Hey, everyone. This afternoon I took time to share a small thought on twitter, and was happy to have it start some discussion with fans who are following me. If you saw the tweet, you may have noticed others talking about some private messages I was sending to clarify what I had originally sent.
I’m not an argumentative person, and twitter would be the LAST place where I would want to publicly give the impression that I was debating people. So, I thought I’d take time to write a post (something a little longer than 140 characters) that would let anyone see the direct message perspective I enjoyed sharing with the folks on twitter who were talking back to me.
From my theological study, and I certainly don’t know everything about the koine Greek, the abbreviations XΣ, XP, and XC were ancient symbols that the early church used to represent the word “Christ” and not “X.” In all ancient icons, nowhere is Christ symbolized by “X” alone. Nowhere in the Greek language or Church history is the letter “X” a symbol or representative of Christ. In English, of course, it stands for unknown.
I know this is something that has been debated for years, and both perspectives can quote their own wikipedia articles. The main opinion I want to emphasize (which is hard to do in 140 characters) is our need to recognize the origin of the Christmas season. I think most people can appreciate the importance of preventing materialism from replacing the observance of a ritual that is important to so many people’s faith.
So forgive me as I continue to figure out the best way to use twitter. I know it’s not going to be a place where I fight or debate. I don’t mind it being a place where I can connect with more people.
Thanks for interacting with me.
You folks are great!
Kim Bloomer
Thanks, Troy I agree. Merry Christmas Thank-you for all you do!
God Bless you
AMEN!!! What part of “Jesus is the reason for the season” that people just don’t get? It irritates me that some people don’t get that December 25th is a celebration of Jesus Christ’s Birth. And others just think it’s a money making “Holiday” for them to become richer. ‘It’s easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to get into heaven’ Thanks Troy for addressing a much needed lesson.
M Shepherd
The “X” puts Christ in Xmas … The “-mas” part is from the Latin-derived Old English word for “mass”, while the “X” comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated: “Christ”. “Xmas” is an abbreviation of “Christmas”. Sometimes pronounced /ˈɛksməs/, it and variants such as “Xtemass”, originated as handwriting abbreviations for the typical pronunciation, /ˈkrɪsməs/.
Newt Carpenter
You go Troy! God Bless!
Thankyou Troy , I already posted the same thing on my FB page , asking others not to take Christ out of CHRISTmas by placing and X where Christ should be . : )
Thomas Matta
Just wanted you to know, that an old USC grad approached you once at training camp your second year with a USC flag, while you were walking up the hill with your fiance. I hollered out “F.C.A.” and you came over, we chatted and you signed the USC flag for my boys. I told you then that I’d be praying for you. I still am. Our culture needs great role models for our boys. Thanks for being who you are as a Christian! Have a wonderful Christmas!
tom matta
KellyLee Lucas
I was one of the folks that was going to respond to your tweet, but decided to research it a bit before I did. I had heard about the “X” – I’m glad you wrote this and gave me a little education – we’re NEVER too old to learn something new! Thanks! Merry Christmas Troy!!!
With warm regards (and SC weather)-
KellyLee Lucas
Well said, Troy. The time you take to discuss this topic, and the graciousness with which you handle yourself is, I’m sure, doing wonders. I
Debbie Hickman
I just wanted to state that I think your one class act!
I believe CHRISTmas is not as commercial as everyone believes.
I sincerely thank you for this.
“If you are in the dark…follow the SON”
Margaret Pinto
Thank you for sharing… I have been more than a bit irked about “X-mas,” too. Perhaps others’ arguments would carry more weight if there was not an ever-increasing sentiment in America that “Christ” is a bad word (as opposed to so many other things that are more than “acceptable” in today’s society)… More and more, Christ is being taken out of Christmas. You are a true blessing– on and off of the field.
Lisa Petriello
Sorry Troy, that was my 11 yr old daughter who replied that did not understand at first but your reponse was wonderful and I think it is great how you want to connect with the fans. Thanks for being an inspiration and a GREAT role model. Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
You are so right, Troy. Merry Christmas!! By the way….you are the Steeler’s best!!!!
Ali Mark
Don’t like the word “Xmas” ? “X” comes from the Greek letter Chi,which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated as “Christ” – just an interesting fact. Christ has long since left the sake of Christmas, no matter how depressing that may be. Keep working to bring it back.
I was one of the people who was talking to you and I just wanted to say how much I appreciated you taking the time to read and respond to my thoughts, even if it wasn’t a debate. I’m a pastor so I am encouraged and enlightened by conversations such as these and the fact that you took a few moments to converse with me was an honor. I pray that you and your family have a blessed holiday!!
norma anderton
Just a note to tell you I think (and my friends also think) you are a truly wonderful person, on top of being an outstanding football player. We are so happy you are a Steeler and wish you all the best! Norma
Valerie Golik
I agree wholeheartedly, Troy! Merry CHRISTmas to you and your family!
I think the tradition of having an “X” put in place (in English) comes from the Anglicans or Roman Catholics, I can’t remember which. Either way, it was hardly meant as a sign of disrespect (likewise, and correct me if I’m wrong, but some early manuscripts use “X” as a substitute for ‘Christos’).
Either way, considering we live in a materialistic and skeptical society, any reason for using “X” has long lost any true purpose.
As a side note, I wrote something a few days ago that laments the materialization of Christmas that you might be interested in: http://tiny.cc/qynj1
Keep up the good work both on and off the field. It’s easy for players to thank Jesus for a touchdown, but quite another story when they put such devotion into the Church as you have.
Anne Domian
Thank you for being an honest and respectful person. I admire you as not only a football player but as a person.
I love the Steelers and what the organization stands for, I am grateful to be your fan.
tammi ricci
Really dont understand whats going on. Everybody has there owen way of uderstanding stuff. i think your right what you said. Christmas is jesus birthday, We should be celibiteing his life and all the good he and god has done for us. Christmas is my birthday. i rather give than receive!!!!!!! Thanks for listening!!! Think you are a great football player….
You know Troy, it’s so great to know that there are people that are important in the world’s eyes that still hold their morals and values closley. I’m a huge Steelers fan and an even bigger Christian, and it’s so refreshing to know of all you do not just on the field (by the way, I hope you’re healing up ok. We’re going to need you in the coming weeks
) but off the field as well. I’m glad to see that you are a person who has perspecitve on what is important in life. Anyway, thank you for being such an inspiring person, and I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!
Thank you for sharing that, I don’t understand why the people in general want to say Merry CHRISTmas. We wouldn’t have CHRISTmas if it wasn’t for Christ coming to earth as a baby. He is certainly the reason for this season.
Merry CHRISTmas!!!
Lu Boozel
Troy, I totally agree. I have always disliked seeing the X for a symbol for our Christ Jesus. Some people take it for granted that He died for us and it is like they are just symbolizing that by simply Xing him out of their life. I hope you have a very joyous CHRISTmas with your new little one and the whole family. I send my love and wishes for protection around your family, especially when playing the game!!!
My first name is the last two letters of your last name, and I get teased for liking you for that reason. I think you are a kind, respectful man, and I admire your softness. You are one of the greatest sports heroes of all time and I am proud to be a Steeler fan from way back. Take care, my friend.
Blessings always and ever, Lu Boozel
Thank you Troy! I appreciate your open sharing. May your Christmas be blessed by the presense of the One who came that we might truly live.
Lori T
Thank you Troy. I love the fact that my kids can watch you and enjoy seeing how you play football, and yet they can see that you are a strong example of passionate faith. Thanks so much for that. I pray that this year, God blesses you with overwhelming blessings that are pressed down, shaken together and running out all over. May You always have His peace and grace in your lives.
Thank you again.
Man Troy, Thank you! Thank you very much for being a man of faith and a man who is proud to announce the name Jesus and what CHRISTmas is really supposed to mean. Thank you for using the platform our LORD Jesus Christ entrusted you with to let His name be known through your words and actions.
Have a great CHRISTmas and a happy New Years. Oh ya, and also a quick healing and a run at ring #7
God Bless
Lawrence Garza
Great job, Troy. Thank you.
I was one of the people discussing your tweet with your earlier and I just wanted to say how much I appreciated you taking the time to respond. I’m a pastor and I find discussions like this stimulating and enlightening, even if it wasn’t a debate. I was honored that you took a few moments out of your crazy life and responded to me. I pray that you and your family have a most blessed holiday!!!
Constantine scoumis
Thank you for saying that. We need more people to speak out such as yourself since you can draw a lot more to the truth.
I too am Greek Orthodox and we met at the North side church this summer. I am friends with Brian whom you visited all of the monasteries with.
I am trying also, to draw more people to the truth. Last week I released a book called Poetry In Omnimotion that was written through me by the Holy Trinity. I would love to send you a copy.
Merry Christmas and may God continue to bless you and your family
I wanted to say that I agree with you, there’s no X in Christmas, Thank you for being who you are in Christ and standing up for what you believe in, in a manner that is both tasteful and respectful to yourself as well as others, I don’t follow your career that closely but from time to time I do check in with your status and comments on Facebook, I admire you for who and what God has
allowed you to be in him, continue to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ and may God continue to bless you in all you do. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Kyle D. Yates
Dear Troy,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Christmas. Might I encourage you to also consider the Advent Season? After all, in North America culture, there is two different Christmas’s. There is the Christmas celebrated that does not focused on Christ, but celebrated in consumerism, and folktales of a fake man who brings presents. Then there is the Christmas, a true story about God becoming human.
Maybe there should be a Christmas conspiracy going on here; a rejection of consumerism, and returning to humble worship.
Fight the good fight Troy, on and off the field. I’m proud of you. I’m proud to be a member of Christ’s body with you
Kyle D. Yates
Great post, Troy! Thanks for your dedication and for respectfully taking a stand for what you believe in.
Have a Merry CHRISTmas!
Thanks Troy. X-mas has always been a pet peeve of mine. I hate when ppl thoughtlessly use it and really never knew there was any legitimate debate. Thanks for the info. And by the way, we think you’re pretty great yourself. Have a blessed Christmas!
Thank you Troy,
You are a shining star, and your Orthodox friends respect & appreciate your powerful example of a faithful Orthodox Christian living in a Christ-like fashion.
