Ancient Faith recently talked with Nicholas Chakos, the Executive Director of FOCUS North America, and Troy’s wife Theodora about “Operation Lace Up,” a new initiative to provide shoes to children who cannot afford them, as well as FOCUS’s Pittsburgh Health Center and “Tackle Poverty” campaign. Listen to it below.
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Paula DeCarlo- Falcone
Dear the Polamalu Family,
Your strong faith and fruitful marriage is a blessing to our fallen society, I find it so special that the 2 of you join to help those who really need it, it is your special calling from God. Remember, there will be those who will try to destroy you, because your cross is heavy and you must never lose faith in our Blessed Mother and Christ, Jesus…You both have a very mystical and spirit led calling..I will continue to pray the rosary for your family, for without your contribution to this world it would be a lost place..It has fallen, but, God the Creator of the Universe has placed a special Blessing on you both..God Bless you both and your families..May the word of God continue to shine on you as you go out into the community..You are both full of the Holy Spirit, Thank You again for making a difference in this corrupt earthly world..
Mrs. Paula DeCarlo- Falcone