Hey everyone,
I am giving away 2 tickets to the AFC Championship Game at Heinz. I wanted to use this opportunity to spread the word about TwitChange.com and the cause we are supporting in Operation Once In A Lifetime.
You just might be one of the winners of #TroysTickets. The last few weeks that Alex (@Trojan81 on twitter) has helped me to give away tickets, the giveaways have been exclusively hosted for those using twitter. We wanted to open up this giveaway to those who are Facebook users as well. Two individuals will be randomly selected as recipients of one admission ticket each.
Here are the details on how to be entered in this giveaway:
Twitter Users Enter:
1. Follow @twitchange, @OOIAL, , and @tpolamalu on twitter if you’re not doing so already.
2. Copy, Paste and Tweet the following message by Friday, January 21st at 7pm eastern time:
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at http://bit.ly/gF66N7
Want an additional chance to win?
Work to recruit your favorite celebs to join twitchange
1. Go to www.twitchange.com
2. Find the orange “Ask Your Favorite Celebrity to Join” tool on the home page
3. Use the tool to send out at least 50 different tweet requests to your favorite celebs between Monday, January 17th and Friday, January 21st at 7pm eastern time. Include the tag #TroysTickets in each of the tweet requests you send so we can track them.
Facebook Users Enter:
1. Click the like button here on Troy’s facebook page. Then, join the Operation: Once In A Lifetime Facebook Group
2. Copy and Paste the following message into your Facebook status by Friday, January 21st at 7pm eastern time:
I might win Troy Polamalu’s tickets to the AFC Title game! Just because I’m a fan of Troy on facebook and the work being done with Operation: Once In A Lifetime. Details – http://bit.ly/gF66N7.
Want an additional chance to win?
1. Click the “Suggest to Friends” button under this page’s profile picture.
2. Select friends you think should like Troy’s Page and send them an invitation.
3. Leave a comment on Troy’s Page telling us, “Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” along with your personal greeting.
If you are a using both facebook and twitter, follow both set of instructions and you’ll increase your chances of winning even more!
We’ll announce the winners of these tickets on or just following Friday, January 21st at 8pm eastern time. Winners will be notified via twitter direct message or facebook message. Remember, all the contest entries will be over Friday, January 21st at 7pm
Matthew Ozoskey
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at Troy43.com.
Michelle Murray
Hey Troy, I am Die Hard Steeler’s fan, get alot of crap cuz I live in Cleveland but, I don’t care. There is nothing better than watching steeler’s football!!!! It would be awesome to get to go to the game and watch you guys tear up the Jets… Thanks for the opportunity to win. If I don’t get win the tickets I will be watching on the big screen, still routing for you guys =] we have to buy the nfl ticket due to being in cleveland they show the clown’s instead of the good team =] GO STEELER’S all the way baby !!!!!!!
Becky C
Michelle- Stay strong! I grew up in Cleveland, and had to deal with sore losers my whole life. I finally moved to Pittsburgh a year ago, and I couldn’t be happier! GO STEELERS!
Move to Pittsburgh, we wont miss ya. Go browns baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joe james
hey Troy, suggested to mt friends. im a diehard steeler fan that has never been to a game. love to win tickets.
Kristen Doughton
Hey troy! I suggested your page to my friends. Your my favorite player and I’m a diehard Steelers fan from Kentucky. I was born and raised a fan. GO STEELERS!
Laura Letkiewicz
Troy… I think it’s great the way you give back to the people!! You are always doing something charitable!! My husband & I are HUGE Steeler’s Fans! I live about 2 hours from Pittsburgh & have yet to see a game at Heinz field!! It is a dream of mine to be able to do that one day. Truth is it is very hard to get tickets to a game for a reasonable price for 2 people. I always say when the kids are grown we will be able to afford such things… Ha ha ha … Well I would love to win the tickets and come watch you & the team beat the Jetts!! Then again… so would everyone else!! Love you & your teammates!! Best of luck to you all on Sunday and may God watch over you all & keep you all free from any injuries!!
Mary Niovich
I think that everything you do for people is wonderful!! Your are an inspiration and someone I look up to in my everyday life. I am a single mother of three and struggle everyday and your faith and devotion to your family is inspiring. The way you gave what extra time you had for Heather during her times of struggle was just amazing. Anyway, I just wanted to express to you that what you give each day is so nice and one day your kindness will be rewarded. FROG. (This was not for tickets)
Jessica Celaschi
Hello Troy,
My name is Jessica. I am a single mom. My son plays junior high football. He plays on the line, his number is #77. He doesn’t have a father. So has always looked up to the Pittsburgh Steelers. I am glad their are people like you who he can look up to. I haven’t been able to take him to a game and I am asking you to help me make his DREAM COME TRUE!! Helives football in all he does. It would mean more than you know to him and me if we can make this happen!! Wishing you and the Steelers the best, and show those Jets what happens when they come to our town!!No worries all my friends and family are FANS!!!!
Trina Woodske
You are a great role model Troy… I am grateful that you are the “wally” that my daughter has hanging in her room. She is an athlete who has great respect for mind, body and soul…. Thank you! Have a great game Sunday!
Shannon Zbikowski.
Hey Troy…I’m spreading the word to all my friends and family. We are all die hard Steelers’ fans. If I win tickets, I’m taking my father, who I’ve been watching the Steelers with since I was a little girl. Good luck!
Beth Kraus
Troy Ive been a STEELERS fan for the longest time. I live in Canton Ohio HOF city and that would be the dream of a lifetime is to be able to go to Pittsburh and watch my team. I started a bucket list and the no 1 thing on my list os to see the sTEELERS in Pittsburg and to run my hands through your hair. I am in perfect health so that may sound strange to you but you can start too early on your list. GO STEELERS!!!
John Dunmire
Troy, great job to you and the Pittsburgh Steeler organization on reaching the AFC Championship game. I work at the stadium so of course I will be there. I just wanted to say I consider it an honor to work in the stadium of such a great team as the Pittsburgh Steelers. Go out there and give the Jets all the punishment you guys can. You are the best in the NFL at what you do. If anyone can do this its you and the Steelers. GO TEAM! MAKE HISTORY YET AGAIN! GOOD LUCK
Ronni Nye-Keller
I might win Troy Polamalu’s tickets to the AFC Title game! Just because I’m a fan of Troy on facebook and the work being done with Operation: Once In A Lifetime. Details – http://bit.ly/gF66N7
Beth Kraus
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page, Hey Troy… I am from Canton Oh the HOF city and is a huge STEELERS fan. My biggest dream is to go to Pittsburg to see the STEELERS and win. Next to that I have a bucket list that you are number 1 I would love to run my fingers through your hair. That would be a dream come true.GO STEELERS
William Riede
You would look good wearing a Super Bowl #7 ring. Love watching you play. You are an inspiration to young people who are trying to get into football. Keep up the good work and good luck Sunday. SAFETY FIRST !!!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends to your like page.. Thanks for the great job you do for the team as well as what you do off the field.. You are such a wonderful role model for our kids!! God bless you and let’s get us a win sunday!!! Goooo Steelers!!!
Connie Sorg
Hey Troy thanks for the chance to win, shared it with all my friends! Good luck even though I know you won’t need it!
J Matthew Buzby
Hey Troy thanks for opportunity for the tickets, By the way we really like watching you praying to God before every snap!!!! Good luck this Sunday and God speed.
Deb Vandeborne
Message I’m from the Ohio Valley and always a fan of any Pittsburgh sport. My son however was born in Phx. and played Little League baseball for the Pirates. He is now 29 yrs old living in Columbus…a huge Steeler fan…but an even bigger Troy fan.
I almost lost him to menningitis 10 years ago while at college on a baseball scholarship. He gave that up and over the past 10 years has worked harder than I could have ever imagined. He is my hero. I would love the opportunity to win the tickets and send him to see you and the team he loves play the Jets! If not…both of us will be watching wishing all of you the best of luck!
Hey Troy…I sent out invites to ur page like it said to my friends that I KNOW LOVE YOU & the STEEELERS! GOOD LUCK ON THE GAME SUNDAY I KNOW THE STEELERS WILL WIN…LET’S GO STEELERS LET’S GO!!:)
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends Like your Page! You make the Lord proud with the work you do. Good luck on Sunday, Superman!!!
Jennifer Livermore
I would love the chance to come back to Pittsburgh & see my Steelers….I moved to Michigan in 2003 but never changed my football team….still have my terrible towel & my jersey….GO STEELERS!!
Melissa Coomer
Hey Troy,
I suggested a ton of friends like your page and also the Once in a Lifetime Facebook Page too!
You rock in all that you do!
Thanks for this opportunity!
Cindy Bush
I think that you are a wonderful person both on and off of the field. I live in Altoona, which is very close to Huntindon,and Ebensburg , Pa. You are awesome on the field and you also have a big heart for the children of Pittsburgh Children’s hospital. I had two step children there, and know it is a scary place for them, and people like you who are so busy, find the time to make their day. I also know that you are a person of privacy, and that is understandable, as I can imagine you are hounded alot. You are a great person. I sent my son to his first game ever, your first game of the season, and sadly, I stayed behin. My mother who passed away was an avid Steeler fan, and has stayed in the family, with each generation. I wish you luck in the playoffs, and know you all will do well. I would love to meet you just to thank you for what you do for the children, and what a great player you are. . We both like to fish also, though I do not know how to fly fish! Again good luck in the playoffs, maybe soon I can go to a game, and enjoy watching the team work their magic on the field. Cindy Bush
Lisa Ann D"Alessandro
I wanted to say yens have done Pittsburgh and the entire Steeler Nation PROUD… Pittsburgh loves OUR Steelers!!! Show the Jets WHO THE ONLY FIRST CLASS NFL TEAM IS PITTSBURGH…. THE STEELERS DON’T SHARE FIRST CLASS SEATING WITH ANY WANNA BE’S, NEVER DID, NOR WILL!!! Show them how a FIRST CLASS TEAM, AN A FIRST CLASS TOWN, are going to bring the Jets to their last destination, THAT DESTINATION IS A CRASH LANDING on Heinz Field Sunday….. GO STEELERS I LUV YENS!!!!!!
Lisa Ann D"Alessandro
Hey Troy I suggested to all my friends would like your page.
I say, give the two tickets to a foster child that won’t have a chance to see a Steelers game!
You are such an inspiration, I would love the chance to meet you in person, and just spend time learning how you became the man that you are. As far as winning tickets what a thrill that would be, but should I be chosen, would you find a couple of local kids that really can’t afford to go and give them a day of fun and excitement watching you play. You are so blessed and thank you for blessing us with your grace.
Johannes Spurk
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! I’m looking forward to the game on Sunday and I like your work on and off the field! There should be more people like you! God bless you!
Hey Troy, I suggested your page to all my friends that love the STEELERS!!! Good Luck this weekend and have fun!!!
Luv ya!
Jay Harrold
Hey Troy, I sent a message to my friends telling them about your page and all the great things you do for all of the great charities you work with. I’ve been a fan of yours since you came to the Steelers. I wear your jersey every gameday. Have a great game Sunday! GO STEELERS!!
I have been a Steelers fan since 72. I have always wanted to come there to see you guys tear em up, Good luck, “Go Pittsburgh”!
Elizabeth Ainey
Best of luck on Sunday Troy!! The whole city of Pittsburgh will be cheering you on. You are such an inspiration…your personality, your athleticism, your charitable work, and your huge heart inspire me!! Keep smiling…we will be rooting for you!
Martha Jones
God Bless the Steelers- please keep then all safe, well and un-injured!
I just LOVE YOU!
Pam Hudek
Go Troy , All you Pixburg Stillers best of luck and I know you will win another ring for Da’ Burg !
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Good Luck Sunday…told my fiance his Birds weren’t going as far as you guys!
Hey Troy sent my friends messages to like your page! I have your Jersey on now and every game day. I was raised in Cleveland but have always been a Steelers fan! Cant wait for another win on Sunday!!!
Kristie Meisinger
Thank u Troy 4 such a wonderful opportunity! I have never been to a Steelers football game – And ur work with Operation Once in a Lifetime is an awesome thing 2 b doing – my husband just retired from th Marine Corps after 23 years — He is currently working “overseas” because he felt he still has something to offer his “brothers in uniform” without wearing the uniform. THANK YOU!
Hi Troy, Thank you for this wonderful opportunity, and for being such a great role model for our children. God Bless you and yours.
Go Steelers !!!
Jessica Garland
All of my life I have been a Steelers fan. Since you started in 2003 you have always been my favorite player. I have four children and have never in my life been able to afford to go to a game. I have been at Heinz field but never to see a game. If there was one thing in my life I have always and would always want to do it would be able to come see my all time favorite team live. A playoff game would be fantastic. I just wish that I could make it to Heinz field for any game that you play. It has always been my dream!
With all my love and support along with all of my four children’s love as well. We will be cheering for you all the way. My son is ten and wants to grow up and play for Pittsburgh he has played football since he was 5.. We are truly a family of devoted fans. Love ya Troy, Love Ya Pittsburgh Jessica Garland
Jennifer Wolford
Troy, I watched you in the first game you played with the Steelers… was the first Steelers game I watched, too. You were AWESOME (still are). My puppy also wears her Steeler jersey to watch the game with me! I love your attitude and think you are a great role model for the kids today. They really need one, too! Thanks for the chance to win the tickets!
Melissa Evans
Can’t wait so watch you play this weekend, it would be awesome to be there!
Hey Troy suggested to friends!! Me and my husband would love to watch yall play in the AFC Championship game. Kick some butt!!! We bleed black and gold!! GO STEELERS all the way from Sheffield, Alabama
Maynol Moreno
Dear Troy,
Thank you for inviting me to be a part of Operation: Once in a lifetime. This is a real good cause. And I look forward to helping anyway I can. I have spread the word to my friends in facebook. And I believe they will show there support. You’re a true patriot to our country. And thank you for being a positive influence to us all. GO STEELERS!!!
Greg Cummings
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Lets give the Jets a beat down.
Troy Burns
Hey troy as you can see we share the same name which i always get compliments about because of you. I am diehard STEELERS fan i was just at the playoff game last week which was unbelievable and I went to the AFC Championship game vs ravens before we won the superbowl and I would love to go to this AFC Championship game too. Another interesting fact is everytime I have worn your jersey this year and when I wear someone elses jersey we lose so I will have your jersey on the last two games for sure good luck sunday destroy them for all of us STEELERS fans and hopefully I will be there with these 2 tickets!!!!!!!Here We Go Pittsburgh Here We Go!!!!!!!!
Hey Troy! I sent messages and the link to friends to have them like your facebook page! Whether I win the tickets or not, I will be at home wearing black & gold and cheering on my boys anyway….if you hear loud screams coming from the north, that’s me! Good luck and God Bless you, your teammates, & the coaches!!!
Jordan Baughman
Troy Polamalu, what an honor it is to be addressing you in such a fashion. This season has been unbelievable, and the defense has been unrelenting. It has been a life long dream of mine to go to a steeler game. But, because of financial reasons I have been unable to attend any games. I wear your jersey for every steeler game, and I always will. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to go to the AFC title game against the Jets. I can’t wait for the Steelers Defense to silence them once and for all. Play like the champion that you already are. With the game on your mind and God in your heart you are unstoppable. Bring the seventh championship to the Steel City.
Lisa Andersen
EXTENDED FORECAST WARNING FOR PITTSBURGH: We can expect a strong JET Stream from the NE to arrive Sunday afternoon. It decimated New England. A Steel Curtain is being constructed at Heinz field to contain and weaken this JET Stream. It is believed that there will be quite a storm on Sunday, but once the JET Stream meets the Steel Curtain it will lose its punch, and return to the north by late Sunday evening.
Renee Wood
My daughter and I would love to attend the playoff game. You are our favorite word and player at home. We live in Austin Texas and my daughter and I got Dallas Cowboys and Falcons and Colts and Packers fans to like your page. My daughter and I share a birthday on February 4th. This would be the present of a lifetime. I would love to see yall in Dallas at the Superbowl cuz I just know the Steelers are gonna get that Win on Sunday but the chances of getting affordable tickets to the Superbowl or like slim to none. That being said, I can’t wait to see you make those great plays on Sunday. You are Everywhere on that field and that is why you are POLAMALU! Oh and I love your hair! STEELERS NATION ROCKS! #7 in 2011 !
Rachel B
I love you Troy! Not only are you an amazing football player, but also an amazing and caring person. You are an inspiration! The Steelers are my absolute favorite team and I can’t wait to see you win ANOTHER Superbowl!!!! I have entered the contest in every way that I can (and how awesome of you to offer tickets to fans!); so hope to see you this weekend
Thank you for being you!
Jacqueline Lentz
Hey Troy! I suggested your page to all my friends and my family – as we are all die-hard Steelers fans! Last week at a bar in Madison, WI everyone had on your jersey or a t-shirt with your number. You are quite popular and it is well-deserved! Having you in the game this weekend makes me confident we can make it to another superbowl! Let’s get another amazing interception from you!
Terry Mock
Troy ,
Yea i am a fan of the steelers but i am more of a fan of you. For your giving heart not only these tickets but the way you give your time to sick kids in the hospital. You brighten these kids up on the darkest days with you stopping in to visit them . I sent my friends messages to like your page but most of them already do. Good luck Sunday but im sure you don’t need it. You have a special fan Heather Miller watching you from above as your own guardian angel . Take care an thank you .
bonnie underwood
hey troy i was born and raised in fort wayne indiana but my father introduced me to the world of football when i was 4 and his team eas the steelers. so they became mine forty years later there still my team i get ridculed every day cause im not a colts fan so i facebooked all my hater fans steeler links and this lik. love em or hate em its always black and yellow.
Beth Lauda
Hey Troy!! GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY!! I have loved the steelers all my life! My Dad tought me to be a Steeler fan since I was born, he has passed away now and watching the game makes me feel like he’s still with me. Thank you guys so much for all the effort you put into the game every week!! My daddy is watching from steel nation in heaven and will cheer with me when you win number seven!!! You guys will always be champs!!!! GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!
Best of Luck! Malo ta’alo tausa’afia.
Bill Strait
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” And I would like to win these tickets !!!
Rochelle Mac
Hey Troy Mighty #43 I suggested my friends like your page & Operation Once in a Lifetime’s page!! Please consider choosing me for the honor of watching my one and only Steelers clip some Jets wings and move on to the Superbowl!! I have a 4 yr old daughter who LOVES you and the Steelers and tells everyone that we are getting ring #7 on her daddy’s birthday!! GO STEELERS!!
colleen albaugh
Have a great game and may all play to their best of their ability and be safe!!! GO STEELERS
Steve Enedy
• Our Big Ben, who art in Pittsburgh, Hallowed be thy name, thy Bowl will come. It will be won in Dallas as it is in the Dome, Give us this Sunday, Our weekly win, Give us Touchdown passes, but do not let others pass against us. Lead us not into Frustration, but deliver us to the Super Bowl, for thine is the MVP, the best of the NFL and the glory of the Black and Gold, now and forever, Amen.
Tracy Branham
I have never been to a real footbal game and I would love to see you and the boys take the Jets on and kick some butt!!!!!!!! Please consider me for this very special event! Thank you so much for even doing this for your fans
Carol Montgomery
I have been a Steelers fan since 1974 ( I was 6) and am emotionally attached, heart to heart with each and every one of you. I would be privileged to watch the best team I know beat the Jets. Troy, you are so giving for charities, etc. I am proud of you and all you do. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Staci Thompson from Bay Area, CA
I’ve been a fan since then too. I remember watching Super Bowl games at my Grandma K house. We were glad that she was able to see th em win Super Bowl #6. I still have my 1981 Mean Joe Greene shirt so I know what you mean about being attached.I am bummed that I didn’t get the chance to watch at game at Three Rivers. Hopefully sometimes soon, I will be watch a game at Hienz Field. It is funny how some of my friends that dont like the Steelers alwasy make wonderful comments about Troy. How he is just all over the field. He is just amazing to watch. good Luck Troy! Lets’s get Super Bowl #7.
Maryrose Orange
Thanks for the chance at tickets to the big game, Troy. We love watching you play – always extra excitement when you’re on the field!