ICXC NIKA meaning “Jesus Christ Conquers”
In the traditional icon of Christ Pantokrator, Christ’s right hand is shown in a position that represents the letters IC, X, and C.
Merry Christmas to you and your Family from sunny Tampa Bay!
way to go Troy, I beleive in the Lord and it should always be Merry Christmas!! So glad that you posted it.
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!
Steve McGrath
Hey Troy,
I appreciate your stating your opinion at a time when religion, or seemingly any spirituality with a hint of Christianity, is out of fashion and the materialism you mention is in. I’m also impressed at your gentleness in contract to the MENACE you are on the field! What a great role model to other athletes, and us all.
Best wishes* and merry Christmas,
*except against my Patriots
Thanks Troy for sharing your thoughts. It’s nice to have a healthy discussion about this without the ranting that sometimes goes on. X will never represent my Lord and Savior…..that’s just me! Have a Merry Christmas Troy and ummm heal up quickly we NEED YA OUT THERE!!!
Thanks for sharing your faith. Personally think it is the most important thing you can/will do. Merry Christmas!
Jerry Hasty
Excellent response Troy. This explanation is well stated.
God Bless
Donna Korzun
I welcome your opinion and appreciate your comments as they were very enlightening. Thank you for your stand on Christianity and for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who was born to save us all.
I hope your injury heals soon. I missed seeing you in the game.
In Christian love, Donna
Jon Hyde
Unfortunately people have gotten lazy and decide to make “X” a symbol of the cross and society has determined that CHRISTmas is not an term that is allowed. I now have to say “happy holiday” instead of “Merry Christmas”. Society has become so “‘politcaly correct” that observing your individual celebration is no longer allowed.
Robert Morgan
Troy, this is an interesting discussion. I had been of the thought that the “X” in “Xmas” was a symbol of Christ, but aside from Sunday School I have not studied theology in detail, so I was unaware of the Greek abbreviations you mentioned. Nevertheless, I think most would appreciate your underlying message that we should keep the secular, materialistic aspect of the Christmas holiday from supplanting our honor of the birth of Christ and what it means to the world.
On a football note, I hope your leg is better soon. As a lifelong Steelers fan (native Pittsburgher, live in Tennessee now), one of the things I really appreciate is the consistently strong sense of team we have, not to mention the strong ownership and solid coaching. Thanks for being a great team leader, and for always playing with the effort and passion that you do. Good luck Thursday night and then against Cleveland, let’s get that #2 seed – don’t want to get ahead of things but would love to have a re-match with the Patriots and a shot at the Super Bowl!
Merry Christmas,
Sandi Czyznikiewicz
As a person, I have been a fan of yours for a long time. I grew up in Chicago with family in the Pittsburgh area, so the Steelers are as important to me as the bears (much internal conflict takes place when you guys play each other!).
You have just secured my undying loyalty! As a Christian, I know how frustrated I get when anyone trivializes one of the most sacred days to us. I respect all religions and their history, I only wish they would respect mine as much.
I want to thank you, on behalf of my family, for your post. I wish you a truly blessed Christmas season and prosperity in the new year. Stay well, my friend!
Sandi (twitter.com/MouseRoar)
Tweets that mention “X-mas” takes the Christ out of CHRISTmas! « Troy43.com | The Official Website of Troy Polamalu -- Topsy.com
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Shawn Coons, NYC Coach O (Otis), Josh English, Kristin , Mrs. Narcissus and others. Mrs. Narcissus said: I enjoy the spirit of the holiday even tho I don't belive in Christ. So I say Xmas. RT @tpolamalu: CHRISTmas http://bit.ly/dLTRuW [...]
howie shultz
Your post is such a great reminder and also an encouragement to keep Christ as the focus during this holiday season. Thank you and rich blessings to you.
Rev. Brian
You neglected to mention that I offered we could agree to disagree. I do have history on my side, but I also understand the modern perception that has grown around the use of “Xmas.”
Bright blessings to you and yours this holiday season. I do hope your ankle recovers quickly so that you can go back to doing what you do best — which is being the best Safety in the NFL. (Although one could very well argue that your status as being the best Safety is second only to your reputation as being a man of conviction).
may i ask what religion you practice? not that it matters, but the phrase “bright blessings” made me think you were some variety of pagan (which to me is a good thing).
Diane Bailey
Thanks Troy that was very well written. Thank you for standing and being counted for your beliefs.
My prayers for a speedy recovery for you. The game is not the same without you.
Amen !!
Get better Troy, and Merry Christmas from a long time Steeler fan( Beaver Falls!) in Texas. good luck in the playoffs
Jaime Davila
hey Troy, Thanks for getting in touch with all of us. Just the fact that you took the time to write to everyone about this shows what a great guy you are. You didn’t need to check in, you could just blow everyone off. Keep up the good work, inside and outside the field.
Shawn Coons
I’m impressed with your church history and koine Greek knowledge, but even more impressed that you DM’d so not to have a public debate.
Class act all around. Hope you got back to health. Your play and presence is missed by many fans!
Scot Larsen
Troy- You hit the nail on the head. Every Advent I struggle with the materialistic interpretation of Christmas. I find it distracting (to say the least) as I am attempting to enter into the spirit of advent; fasting, prayer, and alms giving. I can only imagine how tough it must be trying to focus on Advent and getting to the playoffs.
Thank you for being such a great role model to all Orthodox christian, especially our kids. We always watch you play and wait for you to cross yourself after each play. Even though I am a Raiders (I was born in Oakland – don’t hold it against me), you are my favorite player in the NFL.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!!
Tony M
Troy, keep sharing your faith….I was blessed when I read this post.
Nick Muscari
Thank you for such an inspiring message. In 1999, 3 years after I became a Christian, my wife of 13 years left me. While still separated, I celebrated (if you want to call it that) that 1st Christmas without her or my kids. It was the most depressing and painful Christmas in my life. During this time, I reflected about what the true spirit of Christmas was all about, and I wrote a short article on the topic. To make a long story short, I would like your permission to share it with you? If you would like to see it, can you please tell me the best way to send it to you? I can scan it and save it as an attachment and send it another way. If you like it, you can share it with others. Although I’ve been told by many others that I should have it published, I never did because I believe that it should be shared with others without me making a profit on it. No one should have to pay to read the Word of God. Thank you for your time.
Diehard Pats fan here but mad respect for you and the Steelers.
Don’t apologize. You are correct! Play your game and speak your mind.
Merry Christmas!
Beverly Mooney
Hi Troy, Please go to U-tube and type in steelertoby in the search area You will see 2 boxes with an African Grey parrot. Click on both and you will view my parrot, Toby, saying “Go Steelers.” He says many words and phrases, but we wanted to teach him to say Go Steelers and he learned it in no time. I wish all the best to you and hope you heal quickly so you can get back to doing what you do best. I love watching you play and you are my favorite player. sincerely, Beverly Mooney
Scot Larsen
Sorry wrong website… should stbarnabasoc.org.
Jake Priddy
The “X” in X mas is a mid 16th century shortening of “Christmas” that does not change the pronunciation; X does not stand for “Christ” per se, that is true, but it IS the Greek letter Chi, and was used as a shorthand for words beginning with Chi, admittedly not just Christ, but in this case, that is what is meant. It was never meant to be pronounced “Ex-mas” any more than the following is “Extibal” = Xtibol.
That is Christobal, and it his how Christopher Columbus himself signed his name. The written word Xmas was historically, and is still, meant to be read as “Christmas” not “ex mas” in the same way.
Rev. Brian
Mark Clayton
Excellent post Troy!!!!! Christ is the reason for the season. Good luck with the rest of the season. GO STEELERS
Patrick D.
You are an amazing player on the field and I wish to thankyou for the many great moments you and your amazing STEELERS…it is refreshing from a fans perspective to see that our hero’s are not only supurb atheletes but also just like us…thanks for the refreshment….good luck to all of you as you persue your goals…and as you try to win number 7…..
εισαι τεραστιος, να προσεχεις κ καλα χριστουγεννα!
thanks for being a great player and a great servent of the lord troy,heal fast.miss watching you play.GO STEELERS!
Rhonda Antonelli
I truly believe what you have said. Christmas is for celebrating the birth of our saviour. Thank you for conducting yourself in such a humble and gentlemanly way. You certainly are a good role models for your sons and also for any one who sees you play. Actions speak louder than words, which could not be truer in your case. Thank you and the Steelers for all that you do. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Thanks for sharing! I love learning about Greek and hebrew.
I am very thankful that we have such a great person representing
our Steelers.
Thank You!
Clarice Osborne
Being a public person, Troy, you will find people love picking on you– no matter what you say or do………….so, just be the gentle man God wants you to be and forget all the trash talk. Yes, let’s keep Christ in Christmas. Years ago I would put xmas on my greetings until I realized what I was doing………………..I want Christ at the center of my everything! God bless you and your family!
Chris Gunter
Troy, great explanation and thanks for standing up for what you believe in. It’s awesome to see people who have the platform you have and use it to glorify God. Your one of my favorite players to watch; you play at one speed all the time, you have passion stamped on your forehead, and you are a child of God who let’s his light shine for the kingdom. I wish nothing but success for you brother and God bless.
Chris Gunter
Kendra Lovelace Kramer
Thank you for being such a good role model and expressing your faith. May God continue to bless you.
Thanks Troy for your willingness to share your faith openly and for the professionaliam that you show in your interaction with the public. You have earned my (and many more fans’) respect.
Rhonda Cooley
Great way to explain it, Troy. Being of the Christian faith myself, I do celebrate what I believe Christmas is about–and that is the birth of Christ. I also do not like it being called X-Mas. It is my opinion that by doing so, people are trying to avoid what I believe the true meaning of this holiday is about. And I will admit that it does annoy me that those who want to celebrate this holiday even if they don’t believe in God, or Christ–well, that’s fine, but don’t turn it into something that it’s not just so you can.
