Well everyone, the raffle has come to a close, and the results are in. One lucky winner has been randomly selected to hang out with Troy at the Sports Spectacular ceremony in L.A.! Thanks to netRaffle for processing the selection.
So let’s get right to the point. Ok, take a deep breath. Drum roll please. The Grand Prize winner is…
Big congratulations to Michael Toffee of Las Vegas, NV!!! He and a guest will enjoy an evening with Troy, complete with a pair of tickets to attend the Sports Spectacular 2011 Auction, Dinner, and Award Ceremony on Sunday, May 22, 2011, along with many other swanky accommodations! For more details on the prizes, click here.
Huge, huge thanks to Sports Spectacular and twitchange for putting all of this together, and for their big efforts in announcing and promoting this contest.
Big, giant thanks to all of you who bought a raffle ticket. You’re the real stars here, having helped us raise a total of $25,970! These proceeds will benefit the life-saving work and research of Cedars-Sinai and their efforts to combat genetic diseases, as well as Operation Once in a Lifetime, who provides tremendous support for our U.S. Soldiers and their families.
Once again, congratulations to Michael Toffee, we hope he has an absolute blast!
Congrats Michael! Hope you have a great time!
brenda smith
congrats,michael i am sure this will be an experience you will treasure for a life time,
maybe one day i will meet troy.
Congratulations! Wish I could have won, but very happy that is was someone from Las Vegas…like me! YAY!
Rick Caro
Troy way to on getting your education.
Hate I didn’t win, but glad the money went to a great cause. My sister is going to be there and I would of loved to of surprised her! Oh well. Enjoy Michael!
Kathy H, Burton
Im so very happy for Michael! I hope he has the time of his life! Im glad to be a part of helping this charity out. Troy, I hope you could one day consider Massey Cancer Center at VCU Hospital in Richmond, Virginia and do some fundraiser’s to help with their research for all Cancer and childhood Cancers too. Im a 4 year breast cancer survivor and this Cancer Center is awesome in doing everything they could to make it possible for me to say Im in remission! I thank my God every day for that!. They have a separate Center within the Hospital for the children’s Cancer center as well. I wish I could see you at James Farriors Charity event in June. Hopefully one day my # 1 wish will come true to meet you one day. Im not going to give up my hope nor did I for my cure. You take care and keep that beautiful Heart of your’s. It’s most precious in the way it cares so much. God bless you always! Love, Kathy H. Burton
michael reifers
hey i just wish i could of got on before and competed or whatever so i just want to say ur awsome and best football player of all time
Amber Boudreau
I’m a big fan but have never been to a game. I would love to see the Steelers play in person!!!!!! I’ve been a fan for a better part of ten years!!!!!!
Lucky winner indeed. I wished my bf to won too
he’s a big Palomalu fan. We saw Troy at Legoland last March & he was totally stars struck by him. Good thing he didn’t forget to take a picture of Troy with his son
that would be a bummer!
That day was one the highlight of his life. He then said: “Now I believe dreams do come true” he almost cried. But this raffle gave us a chance to hope… better luck next time
Jennifer Glendening
Please Pick Me!!
Betty Coburn
I have left a few comments already but hopefully someone will get back to me one day. I know the steeler’s are coming to Baltim ore in Sept. and was wondering if Troy will be available in Baltimore to do any kind of meet & greets or autograph signings?
Ana Banana
Congratulations michael! We are all jealous!
I wish I had seen the contest sooner … I am a huge fan of Troy’s and would love to have had the chance to hang with him for a bit… Maybe next year
Herb (Lenny) Linn
We have never met but you have met my mother Leonor Linn who lives at 222 State Rd Valencia I am a retired Marine that has served 23 years of service. I am currently working at MCAS New River Jacksonville NC.My sister called today to tell me that our mother is not doing so well and I might have to make an emergency trip to her home.One thing she will always treasure besides her husband, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren is the picture my nephew took of you and her at the LOWES parking lot. She told me that you saiud a prayer for her in spanish and I would love to have it repeated to her before her time comes.As a professional I know time is precious for you are probally so busy getting ready for the season that a visit to my mother would be hard press but if get a chance you could say that prayer one more time it would be the the most preciuos gift anyone could give or call the house, there phone # is 724-898-1779 . I appreciate any thought that might have hope all goes well for you and yours.