Maryrose Orange
Thanks for the chance to win tickets to the big game, Troy. We love watching you play — always extra excitement when you’re on the field!
sheila herriott
I want to win tickets
Luinda Boozel
Troy I love your outlook on life and football. I am sure this all carries out into your everyday life. I am so proud to be in the area of your “home” in Pennsylvania near Mount Union, which is where I am living. That excites me to no end!! I have loved your personality from the very beginning. You are calm, but know when to get aggressive. Believe me, I have had many people make fun of your hair, but I just say that is your way of life, the way they have tattoos covering their body. I LOVE THE HAIR!! You have a sweetness and your aura attracts fans from all over. I would love to have the chance to meet you!
I have been in the pits and garage area at the racetrack at Dover, but nothing would compare to seeing you live in action!!! Speed at the racetrack is nothing to compare with you on the field!!
Forever your fan in my heart and soul,
Warmest regards to you and your family,
Lu Boozel
sheila herriott
Tracy Grizzle
My family and I love Troy and the Pittsburgh Steelers!
We pledge allegiance to the Terrible Towel of our United STEELERS Nation.
And to the franchise for which it stands,
one STEELERS Nation,
of NFL domination,
with the ability to crush you all!
…GO Black and Gold!
Rick Robbins
Born 11/1979 (Super Bowl XIV), My Son Born 1/2006 (Super Bowl XL), My Daughter Born 10/2008 (Super Bowl XLIII).
Looking forward to a Super Bowl win for my puppy Born 9/2010.
Love this!!!
Valorie Matthews
Bill wiseman
Go Troy Go !!!!!!!!!
Ruthann Lacey
Troy…You are a football GOD!!!!!!!!!!
I’m from Cincinnati…So i catch alot of heck being a STEELERS fan!!
LOL…because of the whole Palmer knee thing…Most act like everyone
on the team just jumped on Palmer and took him out…But I just tell them
all not to hate me because MY BOYS know how to play FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!
Suuuupppppeeeer BOWL CHAMPS……AGAIN!!!
chloe pozar
We love the Steelers! Born and raised in Pa. Now living in Az and teaching our 3 kids how great the city of Pittsburgh is!
Joe Chadwick
Beware of the hair let’s go Troy make us steelers fans proud this week kick some Jer but.
Daniel J. Byrd
Melinda Eiler
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details @Troy43.com
Melinda Eiler
Would be completely awesome to come to the Steelers vs Jets game,as a gift from Troy#43 who is such a great player! GO STEELERS!!!
Beverly Wilson
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page. You ROCK!! GO STEELERS!!!!!
Patty Fromm
Please pick me Troy! I have never been to a STEELERS game. I would love the oppertunity to see you all in person!
Valorie Matthews
Anastasia Downer
I really never win anything, but it would be awesome to win these tickets from you Troy! You are the BEST………..
Debbie Gundel
It would be so awesome to win tickets to the playoff game! Love you, have your jersey, love the team. Hubby and I were in motorcycle accident in May caused by the other driver, he has had 6 surgeries, one or two more to come and I have had one with a possible one more. We have hardly done anything since then, we would love it! Thanks for the opportunity to try.
Kelly Robertson
Whether I’m there or not, I’ll be happy and watching when you guys get a hold of the Jets and cancel their flight
Darla Allburn
we love the Steelers and have been to 4 games this year. hoping to join you all in the Super Bowl!! GO STEELERS
Hey Troy I sugessted my friends like your page.There will never be another team as great as ours, I love you all, I am so proud of you all! I love you all so much I am so proud to be a steelers fan for life!
We pledge allegiance to the Terrible Towel of our United STEELERS Nation.
And to the franchise for which it stands,
one STEELERS Nation,
of NFL domination,
with the ability to crush you all!
…GO Black and Gold!
Jason James Brooks
Pittsburgh Steelers Rock! See you at the Super Bowl……..
WOW, this would be the greatest experience of my life…..I love the Pittsburgh Steelers and I played against Darelle Revis in high school….what an opportunity….thanks youre GREAT….craig dietz
Alex Yu
Thanks Troy! Your faith is a great witness to all of us. Let’s bring no. 7 championship to Pittsburgh!
Cheryl K.
I don’t know how to do this but even if I cant be registered to win Try, I love you guys and I hope yo uare able to bring the championship back to Pittsburgh where it belongs!
Joelle Smith
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at Troy43.com
Ruthann Lacey
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you page!
Ronnie Welsch
Good Luck Troy & stay healthy for your trip yo Dallas
debe yandura
you are my favorite steeler by far.
JoAnn Kovach
Go Troy go!
Troy its too hard to read this page. Gray on black is hard to read.
Terry Hart
BRING IT ON, TROY! I ALREADY have your jersey…all I need are the tickets!!!!! Have a GREAT game.
Jeri Havice
Hey Troy,
We would LOVE to win the tickets to see you kick their ass. Plus I would love to play with your hair too. Good thing my husband is a die hard Steelers fan.
Chris McShane
Troy my 8 year old boy has never been to a Steeler game, this would make him very happy!!
Troy’s the Man! Thanks for the chance to win. It’s the only way to POSSIBLY get a tix. LOL–I’m calling for a 21–17 score. PGH wins of course!
I would loveeelers to win tickets to the game. I have never been to a game and I love the Steelers. This has been a great season. Keep it up all the way to the Superbowl. Your the best.
Laura Hodge Smith
It is wonderful how you twit and talk to your fans through Facebook. That just shows the kind person that you are. I have family that lives in Pitt, Dravosburg, Bethel Park, and a few other towns around Pittsburgh, and though I live in Indiana, I have been a Steelers fan for a number of years, since the days of Bradshaw! Thank you for giving us the opportunity to win tickets to the game, it would be an experience of a lifetime.
barb coffman
This would be the greatest gift for my old man who be turning 50 on the 31st. to see his beloved steelers kick butt love ya troy GO STEELERS
Marilyn McLane
Thanks Troy for all that you do for children. I am so glad you are a Steeler so that I can enjoy watching you play every week. I have not been to a game since Three Rivers because of the availability and cost of tickets, but every week I am GLUED to the TV. You make me proud to be a steerler fan. GO STEELERS.
quentin nichols
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at Troy43.com.
Want an additional chance to win?
Mirza Negron Morales
Huge fan! Love the Steelers for years! Wave the yellow and pink terrible towel during every game!
You people crash websites, the way I crash through the line with Troy.
quentin nichols
i want tickets please
Denise Watkins
THANK YOU Troy! You are a fantastic player who we love to watch but also for all you do in your community. You are an athlete I am very happy for my children to look up to. Now…kick butt on Sunday and I hope to be there cheering you on!
Jodi Robertson
Done, done, & done! We love you Troy!
bob grimes
Please beat the jets! And please pik my name for the ticket give away! My wifes from Pittsburgh, but we live in NC now. We travel well though, so we will make the game! By the way, you are the Greatest!
Daniel J. Byrd
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!”
Have a great game! My son (who runs very fast too) will be wearing your jersey!!
Julie Rixner
My sister is a die-hard Jets fan and I have been a Steeler fan all my life! It would be great to win these tickets so she and I could go to this game together and I can see her face when the Steelers win!!! GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!
Kathy Schrecengost Soule
Dear Troy, I’m kinda computer illiterate,dont know how to twitter or copy and paste,lol. I own a pizza shop restaurant lounge in honor of my son,Lance Corporal James E. Writt,who passed away in a very tragic car accident almost 2yrs ago while stationed in Camp Lejuene.We just had our grand opening and did raffle tix and 50/50.We had a Huge steeler basket helped us raise 400 dollars for the Wounded Warrior Project,along with a few other baskets.The 50/50 tix raised 250 dollars for the Patriot Gaurd Riders.We are located on rt 22 greensburg.I am a big fan of yours,and my sons bought me a REAL steeler jersey with your name and number on it for christmas,my first jersey ever.(cause I could never afford one,lol).While the entire restaurant and bar is military themed,my husband INSISTED on have his pizza room,which we built last summer from the dirt up,decorated entirely in Steeler stuff! I would love to win these tickets and raffle them off and split the money for my two charities,such great causes! Dont know if you will get this letter but I hope so.Best off luck in the playoffs,the steelers have the biggest following in all the world! Love and thanks,Kathy
jeanette renee mason
whenever i try and go to operation once in a lifetime facebook group it says that the page cant be found how the hell are we suppose to follow all the steps to enter if the page wont work? ive tried at least 20 times
Becky G
Hoping to see you Sunday!!
Theresa Ondrejik
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!”
My 3 1/2 year old son just got a Steeler jersey with your name/number on it because you are his favorite when he watches football with Daddy. He loves playing tackle with Daddy and pretending he is you!! Good luck against the Jets.
sue dawson
We r your biggest fans in butler!
Trish McGrew
YOU are AWESOME!!!! I loved it when you karate chopped the QB’s arm and knocked the ball loose and then recovered. I have only been to 1 football game in my entire life! (been sheltered…lol) I would LOVE to come see you guys play!!!!! I also have the jerseys…key word…JERSEYS!! Either way keep playing with your heart!
Chrys Harden
Lets go Black and GOLD ( Pittsburge ).
Ken Hulme
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at Troy43.com
Have a great game! Go Steelers!!!
CRASH ON!!!! You are GREAT!!! My son is 5 months old and I tell him he needs to grow up to be like you!!! Thanks for all the other wonderful work you do that is not on the field, it is just as important!!!
I so need the tickets my fiance an I been threw alot an we def deserve the tickets well never been on a vacation together steeler game would be freakn awsome for are 1st place to spend time together we got 4 kids I never get a break please a well deserved fan
Nancy Martin
I would LOVE to see you and the team on the stairway to 7!!!
leigh anne alvis
I want to win the tickets as much as I want the Steelers to win!!!
Kenny Ward Sr
Troy just play like you always do an well go to the superbowl. I”ve been a steelers fan sence “1975″ Have your jersey along with all the iron curriton players you are the bomb just like them.
tim moreau
posted messages all over facebook about your giveaway hope i win. thx
Jodi Robertson
I can’t get the Operation Once in a Lifetime link to work. HELP!!
Kelly Boyle
My father was a Vietnam Vet he passed away this past October….he was a big fan. I think what you are doing now is going to make such positive difference in the lives of Vets especially compared to the unwelcome home that the Vietnam Vets were subjected to…I wish you success in your endeavors both on and off the field, Sincerely Kelly
My ultimate dreams is to the the STEELERS play @ Heinz Field!!!! I never leave the house with out wearing some thing STEELERS related, There fore I wear my STEELERS necklace with pride EVERY DAY….Being A STEELERS fan and being from the Cincinnati Area I get bashed so much, But I dish it right back @ them. : 0 )
Debbie Wimer
Troy thanks for the opportunity to win tickets.. want to take my sister to the game. Those Jets are flying too high and we want to watch the Steelers use their tank “you” to put them back on the ground where they belong.
Sophia Avery
I have been a fan all of my 14 years of life
)- you can thank my PAPA for that (he has been a fan all of his life – he grew up in Pittsburg), but even more, you are my favorite Steeler! I love all that you have taught me about hard work, teamwork and dedication. I use it when I play soccer, basketball and softball. Hopefully someday I will be lucky enough to meet you. (If I win the tickets, I will take my PAPA.
)) Thank you Troy for being the person, athlete and STEELER that you are! GO STEELERS!!!!!
Steelers Rule The Field!
Lukas Shellhammer
i need those tickets
Bill Wohlscheid
As a lifetime Steeler Fan, I would love the opportunity to see in person The NFL’s most storied team. The Steelers have the Best Owners in the Rooney’s, and they do it the right way, with class!
Thanks for the opportunity for tickets,
Steeler fan 4ever, Bill Wohlscheid
Jeni Patterosn
We are really big Fans!My husband has always bought tickets and has always given them to our children!He always said because he was blind that he would let them go because they could see everything!We were wacthing the game the other night and he said to me i wish i had went to a game!So good luck and we hope the STEELERS go all the way!
Stacee Hilliard
Been Steeler fans since before the Steel Curtain! Lived in California all our lives and had to battle 49′er and Raider fans daily for the right to wear our Black and Gold everywhere. Have 50 years of Steeler jerseys, including yours! Wish you all the best of luck this week, but know that luck has little to do with it. Kick some green and white Jets butt and send them home to their mamas! Time for 7 rings! HERE WE GO STEELERS, HERE WE GO!!! I’VE GOT A FEELING . . . PITTSBURGH’S GOIN’ TO THE SUPERBOWL!!!
Susan Callahan
Would love to see you beat em’ in YOUR house;)
Randy Mathews
You are the best!
Heather Y'Willetts
Im trying to win tickets through the twitchange for my Dad and I. The directions say to include #TroysTickets so the tweets can be tracked. But when i do that, it always goes over the allowed text size. Taking out spaces takes away the links in the text. Guess i will just have to cross my fingers that facebook will give me a good chance to win. Good luck everybody!
Kim Anderson
Thank you for giving your fans a chance win a ticket to the game this weekend! I know I am crossing all my toes and fingers for that once in a lifetime opportunity. You deserve all you have and more Mr. Polamalu! Thank you again!
Kenny Ward Sr
Troy play hard an all the slick moves you do an well go to the super bowl. Our hole family is steelers fans big time even my wife loves steelers. Most of my family lives in Harrisburg, Pennsalvanya we have a game room that is just deadacated just for the steelers. Againe i have your jersey an all the iron curriton from ’1975′ .No matter if you win or lose i will always be a fan
i turn 43 on feb 2,what a gift to have a trip to see #43 up front an personal!
LLet’s go steelers nation!
Lisa Ranocchia
Troy, I hope that you have Wonderful Day!!! I suggested my friends to your profile. My husband and I would LOVE to go to Sunday’s game
We are HUGE Steeler’s fan’s!!!! I’m sorry I don’t “tweet” Please pick me..it would mean so much to me!!! I hope that everyone has a safe game on Sunday. No injury’s. I hope that you guys crush the Jet’s!!!! Let’s make it 7 super bowl ring’s!!! I really think Hines would Love that too!!! I love how you pray every time you go onto the field…I’m saying my prayer now too that I get these tickets…Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go !!!! Love You and PLEASE stay HEALTHY, Lisa Ranocchia
susan orwig
hey troy i have never been to a steelers game i have been a steeler fan sent the 80 and my hole family likes the steelers i had a brother that passed away last year and he never got to go so i would love to go for him and me i have your jersery all i need i a ticket
Cindy Kennedy-Noel
I want to take a moment and explain I am a lifelong Green Bay Packers fan. But my husband, Dan Noel is a lifelong Steelers fan. We have recently moved back up north (Ohio) and are so close to Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, we cannot afford to purchase tickets to the game. I would LOVE to surprise my husband with 2 tickets to this Sunday’s game. If there is anyway we could win this it would be a great way to show my husband how much I love him and how proud I am of him. BTW, I only have one other teams jersey… it is yours which I wear proudly!!! I love Troy!! You are awesome! Ok, well have a great winning game on Sunday, because I am hoping for a Packers vs Steelers Superbowl!!
joann budden
hey troy oh how i would love a ticket i always spread the word about the steelers pages. my dream is to be in pitts and i plan to move there in 4 yrs god willing
Troy you rock . I was at the Bills game . Was my first ever game . My bf who took me slipped and broke his ankle . He had surgery on the 23rd . We are die hard Steelers fans . I got a new number 43 jersey for christmas and love it . God Bless and cant wait to watch the game this weekend .
Kris Warren
hey i would like to go to the game but i live in ky so it would be hard to get there so give them to some one that can afford to get there thanks love them steelers troy you are a great player i wish you and the team the best of luck HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO
Robyn Spencer
I found your facebook site and suggested it to all my fellow Ohioans who support the great Pittsburgh Steelers!! Would love to win the tickets to take my son to the game!! Even better would be a 7th Super Bowl Championship!! GO STEELERS!!
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!” Love this site! Good luck and God bless!
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!”
A dream come true – a ticket from Troy! LOVE YOU AND THE BLACK & GOLD. GO STEELERS!!!
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!”
James Pahoulis
I can’t seem to get through on the Fb chance to win tickets. I tried clicking the like button and nothing happened. I would really like to be there more than anything! Please respon so I have a chance to win.
Alicia Enterline
My whole family just loves the Steelers and my daughter loves you the most… She was even excited to be able to see you in person when her school Marching Band/ COlor Gaurd got to perform for everyone at the Steelers/Bengals game… You make football so exciting to watch… the NFL needs more players like you.
I would have to say you and Ward are my favorite players, but if I win the tickets that would move you to the #1 spot. just kidding, I do love to watch you play. How about a few quarterback sacks sunday??
jennifer jones
i want those tickets troy
Billie Besore
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!” My son would LOVE to come watch a real football game!!! He wears your jersey everytime a game is on!!!! He has never been to a real football game!
jennifer wogan
i <3 you troy! i love steeler football!! my U.S.M.C. husband would love a trip to the big game!!!
Super Bowl Ring #7!!!!!!!
Jackie Lamison
Go Steelers !!!
Marian E. Gray
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at Troy43.com.
Want an additional chance to win?
faith white
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!” By the way Troy my husband and i just luv u! He’s got a mini helmet u signed and the lfe size pic of u and your jersey plus numerous pics!! This would be a dream come true for him and i to see u in the playoffs!! Thank u for your time Faith
Michele Nace
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!” along with your personal greeting.
Pete West
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” I’ve been a die hard Steelers fan my whole life! I go to Pittsburgh often with my work but can you believe I have NEVER been to a Steelers game!!! Hook a brotha up! Brothers in Christ, Pete West
Cindy Lepo
I need that ticket so I can watch the hair fly live!
Hey Troy! Like many of your fans I am rootin for a win. It would be a dream of mine to attend one the biggest games of the year! Much sucess!
Awesome give away all the while helping a well deserved cause, go Troy
Jackie Ortega
I love you guys!!!! Pleas pick me!! Good luck this weekend and kick there Butts!!! I heart the Steelers!!! Black and Yellow, Black and Yellow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Going to re-schedule an operation so I may either have a chance to go to the game, or watch it with no post-op pain. Steelers chances for the super bowl can not be rescheduled, so try not to let me down boys. Go Gettum.
Debbie Bicker
Man Troy getting those ticks would be GREAT. I love watching you play on T.V. but it hard to keep track of you. Being at the game would make it easier to watch you fly though the air for those interceptions and tackles. Love ya and May God watch over you and your family.
Robert Green
Come on Troy i need those tickets PLEASE!
Michele Case
Hey Troy!!! Good luck on Sunday from your fans in Flint, Michigan!! We would love to come cheer you on and be part of the GREAT win of the Jets for the AFC Championship!! Here We Go Steelers Here We Go!!!
Hello Troy, What a great game.. “Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!” I’ll be driving from Atlanta Ga. area after I win the ticket.LOL. I got a feeling Pittsburgh is headed to the Super Bowl!
Curt Czarnecki
Hey Troy,
Big fan and admire your dedication to your family and your faith. Have a great game on Sunday! Maybe watching you live?
Veronica Zollner
Would love to get tickets to take my son, he is a huge Steelers Fan
Bob Prunty
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page!!! Best of luck in the game. God is with you so I know you will have a great game!!
Faith White
Ok the site for your Operation: Once in a lifetime is down!
Drea frm T, AZ
Win, lose or TIE. I am a STEELERS FAN TIL I DIE!!!!!! Good luck TROY and the rest of the STEEL CURTAIN
Steeler Mike
Troy….We need a “flying ” blitz of Sanchez this week.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Heather Bradshaw
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!” I LOVE YOU & the Steelers, Troy! My family and I are huge Stiller fans here in Idaho Falls, Idaho! We may be miles away, but our home looks & feels like Hines Field! Saw you play twice last year, but haven’t been able to make it work this year….would love it if we could!
“Here we go Stillers, here we go! Pittsburgh’s goin to the Superbowl!
Lisa James
My husband and I are the Steelers biggest fans! Good luck! Here we go Steelers, here we go. Pittsburgh’s going the the Superbowl!
william smithson
Go steelers
Rose Chestnut
Would love to be there to watch you and the Steelers play the Jets. Gonna be a great game. Steeler Nation all the way!
