giving so much back to communities in so many different ways. Theres alot of people (not just professionals) that go from day to day taking things for granted and acting like someone owes them something. They forget to thank the lord for each day and every opportunity they get. Every good deed that you do does not go unseen. You and the Steelers are a great team and organization and my #1 team of all time. Lets get #7 this year!!
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Your name*LOVE
Wow! I read almost all the comments & I truly agree w/everyone. Troy I totally look up to u. You are truly one of the best role models in the world today. I myself use you as an example to my family. To see someone so popular as urself be so humble & kind show’s alot because of ur faith. U r a true christian! A great husband, father, teammate and a GREAT MAN! GOD bless you and your family Mr. Polamalu. GO STEELERS! u are the heart of the Team! brings tears to my heart to read the comments of people sayin that u visited them at the hospital etc. is so inspirating! GOD will continue to bless you and your family b/c of all the good deeds u do for others.
Vanessa L
Troy!! first of all, you are the best. such great player.. I seem everything you’re doing in you country..
God Will bless you more and more.. take care..
Kimmi Frye
Troy, love the way you play along with the rest of the team but what really catches my attendsion, besides the polamalu panther in action, is you are constantly praying on the sidelines. God bless you for that.
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God Bless you and your family
Thank you for everything you do for Samoa kids…they all looking up to ya as a hero and good role model. Have many more blessing and you making Samoa really appears up to the globe…thats Awesome!!
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Victor n Victoria Lafotanoa
Viia le Atua Troy. U make us proud in your giving to our people. We wish to see you in June 2011 God willing when you pass Honolulu to fly out to our homeland. Put God first in everything you do, and all will fall into place. You are a great inspiration. God bless you and the family. Soifua.
Daniel Noa
So proud of you uce! You inspire so many people, not just samoan, but all people. Keep doing what your’re doing and just know that you have samoan fans in Ohio!
God bless brutha!
Andreaah POLOA
So Proud Of You Uce,You Doin It Big In The Real world. You Are My Inspiration,and Not Just Me But
To Others As Well.You Did The Right Thing In Giving To Our People,Its Been Such A Blessing,Especially
For What You Have Accomplished With The Samoan Kids,Keep It Up Buddy!,May The LORD* Continue On
Blessing You Throughtout Any Triles and Tribulations and Guide You To Samoa Safely,
*Oh and uh By The Way,LOVE THE STEELERS!, BlackaandYELLOW ALL DAY UCE! Keep,Up The GoodWORK!
*May 28,2011 5:25 Sat.Evening.
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Eucharist Elisara Reupena
Fa’afetai tele lava i lau Susuga Polamalu.
God bless.
joanne price
your are truly an inspiration… you are a beautiful human being, keep up the good work.
Adolfo Cardenas
I’m the founder of the american football team in Central America (Nicaragua). It is first team in our city.
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Please help us Nicaragua to develop this great sport
Adolfo Cardenas
Jeff Harting center of the Steelers camme to Nicagua and he dint know that in Nicaragua we play this football I still have a Tshirt from Penn State that Jeff Give Me as a Souvenir.
Deb Sullivan
You are such a great role model. I admire your love for your roots and country. I think you are an awesome football player. You are an amazing athlete and it shows every time you play. I wish you and your family health and happiness in the coming new year.
I will look forward to seeing you all at the Superbowl!!!!! Let’s Go Steelers!!!!!
Faafetai for your generous contribution to the bright future of Samoa. We are all very grateful for your motivation and eagerness to enhance the sport with our rising stars and athletes. As you continue to become one of their role models, we pray that the Lord grants you speedy recoveries, good health, wisdom and continued success with your career. I dont really understand the game but I stand with the rest of the Samoans on the rock in cheering and supporting the Pittsburg Steelers because of TROY POLAMALU!!!!!!
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