Carrie Thompson
Troy, I totally agree with you. X-mas does take the CHRIST out of CHRISTmas. I wouldn’t ever want CHRISTmas to change. I have a friend that told about an encounter he had with someone about using CHRISTmas. He happened to tell someone Merry Christmas, being polite, and that person said back to him, “You should say Happy Holidays so that it’s not so offensive.” My friend then laughed for a moment and then shouted, “Merry CHRISTMAS!” and then walked away. It seems to be more offensive to me that the word CHRIST can be so offensive to someone. I once worked at a company called Muzak (better known as the elevator music company). My job was to check all tracks/music for errors/language, etc. I actually had to flag every song that mentioned the word Christ or anything to do with him, even holiday songs had to be flagged that mentioned CHRISTmas. They would not even play CHRISTmas music that contained the word during the holidays because “it was offensive”. I no longer work there so I’m not sure if they still continue this. It was very offensive to me and honestly, it was heartbreaking that people can be so offended by CHRIST. Thanks
I love you!!
Hi Troy,
Thank you for that (more than 140 charachters) introspective analysis. I am a Christian and it has always bothered me to see Merry X-Mas plastered everywhere. I too feel that it removes Christ from Christmas.
While I realize that not everyone has the same religious view, and most religions don’t even acknowledge Christ as Savior, the one question I keep asking myself is, who’s birthday are we celebrating anyway and shouldn’t He be acknowledged on His own birthday?
Thanks again for your post and your thoughts on this widely debated topic.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Judy LeVang
You are an outstanding man, and I give thanks for you daily. I pray for your health and well being. I also pray for those who don’t know Christ. As for Christmas or X-mas, either expression can be considered correct for various reasons. Dec. 25th isn’t the day Christ was born, but has become the day recognized by many religions as the day to remember the birth of our Saviour. What is sad is that it has again become just another secular holiday. Jesus loves us all, came to serve us all, and to give us the gift of salvation. All he asks of us is to believe in HIM, love one another, and to serve one another. Thank you for starting a very interesting conversation.
P.S. You are very important to the team, but your long-term health is more important to you and your family.
Praying for you and your family,
Dan and Judy LeVang
Robert Hutto
Hey TROY, I am a big fan of yours and the PITTSBURGH STEELERS.i AGREE THAT christ should not be taken out of Christmas.HE is the reason for the season….
Derek Fair
I couldn’t say it any better! People fighting for their own holiday and religious “tolerance”, are being intolerant of others…
Dan Creps
With many of your NFL players standing for nothing, thank you for standing up for Christ and the real meaning of Christmas, as I am sure many use the “x” not thinking “I am leaving out Christ” but our culture is definitely doing everything it can to eliminate Christ and His precious work on the Cross. Thank you again for being a great example for our Lord, may he bless your health and give you longevity to keep standing up for Christ.
Dan Creps
Saved by Grace
Life long Steeler Fan
Some people are a little uptight about Christmas and religion in general, as a atheist I have absolutely no problem with Christmas. I still celebrate this time with family because I believe the tenets of Christmas such as peace and love is something we can all relate to.
As a spokes person for my high school i strongly disagree with the removement of the word “CHRIST” in christmas. The whole meaning to christmas itself would lose its meaning of being a holiday in the first place. There is no reason big enough nor strong enough to engage with the replacement of christ in christmas. This is obscured and would be a catastriffy and an abomination to the four fathers that started this land of christ and not of “x’s” and “y’s”
Thank you for your recent post.
It is important we remember that christ is the reason for the season.
You are an amazing ball player and in my opinion, a sincere and genuine person.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas holiday.
Fr. Paul Pyrch
Troy—You are absolutely correct in your position and feelings about this subject. I could not agree with you more! In the Orthodox Church, the greeting is not: Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays, etc. We greet one another with the words: Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Thank you very much for your comments.
the lyrics to “Where’s the line to see Jesus?” are pretty much what you where saying. The video says it all
Where’s the line to see Jesus? Is He here at the store?
If Christmas time is His birthday, why don’t we see Him more?
Where’s the line to see Jesus? He was born for me.
Santa Claus brought me presents, but Christ gave His life for me.
Hey Troy
I’m a huge fan! But I just wanted to say that I agree with your standpoint on the Christmas vs. Xmas we talked about this at my church before.
Keep doing you as always
God bless you
Rick Comerford
I’ve done a bit of research on this subject myself and I have come very close to the same conclusion you have. Unfortunately most Americans seem to have forgotten what Christmas truly means. It’s nice to know that there are NFL players out there that actually read something else beside their playbooks. On a different note, as a lifelong Lions fan, I wanted to let you know that your one of the top 3 on my list of favorite players. Any chance you might consider leaving the steelers to help one of the oldest franchises regain their past glory? Your leadership and play making ability is just what the Lions defense needs! Oh, and the other 2 are Calvin Johnson and Terry Bradshaw. I’ll let you figure out who No. 1 is!
Thanks for listening.
( You’ve got my vote for the Pro Bowl!)
Elise Adams
Thank you for sharing your faith so humbly and sincerely. We at St. Basil Academy are your biggest fans…fans of your witness and humility although there are those among us who are big football fans as well. Most of all we are so pleased to be able to point to a ‘worldly’ success who is anchored in the ‘ancient faith’ we share with you…a role model who points us to THE Role Model–Christ.
In Christ we pray that you will have a blessed Nativity.
Elise Adams for all of us at St. Basil Academy
I agree with you.
michelle lottie
Hi Troy,
I must agree with you CHRISTmas is the reason for this season.
In a world where we should be politically correct, I respect people’s feelings
On their religion. Yet Jesus said if you disown me on earth, I will disown you in Heaven.
In saying that, I will not take Christ out of CHRISTMAS to be politically correct. I will not be ashamed
Of the Gospel or Jesus Christ. Be Blessed. Troy
Sherry Gruis
I always enjoy reading your post’s….you are such a amazing man, and a wonderful role modle!!! I so agree with you on this matter. My son is told not to say Christmas break, it’s winter break….that he may offend other kids in school….thankfully he knows Christ, and he stands his ground and has kept Christ in Christmas….and thanks to you, he will continue to do so, for you are one of his favorite players….
Keep up ALL your good work Troy, and have a very Merry CHRISTmas, and a New Year full of love, laughter, and many blessings!!!!!
Melissa Paich Galagaza
Thanks for the explanation Troy… as a “Cradle Orthodox” I always appreciate when someone who joined the Faith later explains things so well. Folks listen better when you do it!
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family… Christ is born!
Hey Troy,
I think people need to lighten up with each other. Seems like some people are looking for problems instead of the good in each other. Hope your Holidays are wonderful for you and your family.
Janet D
thanks for sharing Troy…Pittsburgh loves you and merry Christmas, my friend!
carol cooper
Thank you, Troy, for standing firm for what you believe in. I am blessed by your open profession of Christ. You are blessed to have so many people who admire you and listen to what you have to say. Please keep spreading the Gospel because it is Good News in a world where so many need to hear it. God bless you and heal you quickly.
Your point is well taken, and your actions are pure. It is clear to me that you are much larger than the game. Have a Merry Christmas, and hope to see back on the field soon. A life time Steelers fan from Virginia.
Troy, thanks for taking the time to post your thoughts on Christmas. In particular, I appreciate your reinforcing the point that we should strive to prevent materialism from replacing the observance of Christ. I once saw an interviewer going through the crowded streets of a big Northeastern city asking random people just why we “celebrate” Christmas at all and it was alarming how few people actually named the name of Jesus as having anything to do with their participating in the holiday. May Christ be first in our hearts not only during this season, but ALL the time, everyday, every decision, every interaction, and every thought.
Peace and Grace to you all,
Wow what a thoughful and inspiring statement. No matter what the theology or thoughts on the whole Xmas debate, you have successfully put that intellectual discussion aside and focused on the issue that is important for you. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely Troy!! I’ll never understand why those of us who celebrate the TRUE Christmas have to tolerate people trying to push the material aspect of Christmas on us and forget Christ.
God Bless, Merry Christmas rest that leg and beat the Panthers!!
Cheryl Hedstrum
Thanks Troy, I may be wrong, but when people say Happy Holidays, I say Merry Christmas, I believe there would be no holiday if there wasn’t the birth of Jesus Christ and I love that you take the time to not only state you beliefs but live and help lead by example. I believe that our examples will help others, May God continue to Bless you and your family. Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your baby’s first Christmas
i think you miss the point of saying Happy Holidays. it’s not about taking christ out of a christian holiday, it’s an acknowledgement that not everyone is christian and therefor it’s a statement of whatever you believe (or nothing at all) i wish you the blessings of the season. the season includes christmas, hanukkah, kwanzaa and the winter solstice/yule. we should all be free to celebrate our faith of choice and not have other beliefs forced upon us. you can call it being politically correct or whatever ever but to me it’s being polite. there’s no way to tell who is and isn’t christian. would you like someone to wish you a happy hanukkah? i’m guessing no, so why then would you (or anyone else) feel compelled to wish non-christians a merry christmas?
Merry Christmas Troy to you and your family. My mother also told me to never take the Christ out or Christmas by replacing it with X, we all need to put Christ back into our lives in every way. You are not only an AWESOME football player but an AWESOME Father, Husband and Christian, your wife is so very lucky to have such a wonderful husband. You truely need the head of your household to have strong Faith in God to make a relationship work and to keep the whole family focused on why we are here and to make sure God stays in the hearts of our family members. I pray some day I will be as lucky as your wife and find such a good Christian man as yourself.
God Bless you and your family always,
P.S. Let’s get the Steelers a lucky 7 Superbowl this year!
Amen! Amen! AMEN!!
I pray we all keep our focus on the real reason for the season; celebrating the birth of our Savior, born to die to set us free!
Merry CHRISTmas!!
Shane Rempher
Well said sir. I appreciate both the feelings behind it as well as the facts. Thanks for the post.
Thank you again, Troy, for making your Christianity (is that even a word?) public. When I was a very young girl, I started to write Xmas on a card or something, and my mother told me then not to take the Christ out of Christmas. Recently on some Christian tweets, I’ve seen them abbreviate it as Christx. If I must abbreviate it, I definitely prefer that. Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Troy, u r so rigth! little by little, Christ has been taken out from his own party; sad but true. saludos desde méxico, merry CHRISTmas
Matthew Thomas Lea
Dear Troy,
I completely agree with you man. I work at Best Buy in SoCal while I’m finishing my undergrad, & I can’t begin to tell you how disheartening it is to say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”. I sell computers and ipads all day, especially during this time of year, but it is quite troubling to me that the God we now worship in America is one of materialistic consumerism. I’m not oblivious to the fact that these sales are putting food on my table and helping me move forward in life, but it is a shame that Political Correctness strips of us of what I consider our birthright as free men. (recognition and gratitude of freedom endowed to us by our Creator). I’ve never been a church going man until this year, I have been attending Catholic masses and really feel like after years of walking the desert I have found a church and my faith.