Tabitha Maas
All I want to say is good luck against the Jets on Sunday!! I have been a loyal fan ever since I was born. You are a such a great guy and I am so glad that you are a Steeler. I would so love to go to the game on sunday and watch you guys beat the Jets!!
Nick Liakaris
You are MVP outside of the field with your strong religious faith. On the field you are amazing. Keep it up and bring home another Lombardi!!!!!!!
mark mcmanigle
i want the tickets so i can watch you miss tackles and get burnt like you did last week
I can’t wait to see this rematch against the Jets. I love all you are doing for our troops
Ines Salomon
Hey Troy you are a wonderful player keep up the good job….. Love ya!!!
Your not only an inspiration on the field, but off as well! I’ll be cheering hard for you guys this weekend from my couch, or hopefully from the stands! Good luck!
I might win Troy Polamalu’s tickets to the AFC Title game! Just because I’m a fan of Troy on facebook and the work being done with Operation: Once In A Lifetime. Details – http://bit.ly/gF66N7
I would love to be at this game! I have never been able to be at a Steelers game and would be honored to be there, especially on my birthday. Yes, Jan 23rd is my birthday. Whether I win or not, I want to see you guys win! GO STEELERS!!!
Tammy Silvis
That would just be TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!
You are my number one Steeler !!! Thank you for being who you are !!! GO STEELERS !!!!
Thanks for all you do, on and off the field!!
Carol Kearns
TROY, love watching YOU make unforgettable plays that are game changing. Can’t wait to see YOU and America’s Team (THE PITTSBURG STEELERS) send the Jets soaring on the flight to DEFEAT! Here we go STEELERS, Here we go, straight to the SUPER BOWL for # 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bring on the Jets, glad your healthy, have a awesome Game!!!
David Abreu
Wendy Langford-Russell @ rrblu62 on twitter
Hey Troy I had a problem with adding #TroysTickets to my celebrity tweets it made the tweet to long I tweeted 58 celebs and I ‘ll try again tomorrow I saved all of them under favorites so I can prove they where sent is there a way to get around this? I tried to be creative but it’s not my day let me know what I can do me and my dad used to go to three river I hope to win so he and my son can go he’s 78 now but still loves football.
Jessica Brooks
I love the Steelers and the Jets/Steelers game is on my birthday! Would love to go!
karen hartless
Didn’t go through to the ‘Join the operation’ site but I still love you anyway. Keep up the great work, GO STEELERS!
Hi Troy – this is soooo nice of you. My husband and I have attended 5 games this year and what a joy it would be to see the AFC Championship game. If I had season tickets, I’d come to every game……still on waiting list since 1990!!!! I have all the faith in you and the guys to get the job done on Sunday…….GO STEELERS!!!!!!
melanie maike
i think you’re an awesome player…..i can tell you play cuz you love the game,unlike so many atheletes.
i am the football fan in my house,not my husband,his friends think…kool…my friends think…weird…
hope you and the steelers kick butt!!!!!!!!!!!
miguel najera
Ehhhhy Troy, I´m a steeler fan since 1981, and I strongly believe that the current deffense is the all time best.
In Mexico we admire to you. You have a lot of fans here. If you want to come to Chihuahua Mexico be sure that you have a big family and a lot of friends.
God bless the steelers!!!!
My husband and I got the chance to go to the AFC championship game where you won the game with your interception. It was the most awesome experience we have ever had and we would love to get another chance to go to this years AFC championship game. We were gonna buy tickets but we just can’t afford them at this time, hoping luck will strike us and we can see you in another great Performance!
Tom Fuls
We are all inspired by your focus as a competitor as well your willingness to give back to those in need of a helping hand.
Love watching you fly, tackle and intercept. You and the guys…..keep up the great teamwork!
Stefan Powers
You remind me of Ham and Lambert of the 70,s. but a lot faster. GO GET’EM, LEAVE NOTHING ON THE TABLE.
Jeff Bias
Hey Troy,
First let me say what a big fan of you and the Steelers I am and wish youall good luck and wish I could attend the game, I don’t get out much any more I am a Gulf War Vet I served with the 82nd Airborne during the first Gulf War and we were exposed to nerve agents and now I am ill with this Gulf War illness that leaves me tired and joints aching all the time and causes me to take medications all the time but oh well, I feel we are forgotten about I would like to bring our illness to the public’s attention and maybe you could help, there are about 250,000 of us that we exposed but the government has just recently began to recognize that the nerve agents are linked to our illness, would be honored to meet you or at least win some playoff tickets and thank you for all you do on and off the field! Take it to them Troy!
debbie bryan
would be a great birthday present! Good Luck and Go Steelers!!
Hey Troy, I was at the Ravens vs Steelers game this past sat, and i must say i am one proud Steelers Fan. GO STEELERS!!
Dinah Baney
Like I always say when I’m watching the game. He’s everywhere He’s everywhere!!!!!!!!!
i am young but one of troys biggest fans, i adore him and am dying to go see a game, its my life goal <3 and to meet him would just make my reams come true.
Joe Criscione
Crosses fingers and blesses self for chance to win and watch my Steelers go to Dallas.
Ron Aidan Smith
May God bless, have mercy on, and save you! Yours in the ancient faith, Aidan
Sharon Putaro Lyle
Love you Troy! You’re the best and we know you’ll beat those JETs! Have the best game ever!!!
Ron Aidan Smith
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!”
You have made me a Steelers fan!
Terri Hamrick
My mom and I love you to death!!! We both have your jersey. I would like nothing more than to take my mother to this year’s (because our Steeler’s are there) AFC game, there is nothing that would make her happier and she deserves it.
I am suggesting your page to all of my friends. I think this is a wonderful cause and always remember to thank our soldiers and their families for all that they give up for our freedom.
You keep being you and crashing through those lines. You make the game that much more enjoyable.
Becca Rice
I absolutely love you and the rest of the Steelers team! I live in Pittsburgh and have all my steelers gear now I just need to be at Heinz Field to help cheer you on to #7! GOOD LUCK! <3
Denise Palermo
Troy you are so awsome…..Love when you pick off a ball…..Hope you can be doing it this week for the game….I’ll be wearing your jersey…Good luck…..Go Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tina Hammond
Put my name on the tickets now, because I’m going to win them……: )
Suzie Herring
I am so excited to be a steelers fan!!!! Like always! But Being A Troy P. #43 Fan Is even more exciting!!! you R the best player of all time to me!!! & the causes you support & love for your family,make me super proud to be a #43 Troy P. Fan! Good Luck!!! Superbowl # 7 on the way
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends you Page!”
Troy you are the man!! Dkehard STEELERS fan down in Florida, good luck this weekend You Got This.
GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Diana Crossman
I am a HUGE fan of the STEELERS…I would LOVE to win tickets to Sundays game
Dawn McKnight
Would ABSOLUTELY love to go to this game! Spend a lot of time driving to Quaker Steak in P.A. watching you on the big screen, Troy! Want to be there in person to see SUPERMAN fly in person!
Melanie Warman
Good Luck at the game But You do amazing All on your own!!!! You are an amazing man both on and off the field and WE LOVE YOU!!!!!! Best of Luck to the WHOLE TEAM and GO STEELERS!!! I BLEED BLACK AND GOLD!!!!!! I suggested to all my friends to join your website!!!
Mike ( STEELHEAD )Heidecker
I have been a steeler fan since the early 70′s, I’ve never had the chance to go to a game because of ticket prices, My nephew tried to get tickets for this game the other day and was gonna suprise me, but it didn’t happen. What a first game that would have been. I do wear you jersey with the super bowl 40 patch on it, I also have a pair of player pants (practice) that I bought from a friend who goy them from Chuck Benerick ( pretty cool huh) , I wear them ever game along with my super STEELER cape I made, not to mention my black and gold mohawk hat and face paint. I hope you consider me as a finallist……Either way I will be cheering you and our STEELERS on sunday evening…..Let’s go Steelers ground those jets……I hope the jets have all state insurance…. to protect them from MAYHEM like us.
barbara stuart robinson
i am your fan – however, i have been a steelers fan since 10 yrs old (50 yrs) and you have no idea how great last weekend’s win was for me as i couldn’t even go to a party, club, bar to watch game because of purple fever – thank you and my team for putting the black & gold all over the purple! onward to the jets and then lets, make it number 7!!
Sherry DeSalle
Troy, my husband is from Western PA and has been a Steeler fan since he was small. He was with them through the bad years and the good. He is a huge fan of yours and Hines Ward. The best to you guys this week and into the Super Bowl. You will never find a better supporter. For his 60th birthday, I sent him to Steeler fan camp and he says that is one of the highlights of his life. We love you guys.
John Payne
Troy, I have been following the pro game for most of my natural life and if the term “walk softly and carry a big stick” ever applies to any one person,you would be the poster representative! Because no one leaves a more lasting impression on or off the field than you do.My boys have become big fans and they are only five and three.Hope you remain a part of the game for alot of years to come….
Darcey Johnson Knudsen
Troy- Our family loves the passion you use in life and on the field!!! Go STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!! p.s. I was born in Seattle and my husband was wearing a steelers jersey after you beat them for the last Championship as he walked through the Portland airport getting rude comments the day after you guys beat them. My husband would love to see you play in person! He has started http://www.brainchampions,org and Team7:15 to help kids stay safe and play football. All3 of our boys have played youth and two so far all through hi-school. Our oldest boy Kord picked the Steelers at age 5!!!! He is now 22!!!!!!
carol cooper
May God bless you in all you do and keep you healthy. I hope you are able to play in the AFC Title game. You are an inspiration to so many as well as a phenomenal athlete. Thank you.
Kayla W.
POLAMALU is mine, my moms, and my 3 year old daughters favorite word. =] I am so excited for the game this weekend!! I hope I win! This would be an AWESOME birthday present for my mom and I. Our birthdays are both Feb. 4th. =]
Vanessa Summers
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you Page!”
~I Love My Boyfriend~
Bring it on home baby !!!!!!!!!!!!! What a game against the Ravens GOOOOOOOOOOOOOO STEELERS number 7 we be in Heaven!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Corey Stock
1 more win in & your in the Super Bowl. We the fans need you guys 2 play your hearts out for us so we can cheer you guys on at the Super Bowl. Hope you have a tremendous game & a good outcome. Just imagine Pittsburgh playing in a Super Bowl at Dallas. HERE WE GO STEELERS!!! HERE WE GO!!!
Brenda Holland
I love the Steelers and Troy Polamalu so much. I traveled all the way from New Jersey to see Troy in the Pro Bowl and to the Super Bowl in Tampa because I wanted to see your awesome self in person. I was not disappointed. I hope your ankle is healing well. You just never run out of energy and it truly shows in the results you supply on the field. Pittsburgh is lucky to have you. Thank you and God Bless you in all your endeavors.
Sarah Myers
I enjoy the game more because you make it that way. The love you have and the knowledge of the game shows. We all enjoy you. I was you for Holloween with shirt and hair pants and all. I have every picture and clipping of all the Steelers since the 70′s; that has been in our paper. My entire house if black & gold floor to ceiling. Kitchen Bathroom Dining Living and Bedroom.. Hope to see you at the game.
Ruthann Recher
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like you page! You are an awesome person Troy and a awesome player. It has been a wonderful season for the whole steeler nation! And we thank you looking forward to the next game. God bless you!
Percy Roddy
45 year old been a Steeler fan since the age of 9…love you guys
Melissa Montgomery
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page!
I love watching Steeler football every week. I wish you guys good luck against the Jets this week! I’m sure it will be a great game. Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go!!!
Katrina Keeshen
Defensive player of the year!!! Love what you are doing both on & off the field!
Gaye June Craig
Hey Troy,
You have so much positive energy and you share it with so many. Stay with The Steelers. I love watching you play.
we are on our way to the lucky number 7 that is 7!!!!!!
just like the points on the statue of liberty 7!!!!
good luck
dave snyder
GOOD LUCK this sunday. all ready waiting to go to camp this summer
really really would love to see you play!! ur my favorite!
everything happens for a reason and there is a reason why im off this sunday!!!
Rumor has it that it is Myron Copes birthday on Sunday. May the force of the Terrible Towel be with you.
im ready to see the steelers stomp a mud hole in the jets, lets get # 7
Rachel Alridge
that was an awesome game…it kept me on the edge of my seat! keep up the great job!
Elizabeth McFarland
I suggested this page to all my friends!!! Never been to a football game….let alone A STEELERS game!!!! This would be a major dream come true……number 7 is OURS!!! No DOUBT about it!!!! GO STEELERS!!!!
Stephanie Forsythe
Hey Troy, love all you’re doing, got your jersey, wear it for every game, altho i’m home alone watching, have my terrible towel and dont care if anyone thinks im nuts! Been a Steelers fan since i was a little girl, 70s and will always be a Steelers fan, hope to actually see a game up close and personal while im still above ground! lol love lots from this Calif girl!
AJ Beck
Troy, your beast! Keep your eye on thoes Jets WR.
Yvette Brown
I know this message will not get to you BUT you are the reason I started watching football.(mind you, this year)
I have 3 boys and you, my friend, are their role model,,,,on and off field.
I can not wait till game time !!!
I wish more people in the world were like you.
Have a great game and GO STEELERS !!!
ella blythe
hello…i am having trouble entering your contest for the ticket give away…my brothers and I are deep down Steeler fans…we have never been to a Steeler game because usually of money and where we live…i am from ohio, lima ohio that is..my brother died almost 4 years ago from cardiac arrest at 35 and it took me in great depression…i would love to try to get tickets to honor his death and to remember the times we had together and the love we had for the Steelers…i miss him so very much and i can look up and say Roy, this is for you….we dont know when our time is up…no one does…be right with God..he shall guide you…since then i have rededicated my life to the Lord and so has my husband…this would mean so much in honor of my brother…God bless
Donna Mae Moniger
Would love to take my grandson, with tickets from Troy would be the best. What a role model!!!!!! I would have my husband or his father take him to the game. Go steelers!!!!!!
Debbie W.
Sure would love to surprise the hubby with these tickets! Great thing you are doing with this Once in a Lifetime event!
Yvonne Peifer
I would love to win these tickets. My son just moved to Pittsburgh and I miss him so much. This would be a chance for me to spend time with my son and see the Steelers on their way to SEVEN!
takia gentry
hey troy i love you even though your married but i still love you every time the team play i always look for you. you can call my mom and ask her !!!!! your the best player on the team !!!! i love you
Sue Leis
Troy, Love watching you play! You always make a difference out on the field and more importantly, out in the world! Good luck, from one Orthodox Christian to another! You are a wonderful role model to both my son and daughter! Thanks for showing them how to live an Orthodox life even with your Celebrity status!
Rosalie Heddleston
I have been a Steelers fan for 43 years. I always will be. I was present at the first game ever played in Three Rivers, and not back again until 12/23/10. I watched Steelers defeat Panthers in Section 130 Row EE Seat 9 Gate C Lower Level West. I NEVER miss a televised game. I need tickets!! Love you Troy.
Dianne Rudolf
You are such a “giver” Troy! I suggested this page to my friends – All the best, Dianne
Tricia Prokop
I would give anything to go to the game. Went to the game last week, it was AWESOME. The stadium was electrified. The team played great, you were great. You are always great. Everything you do is so awesome on and off the field. You are turely an insrpiation
Tricia Prokop
I did suggest my friends like you page!!
Rochelle MacAlarney
Troy I hope you know that you are such a blessing to so many people! I wish you the best in everything you do and with this wonderful charity, My dad is a Marine who served 3 tours in Vietnam for this country. We are very happy to see that you are getting the word out about this wonderful program for our dedicated soliders! I would like to wish you and your family continued success and blessings in everything you do on and off the field! Go Steelers!!
Rochelle MacAlarney
Oops! I forgot to tell you I suggested the Operation Once in a Lifetime page & your page to all my friends!
Dave Pohlit
Troy, I love the work that you do on and off the field! Best of luck and health to you and all the Steelers in kicking some JET butt!
My wife and I are diehard Steeler fans in the hart of Ravens country…it was a somber Monday yesterday at the gym I am happy to say!
Come Sunday, February 6, 2011 “SEVEN WILL BE HEAVEN”! Rock on Steelers!
Andreas Stathopoulos
Doxa si Kurie!! I just wanted you to know how proud I feel when I see you cross yourself between every play and the recognition you give to our sacred Orthodox faith! You are truly an inspiration for me in increasing my faith and being more devout. I pray you have good health and fortune in all you do! O Theos mazi sou my friend.
Good luck! You are awesome and would love the tickets!!
Chris McShane
Troy I would love to take my kid, watching you guys win!!
cindy moore
Huge fan ! Dont have a chance to go to many games What a great oppertunity this would be Thanks for giving us this chance !
Benjamin McKenzie
Hi Troy, I suggested to my friends to join, My name is Ben McKenzie I am a remote site medic working in Iraq I am currently home on leave and I will be going back to Iraq in february which is also my birthday month I would love nothing more than to be in the stands cheering you and the team to the superbowl as I am also 44 years old and never been to a professional game this would just make my Day and give me something to brag about when I get to Iraq That I seen you whoop up on the Jets and head to the superbowl for the BIG 7 Thank you for your consideration
Beverly Pollock
Best of luck on Sunday – I was at the game last Saturday and it was awesome. I would love to be there this week but if not I will be watching at home and enjoying that too. Thank you for all you do!!
Hey Troy…I suggested my friends (Steeler Family) like your page….I would Love to win……I have been a Steeler Lady all my life! I have never been to a game(yet)…but I am attending Spring Training Camp this yr!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! We live about an hour north of Pittsburgh and have lots of die hard fans of you and the entire Steeler team. Good Luck !!!!!!!!!
Sharon Bennett
Hey Troy I have been a fan since the early 70′s even though my parents didn’t like football and I have been a fan of your since you started playing for Pittsburgh.I wear your jersey for every game and call you my boy. I sent my whole family invites to your page even though one of my sons is a Bengals or should I say Bungles fan. I have never been to a football game except for high school football games my sons played in and it has been a dream of mine and my husbands to see the Steelers play. I would really like to be there to see them win the game that would send them to play in the Super Bowl where they could come home with number seven.
Melissa W
Thank you for giving us a chance to go to the game!! GO STEELERS!!!
Amy Row
Hi Troy! I have suggested this page to all of my Facebook friends! I have lived in Pittsburgh for 17 years, and I have never been to a Steelers game! I would love the opportunity to come out and support you and the rest of the team! Thank you so much for giving this chance to those of us who can’t afford tickets!!!!!!
I have been a steeler fan longer than you have been on this earth! If i won these tickets i would probably give them to my daughter who is a steeler fanatic. She is even changing her boyfriends mind (patriots fan). Love can do that to you. They were in Pittsburgh for the festivities last Saturday outside the stadium. I will be rooting for the steelers on Sunday no matter I watch the game from.. As a team you do so many good things. I teach no bullying in school…then there are teams that think this is, as adults, okay. Children look up to their idols and figure if its okay for them to talk negative why can’t i? Yeesh… So have a great game Sunday. STEELERS ROCK!!!
Tiffani Adams
We have never seen a live game! 20+ years as fans…we need to see you guys LIVE!! Thanks! And God Bless!
Cynthia Montag
Thank you…Peace and Be Well…
Amy Altemara
I love you Troy you rock!! I have a nick name for I call you fu man my crazy man chu!! I Never been to a steeler game and would LOVE to go to one. So plz pick me!!!
Hey Troy…good luck Sunday in the AFC Championship Game, the Steelers wouldn’t be the same without you! I think that All of the work that you do for the children is an amazing accomplishment that only emplifies your kindness and true heart. I have suggested to many of my facebook friends to start following you on Face Book.
If I were to win these tickets, I would take my dad, who has been my hero my whole life. He is not only a Steeler fan but a fan of the game itself. You can always find my dad on Fridays in the fall at our local HIgh School football games, and Saturdays down at Hienz Field watching the Panthers play. I, myself have never been to a game, and think that this would be a once in a lifetime opportunity for not only myself but my Dad. GO STEELERS!