Herbert Leonard Linn
Michael Yoffee
Thank you all so very much for your kind words and congratulations! I feel so fortunate to get to experience this, but even more that I get to bring a true fan’s wish to life! She’s the winner in this one, all the way around, I’m just lucky to be along for the ride!
gary mosley
hey go steelers
In Germany we say: One can dance only at one wedding!MAP-team!!! Are you crazy? You got your makert-place ( your niche ) already!!! The only thing is to fill it out and not to garnish with extents desired from a few. Leather is from yesterday and there is no daubt leatherbars for instance became less and less. You got a bad idea to a wrong time. If you wish to upgrade your webside the more kinky way just do it with unseen novelties. Where is the precum smear messing the suits, where are the semen spotted silk ties, where are the men jacking into their black budapesters, where are the bosses emptying their used filled condoms on their clerks suits.Wake up, please! This is a suit side the best of the world!
Tiffiney Pyles
It would be so so awsome to go some where with you I LOVE YOU I have a fathead of Ben I really LOVE him 100,000 times
Begun, the great itrneent education has.
4COWaJ xiyfmczfqmij
Cheryl Ross Cervasio
I’m always a day late, a dollar short…..My youngest son is graduating hs this year. Although he passed all his classes with flying colors, he is a “classified” student. Which means his grades were not “good enough” for scholarships into colleges with football programs. My son has played football for the last 13 years (missing 1 season for torn meniscus surgery, and part of another season due to the other knee needing meniscus surgery) Football has been his life. Even while off season and injured, he could not stay away from the field. It also helped him deal with his brother being diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma back in Nov. of 2009. He was named one of the captains of the team during his senior year and received awards for First Team All League Defense and Most Valuable Defensive Player.
mg forbes
Cheryl from downstairs on Lincoln place?
Find me on facebook
I am so envious . . . enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a joy to find somonee else who thinks this way.
syesha Douglas
u should pick me cus ii am a HUGE fanof the steelers team…but not only the steelers teams ii am an even BIGGER fan of u troy.!! ii luv u
joshua bolden
I think im ur biggest fan i havent missed a game since 2008 im 17 i play for my home school and an AAU team i got you atorgraph once …..srry 4 my spelling…. but i’v always wanted to meet you in person…………..and a chance to hang out with u as much as it says that would be asome u are my HERO, u are my role-model i look up to u thx troy…………..
Well done aritcle that. I’ll make sure to use it wisely.
think im ur biggest fan i havent missed a game since 2008 im 17 i play for my home school and an AAU team i got you atorgraph once …..srry 4 my spelling…. but i’v always wanted to meet you in person…………..and a chance to hang out with u as mu
think im ur biggest fan i havent missed a game since 2008 im 17 i play for my home school and an AAU team i got you atorgraph once …..srry 4 my spelling…. but i’v always wanted to meet you in person…………..and a chance to hang out with u as much as it says that would be asome u are my HERO, u are my role-model i look up to u thx troy……I am so envious . . . enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!……..
matt smith
We have never met but you have met my mother Leonor Linn who lives at 222 State Rd Valencia I am a retired Marine that has served 23 years of service. I am currently working at MCAS New River Jacksonville NC.My sister called today to tell me that our mother is not doing so well and I might have to make an emergency trip to her home.One thing she will always treasure besides her husband, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren is the picture my nephew took of you and her at the LOWES parking lot. She told me that you saiud a prayer for her in spanish and I would love to have it repeated to her before her time comes.As a professional I know time is precious for you are probally so busy getting ready for the season that a visit to my mother would be hard press but if get a chance you could say that prayer one more time it would be the the most preciuos gift anyone could give or call the house, there phone # is 724-898-1779 . I appreciate any thought that might have hope all goes well for you and yours.
Albert And Denise Kenly
The work you do is wonderful , its people like you that make a huge differance .