The reason why I am writing to you is because I just wanted to say “thank you”. I’m a SoCal Steelers fan so of course I appreciate the talents you demonstrate on game days, but I wanted to say thanks for being a beacon of Faith. After every play I see your piety, many of your contemporaries gloat in the limelight, but in front of millions of people on live television you send a better message. I hope to attend Duquesne next year & to move on to the next steps in life, but I just wanted to say thanks for showing all of us that even for those at the top step there is a righteous way to live! We may never cross paths in this life, but I am content to believe that we aren’t player and fan or of different classes per se, but rather pious freemen. Peace be with you Brother, and God bless!
Troy, I appreciate and share your concern over the commercialism that unfortunately, continues to be the central focus of the Christmas season. Thank you for speaking up about it. It is important for each of us to stand firm in what Christmas is really about. Praying that you and your family have a wonderful CHRISTmas season and that you get all healed up very soon!
With love in Him, who first loved us,
Thanks for the simple statement. The fact is that Christmas is about the birth of Christ. If there are those who do not believe in him or do not want to recognize him, that is their choice. Christ himself believes in the free will of all people to make that choice. I am thankful that when life’s material things fade away the real meaning of Christmas becomes even more obvious.
Cheryl wilson
Thank You Troy!!!!!I am not a Steeler fan but my husband & son are,I mean die hard FAN’S……But I am a fan of you,as in all that you do & with sending out the true meaning of Christmas..I also would like to Thank You for being such a positive force in the NFL…With all the things in this world that go wrong so fast and so many of the high profile athlete’s not caring about fact that they have such power over the young fan’s view of them,it is a huge relief to know that my 13 year old has you as a role model..Just know this Troy,you do so much And it is truly appreciated and we are so very grateful…..May God Always Bless You And Your Family…..Cheryl Wilson
Lisa Berezny
Thank you for taking the time to post such thoughtful comments both on your twitter feed and this blog. I appreciate the time you give to your fans and your community (global). You are an inspiration not just on the field and off. Merry Christmas to you and your family!! Wishing you love, health and good fortune now and in the coming years.
Ruthie Doyle Nennig
Troy..Saw a video called ‘Where’s the line to see Jesus?’ It’s based on a little boy who was at the mall, and everyone was standing in line waiting to see Santa..He asked his mom about the line to see Jesus, because it is His birthday, and he wanted to see Him..He had been raised to know that we celebrate His birhtday..The email I received told of how a family member wrote a song, and others added to it..they couldn’t get it recorded, so they ended up doing it themselves..It can be found on YouTube..but you want to look for the one that says Final version. Thank you for your stand on the X debate..I appreciate your sharing the letter above..Learned something..
Here is what R.C. Sproul said about “Xmas” on his blog. His explanation of the Greek is somewhat different than yours.
Merry Christmas to you!
thanks for that link. i enjoyed that article.
Troy, this is awesome that you would take time to post this. I really hope you continue to use twitter as a ministry tool. It is very encouraging to see you posting things defending the name of Christ. You have a lot of followers and some of them may only be hearing about Christ from you.
Love it. Keep up the good work
Troy, it is awesome that you took the time to post this. Please keep using twitter as a ministry tool. It is very encouraging to see you defending the name of Christ. You have a lot of people who follow you and some of them may be hearing about God only through your posts. And who knows, God may use that to open their hearts.
John Porter
Merry Christmas to you and your family Troy. The only gift we are looking for this late December is to see you flying around the field real soon.
Shane Rempher
Well said Troy. I really appreciate both the feelings behind it as well as the facts. Thanks for the post and I look forward to many more.
Troy, Thank you for being vocal about something that is so important to me. Let’s definitely “Keep Christ in Christmas”
Gloria Wilner
Troy,…Thank You for the insight and stimulating my mind…I’m sure many people are like me and never gave a second thought to using “X”mas as a replacement for the word Christmas…According to my Bible “X” was the shape of some crosses that were used during the time of Christs crusifiction…I’m begining to wonder if the word “X”mas means a mass for Jesus death instead of his birth…A scary thought isn’t it?
Awesome blog post, Troy. I agree!
Maxine Chavez
Troy, u r the best i feel the same way may god bless u and ur family
ans may u have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS
Good Morning Troy,
I work full-time for the Diocese of Greensburg as well as part-time at a major department store. The department store requests that we wish customers a “Happy Holiday” so as not to offend anyone. Given I work for the Church full-time I had a difficult time fulfilling that simple request since if it were not for Christ there would be no celebration. My phase has become “please have a happy holiday and a Merry Christmas.” So I have managed to fulfill the company’s request as well as my own. I am extremely please to tell you this season I have had more people wish me a Merry Christmas before I could get my phase said. I am hopeful that this is a sign that our society is becoming more open to proclaiming their Christian values.
I am in agreement with you that Xmas is not proper and should be discontinued.
Wishing you, your family and all your fans a wonderful Advent Season and a Merry Christmas.
Troy,You know I just wished some friends a Merry Xmas,not knowing it was not an abbreviation for Christmas.I only abbreviated to save time typing,ignorant of the fact that I was removing Christ. I always thought the X was a cross.I don’t care for all the commercialism the holiday has somewhat turned into.I am thankful for many blessings. I don’t like when some people get upset when someone says happy holidays! People are of different religions and I hope one day all people can respect and get along with each other and accept each other for who and how they are.Thank you for explaining this as I will never write that again!”Merry Christmas”!
Troy, thanks for the thoughts. I am a seminary student, Steelers fan, and a student of Koine Greek. I appreciate your insight, and also have no knowledge of a sole chi, or X representing Christ. Hope you have a great Christmas and I am hoping to see you back on the field soon!
Καλά Χριστούγεννα σε σας και την όμορφη οικογένειά σας ….
(Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family…)
I want to start out by saying that I liked your way of explaining yourself. Not to many people that have your type of pulpit to speak from try to explain themselves. they carelessly throw there words around mostly because they are self indignent. I think Christmas has lost it’s meaning to alot of people. It has been caught up in the P.C. verbage and who can make and sell the coolest products. If you get right down to it, it has nothing to do with saying merry Christmas, x-mas, happy holidays, or what have you. It is what you can do to help others out. It shouldn’t be contained to this one holiday either. Good will towards man is a 24/7 event. Weather you help out 1 or 1,000 you are still going to make a difference.
Wishing everyone a safe and loving holiday season!
Hello Troy
Tanks for your post on this. I think you are right about it.
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
Rich Ferguson
Absolutely adore and miss you. So glad that the Lord lives in your heart and that the meaning of Christmas is shared by you and your family. Have a wonderful blessed day and a healthy happy New Year. And uh, oh, yeah….GO STEELERS!!!!!
Roxie and John Lampros
I would also like to thank you for your comments about taking Christ out of Christmas. I am already a HUGE fan of yours and this just makes me love you even more. I have an extra thought as to what Christmas means. In spanish, “mas” means “more”. I think Christ-mas is a day that we should be “more” appreciative of Christ. Merry means happy, so everyone, be happy you have more of Christ in your life when someone says Merry Christmas! I don’t care for the phrase Happy Holidays either. I will say Merry Christmas!
Dear Troy,
I am not in the US and I do not really know you, but I find it amazing that there are people like you who are not blinded by the lights of stardom and popularity and remain disciplined and focused on what really matters.
For that reason I would urge you to stop spending time on scemantics (Xmas / Christmas / Christx or whatever else) and try to focus on the essence of God.
Jesus lived on earth to show us all how we should live on Earth too, what is bad and what is good for us, how to escape our mortality (which makes us weak and vulnerable) and find our true spiritual self, which lives within our body. The bible is a way of life, and He pleaded with us to study it, all answers are there when we understand the true meaning of each action, word or move.
Please Troy, channel your energy towards that direction, and don’t waste anymore time in debates like this one. Time is most precious thing we have, and is running out fast..
Merry Christmas,
Judy hogan
I found out about the X-Mas about 30 years ago & I haven’t used it! I try to tell everyone-when I see them make that mistake. I’ve been out & about a lot this holiday season & every time someone says, “Happy Holidays” I answer with Merry Christmas! I hope you are feeling better-We all miss you on the field! Have a very Merry Christmas & A Great New Year! & Let’s go to the Super Bowl! Here We Go! Pittsburgh’s going to the Super Bowl
Merry Christmas Troy! you are a great football player, and you seem like a good person, but Xmas is just
a harmless abbreviation. It is up to the individual person to decide if they are comfortable using it. You are
a public figure so my advice to you is to avoid religous debate, and just PLAY FOOTBALL! Go Steelers!
Kathleen Starkey
Hey Troy!
From the very beginning of seeing you play football, I always thought, “That guy must have wings!” Then, when I found out you were a Christian, I knew you did! lol
Our Pastor, Cliff Reynolds of Word Alive Church in Ellwood City Pa., is also a great fan of yours and sometimes will show us clips of interviews of you and other sports figures sharing their faith! We love it!
I am happy to hear your take on the X-mas thing. I had been guilty of using it myself. I remember being in a hurry and actually writing it down that way! That was before I became a Christian, now it makes me sad when I see it. In this world today, the meaning of Christmas is less apparent simply because we are allowing the commercialism of it overtake the spiritualism of it. We as Christians have to take a stand and fight for the right to express ourselves and say Merry CHRISTMAS, and not Happy Holidays or X-mas. Thank you for that information on the X. Very enlightening.
Yours in Christ.
Kathleen Starkey
Jason Gigliotti
Hi Troy,
It’s great that we have an athlete that stands up for his Christian values and shows it on the field and in his life. The NFL and sports need more players like yourself. Keep leading with your faith-inspired life because it does inspire others as well.