Sue Porebski
love your sweet spirit Troy Also would love to go to game!!
Tickets or not we will be watching the Steelers go all the way again!!!
Joni Derrick
Would love the chance to come on down to the brgh! Thanks Troy!
Carrie Cole
I moved to Pittsburgh 3.5 years ago and never used to watch pro football… The Steelers have changed all of that – and YOU are absolutely amazing to watch, and without a doubt my favorite player!! Even more so, I have seen you in many situations interacting with your fans, and you are one of the most humble, kind-hearted professional athletes I have seen. We appreciate everything that you do on and off the field! Can’t wait until Sunday!!! Here We Go!!!!!
Lisa Marino
Hey Troy, I have been a huge Steeler’s fan all my life. Born and rasised here in Pittsburgh. i am a single mom and would love it so much to be able to take my 13 yr old to a game. He also is a huge fan, and hope to play football in High School..
We all love your commitment to the sport and your display of respect. It s an inspiration to all the young kids.
Thank for this awesome opportunity to win..
Dee Rogers
Troy, love you as a player, but most of all as a person of great integrity and gentleness of spirit. Congratulations on the birth of your second child and God Bless you and your family and LET’S GO STEELERS!!! I FEEL # 7 COMING OUR WAY!!
Lisa Workman
Hey Troy, I love watching you play and love all the STEELERS but you’re my favorite. Goodluck and bring us another win. Thanks for giving us all a chance to come see you play. GO STEELERS!!!!!!
Stephanie Ward
Thanks Troy for the oppurtunity to win these tickets, my husband and our family have been Steelers fans forever and our son , who is a rising sophomore football player at Lehigh University happens to play Safety as well and we tell him all the time, play the game like TROY! Good luck Sunday and lets bring the Championship home to Pittsburgh and then move on to the Super Bowl! GO STEELERS! I suggested to my friends on Facebook as well
Dee Rogers
I just sent invites to all of my Pittsburgh Facebook friends to join your cause, Operation Once in a Lifetime, on Facebook, and to enter your contest to win 2 free AFC Championship tickets for next Sunday’s game. They’ll be sorry if they don’t act fast!
Jeannie Schulte
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page! It looks like a terrific cause, and we appreciate all the work you continue to do to help others. Thanks!
I haven’t been able to attend a Steeler game since the ‘STEEL CURTAIN’ ERA, but I bleed BLACK AND GOLD and wear my “43 – BEWARE THE HAIR” t-shirt with pride. I always light a candle on Sunday game days for the protection of the Theotokos’ to be with ALL the players when I go to church. God continue to be with you and protect you, Troy. He has Blessed you immeasureably.
Lisa Spicer
Hey Troy I suggested my friends like your page I hope I win tickets
Barry Cimperman
Troy, Stay focused young man. Keep that humility until you hit the field and ground some Jets, starting w/ the pot smokin Holmes. THE SILENT LEADER OF THE D! GO STEELERS!!
Diane Miller
Love the Steelers and really enjoying watching you play!!! You are always an exciting team member to watch!!!
I’ve only been to one game ever, and would love to go to this game and I have suggested your page to my friends!!
Good luck to you and the entire team!!
Delana Pritts
Troy you are the best. I would love to go to a Steelers game and be there for the win. It is so wonderful that you give these tickets away. Good Luck on Sunday!!!!
Mike Thompson
Posted on your message on facebook, going and see you guys dominate would make a great birthday gift!
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Go Steelers! Yay!!
Jamie Dickey
I suggested a bunch of my friends
Judy Stupak
Hey Troy: how exciting it would be for me to attend the AFC Title game…I am such a HUGE fan or yours and the team..I have been for many years. One thing unique about the Steeler Organization is the teamwork that is shown each and every game. I would love to be at the game and cheer the Steelers on to another Super Bowl….Go Steelers!!! Thank you for this oppotunity..
You’ve ben my favorite player from day one, and I can’t believe all the good you do for the community. What I love is that you don’t do it because you HAVE to, but you’ve chosen to, because you’re a kind and caring human being. The NFL needs more players like you, because you’re a beast on the field, but a good, family-loving, wholesome, quiet person off the field. You know what’s importat, and you’re not afraid to let it be known! My uncle had the wondeful opportunity to meet you when his moving company moved you and your wife into your new house, and to this day he talks about what a wonderful human being you are and how he’ll never forget that moment for the rest of his life. I will let everyone I know about this contest, because they need to know more about the wonderful program “Operation Once in a Lifetime” and what it is all about.
Troy, and all the Steelers…We are HUGE Steelers fans!-My fiance, dad, myself and my 6yr old son. We have to take my son to Erie Pa a lot to the Shriners Hospital and everytime we go, he wants to go by the Stadium in Pittsburgh. He knows your name and number and cheers for you and the team all the time. My dad who is 68 yrs old, went through his second childhood and got a Steelers tatoo on his upper arm. He almost missed my birth, because he was watching a game back in 1977. I have always wanted to suprise him with tickets as he is getting older but have never been able to afford them. We have a ton of Steelers memoribila in our home. I dont know how long my dad will be around and this would be the BEST gift ever…to come see you all play!!! If not, we will still be cheering the team on in a warm house instead of out in the cold haha….Goodluck and see you at the Superbowl!!
Becky Greenawalt
Thank you Troy for helping our veterans. They truly sacrifice more than people not close to them realize. I am so thank ful for all they do and appreciate your recognition of their efforts. God Bless you and your family!
I have been a Steeler fan for years. I even buy Steeler outfits for my granddaughters….whose parents arent Steeler fans…lol. I dont have a lot of free time or funds to do a lot extra in this crazy world of jobs, bills etc….this would be my dream come true if i could come watch the best team ever. I faithfully wear my jersey or Steeler scrubs to work on game day to work. This would be an honor to come to this game.
Good luck in the AFC Championship game. Go Steelers!!!!!!!!
Bob Horbach
Troy just wanted to say you are a great athlete and a fierce competitor. You are a true Steeler. Been a fan since the early 70′s and have seen away games in Philly and Baltimore but never in Pittsburgh. It would be the greatest to watch you guys destroy the Jets in person.
Christine Snyder
I am sure whoever wins will be very deserving. Love and prayers always for the entire Steelers organization.
Bridie Maloney
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! Let’s go Steelers fans…lets help support our troops!
Bobbie B
Best of Luck to you and the team in the championship. Win or loose you will always be a winner in my book. You are a remarkable player and teammate on the field and along with your personal teammate, you and Theodora as just as remarkable in your community endeavors. GO GET EM 43!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to win tickets to see the game, but even if I don’t I hope the Steelers beat the Jets!!! It’s an inspiration to see an openly Christian man in such a public profession.
Troy, this is an amazing gesture. I am a huge fan and sadly I’ve never had the opportunity to watch my favorite team in person. I really hope you succeed in what you are trying to accomplish. Not only as a fan, but as a huge supporter of our armed forces. I am excited for anyone who wins this contest because you are not only helping a soldiers’ dreams’ come true, but also a Steelers’ fans’. I will keep everyone in my prayers and I will be on my knees on Sunday praying for a “Stairway to Seven” for the only NFL team to deserve the title of Champions, the one and only Pittsburgh Steelers. God Bless and Good Luck.
grace kidder miller
Many thanks for the determination, talent and inspiration you bring to the Steelers team every day. I’ve only seen one professional game, the home opener, first game played in Three Rivers Stadium against the Giants. It would be wonderful to see another. I attended my first Steeler Training Camp this year and loved it. Good luck to all the team against the Jets.
Mike Meyer
Good luck Troy. You are an inspiration with your work off the field and on. It is so nice to see someone pay it forward to those in need. It is players like you that make me and my family proud to be part of the Steeler Nation! Good Luck and God bless!
Marie Larkin
Hey Troy, I suggested to friends to like your page and also invited to join the operation! thanks for the chance of winning a couple tix!! love ya!
Lee Hoffman
Dear Troy
I realy hope you guy’s WIN I have been A Pittsburgh steelers fan when terry was QB and that’s A long time.I have never been to A pro football game ever and now I live in meadville PA witch is 1 1/2 hour’s away from Pittsburgh. So I hope you pick me for the ticket’s so my wife and I can go. I think you are the best SS out there I have never seen A SS play like you ever you are the BEST. Now it is time for the Jet’s to see how the Pittsburgh steelers play with troy at the helm I know one guy don’t make the team but I do know there’s no I in team, It takes the hole team.
Keith jeffers
TRIBUTE TO TROY (fires me up every time)…
Adam Blust
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at Troy43.com.
Thank you for being such a strong supporter of our troops, you are a valued role model for todays youth.
Tim Smithson
You guys rock. I am a die hard 40 year old fan from Chesapeake Va. I have been a fan since I knew what a football was. I have only had the pleasure of attending 1 live Steelers game, which was for the 75th season, against of all teams (the Ravens). They swept us the year before, so I knew that payback was coming. That was a childhood dream come true. I would love to be the one chosen to make another 600 mile roadtrip to see you guys in action, and to witness live history, the road to 7. Thanks for hearing me out, god bless you and the team, and keep you safe. Here we go STEELERS here we go!
Shonda Ridley
We are huge STEELERS fans! I would love to win the ticket so I could give it to my husband. He would be thrilled! Thanks for the chance Troy!
Cindy Smith
There is no better way to spend a Sunday, or Thursday or Monday or Saturday than to watch a Steeler game. Can I get an AMEN?
Good Luck! Shoot down the Jets!
Eric l Roberts Sr Sgt disabled retired army
Troy ive been a steelers fan since i was little im 52 years old. I live in charleston wva.I have never been to a steelers game if i win ill beg or borrow the money to drive to pittshburgh to see the steelers put the jets down.GO STEELERS
Marcia Stiner
Never been to a game but I have always wanted to. I’ve been happy to watch from home so I can do whatever I want. Just like the time I jumped up and then flipped the recliner over on me and broke a finger. It was worth it you guys won!! LOL!
Allison Noble
Dear Troy, I can’t wait to watch you in the AFC Championship game. You fly through the air like SuperMan! You are amazing! Looking forward to a BIG win! Here We Go Steelers…..Here We Go!
I’m new to actually watching football but have always rooted for the Steelers. You guys are awesome.I like seeing you make the sign of the cross. It sure can’t hurt. I know you’ll beat the Jets. I have faith.
Kari Woy
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” We love ya and the Steelers!!! Beat them Jets!
Marcia Zenaida Partin
Hi Troy,
I suggested to my friends to check out your page. I actually came to know about you through your wife’s work with Focus. I can now say I’m a fan and a steelers fan although I’m still learning about the sport. Keep up the great work on and off the field. God bless you and your family!
Marcia Zenaida Partin
Julie Lurowist
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Been a Pitt fan all my life, thanks to my dad…but you bring so much more to the team…would love the opportunity to share the experience with him! You rock!!
Anna Baum
Hey Troy, my 10 year old son and I think you are great and we appreciate all the charitable work that you do. We love to watch the Steelers play. We have never been to a live football game though we watch all the Steelers games on TV. Going to a Steelers game at Heinz Field would be enormous for us.
Mannon Edwards
Troy, I have been a Fan of yours and your team for years. I admire and respect the work that you do. You teach through your generosity and selflessness that all people can be part of something special. Good luck this weekend and God Bless!
Cheryl Sullivan
I am honored to be a Steelers Fan! I had my son Robert Patrick on Superbowl 1979. Of course the Steelers won that day! Rocky Blier is also a Robert Patrick! Go out there and win Sunday and take us to the Superbowl one more time! The Steeler Gods are with you as it is Myron Copes birthday on Sunday he will be watching over you guys!
All the Best!
HERE WE GO……………..
Kathleen Gindlesperger
I would love to win these tickets I would never be able to go to a live game otherwise everyone says that you just have to be there to understand the excitement but I do enough cheering in front of t he TV set and my kids tell me that if I ever go to a game that the Steelers can here me on the field
Troy………..You are def. one of the Steeler Greats and I would love to come see yinz kick some Jett butt !!! GO STEELERS
You are the BOMB!! GO STEELERS GO!! We are die hard Steeler fans in Packer Country. Wouldn’t it be great to wave the Black and Gold in the Green and Gold City!! Good Luck!!
Joy Landress
Troy, I love your attitude, on and off the field. Your skills as a player always amaze me, your ability to read plays impresses me. I love to watch what I have dubbed “The Polamalu Pounce” when you time a dive over the line, right for the QB. I would absolutely LOVE to watch in person. I even put off major heart surgery till after the Superbowl, telling my surgeon that I am not going to miss you winning number 7!!!.
Chris B.
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” along with your personal greeting,
since i was a child, my dad and i watched football together… i’ve always been a Steeler fan. my heart has been into it all my life… i brought it into my wedding this last October… my husband is also a Steeler fan… we so would love to win tickets to be there in person…if we don’t… we will be still cheering for our team..
Go STEELERS!!!! I would LOVE to win tickets. It is in my current ‘wish bucket’ and am awaiting a double lung and heart transplant. If not, I will watch the STEELERS kick Jets BUTT!!!!
Get them interceptions, Troy!!
Jennifer Golomb Hook
Gooo Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My 10yr old is a huge fan of yours!!
Pattie Shaffer
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details @Troy43.com
Beth Smith
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Your the best Troy. Will be watching the game regardless of whether I have tickets or not. It is just one more little bump on the road to the super bowl. Go Steelers.
J.S. Brown
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”
My 6 year old son LOVES you & he is your 2nd biggest fan. His mommy, of couse, is your #1 FAN~
Josh Capper
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!
Kick some Jet Butt!
Lisa Marino
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! We think you are amazing both on and off the field. You are such a great role model. We will be wearing your Jersey on Sunday.
Good luck!!!!
Good Luck!!!!!!! Love all you guys. You are a true [rofessional and a tremendous role model for all the kids in this area. Keep it real. Go Steelers.
Kandi Nevius
Hey Troy…I suggested your page to friends. My hair is also friends with your hair…lol. I’d loooove to win those tix & see you work your magic in person. Always your fan, Kandi
Donna Rubright
Give the tickets to a needie kid or make a wish every person in Pa would want those tickets give them to some kid who would never expicet it
Jim Holderman
Good luck this weekend! I would love to see another “Lavar” Leap over the line to sack Sanchez!
Tammy L.
Hi Troy,
Just wanted to thank you for what you are doing to help bring awareness to our wonderful troops. I recently spent some time doing a clinical rotation at a Veterans hospital and was truly humbled. Words can’t express my deep graditude for all these men and women do for us.
I want you to know that I have shared this with my friends on facebook and would love to win a ticket to the game on Saturday at Heinz Field. I have never been to a game before and would love this once in million dream.
Thank you so much for this opportunity. Stay healthy, and may God bless you and your family.
Teresa Hollmann
I am already a fan of Operation Once In A lifetime, but Iove the fact you support them so strongly Troy! For those of us that have served and those still serving and their families you are the best! Semper Fi! And thanks for giving your fans this opportunity
Mike Long
I might win Troy Polamalu’s tickets to the AFC Title game! Just because I’m a fan of Troy on facebook and the work being done with Operation: Once In A Lifetime. Details – http://bit.ly/gF66N7
Rachel Quinn
Go Steelers or as us Pittsburgeons say Go Stillers!
Ken Linn
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! Since there is one for each thumb now…let’s go for one for every day of the WEEK!!! GO STEELERS!!!
Jen M
Hey Troy-
I was born a die hard Steeler fan. I literally did not know there were other colors out there besides black and gold when I was little. We drove from Washington DC to Detroit for the Superbowl a few years back- I walked into a local Detroit bar and someone thought I was your sister. I have big, dark curly hair and darker skin…thanks to my Italian and Lebanese roots.
I believe in everything you stand for and would love these tickets for me and my dad. Thanks and good luck! Jen
PS- I suggested this page to my friends!
david martin
Troy thank you and all the steelers for giving my son the courage to start playing youth football. we look forward to watching the games every weekend
Tracy Hudack
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Love you guys! Once upon a time a Southern Belle from Texas married a boy from the Burg. Now her heart belongs to the Steelers!! Texans WHO???
Melody JD Stine
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! My 3 year-old daughter and I are HUGE fans of your. Stay healthy! We are praying for you!
Christina Defibaugh
Hi Troy,
I suggested to my friends to check out your page. I think you are an awesome football player and a great example for others to follow. May God bless you. Go Steelers!!!!
Stephanie Knapp
We love you, Troy! Best of luck this weekend…hope we win the tickets so we can be right there at Heinz Field to see it happen:)!
Vicki Hinshaw
My husband and son would be out of control to see you play in Pittsburgh. We are all huge fans, but I would have to let them go and watch from home. We have two rooms on the house dedicated to the Steelers. We love you and the black and gold.
Dawn Teggatz
I LOVE Steelers football..since I was 5 and I’m now a whoppin’ 45 and ready to visit the Steel City!!! Pick me man so I can pull that hair in person! You’re a stud!!
Hey Troy!
I am a HUGE fan of yours… you are an inspiration and leader through the way you live life on and off the field. =) Thank you. I suggested your page to my friends!!!
Good luck this weekend!!! GO STEELERS!!!
God Bless,
Dawn Bellack
My family and I are huge fans of the Steelers and of Troy Polomalu. As a military family, we are all too familiar with the sacrifices and difficulties facing military families, especially those who served and continue to serve in Iraq and Afghanistan. We are grateful for all the support given to military families. It means more than you can know. Thank you, Troy, and everyone else for supporting our troops. God Bless you all.
tommy lee
HAY T-pain – troy it would be an honor to get tickets to the game and watch u guys get down because im 39 now and havent been
to a yet and been a fan since birth born in harrisburgh pa but live in cali. Even if i dont getem i will be on defense with you guys GOOOOOOO STEELLLLLLERRRRRRSSSSSS.
Allan Plum
Hey Troy … Glad to see ya back in action. I’ve not been a Steelers fan since the 70′s BUT I’ve Been a Troy fan since the first time i saw ya play. You bring a lot of excitement to the game ..I kinda wish you could play on every team .. I’d watch a lot more games =) Love ya ..take care and have a super great next 10 or so years in football and a great and long life. I dont care so much about the tickets as I do getting to post here. Thanks Much !
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page. You are an outstanding person and football player!! You are a great asset to Pittsburgh both on and off the field!
Nisa Pena
It is so awsome that you give away tickets to your games. I am in the 7th grade and just started playing sports. I think you are a great athlete and you are a role model to me. I love how you play with all you have on the field and give thanks to God for blessing you with such great talent. If I lived in Pittsburgh I would be at all the home games, but I live way down in South Texas. My dad and mom are die hard Steelers fans so we get the Sunday ticket so I get to see all your games. Good Luck on Sunday and God Bless You.
Claudia Thomas
I have been a fan since day one. I would love to have tickets to the play off game!!
Deb Adolph
Born in Ligonier, Steeler fan for life, would love to see you guys wip those bombastic Jets and go onto the Stairway to 7!!I shared your page on facebook…gotta lot of Steeler haters out there commenting on my Steeler euphoria…could they be JEALOUS of our great Steeler Nation……you are all so awesome and I am so proud of the difference in Ben…You are all so AWESOME!!!!
Cathy Lucas
Hi Troy!
I think this is an amazing opportunity you are giving to someone who is a huge fan of the Steelers nation. Whoever the winner is, it will be a momery they cherish forever. I have sent this out to my friends and hope they all visit and get the word passed around. Best of Luck to you Sunday, and look forward to seeing you on Superbowl Sunday!
Rebecca Carter
Hi Troy!! I am a 24 year old from Kenosha, WISCONSIN!! my whole family, who is originally from PA is out here cheering you on every game! Every game we all get together and have a steeler party! My cousin Stacy seems to think her boyfriend is Hines Ward (even though she’s married)
MyAunt Kelly really wants to meet your Uncle Ken (I’m pretty sure she wants to spend family get together’s with you)
We are already planning the party of the century on February 6th! (also my dad’s bday) The ultimate gift so I’d love to personally see them get there! It would be a blessing from God to be able to take one of my family members there. My mom and dad have never been to a Pro game because of the money, and my Mom is on oxygen, making it difficult to travel. I’ve been through a lot with my Mom, she almost died, but has fought back proving everyone wrong. She’s lost weight and now can walk further distances without losing breath. She’s made it so far, and she (besides me) is the ultimate fan. She even decorates her tank with steelers attire.
it would be amazing to take her after all she’s been through. We love you and the whole team and look forward to this sunday’s game! God bless, Rebecca
Rebecca Carter
oh and I tried to suggest my family to like your page but……. all of them are already fans
so I’m sure they all will enter as well.
Drew Sanclemente
Hey Troy!
Definitely a big fan! I have long hair so when the game is on I let it get big like yours! One time I put an ocean life vest under the jersey so it would look like I had on football pads. Not to mention the face paint etc. I suggested your facebook page to my dad! Only he isn’t a Steelers fan… Im the only one in the family, so I don’t really have a chance of getting to go to a game. If I won these tickets it would be amazing. Then no one would think I’m crazy waving my terrible towel, dressing up in all Steelers gear, and painting my face to watch the game. Both my parents and siblings think I’m absolutely ridiculous. Plus getting to actually be there while you guys play… wow! Cant wait to see you play this weekend! Good luck to everyone! Play hard boys! GO STEELERS!
Drew Sanclemente
Amy Keown
We love you Troy! Keep knockin’ on 7′s door! Send those Jets flying home with nothin’! Sorry Santonio…you should have stayed sober! Can’t WAIT to see Goodell hand that trophy over to Ben! Karma’s coming!!!
Debbie Steed
My son is a big STEELERS FAN. I would love to take him to see Troy. Go Troy
Mary Frey
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Go Troy! I’m looking forward to some sacks and interceptions!
Mary Jo Pastorek Giovacchini
Thanks for doing this and opening it up to Facebook followers. I grew up in the Burgh and have loved the Steelers since I was a little girl, watching the games with my father and seeing them win four Super Bowls. I live in Maryland now- yes, Raven Country
and my love for the Steelers has been passed on to my son, who is 11. When he started to watch the games I nicknamed him Troy becuase he would run all over the family run throwing a football around. You are his favorite player. I have taken him to a few games and we have been to training camp with hopes of getting your signature. I can’t even imagine how excited he would be to go to the AFC Championship game.
Good luck on Sunday and God Bless.
Mary Jo
troy, you are the best player in the NFL!!! would be a great honor to see you play live in pitt!! BEAT THE JETS!!! help us bring home a 7th ring!!!!
Michele Blahut
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Wishing you all the best on Sunday’s game.
Ray Zannetti
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” You guys knocked the Birds out of the sky last Saturday. This week, bigger game, bigger target! Let’s ground some Jets! Keep up the great play and we’ll be in heaven in 2011. Stairway to seven, Taz. Get the Jets!
I might win the tickets to the game because I am a huge Troy fan and support alll that he does with Operation: Once in a Lifetime.
I live in NY and I am a huge Steeler fan. Can’t wait to meet you in New Jersey in April !!!
Stephane DELETRE
Let’s go Steelers, God Bless Troy Polamalu – Thanks for all !
hi troy! my facebook is full of steeler pride and i really hope that by my children (9, 8, and 2) watching you play and live and give, they learn the amazing morals and determination you have. not just in football but in life. you are such an inspiration to so many…thank you so much for just being you!!!! and i did suggest you to all my friends…steelers fans or not…and tweeted a request to 80 different celebs…unfortunately i dont have much to give, but i hope i can help in some small way
sandra crenshaw
Love your hair Troy…I joined operation Once in a Lifetime and I am going to ask all my friends to join.
Jeff Salakar
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” I hope they click like. Wish more Steelers had pages likes this. Good things you do. Enjoy watching you play the game you love. Just not the same when your injured. Good luck this Sunday will be cheering for you and the whole Steeler team Sunday either at the game or on the TV.
New Castle girls love the Steelers!!!
Donna Saxton
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Know matter what lies ahead for the Steelers you are all winners to me and Troy you bring a special energy to every game you play. GO STEELERS!!!
Jean Pratt
You are an awesome player. I have been a Steeler Fan since 1960. I wish you all the luck and I am waiting for the 7th ring to be yours. I have never been to a Steeler game. But I guess I have to move to Pittsburgh. I live in Virginia.
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”. You are the glue that holds that team together. You Rock! Keep up the great work!!
Kim~me Tomich
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Would love to win tickets to the game, but I was wondering if I could give them away if I would win. I would like to give them to my boyfriend and his son to go. His son is 14 and plays football. They would love to see you guys play, and I would love to be able to give them the tickets to go. Kick the Jets’ butts!! *Seven in Eleven*!! Go Steelers!!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!
Laura Rose Krug
Dear Troy,
Your prayerful modesty during the games is truly inspiring for me, my husband, and our five children. You are a true role model for Christians of all ages. Thank you and God Bless You.
Laura Rose Krug
Renee' Rockwood-Suri
Hi Troy – I think it’s great that you keep giving back to all of us Steeler’s fans!!! You and the rest of the boys rock and make me proud to wear the Black & Gold. I have been a die-hard fan all my life, and now I have a five year old son to share this with. He, in my opinion, is your biggest fan – he has been calling you “Polamabu” since he started talking
Every time we go somewhere he always makes sure that everyone knows we LOVE the Steelers!!! If I would let him, he would wear your shirt to school every day!!! Anyways, I again just want to thank you for being “you”. It means a lot to all of us that you guys continue to come out week after week and play your hearts out!!! I just have to share one more thing with you – something I got from another die-hard fan:
Enjoy and thanks again!!
Tom Brady, after living a full life, passed away. When he got to Heaven, our Heavenly Father was showing him around. They came to a modest little house with a faded New England Patriots flag in the window. “This house is yours for eternity, Tom.” said God. “This is very special, not everyone gets a house up here!” Tom felt special, indeed, and walked toward his house. On his way up the porch, he noticed another house just around the corner. It was a three-story mansion with a Black & Gold sidewalk, a 50-foot tall flagpole with an enormous Steelers logo-flag blowing in the wind, and in every window of the house, a “Terrible Towel”. Stunned, Tom looked at God and said “God, I’m not trying to be ungrateful, but I have a question. I was an All-Pro quarterback, I hold many NFL records, and I even won a few Super Bowls.” “I know,” said God. “So what’s your point Tom?” “Well, why does Roethlisberger get a better house than I do?” God chuckled and said, “Tom, that’s not Roethlisberger’s house, IT’S MINE!!!” Great morning reading
Forever Black & Gold – Renee’ Rockwood-Suri
i would love to go to the game i have a daycare and all my kids a routing for the steelers go troy you are my favorite love ya guys kick some jet butt
Darla Benish
Steelers are the best damn team ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamara D. Winfree
I hoping for the best Birthday present every!!!!!!!!! AFC Championship!!!!!!!!!!!! What a gift it will be to able to watch the game this 1-22-11.. So excited God speed to the Steelers !!!!!!!!!!!! And to you as well Troy!!!!!!!!
Mark Capwell
What’s up Troy! I suggested my friends like your page. Blitzburgh is truely lucky to have a difference maker and such a class act like #43 out there every Sunday! I’m looking forward to seeing you on the field this time around when we face the Jets and what Blitzburgh has in store for Sanchez this time around. It’s going to be another fist fight and Heinz Field will be out of control! Here we go Steeelers, Here we go!
Michelle sanders
Troy I just wanted to thank you for giving us a chance to win tickets to see our favorite team. It really means a lot that you and LaMarr keep we the fans in touch with the pulse of the Steelers day to day goings on. I hope that I win these tickets and I will be very thankful if I do because it would be my first game ever that I got to go to. I also want to applaud you and the rest of the team on all of your charitable works. What you all do helps so many and that makes me so proud to be apart of this the Steeler Nation. My Mom passed away this past Novemeber of cancer and she always taught us to do one random act of kindness everyday for someone. I have and I taught my own daughter the same. Not only does it feel good, but it truly makes this world a better place to be in. Keep up the good work and keep focused on beating the Jets on Sunday! I hope you like this Steelerized Lord’s prayer I came across, enjoy! Have a great day!
~Our Father who Art in Pittsburgh, Football be thy game. Let Mendenhall run, 6 superbowls won on earth as it is in Heinz Field. Give us This Day a playoff victory, and forgive our penalties As we defeat those Jets who play against us. But lead us into a AFC Championship victory and deliver us to Texas! For thine is the D-LINE, The Polamalu and the Harrison. ~A-BEN
greg mattison
Hello Troy, I suggested you to non steeler fans an try to convert them into the Steeler Nation, Because we the Nation know you by your Labor of Work on the Field an off, helping people less fortunate … Stay strong an Steady Troy !!!!!! Greg
Rosemary Bryan Musolino
Thank you, Troy, not only for the chance to win tickets but for all you and your wife do for the community. You are a true role model for our youth.
Debra A Gromo
Hi Troy, I Have Steeler Blood That Runs In My Families Veins.So I Would Love To Win Tickets, We Love You And All The Steeler Team and Steeler Nation, Love, And Go Benny Beat Those Jets, Love Debbie Gromo & Familyxoxox
Hey Troy. Its great to see that you support our troops and families. Being a Veteran, I have seen first hand the stresses of military life on family members. Keep up the awsome efforts, and send the JETS packin back to NYC with a BIG L!
Troy, you’re an amazing player and, from what I know of you, an amazing person. I have been a Steelers fan since, forever. Good luck to everyone on the contest! NOW…..let’s ground some Jets!!!!!!!!
marigail cavolo
I would love to be lucky enough to win the tickets Go Steelers
Cissy Reese
I got your autograph two years ago at training camp. you were one of the very few who took the time to do so. thanks. i’ve never been to a live game. can’t wait to see if i win
Hey Troy I’m suggesting some friends to visit your web site. I hope to win tickets…
Jerri Criner Hinebaugh
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THE STEELERS!
Dominick Stone
Troy…. I Love You man ur my Hero… Im from Vermont so i get a lot of bull around here, but that ok,its New England what can i say,,,lol i ask then not to be hateful cuse my man know how to play football…..I been a STEELER Fan sicen i first started watching The Steelers in 1972 this would be a one in a life time for me ..i looking forward to this win and the STAIRWAY TO 7…Let Go Black and Gold,My dream is to the STEELERS player @ Heinz Field !!!!!! i never leave my home without having something of the STEELERS cap or Necklace and my Truck have it all to i show you off with Pride everyday year round..being a STEELER from Vermont ..like i said i get bashed so much but i dish it right back…..GO TEAM>>> GO STEELERS>>> GO we are here for # 7
Star A.
Hey Troy, thanks for the opportunity to win tickets to the game!! I’ve done all of the above so fingers crossed that we win! I’ve Twittered 50 celebs, followed you all on Twitter, “liked” the pages suggested, FB’ed my status….done it all!! Thanks Troy, and keep doing what you do!!
Jan Faber
I might win Troy Polamalu’s tickets to the AFC Title game! Just because I’m a fan of Troy on facebook and the work being done with Operation: Once In A Lifetime. Details – http://bit.ly/gF66N7
Joan Evans
Love watching you play. Praying for your and the whole team’s safety on Sunday. Goooo Steelers.
Judi Zele
I have been a steelers fan for over 45 years. I am originally from Cleveland but never a Browns fan. My Dad met the Iron Curtain and has always been a Steeleers Fan!! we love you Troy#43!!!!!
I would love to win tickets. I am a big Steelers fan and would love to suprise my husband with tickets
Cynthia Aswell
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”
Our whole family is not Steelers fans, it is me and two of the kids against my husband and the two other children, Dear Lord help us they are Cowboy fans, made me sick to say it. Makes for a very interesting football season. I am a woman and a die hard STEELERS fan and proud to raise my daughters the same way. What makes it easier is the manner in which you all conduct yourselves on and off the field. You HANDLE your own. I would love to be considered for the ticket, either way, I was am proud to fly the Black and Gold! Give the Jets all ya got, its about time they get knocked off that high horse of there’s, they talk way to much.
go steelers
I can’t imagine you’re going to get to read all these this week (It’s a big week!!) but I think you’re awesome. A GREAT player and an even better person. You do amazing work for others.
hey troy,stay in sanchez’s face all day long!!! that’s the way to handle him!! he can’t play if he’s rattled!! throw him off his game is the key to victory!!! can’t wait to be in 7th heaven on superbowl sunday!!! “here we go steelers ” “here we go”!!!
Jenny McWilliams
I might win Troy Polamalu’s tickets to the AFC Title game! Just because I’m a fan of Troy on facebook and the work being done with Operation: Once In A Lifetime.
My husband and I will are HUGE Steeler’s fans and on Monday January 24th we will be celebrating our 36th wedding anniversary. What a wonderful anniversary gift it would be to come see our team play on Sunday January 23rd!!!
Natasha Burk
Hey Troy!!! I suggested all my friends to like your site!!! I am such a fan of the steelers and have never went and seen a steeler game live and would love it even if I don’t win the tickets we will still be rooting for you guys to beat those Jets we love you guys!!!! GO BLACK AND GOLD!!!SEND THOSE JETS HOME AND GO FOR #7!!!!!
Lori Everhart
Hey Troy….looking forward to watching another Steeler victory….would be even better in person! Best of luck to the whole team!
Go STEELERS!!! Kick some jet butt!!
Melissa Coomer
Hey Troy,
So proud to be apart of Steeler Nation! I had an accident December 16th, fractured my ankle in several spots. Luck enough to have reveived plates, screws and rods for Christmas. I just had my second follow up with my ortho doc and I said please tell me I can go to the game this weekend and he said to me if you can get someone to take you then my dear you can go!!! I will still need a wheelchair to get in and crutches to get to seats but this would make my year to see my boys in black and gold. I have been stuck in the house for over a month and I am desperate to get out!!! PLEASE PICK ME!!!!
Cheryll Iddings
Hi Troy, Posted on Twitter and facebook to go to your page. We are huge Steeler fans and got to stop by training camp on the way home from vacation this last summer. What a thrill it was. Of course we stopped by Heinz Field just to see it. My hubby was in the army many years ago and used to go to the games back in the 70′s when it was Three Rivers. What a great thing it will be one day when I get to take him back to see a game at Heinz Field live! We had a cake made for your victory on Sunday!!! Lets go get number 7 for all of the super proud Steeler fans! Thank you for being on the team and making it what it is!! A Great Team!!!!
Pamela Heckel
Hey Troy, I sent out invitations to all my FB friends that need to “like” your page. Thank you for the chance to win tickets to the game! What a way to spend this Sunday….at Heinz field with “My Guys” grounding the Jets! GO STEELERS!!!!!
Hi Troy! I suggested your facebook page to my friends (though most of them already follow you). We are very excited for the game this weekend. Good luck!!!
I have been a Steelers’ Fan since I was a very little girl. I followed the Steelers’ when they were battling the Raiders. I know, you were a little boy then! lol. I have never been to an NFL game and would love to see you guys win this one. Good luck!!!!!
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at Troy43.com
Troy, I suggested your page to my friends! Thanks for the chance to see you guys this week! We were there last week!
Janelle Rolph
Hi Troy! Thanks for being you! You rock, & so does Operation Once in a Lifetime! Go Steelers!
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Thank you for all you do on and off the field! Go Steelers!!!!!!!!
It was well worth it. It was an awesome game. We are so lucky to have you on have you as a Steeler.
I think it is great how you give away tickets. I was at the Ravens game with my mom last week and it would be awesome to be there this Saturday. I just got my voice back yesterday
We’re all pulling for you Troy and hope you have a FANTASTIC game…we want to see the Steelers get that #7 Super Bowl Ring.GOOO Steelers. I’ve recommended you to my FB friends who are vying for those 2 tickets as much as I am. God Bless!
I seriously doubt you will get a chance to read these this week (It’s a really big week!) but I think you’re awesome. A GREAT player and an even better human being. You do good works for others.
Carol Mathews
Troy you are an awesome human being and a great role model for children not to mention a super member of the 2011 superbowl winning team
Gwen Stuckwish
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Go Steelers!!
Kathy Dodson
Thank you Troy for giving everyone a chance to win tickets. I am suggesting to all my friends to enter and support your cause. I also have family that have or are serving at this time. My husband and I have been Steeler fans since the late 60′s. We will always support the Steelers.
We have been watching the Steelers since the 70′s and have loved every minute of it! We go to training camp and have been to 3 games. If I won the ticket I would give it to my husband because he is the ultimate fan! He has a tatt with the superbowl symbols and even had Heinz sign his arm…he is waiting for your signature! GO STEELERS!!!!!
Jeffery Dunn
Hey Troy, I posted this in mty status and sugessted my friends! I want to wish you guys luck on Sunday! God Bless you all and keep you guys safe! Let’s get #7 this february!! Go Steelers!!
Glenn Herbe
Send me to the first Steeler game, Thanks
Tammara Pride
I have ben a steelers fan scent 79 and,never ben to a game and I would love to come see yal play but most of all I would love to see u.
Steve Foster
Hey Troy, I suggested you to all my friends. I would love to come see you play, and my wife would more so than me. She is a huge fan of yours, and would love to be able to take her to Pittsburgh where she’s from to watch you guy’s take down the Jet’s. You are an awesome player, and love the way you appear out of nowhere, get a hold of the ball and score a TD. Let’s get that 7th ring. you guy’s deserve it!!!
Vicki Downs
Troy and the Steelers, I’ve got my “Terrible Towel” ready!!!! Go Troy!!!!!
Jeffery Dunn
Hey Troy, I sugested my friends and posted your site on my facebook page! I want to wish you guys luck on Sunday! God bless you guys and keep you all safe! Let’s go for Championship #7 this February! My whole house is full of Steeler fan’s and we pray for you guys dailey! Thank you for being a True inspiration to me and for the great work you do both on and off the field!
Betty "Vi" Hazlett
Hello Troy,I am referring your page to all my FB friends.Most are probably already members/friends.God Bless you and the team for a win this weekend.I would like to win tickets to go but in case I don’t I wanted to send my best wishes and will watch from home.
Patty P
Wishing you and the team all the best on Sunday. Will keep you, the teams and all the fans in my prayers for your safety. Go get those Jets Troy.
Damien Mcintyre
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! Go Steelers, I was born a Steelers fan and will always be! Good luck Sunday, keep that knee heathy! You are a truely great person on and off the field! Much love…..
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”
Jersey…check; helmet…check; head and shoulders…check; a thirst for destruction…check. Lets send these Jets a packin with their tail fins between their legs!! GO STEELERS!!!!
Kathy Ramuchak
I have the greatest memories watching sports on tv as a kid.It was a family event.Sunday dinner usually early around noon so we could watch the Steelers.We were too poor to ever go to a game but always watched on our black and white RCA.Don’t think it was until I was in highschool that we got a color tv.This is something I’ve always done with my own children who are all adults and love sports as much as I do.Go Stillers!!!!!
Terry Mateya
You are such a role model. A total class act. My 6 year old is proud to wear your number. Thanks for everything, Terry
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” along with your personal greeting. Good luck on Sunday, I know you guys will kick the Jett’s butts. Thank you for the chance to win tickets, I have only ever been to one game and it was the best time ever.
troy god bless u and the rest of the boys i will be watching ….. do your best …. i have faith in the steelers !!!!
Hey Troy!! My hubby actually met you and didn’t realize it until you walked away.. my daughter wears your jersey every game and walks around singing.. “it’s palamalu….it Polamalu!! I It would be awesome to come scream our butts off at Heinz Field and for my daughter to see her first pro game!! Go Steelers!! Kick Jets Butt! We’re on the “Stairway to Seven”!
Lisa Rhodes
Hey Troy , Hear in NorthDakota it was -24 this morning. Beautiful day! Good luck in the game this weekend. We will be praying for the safety for the whole team as they play. Thank you for being a good role model for our 3 growing boys. God bless and go Steelers!
Christine Snow
I love watching Troy play . His humbleness amazes me. I hope Troy continues to play football for the Steelers for many years. And I wear his number proudly for every game!
Pam Durst
I tell everyone that you are my boyfriend….. they laugh and ask what my hubby thinks about that….