Jason Gigliotti
I applaude you for expressing your true point in the matter of Christmas vs. X-Mas. Christmas is being celebrated more secular every year and many don’t step up to acknowledge it’s true meaning. I am raising my 3 kids to acknowledge Dec 25 as Christ’s Day.
Hey Troy,
I just wanted to let you know that not only are you an inspiration to the Steelers fans out there, but you are also an inspiration to Christians. It is so very refreshing to see someone in the media spotlight who is not afraid to boast that all the gifts they have come from God and from Christ Jesus. May you and your family have a wonderful CHRISTmas and I pray that God continues to bless you. Thanks for all you do Troy.
Thank you for taking a stand! Text messages and Twitter cannot do justice to expressions from the heart. We have diluted the Christmas season enough already! May God be glorified through your personal faith lived out day by day.
Nick Surface
I sincerely appreciate you tweeting this. Lots of people acknowledge God but using the name of Jesus Christ is rare and especially from a high profile athlete. What’s more is that you back it up in your humility you display week in and week out. I find myself asking why I’m excited about Christmas as I do want to feel the “magic” I felt as a kid always. It is a fun time of year, but I don’t ever want to lose sight of Jesus and the gift that he is all year round. Thanks again and GO STEELERS!
Thank you, Troy. Your speaks as eloquently as your play on the field. A very Merry Christmas to you and you family and a Blessed and Healthy New Year, too.
Steve W.
It is impressive to see such a large role model as yourself stand up for what they believe in, even if it seems different than the majority. I fully agree with the idea that we need to remember the reason we celebrate Christmas, and put that reason first in our hearts and our lives. All Christians must be more vocal about their beliefs in their lives, now more than ever. Merry Christmas Troy, to you and your family and may God bless you all!
I understand your point of view Troy and some time ago made the personal choice to capitalize Christ in CHRISTmas as a reminder of the true meaning of the holiday. While it can be argued that the innocent use of the symbol “X” was misconstrued to take Christ out of CHRISTmas, I argue that my goal is to ensure He is emphasized…hence the capitalization.
Get better soon….we need more of the spectacular pix 6′s from you!!!!
hi troy thank you for getting christ back in christmas as a beleaver of god this year has really givin my family a test of our faith as my son has ewings sarcoma (cancer) we know god is givin us a miricle as he had a pet/ct scan monday and the cancer has got smaller we have to go to pittsburghs childrens hospital soon for some intence treatments pray for brandon he is a great son we adopted 2 years ago the things that have happened sence are nothing short of amazing hope you guys get your 7 th ring this year good luck i have been a fan of steelers from the 70 s and the steel certain days great to see that great D again god bless you and have a MERRY CHRISTMAS
Several years ago, Time magazine had a Faces of Christ article around Christmas time (naturally). There was one icon – and it was of St. Nicholas. I found it sadly ironic. Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Craig Scott
Thank you Troy, it is a great blessing for me to find out that one of my favorite football players is also a brother in Christ. These times are truely difficult enough and too many people only turn to Christ in times of trouble yet forget the symbolism of His birthday. You have set a wonderful example on and off the field of battle. Thank you for your contributions to society, Merry Christmas to you and your family.
I don’t think that you’re being argumentative at all. I think it’s great that you aren’t afraid to share your faith. So many people who would like to share theirs are now afraid of what the backlash could be… which has been happening a lot lately. You are right about Christs’ name never being abbreviated as “X” alone and I think even if it were a “shorthand” form of writing or saying Christmas then the people back then were just straight up lazy
I mean, Jesus Christ is the one and only true savior, you’d think that we could muster up enough energy just to say it like it is. I’m not trying to be argumentative either though. I’ve just never understood that at all, whether it was ancient Greek or modern day. The crazy thing too is that this was never really as much of an issue before 2000 rolled around. Times are changing… as they always do… just wish this wasn’t a part of it. Anyway, you are also right about the fact that basically we should focus on Christ and not material things… but in my opinion, that’s an every day thing. Well thanks again Troy, I have been a fan for a long time but even more-so now. God’s blessed you with a great position, you are a light in high places.
Take care, have a wonderful Christmas and new year… and God bless you and your family,
rich chamas
First and foremost jesus christ is king.every knee will bend and every head will bow and every mouth will confess this when jesus returns. Christians stand up,everyone who loves jesus its time to let the world know jesus the name above all names is the only way to eternal life. You will be attacked,you will be hated for confessing this before men ,because this is the princes world aka the devil. Jesus suffered and died for you,so if you have to suffer and endure for him,that’s what you do. Christ is king and he is the reason for this season.
Thanks so much for your testimony on and off the field. Your character is one that your little fans should admire. I, too, have always cringed when I see xmas marked on something. Christ is the reason for CHRISTmas. It saddens me to hear “Happy Holidays” and “holiday party”. In fact, at my job, it is a no-no to say Christmas party and the higher ups make sure it is known as “holiday”. I have noticed this season though, that more and more people are resorting back to saying “Merry Christmas”. Eventually good wins out! LOL!’
Hopefully your injury is improving. I’m sure you want to play in the playoffs and the Superbowl (yes, STEELERS will be going to the Superbowl. I have faith in my team! LOL.)
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Esther Marshall
Thank you for sharing Troy. Too many people forget the reason for Christmas. I thank God that you are willing to share your faith with all of us. God is using you for his glory. I hope you and your family have a very Merry, Blessed Christmas. God Bless.
Eugene Thompson
Great comment. I have never liked cutting out Christ from the word Christmas, just seems like I am marking through his name and disregarding him. While some may prefer to ignore Christ even during this holiday season, My family always embraces Him first. Christmas has become commercial….dont let it be more important than hugging your family and spending time together over a common meal. Thanks Troy. Be safe and enjoy your holidays. I just might write on my blog about this subject. Merry Christmas to all!
I have always felt this way and cannot understand why people do this knowing they are removing Christ form the word and adding an ‘X’ which usually means in place of or unknown. I think lazy comes to mind. don’t get me wrong I abbreviate words, but one must think before they do this. Haven’t we removed Christ from enough areas of our lives? Isn’t this His birth we are celebrating?
How would we feel if people would say ‘happy X’ for our birthdays? Just food for thought.
Jeanette Conkling
Troy, Anything that starts people thinking is a good thing. You don’t have to feel that you should debate ideas that are yours. I think it is enough to throw that idea out into Internet and then sit back and let people comment. No answer should be necessary. My comment is that in the 60′s Paul Revere and the Raiders put out a Christmas album with a song on it “Who took the Christ out of Christmas”. Every year I think about that. Yes, materialism should not take over, yet I feel that the abbreviation of xmas still reads as Christmas to all that see it. I understand that it seems an overt way to exclude Christ, but it seems that people will do that whether or not I shorten the name or not. Again, you gave me something to think about and I will think twice when I go to abbreviate and decide if it is appropriate or not. It’s certainly is something to think twice about. Thank you.
Mary Jane
Thank you Troy. We must remember that He (Christ) is the reason for the season. Let’s all keep Christ in Christmas and keep Christ in our hearts all year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone.
Thank you Troy for reminding everyone of the meaning behind Christmas. You are a wonderful role model and one heck of a football player! Merry Christmas to you and your family !!!
Michelle G.
Truth be told, the people today that use X are not referencing the koine Greek abbreviation, rather, they are simply too lazy to spell the word Christianity out. I am a college history professor, therefore I am forever teaching about Christianity’s role in early western civilization. Many times, I have been tempted to use the X when writing on the board, my notes, etc. However, I stop myself and think how that demotes the importance of the CHRIST part of the word. Same goes for the word Christmas. Good for you for bringing this to light. Too many people are afraid to broach the subject and take the stand you have.
Merry CHRISTmas, Troy. Take care of yourself…we need you in the playoffs, buddy!
Jackie McCombs
I believe that too many forget the real reason for the Holiday…….It”s Christ’s Birthday…about love ,peace and good will to all mankind……I have no problem saying MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL> I Love our saviour! May God Bless you all and may you find peace happiness and love not only this season but thru out the entire yaer. Thank you Troy!
I also wish to thank you for making your Christianity public. I live in Cleveland, so I see a few Steelers games, but not all of them. When I do have the chance to watch your team play I am impressed by how you are unashamed of your Orthodox Christian faith. I wish more people would make the Sign of the Cross so freely in public. Our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ said that if we are ashamed of Him then He will be ashamed of us (Mark 8:38). May we always keep this in mind — at Christmas and during the entirety of the year. I wish you and yours a joyous Nativity celebration. Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Hi. What a wonderful post you have written for the Christmas season. I have always loathed the use of “Xmas” which, to me, is an expression of supreme laziness – if a person can’t even be bothered to write out “Christmas” in full then why do they even bother celebrating the occasion?! – not to mention the fact that I, as a Catholic, find that it is extremely disrespectful to Christ to omit His name and replace it with an approximate symbol of His ultimate sacrifice.
While I confess to having succumbed to some of the materialism of Christmas (there are few things purer or more heartwarming than the look of unadulterated joy on the faces of your children as they open their presents!), there are some observances that I am a stickler for, first and foremost of which is the understanding and appreciation of the fact that the occasion is supposed to be a celebration of the birth of Christ.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, and may you all have a happy and peaceful New Year (and good luck to you and the team on Thursday night – I’ll be watching avidly!).
Thank you Troy for standing up and speaking truth even when it isn’t popular. So many “christians” today are afraid to speak the name of Jesus and live publicly for Him! It is wonderful to see God working through you and it’s wonderful that you are not ashamed of being a follower of Christ. I pray the Lord blesses and protects your family and uses you in amazing ways to bring Him glory! Merry Christmas!
Anen Cooper
Very well said. I have been raised in a Christian home and have always celebrated the birth of Christ, and I have always found it disheartening when people take His name out of His birthday. I had heard the debate that the X is Greek meant Christ, but still never felt comfortable taking His name out of Christmas. Thank you for clarifying that for me, and others. God bless you for being a man of such strong faith and for standing up for what you believe in.
Gerardo Sánchez Aguirre
It´s a great news for me to read this message from you. I´m 30 years old and I´ve found Jesus 8 years and a half ago (well, He found me); before that, I was just another catholic “by tradition” and I was ignorant of the Word of God. Now I know the real meaning of the Christmas and the real meaning of the Salvation by the Cross, and makes me joyful that you, a person who is an example for a lot of people, including me, writes about Christ and the meaning of Christmas.