He is okay with it since he realizes it is just for fun…… LOL
He bought me 2 of the #43 jerseys and for a giggle one of your publicity pics.
I love watching you play, you put so much heart into it. And it doesn’t hurt that you are really good at it.
Good luck in the game!! Hope y’all go all the way to the big one!
Hey Troy!! I suggested my friends like your page! Thank you for being the ideal athlete! You are everything a true role model should be!!!!
I dream of going to your AFC Championship WIN! But more, I dream of taking my nephew. He’s 12. We are both BIG Steelers fans, and both wear your jersey! It would mean the world to him!
Maria Bouzos-Reilly
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Saying my prayers for you and the rest of the team! I’m a Pittsburgher living in NY. It didn’t take much to convert my husband into a Steeler fan
I love that you are powerful like a flying tiger on the field, yet soft spoken with the heart of an angel. I’m glad you have Elder Ephreim in your corner. This little Greek girl just wants to shout from the top of the Empire State Building..”GO STEELERS!”
Sara N
Hi Troy! I suggested that my friends “like” the Operation: Once In A Lifetime page on Facebook! Amazing game last week – can’t wait to see my Steelers take down those JETS this week! Here We Go Steelers! Here We Go!
Darrell Bryant
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!…. Hey Troy, my entire family think that you are the most amazing man. Not only a football player but humanitarian. Thank you for all you do. Good luck sunday.
Pamela Kays
Hey Troy I suggested friends..It’s a bird (Ravens) It’s a plane (Jets) It’s “SUPERBOWL” gooooooo STEELERS
herb leggieri
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”
JaTanna Seyler
Hey Troy, you are so loved in my house. As soon as we see you come on that screen…..a lot of yelling goes on over who you belong to but we all know who you belong you, ME! Good luck!!!! Let’s bring home super bowl win number 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My wife and i will be wearing our jerseys and what a great idea helping the troops , did not know until i found you on facebook
Larry Lyke
I love watching Steeler football good job with the ravens now lets take care of them jets and on to #7…. good luck Mr. Polamalu and god bless
Hey Troy, Been sending out request to celebrites and sending suggestion page to friends.
Pamela Kays
Hey TROY, I suggested my friends like your page as you suggested
David Glasser
I suggested to my friend. I have been a die hard steelers fan since i knew was football was
Janet O'Connor
Troy, I suggested my friends like your page!
Have been a Steeler fan all my life. My daughter and I each wear your jersey for every game. We just love you! You are such a fine role model for my boys who are athletes. We all love your passion, your faith and your warrior like playing style, but the way your are so humble is amazing. I would be thrilled to win the tickets and take my husband to the game! Go Steelers!
Thanks for the chance to go to the game. It would be a dream come true. Good luck to all of you.
Hey Troy! Good Luck this Sunday! Whoop them Jets time for a Jet Highjacking Knock them Jets off course and send em back to Ny. Hope I win these tickets would be a great 10th Anniversary Present for my wife Brandie!!!!
GL #43
Troy its awesome that you are giving away tickets. I’m kinda stuck in military so i wouldn’t be able to make it anyway. Hopefully you make a Steelers Fan Happy. Anyway It took one shirt with your number on it and one hit from you in a game to make my 9 year old son a football fan and a Steelers fan. Thank you for making my house a little better on game day Now i’m not the only one yelling at the TV my 9 year old does as well. Your awesome. And so is the team. Later Man have fun this weekend. Get a UMAD shirt for after the game on Sunday as the jets will be crying all the way back to New York.
Go Steelers! Love watching you play…humblest player in professional sports!
Eileen Reilly
Troy, I can’t wait to see you guys beat the Jets. I am originally from NY, but the Steelers are number one in MY Heart. I
Love Pittsburgh. Thank you very much for the opportunity to win tickets, and if I do win them, could I please meet you too?
I just love the way you play football!!
Tom Kosh
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”
Last weekend Heinz Field was Rocking!!! Would love to be there for the Championship Game too!!!!
Your my all time favorite. So fun to watch, escpecially your “Superman” move!!!
I posted your operation on my facebook and also sent it to all of my Steeler Freinds! I would love to go to the game…I am born and raised in good ol PITTSBURGH and now live in NJ, but stilll a die hard Steeler Fan, if you doubt me, come see my YELLOW STEELER BASEMENT…Looking forward to seeing YINZ kick some a$$ in Pittsburgh!!!!!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! go steelers
Jimmy Hoffman
You are the best i have ever seen play the game! You truley make a huge difference with the steelers defense. I am a true steeler fan 16 years strong.Go steelers!
Troy's #1 Fan
Looking forward to the game on Sunday even if I am watching it on the big screen! Go Steelers ♥
Barbara Bundy-White
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! along with your personal greeting. Please choose me I would love to cheer you on in person. Good luck, play well and Godspeed.
Hey Troy, suggested my friends like your page! I’m a diehard Steelers fan, always have been, even though I’ve never lived in PA. Met and married my husband when we were stationed in Hawaii. Been married almost 10 years and really blessed, but we joke that we probably would have divorced if one of us had changed alliance to another team! Go win the seventh…would make my honey’s year (mine too) (he will be home from Afghanistan for leave to see the Superbowl) as long as timetables don’t change. You are really amazing giving back to the world even though you are a Superstar, cause most forget about “normal” people when they reach stardom.
Lori Aimino
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!
You have made my husband a happy man, by converting his wife of 20 years from someone who never watched a football game in her life, other than to see the halftime show, and was a “Steelers fan” in name only, into a rabid wouldn’t-miss-a-game Steelers fanatic! He loves it when I surprise him by knowing the team members by their jersey numbers, and I’m even getting good enough to start making a few calls on my own before the refs do! I never would have thought that I would find an athlete whom I admire as much as I do you, but here you are. Not only are you a phenomenal player, but even more so, you are a MAN to be admired for your integrity, generosity, deep faith, humbleness, and the great acts of charity that you and your just-as-admirable wife do. The Steelers and the Steeler Nation are blessed to call you their own. And because of you, I am so proud to be a Steelers fan!!! God bless!!!
Hi Troy, I suggested my friends like your page! I would love to see the Steelers play on Sunday
missi smith
Hi Troy I would love to go to the afc championship game.Every time I get to go to a steeler game they win, so pick meeeeee. Love u #43
Nickole Bonsell
Hey Troy! I would suggest my friends like your page but I cannot find where to do it at! Besides, most of my friends are already fans of your page! Anyway, I would LOVE to win these tickets so I could take my husband (who just might be the biggest Steelers fan). We haven’t gotten to do a lot of things alone together since our son was born in 2009 so this would be one hell of a night out!! Plus we only live like 2 hours from Pittsburgh
But even if I don’t win them we will be watching every second of this game rooting you all on! Good luck Sunday!!!
Maybe someday I will be able to get you jersey!
Oh and you are my favorite player by the way
K Sue Sandy
Football runs in our blood in this football town! GO BLACK AND GOLD!
Would love to have those tickets.
Carmel knisley
Troy, i’ve never been to a steelers game. I would love to have the opportunity to go to a Steeler’s game.
Holly Crawford
Thanks for giving your fans the opportunity to see the game. Thats really awesome.
Marisol F
Hello tpolamalu ,
Just wish u luck and semd u blessing on sunday’s. Game. Also
I’d enter you ticket contest on facebook and tried to enter it on twitter but when
I try to send it won’t allow me to do so. Not sure what I’m doin wrong
I might win Troy Polamalu’s tickets to the AFC Title game! Just because I’m a fan of Troy on facebook and the work being done with Operation: Once In A Lifetime.
This is most def a once in a life time .
Good luck to all
Janine W
Troy, you are an amazing example of your faith in action – a focused zen warrior on the field, gentle and strong off the field. Thank you for all you do! Whether I get to the game or watch on TV, GO STEELERS!
debbie farrar
Hey Troy…No One plays the game with more “style and “grace” than you, you give the game of football such class, I’ll be cheering you on and the rest of the team(hopefully from the stands!!) HERE WE GO STEELERS…HERE WE GO…ON TO THE SUPER BOWL…THE STAIRWAY TO SEVEN!!!!!
Rick L Kitchens
Hey Troy, Hello I just suggested you to my list of friends., I certianly love your attitude on the field your tenacity. I am driving east on I -80 from Magna Utah, we pride ourselves on hard work and blue collar lifestlye. I have a daughter whom I have not seen in 20 yrs, she lives in Erie and it would be wonderful to break the ice at a Steelers game, Thank you for the opportunity God Bless And Go Steelers!
Hey, Troy! I absolutely LOVE the Steelers, my #1 fav since I was a little girl despite living in the SF Bay Area with another dynasty…49ers (my #2 fav). I married a crazy Steelers fan from Pittsburgh. Ron and I are both Navy Vets. We met while serving this great nation, fell in love, and married. The game has brought much excitement into our lives over the past thirty years. Thank you for honoring the men and women who serve this country in the armed forces. Thank you for being a true professional, always at your best both on and off the field. You are an exemplary role model for the youth in this country. Please tell Dick LeBeau that he is becoming a popular role model for my age group (50s) and older! Remain strong mighty STEELERS!
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Best of Luck to you this Sunday! Love what you do for the kids! Keep up the great work!
Our Father who Art in Pittsburgh, Football be thy game. Let Mendenhall run,
6 superbowls won on earth as it is in Heinz Field. Give us This Day a
Championship victory, and forgive our penalties As we defeat those Jets who
play against us. But lead us into a victory and deliever us to Texas!
……For thine is the D-LI…NE, The Polamalu and the H…arrison. ~A-BEN
Phil Mapstone
I would love to be there to watch you guys beat the crap out of the Jets. I have been a Steelers fan since the 70′s and have never been able to afford getting tickets to go to a game. It is perfect if I get them because I actually have the day off from work and will be able to accept them and be able to see you guys live. It would be a dream come true to be able to walk into Heinz Field and watch my beloved Steelers win the Championship and head to the Super Bowl. GO STEELERS!!!!!
Troy is our family’s favorite Steeler, not only because he’s a great player, but a person of character and integrity. A real sportsman.
Jessica McGill
Hey Troy I invited my friends to operation once in a lifetime. I really want these tickets to make my husbands dream come to true to see a Steelers home game. We live way out in Cali but he is a lifetime member of the Steel City Mafia and even has the black and gold tattooed into his arm! Our family bleeds black and gold! GO Steelers!
Hey Troy! Suggested your page to my friends! Go Steelers!
This diehard Steelers girl would LOVE to take her Patriot’s boyfriend to a see a real football game
Troy, I have your Fatheads all over my black-n-gold rec room. You’re my favorite Steeler, although I think you’re ALL awesome. Let’s beat the Jets so we can move on and win #7 and I’ll see you at the parade. Kick some Sanchez butt!!
Mary Cook
Troy-Good Luck and GOD BLESS!!!
Kendra Lovelace Kramer
God Luck to you and the rest of my favorite team!!!
I would love to be considered for the chance to see you guys kick some butt Sunday! I’ve never had the chance to see a Steeler game but would love the chance too! And as everyone has said previously, let’s knock the Jets off their high horse and get that #7 championship! Good luck my friend and God bless!
Douglas b
hey troy i have been along time steeler fan and it would be awesome to win and come see you guys play in steeler nation. i shared your page with my friends. thanks troy and have a good game this weeke
Mike Conner
Go Steelers!! Troy, lead them to another AFC Championship!!!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page! Good luck to you and the rest of the team on Sunday vs the Jets! Bring the Steel Curtain down!! I hope I can win the tickets, I have never been to a playoff game before and would love to win the chance to experience one! I would love to come watch you play! You totally amaze me when you are on the field. You are the absolute best!! Keep up the hard work you do on and off the field! God Bless you!
Karen Stask
Hey Troy, sharing this with my friends!!!! You Rock!!! I love watching you make some awesome tackles or you come flying from the otherside of the field to make a tackle. Good Luck Sunday to you and your Team!!! Die Hard STEELERS fan, living in Cleveland!!! LOVE IT!!!!
Tasha Stojakovich
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! I am looking forward to seeing you in the Super Bowl!!! I’ll be watching on TV. I would really like to be able to see the Championship game at Heinz Field this Sunday. It would be a Once in a Lifetime experience.
Calvin Coleman
Hey Troy, I sent messages to my friends to like your page because I couldn’t find a “Suggest to Friends” link. I would love to win tickets to the game, I am just on crutches now after knee surgery, but I would love to be at the Championship game, especially since my sister was at the AFC Championship in 2008 and I was stuck at home. However, if I don’t win, I will still be in full Steelers dress at home waiving my Terrible Towel watching you guys win! Go get ‘em! Bring another Championship to Pittsburgh!
Joanne Rabanal
Hey Troy I am a true diehard fan of the Steelers our game room in our home has the Steelers theme. I live in Dallas, Texas and proudly wear your jersey every weekend and shop in a store that offers discounts if you wear your cowboys jersey I do get some nasty remarks but I love it. STEELERS ROCK wooohoo!
Jerri Dyke
Troy, you make the game fun and exciting. You and Hines make me smile and want to watch all the Steelers games I can find! One minute you are not on scene and the next second there you are , taking someone down. Your involvement with Operation once in a Lifetime, lets me know it is a good cause—so my money will be heading to it. Thank you for taking your time to support our troops. My nephew is in Iraq and we are praying for his safe return.
This playoff weekend, I pray for you and your fellow teammates health and well- being as well as the Jets. Have fun out there! I genuinely hope to see you on Sunday!! This would be our first Heintz Field Game–ever. How kewl is that! MY husband and I have been fans since pre-Terry Bradshaw, it is about time to see your gorgeous stadium. Thank you agian for this opportunity.
Your loyal fan from Springfield, Ohio—-Jerri
Your name*karen midock
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”
also, u are my 12 yr old son’s favorite player.. we wear ur jersey’s every game.. we have ur fathead and almost all of ur stuff…. my friends hear me brag about u constantly… hears to another superbowl championship!!!! go steelers!
Jodi Barbarula
Hi Troy
I was born and raised in Pittsburg and LOVE YOU and the STEELERS. I have never been to a Steelers game. Kick the Jets butt and get #7.
Jodi Barbarula
Yoeuth keo
HEY TROY….. I suggested my friends like your Page! Troy you are the best player on and off field. GO TROY!!!!!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page. Troy Polamalu….. #1 safety in Steelers history! TIME FOR NUMBER 7!!
I just wanted to thank you for being a role model for young men all over the US. Your have a big heart and you also have great sportsmanship and I think that is a God given characteristic. My fiance and I want to let you know that we are praying for you and your fellow teammates! we are not praying for you to win, which of course we would love, but we are praying that people all around america would see the role models that you all are. God has given you a change to show the world what being a christian althlete is all about. People look up to you and We both know that you are going to do great things in your life!
Bob Gallagher
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page! I also hope in the 77th year the Steelers capture their Seventh SuperBowl title and dethrone the summers self proclaimed Super Bowl 45 Chumps
Kathleen D. Meyers
I love the Steelers and Troy kick some ass!!!
Elsie Wight
I had the greatest time seeing you at steeler training camp … you signed my niece’s shirt! I appreciate the hard work youand the whole team do to entertain us all season. I’m also glad that you are in a posistion to spread the word as a Christian … what a great life. Good luck for the rest of the season. Win or lose we had a great ride … we always do with the GREAT STEELER NATION.
Carolyn Bates
Dear Troy,
I have been a Steeler fan since I was a little girl. I love how you carry on the Steel Curtain defense tradition. You are truly the back-bone of the defense and an intense game-changer. The chance to see you and the Steelers take care of business “live” would be totally awesome and a lifetime dream of mine. Hey I also love the hair(Head & Shoulders) commercial and the Coca-Cola commercial with the little kid. You are definitely a good pitch man. I pray that all is well with your achilles/ankle and that you have an outstanding game-changing game.
Good Luck Troy!! Go Steelers!!
Sara Pitcock
Thanks for caring about our vets and active service troops. Your mother raised a good man and a fantastic football player.
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” GO STEEEEEEELERS!!!!!
Mike Monzo
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” And thank you for any hope of possibly seeing a STEELERS game live. Me and my brother are die hard STEELER fans living in the South Jersey area… (right smack in the middle of Eagle and Jets fans) I have been a fan since I was 12 years old. We had no choice at an early age in our house but as I grew up just couldn’t see being a fan of any other team. I love STEELERS football. I have not yet been to Heinz Field and am waiting patiently for my chance to take an 8 hour ride out there to spend a game at my Graceland. I can’t wait until Sunday as this teams takes another step towards our 7th ring. I hope you have a great game this week and I hope everyone on the team gets out of there with a victory and no injuries, I realize this is gonna be another dog fight… Good Luck and GODSPEED!
Stacey Fox
Best of luck on Sunday!!!
D J Jay Willz
Love the fact that you are a BEAST on the feild !!!! I’ve been a Steelers fan forever….. I’m from New Jersey and I am just saying there is a “Very Strong” Fanbase for The Steelers here…. We are holdin it down for the Steelers!!! Let’s go Get it “7 – 11″ !!!!!
I drove out there for the Sep 19th Game but unfortunately you were out…. New Day…. New Game…. Let’s Beat those Jets!!!! Here We Go Steelers, Here We Go !!!!!!!!
Valarie Hildebrand
Cheryl Yarbrough
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” … Can hardly wait to see the AFC Championship game this Sunday! Watched the Steelers/Ravens game again last night on NFL Network just because I love the Steelers so much and wanted to watch you all take down the Ravens . . . I could watch it again and again! Love you Troy! GO STEELERS!!
Mira Lelovic
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page. Best of luck Sunday, be safe. See you in Dallas in a few weeks (if I’m fortunate enough to get free tickets)!
Pamela Miller Picchiarini
Hey Troy, shared this website with many friends..telling them to support the Steelers and your operation….My Husband will be at the game with his 3 brothers and dad…Kick some butt…I know you guys can win this…no problem
lois watkins
Great town…Great Team…. Great win on Sunday
Debbie Buttar
Hi Troy! I suggested my friends like your page because you are awesome and the Steelers are going to win another Super Bowl! I was born & raised in PIttsburgh and the Steelers are such a part of my memories from my childhood thu adult life. I want to win the tickets to take my 6 yr son and 12 yr step son to the game. Keep doing wonderful things! Thanks for everything!
Tracey Capone
Born and raised in Pittsburgh, Pa.!! Born 1970 and have been a huge fan ever since! Lynn Swann was my favorite back then and you are my favorite now! I’ll be wearing your shirt for good luck on Sunday and waving my towel! Let’s go Steelers!!!
David Howey
Troy continued success, another trip to the to the Super Bowl is evident, as a combat veteran of the Viet Nam and Cambodia wars, I would like to thank you for all you do for our vets. When I came home it was a different story, and people didn’t know what my task was while I served. I actually saved lives by guiding patrols through enemy lines, and can proudly claim that I never lost a man to enemy fire. So please lead our Steelers to another Super Bowl!!!
Kathy Fike
Congratulations and Good luck to You and all of the Steeler Nation!
paul rider
im a fan heve been for long time be cool to win ticket and see the best play
Rebecca Suter
This opportunity you have given us truly demonstrates just how big your heart is. You are a Christian, a family man, and consider and are generous to others. This nation is blessed. Pittsburgh and surrounding areas (like me-born a Buckeye, lingering Buccaneers fan, and more time spent a WV resident following the talent of our Steelers). You inspire my son who is 11 playing for his middle school. You are a joy for this single mother of a prospering athlete to watch. God Bless and “HERE WE GO STEEEEEEEEELERS……HERE WE GO !!!!!” Of course we hope to be chosen to win these tickets as a chance to see our Steelers play “live” would be a chance in a lifetime. Wheeling, WV supports our Steelers.
Josh Staley
Hey good luck this weekend Troy!
Paula Jones
Hi Troy!
Me and my big brother are hard core Steelers Fans! I would love to win and suprise him with tickets!
I am your BIGGEST fan!!!!
I love you and Pray for your safety often!
Paula Jones
#43 Fan of All Times!!!