May God bless you and all your family.
Gerardo Sánchez Aguirre
Tampico, México
Ps. English is not my first language, please excuse any mistakes of grammar in this post. Go Steelers!!!
Troy, I believe Dr David Jermiah said it best, “It is not the presents but His presence that is important.”
cj colaizzi
Thank you for being the man you are. Its so great to have a man in the public arena who answers to a highrer power than the fame and fortune of a game. Christ has been comming out of christmas slowly but surely for sometime now and its frustrating because we have lost sight of what this time of year really means. its caring for someone who cant care for themselves, give to someone who has nothing, love someone who is not being loved. I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas and continue being the man you are, and follow God to be the man you want to be.
Tim Repak
It really is a comfort these days to have a sports figure we can look up to every week that pours his heart and body into this game and then after every play give thanks to God. We are on the same team, and I lift you up this week for healing and comfort. Thank you for displaying poise and character in a day that it seems so rare in public figures and celebrities. I agree with you 100%, keep Christ in Christmas!!
In this age of X-rated everything, the Christian symbol of X as Christ is totally lost. I’ve solved the problem for my own abbreviations with “Cmas”. Isn’t it a shame how that ol’ devil can take something holy and twist it around??? We have to refuse to let him do this!!! Stubborn Christianity is stronger than that fool’s old whisperings and connivings! So be strong in Christ this Cmas – oops, Christmas, even in the small, seemingly insignificant things. God Bless!!!
Eleanor King
Jesus is the reason for the Season Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas to you Troy and your family… again you show a great example,,, for all to follow,, Jesus is the Reason..
May the Peace, Love and Living Light of this sacred season embrace you and your family.
You are greatly appreciated. Not many NFLers are man enough to open their hearts and share their love so beautifully.
thank you troy. you are one of my favorite playersand now with this statement you are on my favorite person list. the x is just more work work of the atheist trying to remove christ and god from are lives. thank you again and my many blessing fall upon you. erick.
Thankyou Troy for your amazing words. I would actually like to remind people what CHRISTmas is about. CHRISTmas is about giving not getting, for the people who thjink that it is all about getting you are wrong and it is horible that you would think that. To all the people that know the TRUE meaning of CHRISTmas i’m thankful, because you make the world what it should be. Agian thankyou Troy for the amazing words that inspired so many people to find the true meaning of CHRISTmas.
May peace and happines live in your heart,
You are seriously so impressive in sososo many ways. Thanks for this thoughtful post, and sharing your wonderful thoughts. Blessings! PS Hope you are feeling better!
Eric Hammond
Merry Christmas Troy!
Thank you so much for sharing what is so deeply embedded in your heart. It was very well put and much appreciated. God bless you for being so passionate about what is really important in life. I realize God comes first with you and then the other things. Please know I pray for your continued passion in Christ. He alone will bring you through this life. Many blessings to you and your lovely family. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.
The “origin of the Christmas season” is most emphatically not Christian, and nor are most Christmas traditions. The mid-winter festival is Pagan and pre-dates Christianity by centuries. It wasn’t until the 4th century CE that the church took it over, changed its name, and added the Jesus parts, even though it is almost certainly not Jesus’s birthday.
Troy You are a very articulate person, and express yourself from the heart in allI I have ever noted. It was that clear vision, not the NFL arena (no offense) that has somehow brought you to my life? I read an interview many years ago….THEN found you in your day job
There will always be those who like to stir the pot so to speak? Your public sharing of your private workings is one of the many rather impressive aspects of who you are. Being of service. Thanks for being the type of person you are, your energy is hopefully very contagious?
Fernando Flores
That’s a brave standing, Jesus The Christ must be the center of our lives everyday, but specially in this season when we celebrate mainly that he was born amongst us to bring redemption to humanity. That is what we who have faith know. It is sad to see how vane this tradition has become nowadays, when at least people should recognize that what Jesus did teach us is simply to be kind to each other, just what this world needs now. Thank you Troy for sharing this reflection with us, you are an example of an extraordinary human and a great football player, God blesses you.
Hey Troy,
While I understand that X is a modern usage, it is impossible to assess the intentions of an idea’s progenitor, unless of course it is you or someone you have seated before you. When you deconstruct history, you must consider a symbol at its most elemental level. An X, depending on the font, IS a cross. Whether it is tilted slightly, or not, you still have a symbol, THE Symbol, associated with the resurrection and the Christ. While it could be argued that the X is a lazy, western way of writing it … I would be reluctant to ascribe a negative connotation to the abbreviated version X-Mas. It is logical to read it as Cross-Mas or the Mass of the Cross … Who, theologically speaking, is, and could only be (at least according to the Christian faith) the Christ. I have taken issue with many theological shortcuts, that I believe undermine the true meanings or intents of traditional communication – however, this is one short cut, that even if by pure happenstance, still communicates the wholeness of the moment. Mass of the Christ, or the Cross (who was the Christ) is acceptable to me. Even if the original ‘abbrevateur’ was merely being lazy. Perhaps it was a happy accident, or, someone a bit more clever than we are willing to give credit, thought it out from the beginning.
Thank you for your original Twitter post and your explanation although no explanation was needed. Christ is the reason for Christmas. I’m so tired of hearing Happy Holidays at this time of year. I have no problem wishing my Jewish friends Happy Hannukkah, why are (some) Christians afraid to hear and say Merry Christmas? I’m doing my part though, I say Merry Christmas.
You are the best Troy. I wish you and your beautiful family the Merriest Christmas ever.
The early Christians crossed their fingers (like an X) to identify to each other that they were Christians (since Christ died on the cross). This sign could be done covertly so that the Romans could not see. This is how the X became the symbol of Christ. It is also the origin of the “crossing one’s fingers” to indicate good luck and for the same reason, i.e. Christ be with you.
Καλα Χριστουγεννα to you and your family, Troy! It pains me to say this, since I’m a Browns fan, but Go Steelers!
Hm I thought I posted a commented but it looks like it didn’t work.
You are such an impressive person. Thank you for a thoughtful post. My husband and father-in-law wanted me to say much more about the χε and χρ and the Mass of Christ, etc. but eh – I think your bigger point is more important. I do agree with my husband on the thought that the X doesn’t take Christ out of Christmas, rather WE DO when we focus on the wrong things in this season.
Blessings to you! PS. Hope you feel better soon!
Thanks for emphasizing what Christmas is really about. My extended family wanted to skip Christmas this year because they couldn’t afford gifts. I explained to all of them that to me Christmas isn’t about fancy gifts. I treasure just being able to spend time with my loved ones during this time. So we are all gathering for a meal together and a celebration of the meaning of Christmas. Thanks again!
In this day and age when it’s all about me, me, me, it is great to hear a prominent athlete acknowledge the One who gave him his talents and abilities so he is where he is now. Way to go, Troy. Merry CHRISTmas, all!
Rick Ranspot
Troy, thank you for your stand! In this day and age where so many athletes are all about themselves and their own glory, it is a blessing to see you take a stand supporting our Lord and Savior. I come from a NFL family, and understand big ego’s, but the very best of the best share a common trait. Humility. They share good company as Jesus himself was a very humble person even though He is the great IAM. God bless you and your friends and family. Merry Christmas!!!!
Debbie Ranspot
Troy, thanks for keeping CHRIST in CHRISTmas. (And for being the best strong safety…ever!!) Merry Christmas and may God bless you and yours!
Lyn Stiles
Troy – i love your quiet spirit. You are what the young people need, as the suicide rate heightens with the younger generation. i love how you bless yourself on the field at all times. You are not ashamed of the Jesus of the Season and any other season … thank you for being open about your thoughts on the tiny baby born in a manger long ago. I do not “X” Christ out of Christmas and i put that on my Christmas cards to remind people that he is the reason for the season. I appreciate a good christian person being a Steeler’s player. you are the best. That is the reason you are so successful.
Chris Belcher
Thanks Troy! That is what makes you soo admirable to me, yes your one of the greatest players of all time, but that is not what defines you to me. Your humbleness and the life you lead for God is very motivational thank you for the work you have done and continue to do. You are a soldier for God!
Frank Seanez
It is good for someone so highly regarded as an athlete and a person to post their thoughts about such an important matter of faith, especially in this season. While I am not an ancient Greek scholar or linguist, I share the thought that the expression Xmas is in today’s world an attempt to negate the fact that it is the birth of Christ that we are celebrating. If it were not for the arrival of God become man, we would remain as unredeemed as before. I embrace the fullness of the true gift we receive in the present, the coming of Christ the Lord! Thank you for giving me the opportunity to affirm my faith!
Nancy Metzger
I think it’s interesting how “X-mas” really does have Christ in it. I’ve heard using “X” as an abbreviation goes back to the time when God’s Word had to be hand copied. I’m so inspired by how you live your faith, and when I talk to someone who doesn’t know who you are (unbelievable as that may seem) one of the first things I say is “He’s a Christian.” Merry Christmas from Packer country
Interesting post. I don’t think that people who use “xmas” instead of “Christmas” are wanting to take Christ out of Christmas. It is simply an abbreviated form of a longer word. Much as people don’t want to take “hugs and kisses” out of “xo”. With as much typing as people do in this modern age, I believe it is just an abbreviation…nothing more. I am a Christian myself and have never taken offense to this use of the word. Thanks for the post
p.s. I ended this reply with a smiley face symbol…I have a genuine smile on my face. It means nothing else
if we’re talking about the origins of Christmas, i feel compelled to point out that Jesus was born in March or April and the actual origins of christmas are the pre-christian so-called “pagan” traditions. early christians co-opted traditions that originated in the celebration of the Winter Solstice. i’m not anti-christian or anti-christmas, i am however pro-fact and i’m all for everyone expressing freely their path of choice. and while i’m not a football fan, i consider myself a fan of yours ever since the article about you was published in Point of Light a few years back. Solstice Blessings and Merry Christmas to you.
Thank you for your thoughts, efforts, and actions. Bless you and your family!