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”
My family and I think you are the best Troy! Every week we get so excited to see you play! Good luck this weekend…we know your going to crush the Jets!
Bradley Konopaki
Hey Troy may god be with you this weekend in your victory over the Jets! Good luck to you and your team mates! I passed your message to all my friends.
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” Best of Luck! Number 7 is ours, I feel it!
Diana Zourelias
I’ve suggested this site to my friends…and we’ll all be cheering you on this Sunday…esp. my husbands family and Father Rameas!
Remember it will all happen in 3′s!
Jamie Groves
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” along with your personal greeting.
Troy I think that it is great that you are going this for your fans … you are simply AWESOME!!!!
and sure I would love to be the one to win the tickets!! But either way I will be watching the game
… cheering you and your team on to get that 7th Superbowl Ring!!!
Love ya
I suggested your page to my friends as well as the Operation Once In A Lifetime! My husband was in the Navy for 20 years and we still have many friends serving in the military. we thank you for your support!
Good luck on Sunday Troy! Be safe! I hate when you guys get injured. Blessings.
Tyra aka: A Moment To Smile
Sending out a Safe & Victories Game…God Bless to you & all your teammates..Families included..
Prayers..A Moment To Smile~
Ronald Martin
I might win #TroysTickets to the AFC Title game because I follow @tpolamalu @ooial and @twitchange Details at Troy43.com.
Troy, thanks to you and the steelers for a great season. Beat the Jets on Sunday
Patricia Stover
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your website!! I DO!! It would be awesome to be at a game in person! I have been a die hard STEELER fan since I was a kid…love my STEELERS! Raised my kids to be STEELER FANS too. The only thing that would be better than being at a game, would be to meet players like you. (That is on my bucket list-LOL)YOU are AWESOME!!! Whether I win or not, I will be watching and cheering…good luck….good health….beat those JETS!! Looking forward to the SUPER BOWL and #7! Thanks for the opportunity…Here we go Steelers!!! Here we go!!!
Denise Vuich-Detelich
We will be routing for you guys (from sunny SoCal). I love watching you play with such PASSION, DETERMINATION AND always 100% EFFORT. Kids playing the game today should look to you for inspiration and as an example of how to play the game with humility and respect! Slava tebje Hriste Boze!! Go Steelers!!!
Irene Katres
Hey Troy, I suggested to my friends to like your page! You inspire so many people not only because of the hard work and perfection in the way you play the game, but more from your compassion and commitment to helping others. I wish you and your family all the best life has to offer!
Beth Geary Ravier
Hi Troy!
My house cheers for the Steelers and the Packers! Would be a great matchup for the Superbowl! My oldest son is a huge fan of yours adn follows your advice on football to become a GREAT safety like his idol! Suprising him with tickets to the AFC championship game would be awesome!!! Go Steelers!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!
Best of Luck from Latrobe, Pa.
albert padilla
whats up troy i have been with the steelers all my life i even have tattoo of the logo on my arm i have gone to see the steelers about 5 times already but my biggest dream is to see them in pittsburgh i am a fan for life please consider me for the chance to go it would be a dream come true thanks for your time good luck in the game u can do it
art stevens
I have been a steeler fan all my life.I”m from pittsburug but live in ohio now for twenty some years.You know what I go through living in cleveland.I love it when you guys bet them.never been to a game in my life im 58 wish I could see pittsburgh beat the jets.
art stevens
I wear #43 watching all the steeler games that we can watch in cleveland.
Missy Folmer
Hey Troy, I suggeseted my friends like your page!
brittany Yereb
Jon Brosovic
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page!” You’re a great role model for the youth everywhere who are playing the game or any game for that matter. You’re my boys favorite and they would love the see the Polamalucule live in action! Thanks for giving back to the fans, I only wish you had more. HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!!!!!! Number 7 on 2011!
I think you are the cutest thing. I’m making a Troy doll out of wool and alpaca fiber. I’m trying to get it done by Sunday’s game. I never liked football growing up. When I got married in 1966, my husband was an avid fan. He went to all the games at Pitt Stadium and then Three Rivers. I would watch the away games on TV with him, learned the rules, etc and fell in love. Football is now my favorite sport. I live in NC now and it makes me SO mad that we don’t get all the games on TV.
Good luck to you all. I know you’ll play well and win. Old Art Rooney is probably watching and cheering you on from heaven too, make him proud!
Patti DiBartolomeo
I suggested my friends like your page also and am praying for you to have the Best Game Ever…you are a power house player and God has blessed you with a love of the game and the ability to do it all…God Bless Troy ~PATTI
Anna Baum
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! You will do great! Steeler Nation!
Flo Lynn Myers
Hey Troy,
I am from Findlay Ohio, just a short trip to Pittsburgh from here. My cousin and I were discussing Orthodoxy the other day, and I saw you do the “Sign of the Cross” on TV, and thought to myself, “What a good Catholic boy” you were. I was kidding him. My cousin corrected me that you were Orthodox, and that you did the “sign of the cross” the correct Orthodox way! I would love to win tickets to the AFC championship game. Steelers are my favorite team, and I think they will go to the Super Bowl! Also, you are absolutely the best defensive player in the NFL, hands down. I have been watching you since 2003 draft when you went 16th. Stay strong, and keep the faith! You are amazing!!!!
Juan "DJ Kazz" Casiano
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page. God’s Blessing to You and the Steeler Family on your quest for a 7th Championship!
Kara O'Rourke
Hey Troy, I have been a Steelers fan for a long, long time but you are my favorite player of all time (sorry Terry B)! I wear your jersey # proudly and can’t wait to get a chance to meet you. Good luck and bring home the lucky 7 Superbowl!!!! I am inviting all my friends to be Steeler fans!
Kristie Taylor
Hey, Troy! I suggested my friends like your page! My husband and I were at last week’s game. The 2nd half was reminiscent of gridiron Steelers of the past. You all tore it up. And when “Renegade” started, I thought the stadium was going to fly off the ground. Woohoo!! My husband’s going this week, but I need a ticket! Here’s to hoping I win. Go get ‘em either way!
Christian Lehr
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! Good luck to you and all of the Steeler Nation!
**********If there is any way I can implore you to choose my husband Bill as the winner of the tickets, it would mean the world to him!!! He is a die-hard Steeler’s fan that has lived in Ravens territory for the last 17 years!
That was the greatest whoop-butt game last week, by the way!!
It is not my husband’s fault that I am unable to figure out how to copy & paste even though I tried every which way I knew!
Please let Bill show our Raven’s neighbors what an even greater team the Pittsburgh Steelers are by awarding him the tickets!!!
Thank you in advance for at least reading this note! Beat The Jets!! Go Steelers!!!!*****
chelsea mangerie
Hey Troy, I would love to win those tickets because I would be honored to cheer on the greatest team in football in my Father’s memory. I lost him to cancer Januay 11, 2010 and he was the biggest Steelers fan. The last superbowl an AFC championship he ever saw was when the Steelers won it all in 09, what a great tribute it would be for me to be there! But no matter if Im there or not my Dads spirit will live on and so will his love for the Steelers! Number 7 is coming cause you have a special angel on your side! Go Steelers!
Angela Calverc
I Just Love Love Love the Steelers and you are my fav I even dressed up as you for Halloween.
Tonda Wyant
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! along with your personal greeting. We all love you in South Carolina!!! Steelers are going to the Superbowl!!! ♥
Karen Podrasky
The Steelers are the greatest team, my husband and I would really love to go watch at Heinze field. It would be a dream come true for him. You are the best! Go STEELERS, kick some butttt!! Love Hines too.!! Good Luck!!! Love your hair!!!!!
Hey Troy, I will be praying right along with you! Keep up the awesome work you and the team are doing!
Karen Black
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! Best of luck this weekend – the Jets are good, but the Steelers are better!
Tom Bartins
Working to win these tickets, really hope to be in attendance as your guest. Good luck Sunday, Go Steelers!
Stephanie C.
My daughter is your number one fan~! May God keep you safe and give you the strength to ground the Jets on Sunday. Thank you for setting such a good example for the youth!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! ….. SEVEN is coming our way…. no doubt about it!!!! No one or nothing beats Steeler Nation!!!
Crystal Thompson
Good luck Troy. Steelers will definately win this game against the Jets no question bout that. You are an awesome football player- the team is lucky to have you. I have suggested my friends like this page. I would be super excited to win these tickets especially since my husband is an even bigger fan than me he is the ultimate Steeler fan. It would be amazing to go to this game with him. You are greatly appreciated in our house for all the time and effort you give to the team. Keep up the good work.
Jim LaRocca
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page! Go Steelers!
Nicole Stefanick
Hey Troy! I suggested your page to some of my friends.
I admire and respect your commitment to the faith.
I remember the first time I saw you cross yourself. I noticed that you did it the Orthodox way.
I am also Orthodox, St. George of Altoona, Pa.
Didn’t have to suggest anything to all my friends, they already do like your page AND LOVE THE STEELERS!!!
Sunni Richmond
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” I have been a Steelers fan since the Terry Bradshaw days!! I love you Troy, you are amazing, you guys are a great team that works soooo well together. And we also share the same hair!!! LOL! I would LOVE the chance to see you guys play this game! A dream come true!! But either way, Go STEELERS!!!!
Rachel Villalobos
Hey Troy I suggested my friends like this page. and I REALLY want to go to the game !!! my whole family loves the STEELERS
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” I would love to surprise my husband with tickets to Sunday’s game. You are my favorite player. Good luck on Sunday to you and all the guys. GO STEELERS!!!
Erin E
I suggested my friends like your page and a couple of them took my advice. Anything to bring more fans to the Steeler Nation! Good luck Troy! You are my favorite Steeler and I can’t wait to watch you roll over the Jets this weekend! You are the best!
Troy – I am so excited for this great opportunity for you all! I grew up outside of PGH and now live in Cleveland but my heart will always belong back home
I pray for safety on Sunday for you all and for an awesome game!! Send those Jets on a return flight! Go get ‘em!! I shared this link to my friends on FB!!
Vickie Reese
I have been a Steeler fan since age three. I would love the oportunity to watch a live game at Heinz field! I enjoy watching all the players, you each play real hard! I especially enjoy watching your warior-like demeanor on the field! My family are STeeler fans, too (we raised them right!). Good luck on Sunday! GO STEELERS!
I suggested my friends to like you. I’m doing this for my hubby who moved down south for love.
Melinda Eiler
Hey Troy, I suggested friends to like your page. LETS GO BLACK N GOLD!!!!
Good luck on Sunday!! Can’t wait to watch the Steelers beat the Jets!! Warren, PA
Kathi Archer
To you TROY and all my STEELERS…it’s GO, FIGHT, WIN time. I am your number one FAN and hope to get to another STEELER TRAINING CAMP again sometime. I met Hines there 5 years ago and wish you and him as well as Ben and the whole crew the best of luck on Saturday…GO STEELERS….WIN, WIN, WIN!!!!
Kati "The Biggest Steelers Fan Ever" Long
Short and Sweet… Everytime I am at Heinz Field for a game, the Steelers win.. Superstitious, HECK YEAH! …. Send me the tickets and the Steelers will be taking a trip to Dallas! And if you don’t happen to pick me, it’s ok. I know this is our year! Just give me a few interceptions!
Hey Troy, I suggested to my friends to like your page! I love your hair!!! Please don’t ever cut it!
Debbie Gerovasilis
Hey Troy just sent out 300 requests out to all my friends!!! I would love to surprise my son with tickets his 13 Birthday is Jan 27, and I KNOW he would always remember that day!!!! We are Greek Orthodox and truely respect you and your family. You have made my son want to learn more about his religion. We are huge fans in our house my husband went to the game last week and my son was so disappointed he didn’t get to go with him!! Thanks for all you do on and off the field you are an inspiration to all young, and old!!!!!!!! GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck Sunday- Go Steelers!!! I have been takin alot of heat here in Indiana, don’t let me down!
I Might Live In the New England Territory… BUT My heart bleeds BLACK & GOLD….
I Passed The Word On To All My Friends & Family… Its amazing how much of a role model you are for all the young players coming up especially my son… Thank You for being YOU… May God Bless you & Your Family
Hey Troy, you are awesome and I love watching you and the steelers play. I tell my son to watch you because you are an all around athlete and a great role model. Good luck on Sunday and I hope I wil your tickets. Would make mine and a 9 year olds day. All of my friends are already fans of your page
But I did share this site
Heather Hill
Hey Troy, I totally recommended that my friends like your page!
So excited about your cause too!!!!!! I have been in awe of what a humanitarian your are in your field! So glad you are such an awesome man on and off the field!
Charity Basinger
Thanks for the chance to win. sent the link to all my facebook friends!! Steelers are the best!
Kati "The Biggest Steelers Fan Ever" Long
I suggeted friends to like your page! Short and Sweet… Everytime I am at Heinz Field for a game, the Steelers win.. Superstitious, HECK YEAH! …. If you chose to send me the tickets, the Steelers will be taking a trip to Dallas! And if you don’t happen to pick me, it’s ok. I know this is our year! Just give me a few interceptions!
Troy, your kind and generous spirit are such a blessing, and your fearlessness on the field is amazing! You are one of the reasons that the Pittsburgh Steelers are the best! Praying for your safety for the rest of the year and best of luck to all of you… bring us a number 7! HERE WE GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!
P.S. I shared Operation Once In A Lifetime as well!
Patti Greer
I would love to have my boyfriend go to the game. Troy (my future husband that just doesnt know it yet) you are an amazing person. Good luck everyone
Desiree Cooper
Never been to a pro game and wont tell I get to see you guys play I want to make sure that I see the best when I do and blessings to you and the rest of the team
Faith Konop
Aly G.
I sent a request to all my friends and quite a few of them were already fans! I live in South Jersey, so all I hear about is those “other” teams ( Eagles, Giant, Jets…oh my. More like OH NO!) Big, big fan of you and the boys and would love, love, love to drive my behind to Pittsburgh this weekend to see you guys kick some Jets booty in your own house! Pittsburgh is also half way between me and my best friend in Michigan who lives way too far away, is going through tough times and is probably an even bigger Steelers fan than I am. WOW would this be a perfect opportunity for the both of us to be able to get together and reunite over the love of our boys, THE STEELERS!
kelly moore
Hey Troy , I suggested friends to like your page!!!!!!! LET’S GO STEELERS NATION!!!!!
Sharon Horneman
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” We wish you the best of luck Sunday!! Not only do I think you are a great football player, you are also a wonderful role model! My son played safety last year and his goal was to play like you! He even has the curly hair but blonde..lol. God Bless and keep up the good work both on and off the field!
Lori Wardoclip
Hey Troy, I suggested that friends like your page. I wish you and the whole team the best of luck on Sunday. My family and I have been die hard Steeler Fans all of our lives
Melinda Eiler
Hey Troy, I suggested friends to like your page
William Welch
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! Black n Gold is going to over run the “bland White and Green” championship game thats why i might win those free tickets…
Steve Amacher
Good luck and GOD bless you and the whole team. Praying you all play injury free !!!!!!!!!!
Clarissa Buchholz
Good Luck to you and all the guys on Sunday. Go Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(suggested to friends)
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! Black n Gold is going to over run the “bland White and Green” championship game thats why i might win those free tickets….
Melinda Eiler
Hey Troy,I suggested friends to like your page. BLACK N GOLD ALL THE WAY BABY!
Melissa Campbell
Hey Troy, I suggested friends to like your page! Now LETS GO STEELERS!!!!
Terri Hamrick
Since I entered to win the tickets and made the mistake of telling my mom, she comes home and says “did you hear from Troy?” “Did we win?” I am just how many times I am going to have to remind her that I won’t know a thing until tomorrow, I think she will keep me awake until Sunday if I actually won! Go STEELERS! We love you and we love you Troy!
Kelley Oelkers
Troy YOU ROCK!!! Ive always dreamed of seeing a Steelers game, been a fan since Bradshaw, Swann and Stallworth were out there!!! Its always been Black n Yellow for me!! I have suggested to all of my friends to your pages as well. The Best of Luck to all of you on Sunday!! May you keep the jets grounded!!!!!
Troy,I realy enjoy watching the games,My husband isn’t into football much, but I am along with my two sons and my grandchildren.You are my favorite player of the team,your strength and skills are truely a gift from God that you share with all of your fans including me.My family and I pray for a safe win this Sunday,Let your spirit shine thru and take the Steelers Team to Seventh Heaven.
Joe Berkeley
Forever Fan. Love the Black N Gold! You ROCK Troy!!!
Nikki O'Leary
Hi Troy, the thing that i admire the most about you is your faith and passion for God! I and my family are true and proud Steeler fans and hope that we win the tickets! Go STEELERS! the number one team with a mighty God and awesome players, especially you, Troy!
Dina DeMersman
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page! My entire family, my husband and I and our 4 kids love you, and the steelers!! Our youngest son doesn’t want to cut his hair because he wants to have hair like yours
Good luck on Sunday!
Susan Bailey
Hey Troy!! Shared this with friends!! We will be watching on Sunday!! Good Luck!!!
Jessica adams
Hey Troy! I did ever thing your asked…. I am a die heart Steeler fan, who always carried her terrible towel and Steeler blanket with her… I served in the USMC and served in Operation Iraqi Freedom. My dad was Steel Worker and died of cancer last year possibly linked to the Steel Mill and he loved the Steelers! He watched you up to last season and died shortly after. And Troy you were his favorite player, he would always sing the Polamalu song.. I know he’s up there with Myron Cope waving the towel and throwing down some Iron City and is very proud of yinz guys like the rest of the city.. Good Luck and Semper Fi! Jessica Adams, Sgt USMC veteran
Mike Shepley
Good luck Troy!! Pittsburgh’s going to the Super Bowl!!!
Jenn Ricupero
Troy and steeler crew congrats to all of you for making it to AFC championship game! I have a been a die-hard Steeler fan since the 70′s and I would really like a chance to come and see the best NFL team in the world win this game and make it to the Super Bowl. Here we Go Steelers Here we go!!!!!!!!! You’re the greatest Troy!!!!!
Caitlin Collier
Troy, I will be wearing your jersey on game day. Keep flying!
Lynette Blair
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” HERE WE GO STEELERS!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!
Darcie Sinclair
You are my favorite Steeler player!! I wear your shirt on game day!! Can’t wait to see you even if it’s on TV, kick some butt!! Good Luck, bring us back another trip to the Super Bowl!!
Karen Selleny
Hey Troy,I suggested friends to like your page:))) Go get em Troy!!!
hey troy, liked your page and shared it.
Wes Stienecker
Hey Troy Good Lucky Sunday!!! Also i sign up to win those tickets i would love to win them i have been tryin to get tickets but its just to much for me well i am in college. I Have only been to one of ur game it was vikings steelers last year.
Luanne Morrow
Hey Troy, I suggested friends to like your page. Love the steelers
Karen Sword
Thanks for the great contest, Troy! Even though I am out here in CA, we NEVER miss a game amd show our black and gold support everywhere we go!~ (You should see my classroom–terrible towels for wall paper!) We were at the Superbowl two years ago and I am still talking about it. I miss the Burgh so much and would love to send my dad to the game. He hasn’t been to one in years! Here we go, Steelers, here we go!! Thanks!
Jessica adams
Forgot to mention a New York Jets came into Eat N’ Park and I gave her a Steeler Cookie…. LOL
Vonda Shughart
Hello Troy, I suggested friends to your like page. You are an awesome person and football player. God Bless You! Go Steelers!
stephanie walker
I own and operate a pawn shop. Stephies Pawn* I need to unwind! Steelers vs Jets would be an awsome game! I think I would be the best one to win because I am the Steelers #1 fan. I wear my 43 jersey every game you play . I love the team spirit. God Bless the Steelers. Sincerely Stephanie
Paula LaMore
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends LIKE your page !!!!!! On your page is a pic of my CHRISTmas jersey …..PAULA-MALU ….only a Paula can wear that one !!!!! STEELERS….ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Garrett white
Hey Troy, I suggested friends to like your page. Im a die hard STEELERS FAN! There’s nothin like watching steelers football.even if I don’t get the tickets I’ll be watching at home. Good luck Sunday and let God be with you.
Marikay Kilar
Hi Troy!
I have been a huge fan FOREVER!! I can’t wait to you and the team bring home that Superbowl ring! I am so proud of all of you. GO STEELERS!
Karen Sword
P.S. I suggeted this to my friends and family even though I am pretty sure they are already aware! Love you Troy!
Here we go, STEELERS!!
Karen a.k.a “Burghbabe”
you can take the girl out of the Burgh, but you can’t take ‘burgh out of the babe.
Daniella Gomez
You’re my idol! I love you guy! Kick ass this weekend. Here we come SuperBowl!
Go Steelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Black and Yellow!
Patty Fromm
Breaking News…..New York is sending 53 Jets to Pittsburgh to help fly the
Steelers to Dallas for SuperBowl XLV
Please pick me to win the tickets to the Game.
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page Good luck, pick off a couple against them!
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” I would love to have a signed jersey from you to replace the one stolen from me when I was 14 with Rocky Blier’s signature!! Let’s get to 7!!!
Gary and Randy Leavitt
My eight year old son Randy and I live in Woubrn, Massachusetts and are the biggest Pittsburgh Steelers fans outside the state of Pennsylvania. We both own Troy jerseys and I’ve been rooting for the Black and Gold since 1972. Oh ya my son who is eight knows every Steeler’s players number. Black and Gold forever.
Beth and Doug
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page” I want to wish you and the rest of your team the best of luck in beating the Jets this Sunday. I know it will be an amazing game to watch, especially if it was live at the game. I can only imagine what that would be like like unless I win these tickets. Just go out there and rock it Polamalu style..you are a truely talented athlete, you bring so much energy to the game and give 110%. So here we go steelers here we go!
Bill Zagar
Hey Troy, I’ve been a Steelers Fan for all my life and I’m a huge fan of yours but your biggest fan is my 8 year old son who wears your jersey every Sunday when the Steelers play. His biggest wish is to watch you play live in person as you’re his favourite player. We would come down to the Steel City from Toronto, Canada that is my son’s dream. It would be an awesome moment between father and son to share to cheer on our beloved Steelers. Let’s get number 7. GO STEELERS GO!!!!!!!!!
Molly Mc Ghee
I am a diehard Steeler fan and Troy, you are a great Steeler. Thanks for being such a great player and giving me lots to cheer about! I hope you guys have a great game. I won’t miss a second of it!
Marcia DeWitt
Hey Troy I suggested your page to my friends. I am a diehard Steelers fan and would love to take my son to the game. Your are one of the best to ever play the game. I love how you bless yourself before every play. I wish you and the rest of the team “Good Luck and ground those Jets! Love my Black and Gold! Go Steelers!
Kiara Jennings
I Might Win Troy Polamalu’s ticket to the AFC Title game! just because I’m a Fan of Troy on Facebook and the work being done with operation:Once In a Lifetime:Details-http://bit.ly/g.F66N7
Hey Troy, my mother and I are huge fans of yours and the rest of the Team, you guys are the best in the AFC and we have been through it, over here in Cleveland, Oh with these Sorry Browns!! People have harassed us for being Steelers Fans instead of Browns Fans, its hard living here with these people who are against Greatness!!! We have had a great season this year, so keep the good work up! We Love you Troy… WE ARE DIE HARD STEELERS FANS!!!!! AND WE LOVE OUR HATERS!!!! aka… AFC Losers!!!! Cleveland is where we live, but Pittsburgh is where our hearts still resides. STEELER NATION BABY!! GO STEELERS!! But as i conclude i would like to just say, Thank you for giving your fans the opportunity to win tickets to see you guys play against the Jets!! This is a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity truly, just to be here and express our selves to you and to whom this may concern, we are dedicated the Team! we will still be in the Bars, At Home and other friends houses to watch the game no matter what we will be behind you 14,213,947,103,274,012,507,340,157,097,0415%!!!!! GO STEELERS, YEAH WE KNOW WHAT IT IS! BLACK AND YELLOW, BLACK AND YELLOW ALL DAY EVERY DAY!!!!
Troy- I just want to tell you how inspired I am by you on and off the field. You are a true champion in every sense of the word. I am so proud to say I am a Steelers fan and a fan of yours. I wear your jersey every Sunday along with my 86-year-old Grandmother who can barely see or hear- but manages to watch and see you play every weekend. I would love to be able to send her to the Championship game, if I were to win the ticket, she would be the one to go. I hope you get plenty of rest this week and I can not wait for Sunday!
kick-ass some jet ass,,,,i really hate the jets,,,,c’mon D………..sack that punk-ass sanchez…..
Okay Troy I suggested your site to my friends. Hopefully I will be hearing from you soon when you message saying I won the tickets. Thanks!
Sharon Goldman
We are the BIGGEST Steelers Fan EVER!! My mom is 71 and has been a FAN all her life.. I would love to be able to take her to a game , as it has always been her dream to go to one.. I have tried to get her to a game but could never afford it, That would be my one wish for her while she is still with me..But one good thing is theres always TV.. GO STEELERS,,, SUPERBOWL BOUND,, HERE WE COME,, GOOD LUCK TO OUR BURGH BOYS !!!
Laurie Dimartini
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!”
How to win game:
1) Eat a good carb dinner the night before.
2) Stay hydrated
3) 8 hours of sleep
4) No alcohol 48 hours before game.
5) Clear head
6) Win
Lifetime fan, I want to say thanks for the wonderful hours of fun filled games I have witnessed including Super bowls 9,10,13,14, ETC….. I know we will go out there this weekend and give them the best look at a defense they have seen all year and it is up to us to prove the depth of our offence until the Jets go home with their engines smoking running on fumes.. I love Troy, James, & Hines……
Dale Tiberie
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” along with your personal greeting.
Laura Harrison
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” along with your personal greeting.
PS Troy – I named my dog after you and since she is a female we call her Polly : )
Joan Kramzer
Hey Troy, I suggested friends to like your page. . Our Father, Who Art in Pittsburgh, Football Be Thy Game……
Lurleen Tate Smith
Steelers Nation loves you, Troy! Thank you for not only being a great athlete and a man of great character, but special thanks for bringing awareness to Operation Once In a Lifetime and all of our great men and women who serve in our nations armed forces. I am married to a marine so this cause is very near and dear to my heart! We have let our friends know about this contest and we look forward to cheering our team on to victory in the AFC Championship! God bless you and your family and may He always keep you safe! =)
Lori Chaffins
Troy, I have been a STEELERS fan for 30 years. I am raising 2 teen age STEELER fans also. Would love to see you climb the STAIRWAY TO SEVEN ladder in person (almost there). I suggested friends to like your page. STEELERS STAIRWAY TO SEVEN 2011.
Christianna Garrettt
Here We Go Steelers!!!!!!!!!! My Husband my son my nephews ALL Love to watch u play .. Im screamin so I get distracted when I watch and my nieghbors and Hubsbands Family doesnt really understand …………..
Diane Hacker-McCullough
Troy…love to watch you play the game…always looking for that great hair on the field…God’s protection over you and the team…GO STEELERS!
GO Steelers!!! A staunch Steeler fan among a lot of Brownies!
In memory of my father who was one super Steeler fan and shared his enthusiasm of Steeler Pride with his children.
Good Luck Troy and the whole Steeler franchise!
Michele Jennings
Troy you are awesome! You are such an inspiration on and off the field. Best of luck to you guys on Sunday!
Naomi LaCosse
Hey Troy, I wanted a chance to win the tickets,however I tried to copy and paste that and it would not let me,I did do everything else, guess it’s to late now.
Stephanie Naymick
Not a believer in these giveaways! But, I love th Steelers and I bleed black and gold. Had to put up with all of my son’s college basketball team who are Ravens’ fans last week. But I wore my Troy jersey proud and will always whether we win or lose! Here We Go!…. Pittsburgh’s going to the superbowl!
Tracy Atcheson
Good Luck to you Troy and the rest of the team!!! You guys are going to kick butt!! Would love these tickets for my husband and daughter. She is 10 and LOVES you! She has a Troy Fathead on her wall in her room. We live 15 miles from Baltimore (YUCK) which makes this even more fun for us!!! She has been dying to see you play in person . GOOD LUCK!!
Gina Clark
I suggested that my friends attend the event! You make Steeler Nation PROUD!!
Steeler fan all my life. Best of luck to you and all your teammates as you tackle the Jets and bring home that AFC Title win! Love you, Troy!
Hey Troy! I suggested my friends like your page! Thank you for all that you do…both on and off the field!
Tracy Hess
I suggested friends to your page! Steelers Fans Forever!
Charlene Thorpe
Hi Troy,
i suggested your page to all my friends!! GO STEELERS!!!
Sharon Tubbs
I have been a fan of the “Steel Curtain” since the 70′s…had a ‘Franco Harris’ Jersey- that I outgrew and wore out. I have the “Terrible Towel”, Christmas Stocking, Steeler Ornaments, and several other unique gifts. This Christmas I received a “Steeler” Gel neck pillow; because I do have neck problems. I would have to say the most memorable gift I received came from my Father….it was back in 1995, and my Dad had won a ‘Steeler’ Championship T-shirt in a give-away; I was expecting my 2nd child at the time and he said that if I had a girl he would give me the T-Shirt. Well, Shelby Lin Tubbs was born on April 17th, 1995, when my Dad came to see his new Granddaughter, he threw me the shirt…I wear it as a Nite-jersey, (its rather large). I would LOVE to be able to go and see a game live…see some of the players and talk with them. Thank You! Good Luck, and I’ll be cheering you ALL on. STubbs
Leslie Smith
Hi Troy, I have suggested everyone go and like your page! I am a Maryland Girl, last weekend I was the only one in the bar cheering for the Steelers, needless to say I heard a lot of crap over it since it’s Ravens Country. It was pretty awesome leaving there the only winner!! Some guy even threatened me to shut my mouth, but I didn’t and kept on cheering for the black and yellow , black and yellow, black and yellow!! Here We Go STEELERS Here We Go!!
Laura MArtyna
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” We tried to win Tix through Nyquil’s contest, but some silly dude from New Orleans won them instead. PLEASE pick my hubby Brock and I to come to the game…we will cheer louder than anybody there!!! STEELERS FOR LIFE!!!
Pamela Jakab
Hey Troy, let’s win one for Myron! It’s his birthday on Sunday ya know. I would be so thrilled to win the tickets for this game. The last game I attended was January 15, 2005. We won that game in overtime. Let me think who we played…oh yeah, the Jets!
Susan Trunzo.
Thanks so much for being so generous with the giving away tickets to your fans. You are such a good example to everyone. I will be praying for your safety and your teams safety also. God Bless
Patricia Ziegler
Hey Troy, I suggested friends to like you page. I have been a Steelers Fan for over 35 years, been to 2 games once in the 70s at the Three Rivers Stadium and once in the New Heinz Field, love the new field!! You are the best thing to happen for our teem in ages, thank you!! Good luck fighting those jets! Thank you for the opportunity to have a chance to win. Had a stroke and it left me with some disabilities, but would love to cheer you on in person, but will be cheering just as loud here at home if I don’t win, GO STEELERS!!!!!
The Steeler Ladies are waiting to win the tickets to support Mr. Polamalu and the Pittsburgh Steelers! “We ready”
it is so great that you do this! just another example of what a wonderful person you are! go STEELERS!!
Terri Nagel
Heh Troy, You will be in our prayers on Sunday for sure! We are former Pittsburghers and have moved all over the country- we always wear our Steelers colors proudly! We now have our 4th grandson brought up right with a 3-6 mo Steeler outfit for the game day! Keep up the fabulous work on and off the field, know that we will cheer loud and proud for the Steelers in front of the tv or in the stands! I sent the page to all my friends on Facebook, even those who are not Steeler fans- I don’ know why they don’t come to their senses!!! Tell Trey that there is a huge Steeler Nation presence in Fort Wayne, IN!!!
Lisa Behe
Troy, you are my favorite player not only because you are the BEST at what you do, but you are a fine human being as well, and a great example for everyone! I suggested this page to my friends and I would love to be there to see you and the team BEAT THE JETS so we can go on to another Super Bowl! HERE WE GO STEELERS!
Dave Parsons
Troy….it’s been a lifetime dream of mine to photograph my favorite 3 sports teams since I was a kid. I got to shoot pictures of the Pirates and Penguins this year…..would be a dream come true to make it all 3 in the same year….any help how I could make it happen would make a dream come true? Thanks.
Bruce Gist
Congratulations on a GREAT season to all the Steelers, one more victory means a trip To Dallas for another Super Party!
Jimmy Reed twitter/jimmyreeddotnet
Troy would love to win some tickets! I have done all the Twitter & Facebook stuff to try and win. I am flying up Sunday with my 11 & 15 yr old kids. IT is my daughters first game ever and she loves you. My son and I were up there last week and loved it. Go Win Steelers!!!!!!!!!
Hey troy I suggested your page to all my friends
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” My little boys are your biggest fan… My 7 year old said he wants to be just like you when he grows up and play for the steelers… & My 4 year old walks around the house saying your name everytime he sees a football game going on… Go Steelers….
Your name* randy tice
My daughter and I must be the biggest fans! Why else would I pay to have our faces look like this.
What’s up TP! My son luvs u playing for his new fav team! he talks bout you all the time. did a report on u for his class.keep up the good work! PLAY HARD AND TRUST THE LORD THY GOD!! HE IS ALL AND EVERYTHING!!!
Melissa Sullivan
I was borned and raised in Pa, grew uo in the 70′s watching the Steelers. Even tho I now live near Indianapolis In , I am a hardcore steeler’s fan. I made up a slogan for the steelers this year. RING NUMBER 7 IN 2011 HERE WE GO STEELERS HERE WE GO!!!
Beth Kraus
Troy , This is my 2nd message I’ve suggested your website to my friends and even my father who is a Browns fan LOL I was in a very mental and verbal abrusive mariage for 20 yrs finally left and now I’m married to a man I dated 25 yrs ago. He is so easy going that he really hopes that some day I can run my hands through your hair. That is on my bucket list and I am in perfect health. To see the STEELERS and you at Pittsburg would be a dream come true. The “operation ” you are involved in is wonderful.
Tell your wife and family it would be my honor to be able to meet them as well.
Thanks Troy hope you all have a great day!!
Jamie Dickey
I would love to send my 12 year old son to see you and the guys play
LOVEEE Troy and the STEELERs……. Here we GO for #7
“Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” You’re awesome!! My husband and I are huge fans!!! Good luck on Sunday!!!
Jet fuel burns at 800º to 1500ºF, not hot enough to melt steel (2750ºF)
I say… send those Jets packin on a cargo flight back to New York, Pittsburgh’s Knockin ‘ on 7′s Door!!!
I would love to watch the game from Heinz Field but even if I don’t win the tickets my family & I will be watching
the game from home & cheering on our favorite team… THE PITTSBURGH STEELERS!!!
Good Luck Black & Gold & God Bless!!
Jerry Hayes
I have been a Steelers fan since the mid ’70′s. I applaud you for your fine charitable work and your recognition of the needs of the less fortunate. As an employee at a local homeless shelter, I work with those in need everyday. Needless to say, I don’t make a ton of money myself and could never afford to pay for tickets to the game. It would truly be a great blessing to receive your tickets if you choose my name. My 9-year-old son and I would be humbled by such a gift.
Peace, Jerry
Kelly Howell
This is an amazing organization. I appreciate all that you do Troy, to help these soldiers and their families out. I have let my friends know about this page and all the wonderful work you do, on and off the field. Best of luck.
Barbara Szewczuk
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page. Good Luck
Pam Gordon
I would love to take my sister to the game I have been battling a illness for 4 years now she moved back to Pa. to help take care of me I have my purse with your number on it and my jersey and my terrible towel the vehicle to get us there now all we need is help to get the tickets thanks for the chance to win we love you and all the Steelers good luck with the game and if we win I will be at the Steeler pep rally and hope to see you there I was at the last pep rally.
Dave Jones
I have been a fan since 1974. There is nothing I would like more than to watch you guys play the AFC Championship game at home. I know you all will totally wipe the floor with jets. Go STEELERS!
STEELERS WAVE!!!: „ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤ KEEP THE WAVE GOING!!! ¸„ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤øº HERE WE GO, STEELERS, HERE WE GO!! ¤¤º°¨¨°º¤ø¸¸ø¤º°¨„ø¤º°¨ ¨°º WAVING THE TERRIBLE TOWEL „ø¤º°¨ ¨°º¤ HERE WE GO, STEELERS, HERE WE GO!!¸„ø¤º°¨°º¤øº WAVING THE TERRIBLE TOWEL Pittsburgh Steeler time….Pittsburgh Steeler time!!!!•*¨*•♫♪ Here We Go ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸☺ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪Steelers ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸☺ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Here We Go ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸☻ GO==STEELERS!!
Shelly Sager
Hi Troy! Thanks for the opportunity to win tickets to the game on sunday! I suggested that my friend’s on Facebook like your page and join your cause! I am a huge Steelers Fan and I have never been to a game! I followed Steelers Nation when I moved to other cities and joined the fan club bars! Now I am back in Pittsburgh and would love a chance to see the game at Heinz Field, hear the roar of the crowd, terrible towels flying, and see you guys playing and beating the Jets!! I am a big fan of yours and think you are a very talented player and a good person! I’ll be wearing my white away jersey on Sunday, #43 that I wore for ’06, ’09, and ready to wear this year too! Can’t break the tradition!
Let’s get #7!!!
Good Luck Sunday!
Hey Troy! You ROCK!!! Can’t wait for the game Sun. VS the Jets… !!!!!~~~LET’S GO STEELERS~~~!!!!!
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!
My dad is a die hard Steelers fan and today is his 64th birthday!
Good luck this weekend!
I will ALWAYS suggest any of your sites/pages to ALL my friends…TY for the chance to win anything that has to do with you OR the Steelers!!
Rachel Smith
Hello Troy go get them Sunday ,I cannot wait for game we’re all excited about it ,number 7 on the way, I am a third generation Steeler fan I know my mother ,and gram are rooting from heaven.HERE WE GO!!
GO STEELERS! Win or lose – you guys are the best in my book.
Paula Campbell
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page!” YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!! I
Julie Brison
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your Page! I am from Ohio and completely shun both teams here. Go Steelers! Would love to have tickets to root you on!!
Pace Brison
Hey Troy, I suggested my friends like your page! GO STEELERS!!
Melissa Plyler
Hi Troy! I shared you page with friends and sent an invite to those that I thought would also like this page as well! I want to thank you for the opportunity to win the chance of a lifetime. I would love to win 3 tickets , one or myself and 2 for my nieces (Brittany 12yrs. and Ashley 9 yrs.) I would be happy with one and don’t want to sound greedy but you see my nieces have been threw an awful lot this past year. Their dad is serving in the United States Army and was deployed for over a year. He is currently stationed out of Fort Stewart Georgia, and the girls are up here in Steeler country due to his deployment. Their mom is mental ill, and honestly Steeler football is what keeps the girls happy and thier heads up. Good Luck and Thanks again!
Good Luck Sunday!
Melissa Plyler
barb coffman
Love ya troy love ya black and gold hope and pray i can win these tickets so the old man can see the steelers kick butt on his landmark birthday
Krista Snuggs
Thanks for all you do for soldiers and Operation Once in a Lifetime!
MarLynn Tomlin (No relation to Mike)
I am 71 and my son, Max, and grand-daughter, Anabelle, got me to be a Steeler’s Fan. Anabelle has a collection of Steeler’s memorabilia, so a ticket to the game would be a great gift for me to give her. Thanks for having this contest. Ma (Nana) Tomlin
Leora Kramer
Troy – I have been a Steeler fan from birth. You and the boys RULE! Go get em on Sunday! It’s all about black & yellow!!!
love love love you guys!!!! Really wish I could be there too
Kathy Schulmeister
I am 52 years old and I have been a Steelers Fan since 1975. I have never had a chance to see a real live Football game..I wouldgive anything to see a real game.I live in Akron, ohio and I get razed but my heart belongs to Pittsburgh. GoSTEELER NATION. Good Luck on Sunday.
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