The reality is that religions have been borrowing and building upon each other for centuries. While the origin of these theologies almost always comes back to mans fascination with the sun and stars. Take for example, the death and three day resurrection. This same story line is shared by ancient gods like Osiris, Horus, and Attis of Phrygia.. all born of the virgins on or about December 25th, were all “crucified,” placed in a tombs and after three days, were resurrected. Which is based on the astrological movement of the sun and the winter solstice. Christians make Dec 25 about their god, just as other ancient peoples made it about theirs. But its really just about the movement of the sun and stars.
Jim Boyd
Hey Troy, we need you in there(hair&all)
Jim Boyd
Hey Troy, we need you in there(hair&all).
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is
in heaven.” Matthew 5:16. Troy it is so apparent that each and every time you go onto or off the field that you
never forget from where your strength is generated. May God shine upon you now and always!! May you and
your family(both on and off the field) continued to be blessed. May there soon be peace on earth and good
will to all men. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!~ P.S. Have a healthy and happy new year–Peace!!~
Thank you for expressing your thoughts on that You are reflecting my thoughts about it too..It’s always Christmas no matter what the ignorant want to feel !!!!
Heather Lane
Thank You for using your voice to remind us all to stop and take a look at Christmas. I agree that we can and should all appreciate the fact that we should not replace the celebration of the birth of Jesus with materialistic goods. The “X”, makes it easier for people to forget I think. My 8 year old daughter asked me why people put the “x” in place of Christ, and she understood that it was wrong and a misrepresentation. To quote her “that really aggravates me”! Thank you for the clarification, and thanks again for sharing your faith in Jesus Christ, the true child of Christmas!
Donna Manger
You expressed you opinion so nicely. I hope everyone sees that this is a holy day as well as a holiday. God bless.
John Percival (phoenix, AZ)
Hey Bro, they need you out there. Whole different tone of the game with out you. Hope your healing gets you back into the fight. Happy Holidays.
Troy, Thank you so much for being so open with your faith! It’s refreshing to hear a celebrity speaking seriously about the only thing that is really important: Christ. I don’t believe that true Christians should consider Christmas to be more important than the importance that Scripture gives to it, however. Christ didn’t command His disciples to celebrate His birth one day a year. Really, we should celebrate Christ’s birth every day. EVERY day should be Christmas to the believer.
Your point about “X”, however, is interesting.
Thank you for your heartfelt thoughts. You are a wonderful example of humility and God’s love to all men and women. I strive to be more like you.
Mr. Polamalu,
Thank you for taking time to write this. As a Christian it hurts me to see the very reason that we celebrate the season forgotten little by little – from removing Christ in Christmas to making people feel they should say Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. My husband and I do all we can to make sure our seven year old remembers that we celebrate Christmas because of the birth of Jesus Christ and not for gifts that we may receive. Please continue to speak up and out. God bless you and your family.
Miguel Zertuche
Gracias Troy por abrir tu corazon y compartir tus pensamientos. Desafortunadamente en esta temporada es en los que menos se piensa: en el Nacimiento de Cristo, como bien dices es todo materialismo y nada o casi nada de espiritualidad. Deberiamos de mantener a Cristo dentro de nosotros durante todo el año y no solamente en Navidad. Me siento muy orgulloso de ser tu fan y de ser fan de los Steelers. Recibe saludos afectuosos desde Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Que Dios te bendiga grandemente a ti y a toda tu familia.
Thank you so much for your post. The greatest gift any parent could give their children at CHRISTmas is the gift of knowing Christ. The city of Pittsburgh is so privledged to have a wonderful soul in our community. God Bless you and your beautiful family.
since my original comment doesn’t seem to be posting, i’m going to try again.
if we’re talking about the origins of Christmas, i feel compelled to point out that Jesus was born in March or April and the actual origins of christmas are the pre-christian so-called “pagan” traditions. early christians co-opted traditions that originated in the celebration of the Winter Solstice. i’m not anti-christian or anti-christmas, i am however pro-fact and i’m all for everyone expressing freely their path of choice. and while i’m not a football fan, i consider myself a fan of yours ever since the article about you was published in Point of Light a few years back. Solstice Blessings and Merry Christmas to you.
sandra greer
Thank you, Troy, for being a man of faith and Christian humility. Merry Christmas to you and your family, and God’s blessings in the New Year.
Nicole Lawrence
For many, Christmas is the time to think of Jesus Christ as a baby in a manger. While the birth of Christ is a special and miraculous event, it isn’t the primary focus. The central truth of the Christmas story is this: the Child of Christmas is God.
God in a Manger
Christmas is not about the Savior’s infancy; it is about His deity. The humble birth of Jesus Christ was never intended to conceal the reality that God was being born into the world.
But the modern world’s version of Christmas does just that. And consequently for the greater part of humanity, Christmas has no legitimate meaning at all.
I don’t suppose anyone can ever fathom what it means for God to be born in a manger. How does one explain the Almighty stooping to become a tiny infant? Our minds cannot begin to understand what was involved in God’s becoming man.
Nor can anyone explain how God could become a baby. Yet He did. Without forsaking His divine nature or diminishing His deity, He was born into our world as a tiny infant.
He was fully human, with all the needs and emotions that are common to us all. Yet He was also fully God–all wise and all powerful.
For nearly 2,000 years, debate has been raging about who Jesus really is. Cults and skeptics have offered various explanations. They’ll say He is one of many gods, a created being, a high angel, a good teacher, a prophet, and so on. The common thread of all such theories is that they make Jesus less than God. But the biblical evidence is overwhelming that this child in the manger was the incarnation of God.
One passage in particular, written by the apostle Paul, captures the essence of Jesus’ divine nature and underscores the truths that make Christmas truly wonderful.
Colossians 1:15-20 says,
He is the image of the invisible God, the first born of all creation. For. . . all things have been created by Him and for Him. And He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the first born from the dead; so that He Himself might come to have first place in everything. For it was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile all things to Himself, having made peace through the blood of His cross.
A Ghostly Illusion?
Paul was writing to the Christians at Colossae. The city was under the influence of what came to be known as gnosticism. Its adherents fancied themselves the only ones who had access to the truth, which they believed was so complex that common people couldn’t know it. Among other things, they taught philosophical dualism–the idea that matter is evil and spirit is good. They believed that because God is spirit, He is good, but He could never touch matter, which is evil.
Therefore they also concluded that God couldn’t be the creator of the physical universe, because if God made matter, He would be responsible for evil. And they taught that God could never become a man, because as a man He would have to dwell in a body made of evil matter.
Those pre-gnostics explained away the incarnation by saying that Jesus was a good angel whose body was only an illusion. That teaching and others like it pervaded the early church; many of the New Testament epistles specifically refute pre-gnostic ideas. In fact, the apostle John attacked the foundation of gnostic teaching when he wrote “By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God” (1 John 4:2).
The apostle Paul refuted that same heresy when he wrote, “By Him all things were created, both in the heavens and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities– all things have been created by Him and for Him” (1:16). He specifically affirmed that Jesus is God in the flesh–the Creator of everything.
Like Father, Like Son
Ironically, some of the cults that deny Jesus’ deity try to use Colossians 1:15 20 to support their view. They suggest, for example, that the phrase “the image of the invisible God” (v. 15) hints that Jesus was merely a created being who bore the image of God in the same sense as all humanity. But the truth is though we were created in God’s likeness, we only resemble Him. Jesus, on the other hand, is God’s exact image.
The Greek word translated “image” means a perfect replica, a precise copy, a duplicate. Paul was saying that God Himself is fully manifest in the Person of His Son, who is none other than Jesus
Christ. He is the exact image of God. Jesus Himself said, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9).
Hebrews 1 parallels Colossians 1:15-20 at a number of key points. Regarding the statement that Christ is the image of God, for example, Hebrews 1:3 makes an identical affirmation: “He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature.” Christ is to God as the warm brilliance of light is to the sun. He brings God from a cosmic location to the very hearts of men and women. He gives light and life. He reveals God’s very essence. They cannot be divided, and neither has ever existed without the other–they are one (John 10:30).
Scripture repeatedly says that God is invisible (John 1:18; 5:37; 1 Timothy 1:17; and Colossians 1:15). But through Christ the invisible God has been made visible. God’s full likeness is revealed in Him. Colossians 1:19 takes the truth a step further: “It was the Father’s good pleasure for all the fullness to dwell in Him.” He is not just an outline of God; He is fully God. Colossians 2:9 is even more explicit: “In Him all the fullness of Deity dwells in bodily form.” Nothing is lacking. No attribute is absent. He is God in the fullest possible sense, the perfect image.
The Rightful Heir
In Colossians 1:15 Paul says Jesus is “the first born of all creation.” Those who reject the deity of Christ have made much of that phrase, assuming it means Jesus was a created being. But the word translated “first born” describes Jesus’ rank, not His origin. The first-born in a Hebrew family was the heir, the ranking one, the one who had the right of inheritance. And in a royal family, he had the right to rule.
So Christ is the One who inherits all creation and the right to rule over it. It doesn’t mean He was born first in order, for He wasn’t.
In Psalm 89:27 God says of David, “I also shall make him My first born, the highest of the kings of the earth.” There the meaning of “first born” is given in plain language: “the highest of the kings of the earth.” That’s what first-born means–Christ is “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Revelation 17:16).
Hebrews 1 again has a parallel statement. Verse two says God has appointed His Son “heir of all things.” He is the primary One, the Son who has the right to the inheritance, the ranking Person, the Lord of all, heir of all creation.
Creator and King
The claim that “first born” means Christ is a created being completely ignores the context of Colossians 1:15. Remember, you’ve already seen verses 16 17 explicitly name Him as Creator of
everything. Christ is not part of creation; He is the Creator, the very arm of God, active from the beginning in calling the universe and all creatures into existence. John 1:3 says, “All things came into being by Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.” That could not be true if He were Himself a created being.
Hebrews 1:2 also identifies Christ as the Creator. Christ was the Person of the Trinity through whom the world was made and for whom it was fashioned.
The size of the universe is incomprehensible.
Who made all that? Some scientists say there was this big explosion that eventually formed a primordial swamp, and … Science cannot explain it. God created it all.
Who? The babe in Bethlehem. He made everything.
I just want to thank you not only for standing up for your beliefs, but also you are a great role model. You are my daughters favorite person. She can look up you and thats hard to find in sports today!
Jenny Tufexis
I have never commented on anything in a public forum like this before, but it really struck a chord with me. Years ago, when I was in first grade, we were doing a variety of activities celebrating the holidays. My teacher wrote the word “Christmas” on the board and we were told to practice printing the word. Someone asked why we couldn’t just write “Xmas”. I will never foget her reply. She told us that the word “Christmas” was really made up of two words, “Christ”, being Jesus’ name, and “mas” meaning birthday. Since she was trying to explain this concept to a group of 6 year olds, she went right to the heart of what we’d understand. She said, “How would you like it if when it was your birthday they didn’t use your name?” I’ve had plenty of Christmases since then and I have never abbreviated (nor will I ever) the word “Christmas” and I’ve taught my own children the same. May Christ always remain in “Christmas” and let us follow his teachings all 365 days of the year.
rheajean roxbury
MERRY CHRISTMAS,,,,TROY …My whole family loves you…..We even got your keepsake ornament….its cool….Iwould like to meet you…..I belonged to Fr. paissius church…nice person…..I heard that u were looking at a house in Butler county…but heard no more after that ….Well take care…God Bless You AND KEEP YOU SAFE AND HEALTHY….Rj
Thanks for posting this. Regretfully, I do not “tweet”, so I’m glad you posted this on the fan page. I remember when my father, a pastor, explained to me as a child how wrong it is for us to “X” out Christ from Christmas. He encouraged me, if I felt the need to abbreviate Christmas, to use the “chi-ro” (sp?) symbol (or an X with a “P” sticking out of it). Forgive me for having no idea how to type that symbol. That’s the only way I ever abbreviate it. Thanks for sharing this and helping to remind people to keep Christ in Christmas.
On a side note, as a Steelers fan teaching in Baltimore, it was wonderful to hear from one of my students the Monday after you played in Baltimore, that you were in attendance at his church the morning of the game. It is wonderful for young fans (even if they are fans of “the enemies”) to see people in your position attending church regularly and not letting work get in the way of regular worship.
God Bless you and yours this year and next!
Sherrill Kaufman
You are such an inspiration and I agree with you on this completely. I’m so sick of people taking Christ out of Christmas, thanks for posting this…your biggest fan! (70year old biggest fan)
I started a tradition in my home of making a cake on Christmas that says “Happy Birthday Jesus”. My kids kind of giggled about it at first but when they thought about it thought that it was a neat idea. It really seemed to bring to everyone’s conscience the real importance of this day.
Thank you for your post. It is so refreshing to see someone like you speak out about the meaning of Christmas.
Jason and Susan Tennant
Like you me and my wife have researched this issue to prove to some Christian people that they were still taking Christ out of Christmas, but they argued and didn’t want to hear our evidence. So thank you for posting this and everybody needs to know the truth. We love ya brother. May God bless you. GO STEELERS!!!!!!!!!! Merry CHRISTmas
Once again, Troy, you establish the bar – not only for other NFL players, but for Christians who seem to be shy of voicing their true beliefs about Jesus the Christ. Bless your precious heart, There just aren’t words to express how proud I am that our great God has so dramatically touched your life and you, in turn, give Him the glory for that with such touching expression. What an amazing young man you are. May the joy of Jesus surround you and your family this Christmas with health, peace, and abundant love..
James Salyers
Rather than quote wikipedia, I’ll just tell you that if you look into enough writings in the 1500s you will find printers using lots of abbreviations. I had found a good article online about this a year or two ago and it’s true that there is no evidence of the ancient church using just the letter chi; however, not too long after the Gutenberg press was developed the church start using abbreviations in publications because of how expensive it was to set type and it wasn’t long before “X” was used to represent Christ. There is evidence of the followers of our Lord and Savior being listed in type as Xians (Christians) who followed the tenets of Xianity (Christianity).
Glad you bring things like this to the public’s attention though! Have a Merry Christmas, God Bless and Go Steelers.
Geoff Karcher
Nice to see a high profile person have the character to say what you believe. We need more real leaders willin to do this. Thank you.
If you turn the X 90 degrees you have a Greek cross! Anyway, think of the X as an acronym. X is the first initial of Christ.
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Sheryl Kemp Bailey
Thank you for sharing your faith. We tend to forget that Jesus was the perfect gift. Its not about “stuff”! May God continue to bless you and your family. And may He provide healing mercies to you! Thanks for making the game more interesting to watch.
Thanks for posting, Troy. It’s very refreshing to see a professional athlete who is passionate about family and religion as you are. Keep up the good work and get healthy soon!
Troy, I agree with your sentiments completely. It is sad that so many people forget the true meaning of Christmas. It is good to see people Like you reinforce their beliefs. God Bless you and your family during this Holiday season. Merry Christmas.
Brenda Kovach Baker
thanks, Troy. I can appreciate the abreviation dilemna… This IS a good time to hold fast to the reason for the season. We didn’t spot you on the Steelers Christmas greeting
How bout sending one just from #43?? Merry Christmas, Troy, to you and yours. from Brenda and George in Lake Tahoe, CA.
Andrea Zober
Christ is Born Glorify Him In the Orthodox Tradition, I greet you on this Sacred Holy Day. Thank you for your post. It is a blessing that you profess what you beleive. May the Light of the Christ Child keep you in his care. If more people would express their faith, we might be recognized as the True faith that we are. God Bless Yours in Orthodoxy
Andrea Campomizzi
Troy, I 100% agree with you! My parents, both devout Roman Catholics, raised me to always remember that the true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of Christ’s birth. Sadly, I feel that society has lost sight of that. I work in retail and it irritates me how materialistic people have become. This week, the week of Christmas, is the worst if you work in retail! Customers have been the nastiest I’ve ever seen! I don’t even like how people tell me to “have a good holiday.” I still always say “Merry Christmas.” Anyway, I also have read that X stood for Christ, and I too cannot seem to use the abbreviation. It just doesn’t seem right. I think it’s wonderful that you express your beliefs. You are a wonderful person both inside and out. May God bless you and your family this Christmas and always!
Have a Merry Christmas!
Hiya! Im an Orthodox Christian.
Even though I do not like to see Christmas being abreviated for any reason. I do not celebrate “Christmas” …I celebrare the “Nativity”
Christmas comes from 2 words -Christ and Mass which means the Mass for Christ which is Catholic in origin. Orthodox do not celebrate Mass we celebrate Liturgy. Soooooo, maybe that is why u will be hard pressed to find an X being abbreviated before the mas, because the Greek werent Catholics and wouldnt have never used the term.
May u all rejoice in the coming Nativity of our Lord
the unworthy one,
Troy: I don’t particularly like the term XMAS, but it comes from the Greek meaning Christos (Christ)…..We love you here in Gainesville, FL and wish you and your beautiful family all of God’s blessings this Christmas season and in the New Year!!
Go Steelers! They are missing you and Heath111
Ted Straub
Thanks for the Christmas greetings, Troy…and a very Merry Christmas to you and to your family….
I recall that the term Xmas originated in the early days of the Church. In those days, the months were devoted to special masses, and also in those days, the calendar year started in March. Using Roman numerals, December would thus be designated as “x”, or tenth month, with that month dedicated to “Christ’s Mass”. The prefix “Dec” in Latin means 10, and this adds validity to the theory of the derivation of Xmas.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!!!
I Troy Thank you for the clarification, I had several discussions about the X in Christmas, In many Christian churches I would say about 90 percent of people think that x-mas is a good thing, But scary to say that some people ive known for several years say that the x in xmas is to cross out CHRIST…And also they use it as a type of mocker to the CROSS
Aaron Williams
No matter the reasoning, I whole-heartedly agree with the fact that Christ is too important to be symoblized by any letter, greek or not!!! Jesus is the reason for the season and I thank Him for his glorious birth! And for blessing the Steelers with talented yet grounded players like yourself!! HAVE A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Blessings to you and your family!
troy polamalu i hope that you have a very merry christmas keep up the good work im your BIGGEST FAN 43 ALL DAYYY
Jim Skelton
Mahalo nui loa for being a leader off the field as well as on.
Lidia Fedorov-Miller
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! I’m Eastern Russian Orthodox and celebrate the Nativity of Christ on January 7. May God Bless you and your family… Cute little story I have to share. I say to my mother who is 95 years old to walk “pomalu” in Russian pomalu means slow. My Grandson who is 5 years old hears me say pomalu to my mother and he says to me “I love Troy Polamalu”. He thinks I’m saying your name loudly into her ear….
But does the Savior really want us to keep Christmas to begin with?
Troy, I hope you read this article. I really believe you are sincere in your faith. Sometimes we need to examine church traditions in light of scripture. http://www.eliyah.com/paganexp.html
I recognize historical reasoning for using the “X” however, my experience is that in current culture people write “x-mas” as a shortcut for Christmas. The Lord took no short cuts for us so I try not to shortcut for Him-especially in refering to the day of his birth.
I admire you on and off the field.
Blessings to you and your family.
Merry Christmas to you and your family Troy. Love reading all the comments after your post. You really do inspire people and always have. God Bless you.
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Hey man, was just browsing through the internet looking for some information and came across your blog. I am impressed by the information on this blog. It shows how well you understand this subject. Bookmarked this page, will come back for more. You, my friend, ROCK!!!
Really… you’re such a great person, no doubt. Beautiful human being, thanks for all your posts, tweets, facebook notes, etc etc. Kisses from Mexico, my best wishes for you and your people.
Carlos Ragonese
Thanks for topic Troy. Love you in Christ. Take care
Carlos (Caloy696…you tube).
Kim Skowronski
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I was thinking of taking my gf to Mendocino in February to propose. Is this a bad idea at that time of year given the weather? What would your recommendation be for the most romantic place to stay? What is your opinion of Brewery Gulch Inn? It comes highly recommended on several other sites and looks pretty nice from their website but I didnt see any mention of it here. Any must-do or must-see places for such an occasion?
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Yup, I agree with you: Staff of Life is a good grocery. When Im in town I shop there. Ill go check out the deli section and see if they make better-than-average sandwiches to take to the beach. If they do, Ill add it to the main text. (A writer must have an angle for including something in text; otherwise the writing just becomes a series of lists.) Thanks for the reminder! John
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